Honestly what the fuck is wrong with women?


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They need to eat shit or they get mad

They are fucking stupid, that's what is wrong with them.

i would want a selfie with donald trump in it

Elsa Jean works at the UN now?

Ask him to go in your shitty country.
And maybe you will have it.

i have one even though you can barely see him, pic related.

what the fuck is wrong with US for letting them vote?

>This is considered white in sharterica

im a spic. and i have way more money than you third world macedonians, you mad? worry about your people instead of talking shit,peasant.

she appears to be ordering another rum and coke

>im a spic
stopped reading right there

no you didnt, you read the whole thing and you know its true. i make you guys yearly wage in a month or less. youre poor, youre weak, youre insignificant. so is your family and your whole shitty little country. everyone knows it and you do too.

Mine is better

damn, i wish i couldve gotten that close. the place was packed.

you look like a jew get off Sup Forums kike

>posts no proof
As always, Juan.

wtf someone else take her position. Obviously she is not taking this seriously enough

why the fuck are you sticking up for a person insulting your whole country? you fucking cuck lunatic.

Go back home, Pedro

>going to a Trump rally
>wearing a Trump shirt


i am home. im Puerto Rican ,not a citizen of a third world shithole like you.

If you have to ask what's wrong with X the answer is usually communism.

You are not home, Pedro, you are enjoying something thats not yours and being proud of it.
Go home

Puerto Rico is part of the United States,you fucking idiot.

>these are the people you have been trying to get (You)'s from
what have I done with my life

Either that, or jews

well. looking at you peoples birth rates we know you havent been fucking vaginas.

retarded by birth

The US isn't white.

The reality created by the female / feminized mind is much more socially determined than for the male / masculine mind. "It didn't happen unless I post about it on Facebook" is, for them, less a satirical remark on the narcissism of modern culture and more an accurate reflection of how events are solidified / become real in the mind of a woman.

then not being white is awesome considering we are the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the planet and we use weak and dumb countries like canada, which are in our empire, to go fight our wars. your "army" are literally our auxiliary troops.

That flag is the only "first world" thing you have then?

millions died to create institutions like the UN. She has to dishonor the sacrifices of those soldiers with her own vanity

>4pol is filled with these faggots
>8pol bans for slight disagreement or mild trolling
honestly sometimes reddit doesn't seem that bad

Communism implies Jews 95% of the time.

that doesnt even make any sense. i understand youre upset, i mean, you go outside and you see all the poverty. you look at your countries statistics and you know youre insignificant and theres countries that could
cross the planet and conquer you and your family and all your people in 4 days but dont take it out on me. its not my fault you ,your family and your people are dumb and lazy.

you should go there. so you can have your safe space,hippie.

That nose, I would have my genes tested if I had that nose. You can never be too careful with these things.

Should we give our auxilia citizenship after 25 years of service?

She wouldn't necessarily see it that way. She'd probably also criticize the solemnity you're invoking as inseparable from a white supremacist patriarchal view of the world.

that's my point, anything you say to her is just converted into some kind of fake social powerplay.
nothing is real to them. People literally died so she could sit there, men are literally talking about war as she is still sitting there, taking a selfie and it's still all just a game to her

i think we should, theyve been somewhat redpilled through combat. i know i was a liberal until i went to war,so it prbly worked for them as well. that only applies to combat soldiers though. if they were non-combat then i say no.

its probably some retarded garbage she wrote and zoomed in on "in protest" of trump for him to read it
but in reality, it probably flipped and its unreadable, or her fucking screen timeout hit and all there is is a black screen
women are fucking retarded.



It is Polish. We had this problem of distinguishing them some time ago, too. Aaaand today again

Always funny when a 52% white country unironically tries to tell a 95% white country that it is Ahmed. Besides YOU coun't nafris and semites as white. We don't.

I hate feminism as much as the next guy but that's image is just fuckin cancer

>You have never been forced to die in war.
neither have you

>You are not capable of performing the same tasks men do because you lack the ambition and devotion to do a good job at anything. This is is why you get paid less
-Which jobs? There are jobs men are better at and there are jobs women are better at. Also, who's this "you"?

>Remember when you weren't allowed to vote? It's because you lack the enough logical reasoning skills to take difficult decisions in a sound manner.
-According to what? Says who?

>You have never ruled the world. Because you lack the enough physical strength and intelligence to lead an army or a nation
-Yeah because Stalin's 5' 6" figure was real big and strong you fucking faggot

rest is the same neckbeard bullshit who thinks he's great because he's the same fuckin gender as other great men and therefore better than women.

There's a reason why the "social" in "social justice" is a pile of garbage you fat fucking faggot

bro, you shoudnt be talking shit about anyone. your country literally flooded your home continent with niggers and muslims. dont worry about us, we will keep running the world, you guys are gonna be a caliphate in like 2-3 decades. they already mass rape your women in festivals.

you wanna be safe? start learning spanish. you're going to have to plate up your car when the acid attacks start happening here. make sure you have your verrit verified ID cards (issued only to whites) to show the DACA guards at your local makeshift tire barricade checkpoint.

it's just another grocery run. you gotta blast this music out your stereo when the day comes. one hand on the wheel one hand on the trigger. this is ambush territory


You are not even white, Menendez. Which confirms my suspicion that all these le Germany is le caliphate posters are, in fact, non-white.


how am i not white? theres only 4 races. which am i?

They are women. Vapid, airheads in too deep.

Doing the lord's work. We can't let imbeciles half ass good arguments. It smears the concept in favor of our opponents.
Thank you.

Couldn't agree more, the woman hating here is so fucking idiotic. Feminism is horrible but people have to understand that in a broken society most women are broken too, just like many men. Women are just more vulnerable to multicultural and degenerate influence.
A video game playing and anime watching neckbeard or a nu-male is just as bad as a thot and a feminist.

Thats a lot of words

>Live in city
>walk outside
>see white guy
>drive to class
>black guy way down the street across the bypass where the nigger quarantine is located, walking to his job at a little Caesars
>laugh because he doesn't even ride a bike to work
>get to class
>see more white people
>in class
>most everybody is white except for 1 nigger
>other nigger to signed up for class doesn't even go to class
>teacher is white
>go to next class
>1 indian guy
>go to lab
>indian dude doesn't have this lab
>everybody's white
>finish school
>drive to gunshop in town
>stop at gas station
>everybody's white
>go to gun shop
>1 med-lookingfag with white gf
>everybody else is white
>feels good
>yfw the average moderate-size and rural cities in the U.S is mostly white
>only large jewcities are full of niggers and spics
Makes ya think.

theres even some large cities that are mostly white as well. even the liberal hippie city of Seattle is 69 percent white. the secong largest group is asians which wont be raping ,murdering or breaking into houses.

A true pure aryan white boy, blues eyes and blonde hair.

im not aryan. i dont have northern european in me at all. my daddys family is from Santander,Spain and my mommys is basque.

No wonder you you voted for Donald Trump, you are stupid as fuck. Holy shit AHHAHAHAHAHA

ummmm, look at your flag and the state of your nation. we voted for a guy that banned muslims from coming in while yoou guys voted for them to be brought in. but then again youre so fucked that every party available to vote for was pro-muslim.

Women THINK differently then men, literally they see themselves as the center of all things.

Is she taking a fucking selfie during a UN assembly?

>I hate feminism as much as the next guy but...
>t.male feminist

Why would you do this to yourself?

and 200 years later after you're conquered your people will be mixed to only 15% the original natives

Play time is over. Come back to camp. Work sets you free. You know these things.

The thing is, guys do it too. Not as much as women but they do give into pointless, self aggrandizing selfie culture.

man, you gotta keep tabs on your proxies,shill.

>getting this upset over a fucking image
beta faggot, kill yourself

>Work Less, Sleep More, Plain Lazy t-shirt
>Trump supporter
Pick one

if you're Puerto Rican you're probably like 40% Amerindian (Asiatic), 25% Spanish, 10% British (European) and 25% African

nah, 8 percent injun. no nigger. DNA test, my dude. you can see the little mongoloid in my eyes.

nothing of value was lost, at least there's one less pure black in the world


Oh what were your results? I got a test too. Surprised you're only 8%

lol what the hell is wrong with me

I was looking at that picture for like 20 seconds till I noticed the red arrows

like 86 percent iberian peninsula,like 6 percent north africa and the rest native american.

This :D

show your face.

thats a feminazi, who will protest and post it on tumbler what she filmed

*breathes deeply*

Wow you're mostly Spanish. I guessed you'd have African and Amerindian... So you're about 10% African and about 5% Amerindian, very interesting. Were you born in Puerto Rico? I hope someday there will be a comprehensive contemporary haplogroup migration map.

Then why do you all come here? Retard. We both know it's because your home countries are shit and your people are shit so you all try and come to the US to get away from them.

You're a fucking retard, go back to high school.

yeah i was born there and so were my parents and grandparents. thats where i got the chink from. somewhere down the line. the north african is from the old country times which doesnt bother me at all since theyre caucasian also. i was terrified of any sub saharan african popping up but it was zero,thank KEK.

Puerto Rico is part of the United States, you imbecile. its like asking a person from Arizona why they came to New Mexico like hes some sort of foreigner.

Honestly not that bad.
Expected much worse from the average Turbo-Autist on here.

but you can have this instead

oh wait. you have subhuman Irish DNA according to the nazi larpers and their muslim friends that inhabit this place. uttermensh or whatever they call it while idolizing 2 time world war losers.

It looks like she's taking a picture of the audience.

They have different brain size-smaller than males, and their hormones fuck them over. /Pol gives women shit for succumbing to Jewish tricks, but every male here (unless mentally ill) is happy to not bleed out their groin once a month.

97% of workplace deaths are men.

>Amerimutts are this mad

Im not even Irish, it's scottish, the bubble covers scotland.. same genetic pool

You've run your data through every calculator? North Africans are not Caucasians, if they have European admixture it's because they kidnapped, raped, and enslaved European women during the Ottoman empire. I wouldn't count the North African as white if I was you, that's probably the result of slave-rape. If it's at about 10% then that likely means one of your parents has about 20-25%, one of your grandparents has at least 50% and one of your great-grandparent's was nearly 100%, the Ottoman empire ended around the time of your great-grandparents... How did your North African ancestry migrate to Puerto Rico, do you know? We really need updated maps.


>Puerto rico
Probably similar to mine