You vs Mohammad

You meet Prophet Mohammad both of you are unarmed
What you will do?
Keep in mind he is a War hero general of many battles
apparently he chocked out the devil on a high mountain barehanded(pic somehow unrelated)

Mohammad its a faggot.

punch him in the throat super hard when he isnt expecting it then throw a rock on the roach

I'd kick his cunt right in and stamp on his pedophile neck.
>he choked out the devil
Choked his halal chicken, more like

Beat him to death with a rock while shouting DEUS VULT!!!

Good luck getting rekt anons

Keep in mind he survived 40 battles

Punch that faggots skull in
thumb his eyes in
piss on him
and i guess whatever i Think up at the moment

Eye gouging, multiple knees to groin, stomp Mouhammmed's balls, sodomize him with a cactus.

My ancestors murdered Muslims by the hundreds. I'll keep the tradition going.

maybe sufi turks

but he's a beta fagot
have you ever seen a pedo who was combat able

Well he win more than 39 battles in a row and never been killed in abttle even if hes been hit more than 2 times

muslim here, the virgins and autistic deus vult faggots of this board and will call the prophet (pbuh) a weak cuck and say they could beat him easily but the fact is these virgins are scared of weak little somali men and have been beaten up by equally weak antifafags in the past year
the prophet (pbuh) was known to be strong, having the strength of 40 horses and being an experienced war hero. the average Sup Forums virgin is either fat, skinny or a manlet.

lol islam religion of peace

sounds like someone who spent his time behind the rearguard in the armchair

Apparently he fucked children and was a total beta bitch.

I'd hit him in the head with a rock and rape his skull until brain matter and semen flows from his nose. Then I'd bury him in a barrel of pigs blood and take a shit on the grave. I'd exhume him annually to renew the blood and semen. It'll be the new Christian holiday.

religion of submission, not religion of peace
we are attacked and we will fight back, unlike christcucks who let us fuck their wives

even the hadith mentioned that he was a fat fuck

Just another little kebab

Werent men back then basically manlets in comparison to now? Why should I be threatened?

>you are both unarmed
LOL no. I always CCW

Nope he been nominated most influent general and warrior in same list of gengis khan His name is still alive today

Rape him in the ass like the good fuccboi he is.

>tell him there's a goat behind my shed
>he wants to fuck it and goes behind the shed
>stab the animal from behind with a pointy stick
also, fuck all mudshits and mudslimes.

Because he was the founder of a Religion you fucking idiot.
Sunan Abu Dawud Sahih Bukhari and Musnad Ahmad ALL mentioned in the Hadith that he was a fat manlet

>self-hyping your meme messiah
>lol he's totally as good as Genghis u guis

Oh u muzzies are so cute

They mentioned he was perfect man and perfect height you cuck

he was stoned all the time anyway

Well infact he did conquer half world and his name is still alive and still powerfull today

Perfect for arab standards.

Meaning short and fat. Lol get btfoooooooooooo'd

>most influent general
lolno, he was just a beta manlet and kiddy fucker.

Why are you bothering? This is the easiest fucking b8 to spot and you're falling for it

no matter how tough you are, sucessfull sucker punch will still take you out

I'd go straight for the neck, get him on the ground and get his biceps under knee.
Alternatively get him in a headlock and see if I can't tear that head off.
>Well he win more than 39 battles in a row and never been killed in abttle even if hes been hit more than 2 times
He hid behind his men

i guess he dont trusts the infedel

What aprt of been hit mroe than 2 times and survived u didnt read

the only thing he conquered was a goats ass you subhuman animal.

Wow you conquered all the "stans" of the world. Whatever will the rest of the world do with such great places like Uzbekistan or Afghanistan under the control of the great warlord Mahmoud?

Watch out his man are still alive today

Generals in muds-limp armies from Moo-Ham-Mad to Erdogan are surrounded by dickless bodyguards literally begging for death, asskissing psychopaths looking for land grants and slaves. He survived battles because he did not fight. If I meet him on a mountain top alone, I'm killing him. In reality, because he's dead, rather I am pissing on his bones, shitting on his holy sites and telling him "Your allah is not God, moon-worshipper" as I wipe myself clean with his koran. Easily. He was infirm, diseased and weak back then. Bye now, deluded ex-pajeet with an alien named forced upon him by the rape of his ancestors.

I know, but calling Muhammad (glorified pedophile, who killed every Chance for civilisation in the mid east) is just fun. especially since the sources are the Hadith itself

Skinny here. Never lost a one v one fight. Every time the other guy had at least 60 pounds on me. Will skullfuck your dirty Arabian head as the life force leaves your body.

Capital of eastern roman empire and land of jesus jerusalem i. The power was in the east in middle ages


Seriously? I'd kill his ass, then take his place. Then I would completely change everything about Muslims, writing in extra shit that any Muslim who misinterprets should be removed by all Muslims as per duty, to copy the West and let the people be educated, follow the pursuit of medicine, and to learn ways of better agriculture with less fertile grounds to better the whole area.
But no, we have fucking retards who would rather just kill each other constantly, fight about which religious interpretation is right, and allow the majority to be uneducated.
What's pathetic as fuck? Muslims who run to other nations for comfort, or too fucking shit to take care of their own homeland. This is the same pathetic fucking mindset of Mexicans.

I have met men who have survived literally being blown in half.
Bitchboi momo can take two hits, that's child's play.

go fuck yourself you goatfucking animal. mudslimes are subhumans and we'll kill all of you very soon. now go fuck your cousin, the goat.

thats just some hadith about some reatdred beta cuck ar*b getting butthurt because the prophet (pbuh) was alpha, it is like when /fit/ard calls someone a manlet. he was older at that age and like a lot of men the prophet (pbuh) got fat but he was chad when he was younger.
the prophet (pbuh) was 5'11-6', had curly hair, he was of white skin (meaning he was an aryan), handsome and had many wives. many hadiths about this faggot.
are you jealous soviet rapebaby?

I trained in modernized Koga-ninjutsu many years ago for about 7 years and I have killed 2 people so far (criminals entering my home), one with a knife and one with my bare hands. I am also 6'5, 124Kg so I think I will be ok.

I would bow to Him praise Allah

Yeah you go get that precious land, Tiger.

good boy

>t. gets thrown from roof

Move along, like with any other camel jockey

>he choked the devil

Lol, no. He sucked the devil off in a satanic ritual to spawn your faggot death cult.

fuck off 58% white amerifat subhuman, the prophet (pbuh) was whiter than average american or g*rman and this is proof he is divine

>the prophet (pbuh) was known to be strong, having the strength of 40 horses and being an experienced war hero.

Meanwhile irl:

"When Ubaydullah saw him, he said: This Muhammad of yours is a dwarf and fat. The old man (i.e. AbuBarzah) understood it. So he said: I did not think that I should remain among people who would make me feel ashamed of the company of Muhammad (peace be upon him)."


read my rebuttal kike


Piss be upon him

He would probably be a manlet half jew, not really a problem.


Yea his enemy never seen him is clear the hadith of him talk of handsome man of normal height

>pedo nigger prophet
oh lel

Hahahaha. Fuck you dune coons are dumb. Go blow yourself up faggot.

that is what he and any good muslim would do to your kuffar mother, i would piss in her mouth and she would enjoy it

its in hadiths, also you can't call anyone dumb ancap r*t

i kill that weak ass pussy with my superior hands
theres no way some faggot raised on a BC-desert-diet is stronger than an average eat-beef-3-times-a-week modern american
it would be like killing a child, or someone from north korea

I would make him my friend and then rape his 9yo wife.

good one

generals are not generally known for hand to hand prowess you dumb sandnigger. Cannot wait to take care of you cryptojoo fucks.

i already pissed in your whore mother's mouth today. ask her, she liked it.

You fuckers stay on topic he cleary has more experience and is betetr than you fighting

Mohammad is suffering in hell.
He can't do anything to anyone.

The hadith also says he was a fat manlet and drank camel urine for medicine

He was a little toad like all backwards inbred Muslims.
He didn't choke any devil, he just had schizophrenia and lied a lot.
If, with access to the west and the internet you can't work out that he plagiarised every single little bit of Islam from other religions you deserve to blow yourself up for the cult.
Just do it in your own shit inbred country, toad boi.

His man are still there

She's used to it. It's only the 2989745th load of piss she's taken in this week.

>drank camel urine for medicine
Piss be upon him?

you wish virgin, pissing on your pillow waifu and pretending its my mother doesn't count

He was nuts, but he also was tormented by demons.

rape him

Handsome my ass theres no such thing as a handsome arab. When a geographer from the caliphate went to scandinavia in around 1200AD he was stunned by the size and beauty of the men and the viking viewed the arabs as short weaklings.

He was a fucking genius.
He successfully declared himself to be a demi god and still has massive influence today and it is growing. I would say he is the most influential person in history.

Bringing up his brilliant strategy rustled many jimmies in political discussions I had, especially when comparing him to Hirohito or the Chinese emperors.

How ignorant does one have to be to believe this shit.
Mohammed is one of the best documented people in history, he was actually a living and breathing person not like Jesus.
Muslims actually believe that he flew up into the sky on a winged horse kek
inb4 it's all metaphors

You can't rape the willing

the average height back then was 5foot
i would tower over him

oh wait, you're right, it was your cousin, who's also your mother, but ok.

100% sure my Finnish ass is whiter than that filthy sand nigger. Therefore I'm devine. Kys faggot

he was a warlord
how could Sup Forums virgins could beat him?
by crying and calling their mothers?

40 "battles"
as in 40 ambushes against caravans and peddlers

prophet (pbuh) was not an arab, he was just arabized
he is descended from ancient egyptians/akkadians and was white as a nord

Battle against eastern roman empire< paesants

Arabs are pussies, 1 white man is worth 4 Arabs in a fight.

Yup. He was no warrior, but a butcher and rapist.

Make no mistake he was a warrior of 40 battles been hit mroe than 2 times and never died in battle no chance u could get alive from his sight

I go near him punch him in troath, crush his balls, cut his dick and if he survive i allow him to live as a nu-male, if he die i feed him to dogs and porks

the goat fucking animal was a nigger, deal with it.

>pray to our lord jesus christ
>muhammad gets smitten before my very eyes