US Senate overwhelmingly backs policy bill to pump $700 billion into the military
US Senate overwhelmingly backs policy bill to pump $700 billion into the military
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this is crazy, how much more debt do they wanna make?
At this point it's unrepayable anyway so fuck it, why not?
Can't justify it, our military spending is retarded. Obama at least tried - got it down to about 16% of the federal budget after some cuts starting in 2013. 16% is where we managed to get it by the end of the Clinton administration, post Cold War. Really should be no more than 12% IMO - ever there hyper-power status could be maintained.
let's be honest here, that money would have been wasted if it were spent on infrastructure investments directly on the country itself.
>$31.7 billion in social security, NEETBUX, and dindu tickets
Jesus Christ unjustifiable. Why don't we use that military budget to kill them off, then put the money from there back to the defense spending where it belongs?
Because the only people using social security are NEETs, fucking faggot.
Having a military is one of the only constitutionally mandated functions of the federal government. It should be like 80% of their total budget.
The real problem is all that other shit except maybe "vet's benefits", "government", and "International affairs" even though they likely contain huge portions of shit that can also get cut. Almost all the non-discretionary portion is also just vast federal overreach.
I see no problem here
>t. virgin NEET too stupid to get educated and too lazy to get a job
Imagine being this fucking stupid. Founding fathers didn't even intend for us to have a standing army, let alone alone 10 CSG's and hundreds of military bases that aren't even in our own country. For the sake of global stability I'm willing to let us sprawl a little bit, but our defense spending is totally out of control.
Muh federalism might be okay if the end game weren't always "roads should be privately held entities" with you people. Society functions when there is sound publicly funded social infrastructure.
>discretionary spending
Mind posting the total spending budget?
Having an army of conscripts is fucking retarded. You need a sufficiently large professional army in order to preserve institutional culture and allow for the rapid train up of draftees/volunteers in times of vast military need. If you don't have this you end up with a bunch of high ranking officers that are purely political appointments and an army full of bullshit.
Furthermore there's more to a military than just having an Army. Having a strong navy/marine corps (and more recently an air wing) is a vital part of being able to deal with other nations. Even in the times of the founding fathers they recognized this.
Owning the world ain't cheap.
God damn. That'll fix the sequester. God bless Trump.
We might actually get spaghetti that doesn't give you runny shits for a week.
>Imagine being this fucking stupid
i cant, i feel bad for you because you have such stupid people living in the us
>How can Ameritards justify this?
we don't want to be invaded and conquered... obviously.
Yeah they did you fucking moron. They presided over the creation of the Navy which was used to escort ships through the middle east... due to aggressive bouts of cultural enrichment including white slavery...
oh look, another " I don't understand the difference between discretionary and mandatory spending graphs."
fuck off faggot
Why has this not been posted yet?? Obvious shilling is obvious gtfo leftyshit, if you have to lie to make your points they are clearly retarded.
>Founding fathers didn't even intend for us to have a standing army, let alone alone 10 CSG's and hundreds of military bases that aren't even in our own country.
>what is the second amendment
Are you retarded? The second amendment was created because American citizens have the right to defend their country from invaders with their own weapons. There may have not been a need for a large army when the Constitution was created, but the second amendment was created for that very reason.
Not only that, but the US dollar is the most stable form of fiat currency in the world, and no matter how much debt we take in, it won't make much of a difference since our economy is so powerful.
It's possible for us to have a modern, professional military that doesn't eat up 20%+ of our discretionary spending. We don't need strategic bombers. We don't need 11+ carrier groups active all at once. We don't need a stealth based multi-role fighter for the majority of asymmetrical warfare we're conducting. We don't need to keep purchasing main battle tank armor every fucking year just because some coked up congressman likes that a single GDLS subcontractor is from their district.
our boys dont even have waterproof boots..
wonder where all that money is being funneled.
Better than spending 40% of federal spending on social welfare like Germany
we also don't need to keep feeding the invaders, at least the military can be useful occasionally.
$700 billion in on going stimulus spending for the economy.
Thanks for 2k17 graph m8
Oh no, a functioning social safety net and the strongest economy in the EU. I feel for you.
You realize that 16 percent is total budget and the graph from OP is only discretionary right?
Military spending is traditionally about half of the discretionary budget.
We spend over 40% on Medicare and Medicaid alone.
People need to learn the difference between discretionary and nondiscretionary spending.
If someone wants to have a serious conversation about the budget let's talk about the AMT, not these river-games conflating discretionary and nondisc. spending.
Jobs bill. All that spending on military results in large amount of highly paid jobs. Plus, America has to defend Europe so it can spend its money on universal health care and paying immigrants to come into their nation and forcefully fill those empty citizens wombs.
>there are this many retards in this thread that think this is a picture of the total US budget
I fucking wish
social security for non-citizens and neet-turks
I'd rather like to double federal spending on defense in the current situation.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
This is our non-discretionary budget. Notice all that juicy welfare. This budget makes up 2.65 trillion
623 billion rounds to 700? Makes sense.
how is this even possible? Compare it to the german graph I posted. So the US fed gov is spending effectively a higher percentage on social security?
16% would be great at this point. Congress is pushing it back towards the W. era 19-21% of discretionary. That's still a larger budget than every one of our competitors combined and then add most of our close allies as well.
35%-45% of total government spending on social welfare / safety net programs seems reasonable to me.
It's pathetic. Also people need to understand that the military is literally the original purpose of the state dating back to tribal strongman. It is a first order government function.
In polisci there are levels of government functions. The first order being most critical and the initial focus. As nations develop they get more welfare and agency minded. The fifth and least critical order are specialized agencies and regulation.
Things like military, and the tax system are first order concerns and should rightly receive more focus from our political system.
Veteran's benefits are military.
China has a stronger economy in PPP which is arguably a better measurement of economic output than GDP.
Niggers and spics friendo.
Your numbers are wrong. 72% of Mexicans use welfare.
>We don't need to be able to project force
Those are the exact parts of the military that are most important you fucking retard. What we really don't need are shit like new uniforms, different side arms, and 300 different flavors of IED detection.
The purpose of the military is to throw your big dick around at the table when STATE actors start to get antsy. We shouldn't be focusing on fucking around with non-state actors whatsoever. We should have 30 carrier groups and space-based bomber squadrons to ensure we can deliver ordinance to every inch of the earth within minutes of making a phone call and a QRF of mechs with tactical nukes to bat clean up. The point is to be so fucking terrifying and the ensuing beat down so utterly one-sided that these assholes don't even bother fucking with us.
Their economy is dependent on the US though since the US is their number one buyer of goods.
We justify it because we were once invaded by a small island. We fucked them up but concluded never again
The problem with nondiscretionary is that you cannot change it without an act of congress, oh and its more like 50% plus and growing. Since those programs are almost impossible to correct with new legislation, the amount of the budget continues to balloon. What happens when it becomes 70-90% of the budget? Military can be cut in one defense appropriations budget. The risk to our finances is far greater with Medicare and Medicaid alone for this reason.
Also, see
Veteran benefit's are things like the VA.. Not really 'military' spending in the sense OP is imblying.
The endtimes are soon lads, all the signs are pointing to it. The abyss is growing and soon the world will be dragged into it. Are you prepared?
CIS cooks their numbers. Many NGO's and think tanks can be misleading with statistics but CIS takes it to a whole other level.
>That CIS total includes a broad definition of welfare to include households that access the Women, Infants and Children’s program (WIC) — which is a food and nutrition program for pregnant women, new moms and children under the age of 5 — as well as the free or reduced school lunch program. Neither the current law nor the proposed RAISE Act would limit eligibility for those programs.
>Almost all the non-discretionary portion is also just vast federal overreach.
People need to remember that this whole chart doesn't add up to the $1200 billion we spend on Boomer Gibs or the $900 we spend on NiggerCare.
We're going to war obviously.
Access to any welfare is in the title. Welfare isn't free. It's paid with tax dollars of legal citizens. Any handout to people that shouldn't be here is a travesty.
Hope it's against China :3
>discretionary budget
How very disingenuous, OP. If we phased out shitty New Deal and Great Society bloat, we'd be able to double military spending and still cut taxes.
There are maybe four countries that can field a single carrier group. 10-11 (not including assault ships that are basically carriers anyway) is necessary only for conducting stupid foreign proxy wars, not force projection.
Strategic bombers are obsolete, purpose can be fulfilled with the other prongs of the nuclear triad. Only reason we pretend they're necessary is because Northrop Grumman hasn't gotten a large contract in a while and the DoD feels the need to prop them up.
I don't know what percentage of our MBT fleet has ever been used at once, but it's fucking low. If we do need to swing our dicks around to impress China, armor groups are fucking irrelevant.
I'm willing to put up with the still ludicrously over funded hyper-power shit at 12-16%, but anything past that Cold War is just defense contractor corruption straight up.
"Hispanics" =/= "Mexican immigrants"
Terminology matters
If we could reign in the out of control nondiscretionary spending the difference between 16-20% of discretionary would be pocket change. Furthermore miliyary spending would not be it "baked in" spending that is nearly impossible to reign in.
The AMP patch alone on the ten year budget makes the amounts you are talking about look foolish tbqh. Not even getting into the social security shortfall situation either.
Mexicans makeup 90% of the Hispanic population in the US.
Whoever refuses to feed his own army will eventually feed enemy's army.
Lol nice graph that only includes discretionary spending. Maybe if Europe would pay for their own defense we could spend less on the military, but they can't because muh socialism.
I'd rather it be spent designing a new weaponry or expanding our arsenal than have it go to some LGBTBBQ support group or Shaniqua and her niglets
And how many of them are 2nd or 3rd generation (aka NOT "immigrants")?
I'm not saying your graph is info is "wrong" by any means, i'm saying the specific terminology is different.
we spend too much on everything. the government wastes money like no one else
>why this?
Because of the chink/slavshit cancer.
>this program that gives free shit to poorfags isn't welfare.
>War is a business
Why do we need to justify investing in the most lucrative industry there is. get gud fag
Lol holy shit the budget deficit is going to explode under Trump. I always laugh when right wing retards claim they're going to cut spending.
yep Democrats are always far more fiscally responsible than Republicans
ITT, neocons having a chimpout. Trump was elected to shut down the foreign bases, end NATO, and ally with Russia. If you think this is a bad plan you can fuck off, we need to stop fighting kike wars.
The navy is not a standing army you dumbfuck.
Militia is not a standing army you dumbfuck
>we need more money for Jew wars goy
Carriers and bombers are obsolete and retarded money sinks that can't do anything useful.
We all know he lied, the point is we shouldn't be happy about it. It's not just a foreign policy issue either, it's also a fiscal one. Russia is supposedly a corrupt shithole but they can project strategic force with 1/10 of the military budget of the US. The US military is a bloated carcass of graft that needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up.
>Russia is supposedly a corrupt shithole but they can project strategic force with 1/10 of the military budget of the US.
Yep for less than the cost of 1 Apache helicopter, they're fucking up and disrupting democracies around the world.
The problem is that Russia knows it has a useful idiot ally in American right wing retards.
They also know that right wing sites will disseminate and spread their anti-American propaganda.
Fuck democracy, fuck leftism, I hope Russia fucks you leafs up next.
I don't agree with that guy's point but private weapon ownership is literally the opposite of a standing army.
America's total debt isn't even as much as ourt GDP is, Britian has a debt 3 times greater then their GDP
they clearly have their sights set on u
they have a puppet in the white house
I don't believe in having a massive military but I'm worried that if we decline a lot of countries will be gunning for us out of spite. We could mitigate it by pooling an EU + UK/Commonwealth + North American joint military
plus it protects the value of the USD and keep defense contractors here and doing business with us