Another retailer ToysRUs bites the dust. What does Sup Forums think about this ?
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Absolute nothingburger.
why are they dying?
Haven't been there since I was a kid and the 3 abortions I paid for have allowed me not to return.
Maybe they should have just turned them into "Toys R Us Dollar Store" and catered to the fucking shitskins. Would have worked out well.
Amazon and dying middle class which cannot afford to spend much on toys.
Brown people don't buy toys.
Change in shopping habits, being able to easily find and compare deals/prices online, Amazon and other online retailers
That store already exists, it's called Kmart
As I'm not a kid anymore I don't really care, and kids now don't play with toys anymore, so they don't care. But it sucks seeing another part of my childhood die. Just another symbol of getting fucking old.
K Mart
Radio Shack
Toys R Us
MTV actually playing music
Nick and CN playing good cartoons
Flip up headlights
We're getting fucking old gents. Anyone know where I can buy kackey dockers that go up past the belly button?
The real question is, why are they choosing amazon over commercial retail chains.
I can tell you as a consumer why I choose Amazon.
>don't have to get in car and drive somewhere
>don't have to deal with niggers
>don't have to deal with socialists
>don't have to deal with high prices
that's a good thing, objectively progressive.
subjectively... ppl working there need to learn something new to increase hiring chances.
sucks for them but they should fix their bad / expensive system quicker next time. consequences for old stuff that everyone pretends it still works. takes about 1 generation for this to get either exploited or simply go bankrupt cause of better and efficient competition.
also internet is helping ppl boycott (by mistake or not) alot more cuz reviews are easily accessible.
good luck to all the cunts who ignore tech-debt out there, as their companies are soon to crumble.
It's not because online retailers are pushing them out, it's because their stores are shit inside.
>I don't want to grow up cause if I did, I couldn't be a toys'r'us kid!
I don't understand, this should be their most profitable generation ever
Also I don't know about other countries but they're basically the only big national chain toystore in Japan right now. Lots of national chain stores have toy departments but they're the only large toystore
+ way too much money goes into advertising. yea man, do ads instead of improving. great thing they crashed, I'm glad. srsly what kind of idiot made those douchy decisions?
Supershops are dying because the cost to hold and try to sell all that merchandise simply does not meet with the demand. More people than ever are shopping online and it's only going to get worse for them.
Stores like Sears, JC Penny, ect. are dinosaurs using an outdated business model. Instead of changing and modernizing they are just doubling down on their corporate rent seeking strategies to suck the last bit of "shareholder value" from the companies before they go kaput.
Right. Every store is a mess inside. Every toy is a petri dish of germs from every kid walking into the store. The workers don't care either
the economy is tanking under Trump
haha good one
>kids now don't play with toys anymore
hahahahaha remember when the biggest (((problem))) we had was aggressive toy marketing to children? Instead of, you know, telling boys they're girls and giving them hormone blockers, hahakillmeplease
I work at Toys R Us. Ask me anything
>ask a question
>give the most popular answer
Why even ask?
>dying middle class
retard alert
The middle class is shrinking though
Because foreign fags don't understand American society.
Kind of sad really.
Older American here. I cannot express how exciting it was when my Mom would bring my to Toys R us. Sometimes she would drop me off to look at GI Joes and Transformers while she was at asome boring ass grown up store (linens n things, or that kind of shit that is death to a 8 year old).
I dunno, I guess AMAZON is easier, but I still have a warm place in my heart for Toys r us as a grown up.
>bites the dust
>knowing nothing about bankruptcy laws
and you claim you are a grown up
>implying they're gonna dig themselves out
Their vendors jumped ship.
>nearly all the company’s vendors refused to ship products
They're trying to make bank before the inevitable.
>sell toys
>price items higher than other stores
>shitty wages so no one stays long and minimal customer service
>business fails
My thoughts: Fuck em!
They're near the top of the list along with "strong, independent women", niggers who take welfare and are going to be SOL when the shitty little pyramid finally collapses and the remaining white people no longer put up with their bullshit, and leftist retards who live in gated communities who are now routinely being attacked by their pets. Enjoy the fruits of your choices, niggerfaggots!
>why are they dying?
Amazon is killing big box retailers. You do not need to physically go into a store to buy toys anymore. The only brick and mortar stores I see staying open imo are Target and Walmart. Also, middle class kids are not buying physical toys anymore, their parents are getting them iPads when they turn five.
Remnant of the past.
Kids don't play with toys anymore. They play minecraft and watch let's plays on their parent's tablets. The people buying toys today are adult collectors, and they buy their shit online.
Walmart is a gigantic piece of shit.
When they were having financial trouble early in the summer, I was hoping they'd go out of business.
But they made a deal with (((Google))) that might save their asses.
Their shit will continually become lower quality as the years progress. I do not foresee them staying in business beyond another 20 years.
Target may have a niche though.
What's weird is going into a toy store and seeing only licensed Toy Story versions of traditional toys and not the originals that they're modeled after.
In fact everything you see is a new version of whatever licensed character is being pushed this month as a movie tie-in, all cheap Chinese junk. Modern injection molding is incredible compared to 30 years ago but look at the standard bucket of unarticulated green plastic soldiers and you find the sculpting quality is just absolute shit, fish out one from the 1980's and it will have voids and molding flash but the Vietnam War era uniforms are sculpted with details down to the belt loops. Look at a modern bucket of soldiers and the guns don't even look like rifles, just a vague cylinder shape, and the soldiers are all smooth and featureless like the chinamen who made them
Toys Rnt Us
I think once big retailers get hurt enough, it'll open a vacuum for small businesses to pop up again. If I were a young, enterprising jew, I'd make an online local business network that allows you to collectively browse every small local store that does online ordering and same-day delivery. I think that's the only thing that can really compete with Amazon, and only in populated areas.
toys r us
basically a colored plastic merchant
>online local business network that allows you to collectively browse every small local store that does online ordering and same-day delivery
What would be your customer base?
Someone that needs an item today, and wants to spend high markups to get it?
If you have amazon prime, you get your shit in 2 days and it's cheap.
However, I agree about the small business boom, just not in the business you mentioned.
>Used to be publicly traded
>(((Bain))) capital & KKR bought it out,
>Loaded it up with debt to make it private
>Demographics change with the growth of online market, mostly Amazon
Funny thing is alot of people in the toy industry want them to survivie because they help launch brands and for exhibition purposes.
The one benefit they do have is real estate since the company owns most of the brick and mortar stores so the blow of bankrupcy might not be as bad as it could be.
>Their shit will continually become lower quality as the years progress. I do not foresee them staying in business beyond another 20 years.
I see them staying in business because they understand the future of e-commerce. They had an advertisement the other day offering free two day shipping. Walmart has the war chests to keep pushing this until people start using it significantly.
I miss those "totally rad!" old toy commercials.
I only know this company because the Blues Brothers drove through a store
I don't think we had this here in west europe
Yea I shop online to avoid niggers also...probably my number 1 reason other than price and convience.
I think local businesses being able to ship products faster than Amazon would be a big part of keeping small retailers afloat as supplementary income.
On the off chance that drone delivery becomes a reasonable shipping method, small retailers would even be able to deliver packages locally within a few hours at next to no cost. The technology isn't quite there yet, though.
Imagine a giant store (size of Walmart) filled with toys. It is pretty easy to understand why they are going under.
Unless you can turn around the way people think when it comes to e-commerce, you're not going to see a significant change in Walmart's ability to compete.
The only thing that's keeping them afloat as of now, is their shitty and affordable food.
And with Amazon getting into the grocery business, Walmart is sweating bullets.
Another thing to consider though, how much longer does Amazon realistically have? It's never turned a profit, and Bezos has floated the entire thing as a gussied-up ponzi scheme all these years. At some point, it's going to crash hard and the investors will all lose their shirts. When that day comes, any smaller vendors that have their shit together and ready to go with decent prices/fast shipping/website designed worth a shit stands to make bank.
How many people actually walk into the store on any given day?
What are the most popular toys these days?
Figit spinners?
>Kids don't play with toys anymore
this deeply saddens me
Amazon is already building warehouses in most major cities.
They want sameday delivery, and they will get it unless the Fed steps in.
I remember the timeline where the R faces the other way
by then we'll have decentralization via blockchains and there will be a multitude of small mobile apps, many of which will be city-specific, for things like grocery delivery, products, etc. This will become the new model. We're marching unerringly toward small-scale, decentralized, artisan hipster shit.
As much as hipsters will deny it, they're doing what all of the nazi larpers could not: "gentrifying" cities, making them nice, ushering in a new era of american productivity, where it's all done on a small scale and where nobody gives a fuck about the big guy and price isnt' the #1 but local deals and muh authenticity and muh service are
theres an upside and downside to that though. Having worked as a cashier in a supermarket for a few years, I can tell you that part of the sale in the food industry is about engaging all if not 4 of the five senses. Alot of people discover new food products just by browsing their supermarket, something you can only do visually on amazon. You cant sample them either and i cant begin to tell you how much samplers made killings when they did demos.
Where they're beating them is in the high end products that people know specifically they want and high end basic staples. In that regard Walmart and target have a slight edge.
It's like the American economy, it works because people believe that it does.
Amazon has too many returning and subscribed customers for it to fail.
As I said above, the Fed will have to step in, and it isn't quite to the point of monopoly yet.
Although, Trump has expressed his distaste for them.
do you have a miss piggy?
I just don't want the inevitable Amazon monopoly in the future. Also, Walmart is one of the few stores that remains very busy in the evening, especially in low income areas. That is why I am doubtful of them turning over.
If you want to talk about High-end and sensations, look at Whole Foods.
That is THE reason Amazon bought them.
It's game over for Walmart, they just don't want to admit it.
It doesn't sadden me. Why would a kid play with legos when he can play with Minecraft? I'm not a boomer and I don't have a boomer outlook on things. There was no logical reason for kids to play with shitty old wooden toys when they had legos, and there's no logical reason for kids to care about legos now that they have Minecraft.
Kids today care about
- stuffed animals when they're babies
- minecraft later on
- sports
- education and their future, which was largely stolen by retards from previous generations
As it should be.
My nephew is 3 and has 2 iPads and is never away from it. They're basically permanently affixed to his hands.
A lot of good reasons have been listed, but I'd really like to place an emphasis on parents keeping their kids indoors and not allowed outside to play with others. Lack of outside activity means fewer bikes, skateboards, balls, hula hoops, even bottles of bubbles. Also, the "value" of a doll or an action figure drops when you have nobody to show it off to or nobody to interact with. These kids are locked inside glued to their televisions or their tablets. I pick a child from the Salvation Army Christmas Angel Tree, and it's hard to find a kid with a wishlist that doesn't say, "DVDs, Xbox, Tablet." The clothing sizes have gone up, too. Last year I saw eight-year-old girls asking for bras.
I am in one of the flagship stores. We get maybe between 150-200 people a day I'd say, not including their kids they bring with them. Depends on the season though. On big releases the store is packed.
Nerf guns are really popular, although they are expensive as fuck now. Also any kind of Star Wars merchandise. Shopkins, and Paw Patrol, I'm not really sure what those are but they're big too. I deal mostly with selling bikes and power wheels though
It doesn't matter.
Look at the revenue and profitability of that venture. They spend a hell of a lot getting their piece of shit products shipped here from China, and make shitty returns.
The customers in those places are not spending high dollar.
They buy a tub of mustard and leave.
they only hire min wage illegal speaking only spics etc, and their stock and prices aren't competitive. they are only good for a few Lego sets, that you can still get on Amazon for cheaper.
you use to be able to dump your kids off to the vidya section to have them waste time but now that they are only filled with nigger child rapists and child snatching spics and gypsies it isn't worth it.
I still have 10 Jeffrey bucks too
Lego's actually still doing well, because they're willing to cross-promote their brand.
Jews and brown people.
This, unfortunately. Kids just love digital media more
This chain was purposely purchased by Romney (the guy who ran against Obama) to use as a vampire-type capitalism, where they just suck money out of it until it collapses, and then let the government come in and clean up the mess of the failed business. It's very lucrative. It isn't exactly indicative of anything.
another retailer leveraged out to all hell now cashing in with our broken bankruptcy laws
>flip up headlights
shopped both, it's a little easier n cheaper just to drive down to Walmart. Maybe if prices were incredible cheaper. but they usually aren't.
and you can't get tendies.
That's one reason I voted Trump. He's abused every capitalistic exploit in the book. If the government wasn't actively trying to get rid of him, he'd easily be able to close them all up.
It makes me very sad, because there is nothing more amazing when you are a kid than wandering through a giant store full of nothing but toys. I hate that the next generation of kids will never know that feeling. Longing at 12 toys per page on a fucking idiot tablet or phone is not the same thing at all.
Also, tbqh, I hate it because I always had a furry crush on Geoffrey the Giraffe.
Just like Kay Bee. Was a matter of time
nope, it's always been backwards
grow up
>What are the most popular toys these days?
Nigger baby dolls and anthropomorphic pastel ponies.
Let it all burn
>smooth and featureless like the chinamen who made them
jap bantz are best bantz
even proxyjaps
The way things are going, I think Amazon is going to put everybody out of business, except for Walmart. I went to CVS this morning and I thought at first the store was closed. There were no cars in the parking lot. It prompted me to think of what CVS has to offer that Amazon does not. Aside from picking up prescription drugs and an expensive pint of ice cream or a six-pack of beer, nothing. (And of course Walmart has all of that, much cheaper.)
>eating the frozen cream jew
>drinking the liquid jew
for what purpose?
Walmart stinks of plastic, niggers and spoiled food.
My dick
Walmart workers look like they have been picked up from a drug rehab. Absolute trash tier.
>you will never have a giant multi-racial uncut cock
why even live?
Management makes a killing though, of course.
Too bad, I used to work for them part-time. During the holidays it was insane, but was still a great experience. It really is a shame, Amazon and other jew controlled platforms may be more convenient, but you'd be a amazed the stuff you can just stumble upon walking through an actual, shit you had no idea existed until it was right in front of you.
I was just there for a cheap knee brace, because apparently I cannot walk down stairs without screwing it up. (Mind you, if the need had not been immediate, I... probably would have ordered this from Amazon. [Yes, I am a part of the problem.]) Seriously, though - What does CVS have other than refrigerated products and prescriptions that Amazon does not? (Again, cheaper at Walmart.)
Good. Fuck the shekelgrubers
We Be Toys can die in a fire.
I went there last summer to buy a kid a birthday gift. A whiffle bat and ball. I looked for a while, asked at customer service, and they looked at me like I was from Mars.
>A what?
Whiffle ball and bat.
>What's that do?
For kids to play baseball.
>Breathes through mouth...
It's a plastic bat and ball
>Maybe Wal Mart, or a sporting goods store
I found one at a specialist shop that sold pro gear and about had 1000 aluminum bats and 750 hockey sticks in stock.
Fuck big box mass retailers. Die in a fire.
CVS is already a shittier Walgreens, it's been like that for the last decade.
Even Walmart has pharmacies.
WHY don't millenials buy toys?!
Melenials don't buy shit no skills and beging for gibs wont put your kids in a new power wheels whip
New Oldsmobiles are in early...
>Time is Tight intensifies
>There were no cars in the parking lot.
and that's what local places offer, the speed to get in and out with needing to wait around for you order or deal with crowds at wal-mart etc.
the problem is in many case the prices are not even close to competitive. The worst is my local grocery store, a very popular local chain but they are full union with full service baggers and they still take groceries out to your car if you ask for help etc.
but holy shit the cost off the charts. $2.50+ for a can of chili that goes for $1.37 or so brand for brand at winco. $5+ for a pound of butter, that's $3.50ish at winco/walmart.
oh and what is right across the street in my area? A whole foods, now owned by Amazon. Going to be interesting to see what happens.
KMart is virtually completely closed across the country
They buy Goodwill toys
This will be an article within the next week. The obvious answer is because modern day children don't want normal toys any more, millennials aren't in the position to have kids in the first place, and outside of the few autistic collectors, they don't buy them for themselves.
I think CVS is a racket. Don't ask me why or how, but I get the hunch.
I have been in CVS a handful of times, and every time, I tell myself it's the last.
>I haven't been back
It's a poor person's Walgreens.
Brick and mortar stores are being flipped on their heads due to tech giants.