Sup Forums BTFO

What do you say Sup Forums liberals have taken your maymay!

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Wow, the left really can't meme. Sad!

I show this to my wife's 8 year old trans child and now he is shaking and drooling

oh shit, we btfo, how can we ever recover !!!

that's gross

I can't wait for a bunch of youtube videos explaining this shit for a half hour. Pretty sure that's how memes work.

Cannot wait to open up photoshop and begin making Epep into the poster-boy for The Fourth Reich.

It's ok I have a feelin pepe the toad will realize that racism and pee pee poo poo is great.

Anybody with a pepe is a Nazi and we punch Nazis

>shitskins make up the majority of the liberal base
Wow, I can't believe that the liberals are stealing from us!

This is old. I saw an article about it months ago. Never seen "epep" in the wild since. Literal forced and failed meme.

Jaxx is the masterrace pepe.


Shills probably paid good money for someone to research and come up with that.

>no refunds

>liberals so unoriginal they've resorted to "stealing" memes
That's low-quality and low-effort OC, user. Can't wait for the future tracework you shitskins will produce, seeing as it's just as degenerative as you are.

Are liberals literally retarded?

Who memes with toads? That's just illiterate.

This is fast becoming my favourite reaction face, btw. Just thought I'd drop that in here for no reason.

Epep. It's Pepe backwards. How satanic and cute.

what a fucking cringe

Guys I got a plan
>Liberals start making their rip-off 'epep' memes
>Wait until that forced meme becomes popular
>Start shitposting a fuck ton of Anti-semitic, Nazi, epep memes
>Epep starts getting labeled as a Nazi, racist meme
>Watch as liberals lose their shit because they lost to Sup Forums again

in it's entirety, I agree. It reeks of some clueless ad agency, signed off by some suit in the DP who only uses computers for email and child porn.

So... where are the memes, then? Was that one picture it?

They had Chris Chan come up with the name. kek

Pepe and Epep

Elf a qt.

Inb4 Sup Forums steal epep too

Shouldn't Epep be facing the other way?

They can't even get the obvious things right.

>Memes become reality.

That's not how counterspells work.

isnt this essentially why the left can't win the meme war ?

everything's a sacred cow for them, while everything is a joke for their opponents

Is that Pepe's retarded clone?

LOL They are trying to make the Greatest Pepe the Best Pepe just by having Cringe Pepe.

That will happen anyway. Normalfag don't understand how meme work. Given a long enough time, all meme become indistinguishable to esoteric fascism.

Looks like a Kerbal desu

>newfags ITT don't know that op posted an image from over a year ago

Seriously what is with the constant pol btfo threads that don't blow anyone out? Why can't they be good insults?

the fact that an
>8 year old trans child
is aware of Sup Forums, politics, and pepe speaks volumes
>but you're here being a bitch and a cuck over not advising it better

>"this will show the hacker; Sup Forums!"
>slowly dies off for being a clone
>life goes on and pepe still lives



Fine, we'll do it for them, then.


Ah you think the memes are your ally? You merely adopted the memes. I was born in them, molded by them. I didn't see the normies until I was already a frog, by then they were nothing to me but blinding!

That's why they're bleeding-heart liberals.

Incidentally, does anyone recall when the MSM used to call us far left communist terrorists?

They still get replies

How soon until CNN calms they have Allies within the hacker group anonymous?

This, fucking this!



But can it be strictly followed and adhered to? We already have Jew and Black judges. What makes fascism so different? How can I be judged by a peer when the Left aren't my peers or my race and are in fact against my color and my sex combination.




>doesn't understand basic sarcasm and satire
>checks flag
Makes sense

>being here for a year makes you an oldfag
2007 here
kill me

It's funny how they don't realize that is still pepe


Same here pal
What I was trying to say is that if these people weren't in their first week here they would know that the failed epep meme happened back during the election

jaxx is inbred

If you weren't on Sup Forums for 9/11 you're a newfag.
>tfw there will never be a more glorious day

Never heard of it. Probably 'made' by /leftypol/

lol i didnt even know that

just found the lack of creativity from the commies hillarious so i posted it :D

Low effort bait

Lol this can and will go against them so bad meme this guy getting raped beaten stolen from put in fema camps all while having that delusional retarded look on his face. The look on his face perfectly represents the inward pretentious and oblivious nature that these people exist in.

Put his face on this guy perfect start for an anti meme against them.

Sheeeit, where do I apply to be a meme researcher?

have a (you) and fuck off to where you came from


>MMA fighter killed in home invasion
>be american
>train for decades in five different martial arts
>finely hone skills until body is a perfect fighting machine
>get shot

>mfw nobody touches my rare Apus

Why does he have shit on his face?


>never be a more glorious day
>not day of the rope or WW3
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8


The left are arguing from the position of supposed moral superiority, whereas Sup Forums and the nationalist right are making an open, unabashed grab for power. Leftards have constrains, whereas Sup Forums does not.

They try to act edgy with Antifa, but Antifa is forced to cuck-out to brown nationalists like BLM, which limits Antifa's power; and their anti-police stance makes them largely unpopular with normies.

The universe is always on our side.


You can't own a meme.

Fake news!

Crowley, satanic stuff
>Learn to read backwards, walk backwards etc

Pic semi related, it's all their symbology. Check it out on jt

this could just as easily be Trump vs Jeb

I exposed this to my family, and everyone started to literally shake. Our infant died from shaken baby syndrome, the doctors ruled it as a suicide.


>that's gross

don't be a bigot. that color and skin texture is your muttlatto future.

EP EP GIRL watchu doin'

Gimme u numbah craka hoe

Ye tass rit u want sum bbc

eh bby y u goin away

whit gurl pls com bak

pls respond

Epep the toad should be associated with pedophilia.

2006 here, joint suicide?

>literally AIDS pepe
for what purpose

Hello i am epep from india ples show boobs.

mah nigga u stait hustlan

im gonna start drawing epep getting deep throat from a smega dick while being pooped on, and other dominate shit

Epep is an alternate spelling of Apep, who is the evilest fucking egyptian god. So evil that you had to stick another god into any portrayal of it as to keep it from gaining power and continuously defile imagery of it to keep ot weakened.



>Epep the toad should be associated with pedophilia.

pizza face and pedo smile.

He should be pepe retarded cousin, like he's the little autist fuck of the family who believe in communism

after the 3rd reich

why don't we put epep in a hillary hat and subvert their subversion

big if true

hop to it


>The state of American news

nah epep is gonna be a tranny - dick and tits, and pepe is gonna be stepping on its dick

>epep the toad is ugly and covered with acne

Seems fitting for libtards

Just dig up old poo poo pee pee images and shoop Epep faces over Wojak's.

There's no way this is real. Liberals aren't this pathetic.

I demand sauce.

that's the plan, just gotta find