Why are pagan religions so fucking gay?
Odin gulped semen, Greeks were mega massive faggots, Hinduism has Gods with dicks and tits, Wiccan paganism is the largest shill for LGBT, Satanism is faggotery incarnated. Even Judaism, the most pagan-like of the big three shills for LGBT and pornography, even among Israel.
Why are pagan religions so fucking gay?
Other urls found in this thread:
lel god is so gay
Realm of man aka the beast is degenerate.
All false gods
>shilling for "a literal jew's take on nordic paganism"
>posting literally tumblr produced images and pretending that they're authentic
divide and conquer is a cowards tactic, you go in the bog
>Tries to prove that Greeks were mega massive faggots.
>Uses a Fake picture (taken from tourist shop).
Nice try
BTW David insists that Jonathan's love for him was greater than Jonathan's love for women. Source:
Samuel 2 1:26 "I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women."
>Βασιλειών Β' 1:26 «ἀλγῶ ἐπὶ σοί, ἀδελφέ μου ᾿Ιωνάθαν· ὡραιώθης μοι σφόδρα, ἐθαυμαστώθη ἡ ἀγάπησίς σου ἐμοὶ ὑπὲρ ἀγάπησιν γυναιkῶν.»
which word for love was used?
The gay one
greek homosexuality was pretty well known.
Reads book by a certain (((author))) about European folk identity religion, makes something about drinking cum. Sup Forums falls for it.
Calling Judaism=|Paganism
bc before christianity europeans were degenerated animals
During a few decades in one city. Wew. Stereotypes for the win amirite?
but was it better?
Only seen one mention of the Odin semen drinking thing, and that was on /pol. Inclined to think it was a faggot shilling rather than truth.
These christians cant stop sodomizing little boys and snorting coke like its nobody's business either.
Because it appeals to godless faggots, duh.
Read the (((authors))) name next time. Can't recall it, but just check for it.
it's only gay if a penis is inside your asshole
Can't. (((Faggot shill))) always posts a screenshot of book excerpt with the cum drinking parts outlined; never has an author or book title. Hence one reason I think it's shilling.
iirc the Germans literally threw fags into a bog
> it's only gay if your penis is inside the man's asshole
FIFY, faggot.
Yeah. Nobody is straight or nothing is new under the sun. Look at the bog meme. Lies. But it's there so youre wrong. Or the shekinah hoax and fertility cults (isis) as to jewish MATRILINEALISM. Hadrian was gay. Destroyed lots of jew stuff. Biblical figures were dykes or bi. Sacred band of thebes kicked the shit out of te heel spurs debate and were defeated by alexander. A bisexual. Go suck a dick and improve your prostate health. Take some truvada. Use a turkey baster for babies. Read up on xq28 gene or artificial eggs. Take a dump on freud's grave
I'm too lazy but the """"source"""" the author used in that book is incredibly flimsy and obviously bent to his goal.
> greater than Jon's love for women
It can also he read as David valuing Jonathan's love more than than that from fickle bitches. Bros before hoes.
David exceeded in tears and uncovered the nakedness of his mother. What does that mean. The original verb was an ejaculation. Ruth and naomi were compared to adam and eve clinging their ribs. Born eunuchs. Centurion. The 144K. Serpent seed. The false "platonic complementarity". Rainbows meaning the sign of the covenant. All pedo scandals being from the upside down star molech party (republigoyim). Etc etc etc
boi pucci > being a massive cuck
It doesn't happen in my national dominatin denomination, mainly because priests can marry and most of them are just alpha chads. Same goes for Greece, Russia and so on.
Catholics on the other hand.. overwhelming majority of their priests are tiny, beta and so on... I have more respect for orthodox priests, even tho I don't frequent church.
>glances at white women
>glances at white men
Wait... Why is being gay a bad thing again
isn't that the dude that complains about jews all the time? sees too much of himself in them i guess.
what a good goy.
drecks pfaffen, alter. gehören alle an den galgen.
I'm a little distracted by the GIANT EASTER EGGS
Cum guzzling Odin