Name 1 (one) reason why I should care about anything other than myself.
Pro tip: you can't, matey
Name 1 (one) reason why I should care about anything other than myself.
Pro tip: you can't, matey
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Because the rest of the world outnumbers you 7 billion to one, and you ain't winning that fight by yourself.
Because: you live in a world of goodness, made by people doing good or behaving predictably at least. If too many people start doing what you're talking about, the 'culture of goodness and order' will disappear and you'll have a rougher life, where most of your time is spent shielding yourself from people trying rob / rape / cheat / kill you.
Better to 'keep the culture going' - kick it with goodness and good treatment of others, and hopefully that will spread, and you'll reap the benefit.
Don't believe me? See: every country but white ones.
A demonologist transcended mongolist professor and Geist activist was flying a plane, known CIA.
"Before the flight begins, you must get on your knees and worship the end of history and accept that Absolute Idealism is the most highly-evolved sophism to make us feel good about ourselves the continent has ever known, even greater than self-serving petit-bourgeois protestant theology right after I file this flight plan with the Agency!"
At this moment an uncaring if he was brave because being judged by illusionary social standards was of no importance to him, egoist, unique girl's school teacher who had smoked more than 15000 cigars in Hippel's winebar and understood the spookiness of all ideology and supported whatever he felt like stood up and held up "Der Einzige und sein Eigentum".
"You're a big guy."
The arrogant Bane smirked synthetically and smugly replied "Only in relation to you, I'm not big at all, decadent egoist, its the stern, reluctant working of reason towards the full realization of itself in perfect freedom which makes the fire rise!"
"It's been a few years (time is nothing) since I, Bane, created it. if it was not mine, and idealism, as you say, is not a spook...for if I pulled off the mask of reason and embraced insanity, you'd know that if I removed your mask it would be extremely painful."
CIA was visibly shaken, and dropped his copy of Plato's dialogues.
The mercenaries applauded and all started milk shops that day and accepted their Self-Enjoyment as the end of philosophy. An eagle named "Union of Egoists" flew into the room and perched atop the copy of "Stirner's Critics" and shed a beer on the hardcover. "Ich hab' Mein Sach' auf Nichts gestell" was said several times, and Renzo Novatore himself showed up and demonstrated how hand grenades are nothing but a means of killing police officers.
CIA lost his flight plan and the plane was crashed with no survivors that very day, his flight plan was disregarded for all eternity.
Tfw user has never experienced the greatness of mutual affection and friendship.
You're trolling, but if you're interested in these questions, Jordan B Peterson on YouTube is good at answering these.
You shouldn't. Although, I would extend your care to your immediate family and possibly cousins/uncles/aunts/grandparents if that so happens to fit you.
Beyond that though, no one will ever love you unconditionally (or as close to unconditional as a human can get) like your parents will.
>'culture of goodness and order' will disappear
>implying this is a bad thing
i spent my childhood growing up as a loner in a black community. spent a good amount of time getting my ass kicked, but god damn it i FELT ALIVE
>at 16 move to white neighborhood.
>fall into crushing depression because the white world is vapid, hollow, and superficial.
So, this gets you China.
? You're a grownup - go back to the black community which obviously you like better.
Us whites have other things that make us feel alive.
I can do best to help others and ease the white man's burden, but if I fail and the world goes to hell, I still can care about myself. The best philosophy.
The way you treat others sets the precedent for how others treat you. Treat people like shit and you'll receive similar treatment. Therefore, you minimize your own suffering when you tactfully employ empathy.
Please, think about it.
If you died tomorrow, who would care? Nobody on this board, your co-workers would say, "That's sad," in passing as they go to the water cooler and binge on video games and Netflix that night, your best friend may be affected but he'd get over it in a month, if that.
The only people who your death would mean much of anything to is your immediate family. Even my fucking girlfriend I bet would get dicked down next month if I died tomorrow kek.
And don't get me wrong, when I say you should only care about yourself I DON'T mean greedy, Machiavellian, self-maximizing, etc. I mean more in the regard that Adam Smith had in mind. Still with civility, honor, ethics, or as a British gentleman would (refer to his The Theory of Moral Sentiments). Though, I can see how one would jump to such extremes. Having basic regard for humanity and life (such as saving as aiding an injured person on the street) is MUCH different than being fully invested in someone's life (like your mother would unconditionally).
If you don't want to, you shouldn't
nah, im gonna take your white women
Who is that "myself" you talk about?
Create something. Creation is king but if you can cruise through life without being a slave then fuck yeah do that.
I have this attitude and its egoistic. You have to go deeper into the matter.
I agree in helping people that need it, but isnt irlt mefely to make yoyrself feel good? Or to make it easier to sleep at night? I personally wouls help someone in my vicinity in need a good amount of the time, but overall if it dies little to effect me in a positive way I tend to not care. I have been stricken by a terrible apathey for my country and its people, at this point few things, if any would rouse me to a cause I believe in. I know that these themes are not relatively new, but do you guys see this as one of the most fundamental problems of our time, along with identity of the self and postmodernism? Or is it just another resurgence of the cyclical nature of history?
Good god, I cant spell for shit
>fall into crushing depression because the white world is vapid, hollow, and superficial.
That's because it is. Once your immediate needs are taken care of such as food, shelter, etc. people then move towards idealistic bullshit. Hence why every middle class white liberal looks down upon you blacks with pity and want to "help" you (all of course whilst boosting their own ego and getting that warm fuzzy feeling they derive from what they claim is altruism).
I pity you blacks in that regard. That you'll always be looked down upon even by those white liberals who claim they are fighting for you. And of course you'll always be looked down upon by white supremacists, nu-Sup Forums types, etc. No one will ever regard you purely as an individual unless of course you are "le based black man" in some youtube video.
Define "care"
Define "self"
Define "should"
Read pic related. He addressed many of what your problems are in this book. And it's relatively short, about 100 pages.
I don't feel enough to be able to care about people I don't personally know. Even with people I do know and care about the feelings are muffled for lack of a better word.
>inb4 too edgey pretend sociopath
I really hope its not normal to be like this. If it is there are some wolves in sheep's clothing out there. We want what you have. We're pulling the long con to get it.
The top jews stand united against you and every other non-top1%-jew so it would be easier for you to reach a happy future for yourself by cooperating with others.
the self is a spook you nerd. Wanna prove you exist to me right now? Thought not.
Kin selection.
P1. Humans evolved a psychological imperative to care for those most like them
P2. Those that don't have act according to this imperative have a mental disorder.
P3. Mental disorders are diseases.
P4. Diseases are something that shouldn't be there.
C. We should care about those most like us.
>I pity niggers
I pity you mate... Who do you pity next? Your neighbors cat who doesnt get to eat at the table, the down-syndrom kid at the charity addvertisment or some homeless drunktard who you saw bumping against a pole when you drove back from work yesterday?
Nature is cruel in our eyes, but are you the right one to judge your mother?
Put that up your ass where it belongs Kant.
This doesnt even make sense...
Are you saying that diseases are something that we should have?
Or that kin selection is something that humans haven't evolved.
Those are the 2 premises that could most readily be attacked to deny my argument.
>commie figures out you should care about himself and not the lives of others
Wow, so smart, you are almost on par with the average adult. If this keeps on going you'll be an average person.
This article is pretty short and scuffed, but you should get the idea of why every conscious being is a literal god and why death is literally an illusion.
because you need things that you can not provide for yourself.
Everything is already my property, so if I need something I'll either make a deal with so-called "owner" of the thing I need or take it by force. It's really simple.
But you are still caring about yourself in the first place when looking at your premises and conclusion... You havent proven anything.
It's not either or mate
You still care about your and others most like you. Another argument needs to be made for proper valuation when those compete.
I don't buy Haldane's assertion that one should give their life for 2 brothers or 8 cousins
Lol. Find out for yourself, bitch.
Thats the point, even when sacraficing yourself at war you care about your name. When helping others or liking to see your tribe prosper its because you benefit from it.
I think caring about others in general is a suicidical thought.
>he hasn't yet realized this thread exists solely for my amusement
everyone who fights for the future they won't get to live in is a mindless slave
I don't even care about myself anymore
>everyone who fights for the future they won't get to live in is a mindless slave
No, because I am more then the body I see. My "self" keeps living in my children and other carriers of my charachteristics.
OP is clearly a noob. He'll get there eventually.
The definition of the self is where you're fucking up
What religion is this even?
Are you a member of some kinda reincarnation cult/sect?
>Pro tip: you can't, matey
Do you not know the concept of friendship is?
Why should I care if anyone would care about me dying? I will be dead, you know.
acting in your own highest self interest means also caring for the people around you because might get in trouble one day and might need the help of some else.
Just because something gives you instant value does not mean that it is good for you. Being a total backstabber might get you rich in the short run bin in the long run no one wants to do anything with you and you are miserable.
Humans are social beings. All other reasons stem from this.
Give me one reason why I shouldn't throw you out of a helicopter the first chance I get.
lol how delussional can you be, dont you know whats sci-fi and whats reality?
Wtf do you mean?
I've come to the conclusion that shit only exists in anime
No person will ever act like that, people are too afraid of stepping outside of what's culturally acceptable, and what's acceptable right now is to be either straight or gay. If you so much as think about a dick, you're a fag, but the difference between now and 60 years ago is you're a fag, BUT THAT'S OK :)!!!
In conclusion, I'm real jaded because I've never had a friend like that and never will because I became an unlikable person
Because you care about Friedrich Nietzsche.
NEETzsche is an overrated edgelord, why would I ever have any respect for him?
You shouldn't.
Pick one
>overated edgelord
>t. i read stirner
Thread theme music very related
I read too much Jung and now I believe in magic.