Here we go lads. The wave of anger feminists and roasties are upon us.
Fembots have brought out women's true colours
I heard we will be getting them in January.
Enjoy dying a kissless virgin who doesn't pass on his genes.
anything that decreases female sexual bargaining power is going to attacked by these shrieking harpies
hopefully the proliferation of sexbots will result in women adopting hyper traditionalism as the only way of competing for male attention
will we be rjw's?
"Robots" isnt that just a doll tho.
Also these dolls will have perfect bodies forever unlike the real deal with blemishes, cellulites, diseases, menstruation, leakage, shitting, makeup.
I love how they say they will be "hacked to kill us" when in reality all they have right now are stiff movable joints.
We wont have real androids for another 20-50 years.
Unlikely. They'll just make robochads.
All the while we'll be overrun by Niggers.
the fuck is wrong with women?
>"leave me alone, swine! get lost!"
>men invent hot robots
>"how dare you! I wouldnt touch you, but I dont want you to get laid either! cant you just, uhhh, suffer?"
do we need to have this thread 50 fucking times a day
I intend to do just that while drinking bitter roastie tears.
Irrelevant as they won't fullfil hypergamous female instincts.
>stop oppressing us, we want be strong independent womyn
>no, don't replace us
They just can't be satisfied.
I'll be in VR in the meantime
How does it affect Independence if anything they will have more, free of men wanting to fuck them.
Or do they mean something completely different by Independence, like CONTROL
exactly. it's only sexual freedom for them, nobody else.
They could hack your VR headset and show you gay porn instead!
if robochads dont bring the money home, I cant see why anyone should get them.
gay faggots maybe
I love how they claim to be independent but get incredibly assmad when men don't want them anymore.
If we can make androids that feel like real people, society will be a whole lot different.
Because same technology will be very able to do about any job a human can.
Most likely some universal income stuff, or skynet.
meh it's gonna happen anyway. I'm not buying one of these things though, big waste of money when you can just rub one out and go about your business.
Had a lot of unpleasant experiences with women and "leakage" have you?
wtf is with this fuck doll threads?
Its a new derailment tactic, along with the "nihilist for 13 year olds" threads i see up and again.
some MGTOWs and feminists seem to think that a several thousand dollar fancy method of masturbation will somehow change anything with the mess that modern dating has become.
whats funny is the picture they are using isn't even real. It is a Daz3d model.
stupid roastie.
youre pretty worthless right off the bat if you cant compete with an object with a hole
if anything this increases female independence, they won't have lonely virgins creeping on them.
>Because same technology will be very able to do about any job a human can.
That will happen witihin this century, but artificial sentience is much further away and without that robochad will be nothing more than a fancy dildo.
Making things worse is still a change, and that's what will happen.
Women already have this. Its called a vibrator.
I think you overestimate how many people will be willing to buy a several thousand dollar piece of silicone just to get their rocks off. This will affect literally no one except the types of neckbeards who sit around on the internet all day and buy shit like onaholes. These things will come out, feminists will freak out for a tiny bit, no one will listen, no one will buy them anyway, and they'll be gone from public memory in no time.
>I think you overestimate how many people will be willing to buy a several thousand dollar piece of silicone just to get their rocks off.
Oh please. One year of dating a woman costs as much. If anything, sexbots are too cheap given the financial gain and risk management they make possible.
Well I'm not interested in a robo waifu that doesn't 'feel' anything.
If there's such a thing.
I want her to be more than a sex doll.
I want her to be a companion for life.
And that's way far into the future too. Or maybe not.
>women spending money on fake men
If women don't spend money on real men now what makes you think they will spend money on fake men in the future?
or you could just, you know, masturbate, and save $7000.
ITT triggered roasties.
>Unlikely. They'll just make robochads.
They can do whatever they want, just leave us alone.
>All the while we'll be overrun by Niggers.
Is happening already, niggers and women have the law on their side. Let`s pull our only card ,withdraw from society, and see a glorious collapse. Civilization has passed to Asia anyway, where they are doing gene editing so white genes won`t be lost and tech is still progressing.
lmao imagine thinking this
Your divorce lawyer will get at least $7,000.
I want to buy one JUST so I can troll people online that I am a girl
Dolls that can walk are a decade away, thats when things become interesting.
Add to that the dexterity to grab a beer from the frig and you will start to see some momentum in robotics.
You seem to think Humanity deserves to live.
Not if you don't marry, impregnate, or move in with a girl.
Why would anyone use a CG render instead of an actual pic?
Is this how detached from reality they are?
>Why date women at all just masturbate
Serious question, why would it trigger a roastie, who by definition gets used up by chads, that someone who was already an incel would remain one only with a more advanced form of masturbation?
Who else ready to live in Deus Ex in 30 years?
>end of cancer and heart disease, people live until their brains give out
>gene-modding pre, in, and post-utero creates arms race of superhumans, have a second puberty aged 50
>nanomachines in the water supply
>Augmented Reality directly into your brain
>Facebook timeline is replaced with brainwave patterns
the MGTOW faggot reveal himself. stop shilling those robots you fag
it's better than spending thousands of dollars of a lifeless husk and pretending it's your girlfriend.
>Well I'm not interested in a robo waifu that doesn't 'feel' anything.
AI will be advanced enough to fool you into thinking that within 15 years. And if it ever gets sentient then you certainly won't be able to own it and I'm sure being a sextoy of some meatbag will not be high on its priority list.
never mind that take note of all those 20 someting male refugees that they keep bringing over
It's only a warmup. When scientists invent an artificial womb, that's where the shitstorm will start. I hope to live long enough to see it.
>female independence
i think you mean "female abandonment"
which is a very real threat to women.
What anime?
Most men don't really need a robot to be happy. The biggest barrier to entry is price.
>I think you overestimate how many people will be willing to buy a several thousand dollar piece of silicone just to get their rocks off.
Sex dolls is a dead end, but there is a future in sex robots or even the intermediate stage of teledildonics. Before they make a fully autonomous AI sex robot they could very easily set up some kind of call center in India where for $5/day an operator controls the robot to perform a sexual act.
The Animatrix. It's an anthology of shorts, the clip in question is from one called The Second Renaissance. Pretty disturbing stuff honestly.
in "few" years those bots will have a artificial uterus who will monitore your baby 9 months long and make it 100% healthy.
Are we still talking about sex dolls or women here?
It's already here give or take 5 years, it's just not ready for public consumption yet. Until they've made abortion a rite of passage and post-birth infanticide as acceptable as abortion, they can't risk letting out a method that could tip the balance of the technological scales towards pro-life.
Is this remote-control sexbot half-vidya half-IRL?
Why do you imagine Indians doing it rather than reddit having the sub for it as a default?
That's true that AI and robotics could change things, but that's decades, maybe even centuries off. Assuming we even make it that far.
Ah yes, i know it. Thanks.
Go have your disgusting cunt sex and be sure to munch them beef curtains real nice like a good little beta degenerate.
Make sure she chops up and scoops out your offspring like a good little slut. Then you can buy her a diamond and go into a decade of debt to give her the wedding she's always dreamed of.
Well being sentient doesn't mean you don't obey directives.
You don't control your breathing. It's hardwired into your genes.
Likewise, AI are developed using a reward mechanism.
When they can use abstract concept, such as 'understand and make the best out of person X (ps: also have sex with him)', we're done.
It will be wired into it that it's there for you, and only you.
>why would it trigger a roastie
Because it poses a danger to her value
Girls have a massive selection pool and can use guys who are below her for stuff, attention and entertainment and guys who are above her for sex.
She will never need to worry about ending up alone since if all guys above her suddenly go away or she loses her market value there are hundreds of guys left for her.
For the first time in time girls will have to deal with competition and its scary for them, ofc it is
If you had the same perk of being immune to competition you wouldnt want to give it up
All women drip.
Few women are thorough in the shower. Its pretty common for women to only shower ONCE a week because "muh hair".
Because of this, Crust and shit forms between the lips and shit, and since women dont bring a mirror to look down there, they hardly ever know about it.
Alot of women at clubs go to the PUBLIC RESTROOM adn "clean" it with a little splash of water before they hook up with guys. Its fucking disgusting. And remember, paper doesnt clean your asshole, microscopic residue remains, always. You need wetwipes or a shower.
I can only imagine such wonderful future
If women are actually more than just fuck toys that speak then what do they have to be worried about ?
Women are fun and friendly creatures that could never do anything wrong so I guess women have nothing to fear in regards to men ignoring them do they ?
damn youre a bitter faggot. I bet you think that incoherent rambling is some sort of argument. at least your genes will die. everybody wins
you still need to acquire an egg for the sperm to fertilize. wat do
puffy vulva
Sex robots (and artificial wombs) will give women all the independence they desire, because we won't need them anymore. I don't see why they're all so upset over this.
bad equivalence burger bro. those caught on because they became more convenient. there's absolutely nothing more convenient about fucking a sex doll than just fapping. unless they make some sort of breakthrough where it's an actual multifunctional android that moves about the house and can maintain itself.
Robochads don't come with a high social status though, can't fake that.
Do idiot Feminists even know what word ''patriarchy'' means? They are keep saying it like it's a bad thing. Fucking cunts poisoned by Jew lies
>implying artificial wombs won't become a thing within our lifetimes
grow them in labs
Thinking Europe got bidets, and no, not even bidets are clean, the tube that comes out is covered in thousands of other peoples poopoo water, plus it splashes on teh sides of the toilet and back on your ass/cheeks.
You google "somatic cell fertilization".
i'm sure they'l find a way to artificially recreate them
we managed to clone a sheep once, they'd just have to do that but with a human
What I mean is that sentient beings will most likely be given a set of rights. And besides that it's unlikely that humankind is going to able to exert any kind of sentient AI once it's developed anyway.
This, but unironically.
If I cared about your opinion I'd ask the woman you belong to what it was.
That's what artificial wombs are for
>the tube that comes out is covered in thousands of other peoples poopoo water
Only public bidets, when people don't know not to put the nozzle in their orifice directly.
why are women so threatened by (white) men buying robot women if they are busy getting pumped with tyrone's semen?
>muh edgy darkness emoism
Fuck off
see By the time they exist, work won't be a thing anymore for those that don't want to.
In fact, it's pretty likely your robowaifu/robochad will be provided by the government.
It will only be up to you if you want a new one.
Women will do just about anything so long as it yields a paycheck. Purchasing eggs from donors won't be an issue.
they're not. this article is clickbait written by some hamplanet feminist. but let's go ahead and make another thread about it why don't we?
>wat do
There's already an existing market.
>rubber dolls with unmotorized skeleton
>sex robots
You can keep memeing but can you at least call them the truth from now on?
You look like a huge lying jew. A plain as day liar.