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Thats because they include land they haven't completely taken yet you idiot.
so this is the power of the greatest ally...
What if... there's a Jewish conspiracy against Israel?
tbf they're all stuck in gaza.
Yeah, okay, so why are The Jews Jewing Israel, chaps? How does that fit in to the paranoid conspiracy?
don't remind me
Multiculturalism is a leftist idea, not jewish
>Israel wants to flood the USA and Europe, the only places protecting and favouring them, with millions of Muslims who hate Israel and Jews
Sup Forumstard logic
Israel has become secular
25 percent of Israel's population is Muslim
that doesn't include Palestine
LOL. You made me laugh like the autist that I am.
Yes Israel must allow the less fortunate to enjoy the in the fruits of there wonderful society the have created. It is for the greater good.
large parts of Israel still had mass breeding muslim niggers. meanwhile jews are overwhelming atheist and don't have as many kids. baka desu senpai
jews are just smart merchants who explore the limits of what's possible. they want diversity to weaken the west out of instinct cause they're outsiders themselves.
kikes aren't masterchess players. they got btfo for most of human history and it wasn't until recently they started to dominate thanks to (((christcuckoldry))). now kikes are self-imploding.
the only people controlling the world are chinese. it's like chinese are mind controlling everybody since the 70's. kikes are clowns
Finally some multiculturalism
arabs are boring people and don't have a lot of name variety whereas israelies have a wide variety due to their diverse origins. check baby name data it's high on the list here too, top 50 iir.
Fugg shlomo! Ar*bs are taking over.
When the Jew doesn't come to the oven, the oven comes to the jew.
Well considering Israel is 99% stolen territory from Palestine I'm not really all that surprised
>Israel is 20% Muslim
>Muslims have no imagination
You don't see the Jews naming every kid Abraham or Moses
Mmmm who gave us balestine? Ohh fugg it was the eternal anglo
>see goyim? we accept refugees as well!
Fuck off muhammed, rather an Israel than another disgusting dirt ridden muslim shithole
because as an example there cannot exist any ethno state especially when they want slaves to be plentiful..
The future belongs to Islam. Just accept it
At this point I don't even think there's even a greater scheme, they just want to watch the whole world burn. That and fulfill prophecies.
>get given small bit to live in and recuperate after the seventeen gorjirrion to the power of 5
>take more
what I think is hilarious is Jews are quick to remind you that a holocaust (allegedly) happened, yet will completely defend the holocaust they're enacting in palestine
Arabs aren't good, but they're better than jews if they stay in their own countries, jews are an international problem
remember the 6 gorillion
Absolutely not.
First of all Ar*bs do NOT stay in their own country
Secondly they pump disgusting wahabi propaganda into our countries, subsidizing the most extreme forms of Islam
They're trash, i'd take a jew over an arab no question at all.
>hah, muslims are so superior they all are given the same name
Oh fuck it's a muslim with a UK flag who escaped islam just so he could nake a caliphate in europe. How about... you get off of your high horse you crooked teeth faggot.
What's the favorite name among the haredim community ?
How can circumcised dicklets even compete?
Israel is a nation of immigrants and refugees
That only happens because Sholomo allows him to.
Crop your shit op. It takes 5 seconds.
I'm not clicking on that fucking link.
All I can tell you is Islam is the biggest cancer on earth, bar none
How about you stop bombing children's hospitals under the shitty pretence that they're terrorist hotbeds. Those 4 month old Palestinian babies must be a real threat
Also, fun fact, I live in Glasgow and am of Celtic heritage. So Celtic in fact I get 3rd degree burns if you show me a photo of the sun
Muslims seem to select from a pretty small handful of names. Even a small Muslim population can make Mohammad one of the most poplar names, since it's the name given to half of their males.
6 Gorillion.
Judaism is the first cancer on earth while Islam being a close second. The jews have been expelled from 109 locations since 250.
Underrated, well done bong
Jews don't bother me, never have.
Muslims however fuck like rabbits and their religion is horrendous.
WTF!!! We Jewish now!
I honestly don't know what to make of somebody with an Israeli flag telling me to remember the 6 gorrilion.
>Jew everyone, even yourself
GLR was a full blown autismo
>What is satire
I excepted more understanding from a straya.
I expected someone who is supposed to have the highest IQ to be able to spell expected.
Anyone have the "I don't know who's (((MERCHANT)))ing who anymore" happy merchant please?
Is that considered funny in Israel?
Judaïsm is the first but Islam is the biggest most immediate threat
>Just like (((they))) wanted it to be
so the open borders for isreal campaign is working hmm...
There actually is. Jews are fighting amongst themselves too.
Man I've been here so long and seen so many Jewish tricks it wouldn't even come as a shock anymore.
Thanks for the pic
Good news for Anti-racist Hitler.
Seems pretty diversified to me
This is bs. Those sideburn hanging jews who read the talmud all day breed non stop
You do realize Soros wants Israel completely gone right?
You're not even wrong. There are two Jewish camps: The ones trying to turn Israel into the last safehaven for the Jews and the ones who see it as just another victim to jew.
only the banker jews and their friends are smart. their useful idiots (celebs and lower class jews) are stupid and tend to be leftist for stupid reasons
You also have those orthodox jews who thinks Israel have to go under. And of course a bunch of normal liberal jews who have bought diversity meme.
> when the white phosphorous is pure