What's wrong with this?

This is beautiful.
This is what the future world will look like.
Me and my (white) girlfriend will help to make this happen.
Deal with it.

>Me and my (white) girlfriend will help to make this happen.
Just what the world needs, more ppl that are hated by whites and blacks alike.
Smart move.

Well its definitely more physically appealing than the average niglet but its still going to have the same average niglet mindset, brought up with the niglet culture, and we'll be nothing but a burden on this country like the 99% of other niglets.

> coalburner

Your girlfriend isn't white, nigger

Better warn her you likely will not be around to help support it. And that it will not be as successful or intelligent and a pure white child. Oh and it will not look like her at all, as well as ruin her value among other whites. Good luck getting your halfbreed an organ donor if it ever needs one.

Go for it, makes it easy for us to spot the coal burners.


THIS will have ugly babies, THIS deserves to live far away of white societies.

Do you have a problem with THIS nigger?

she looks miserable. probably is, they're always bitter once they hit puberty
>my hair will never be pretty like mommy's

Funny enough, it was her idea to have mix race children. Even her friends (white) are dating black guys, it's great.

No, I live in the USA, not some backward Eastern European country like Poland. Btw, I fucked a Polish bitch when I was 17, she was the school slut for BBC lmao

>This is beautiful

O'really? then why is the lighting done in a way that makes her skin and eyes look lighter and her hair has been straighten professionally.

Why is her natural beauty being covered up?

A world full of those would have an average IQ of 90.

>All that effort to make hair straight.
>Roots still look like pubes.
>Makeup on a kid.
At least you tried paedo.


looks like a bootleg white, why tho when you can get the real deal?

Interspecies relationships are an abomination

pol in north america love toget fucked by dirty

Stay mad. This is the future!

Ew gross. Why did the white half of your couple toss their genetics into the sewer?

Get off this board you bigot and embrace diversity

>Grey eyes.
She's Whiter than most Italians.


Does she give good head?

Nah, #1 cause of death for blacks 1-4 is homicide.

1. It is not "beautiful"-ADJ. 1. pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically; 2. of a very high standard; excellent. Objectively, even the language doesn't sound very appealing "Mixed-race babies" used to be "Rape babies" "Bastards" etc.
-More accurate to say, it is "interesting" because of how fucking weird it is, a genetic mutative experiment.

The future world will indeed have many more mongrels than it does now, but if you think a uprising in white countries will NOT take place, I beg you to reconsider.

If your girlfriend is white, that means you did not legally marry her, by definition, that child is a bastard, and I feel sorry, because, if you even have family time, etc. That child will be confused, and grow up to be a drug addict or dependent on medication.

Nope. Beautiful biracial children. You're just in denial, but we all know interracial couples produce the most beautiful children.

Modern women no longer fantasise about blue eyed blonde children. No, all they talk about is beautiful biracial children, it's amazing.

okay, you revealed your personal level of intellectual superiority. kek

Also, why the fuck are you posting images of your daughter on the internet? What the fuck is wrong with you?

We're going to lynch your nig nog babies.

Your biracial children will work for my white child. It's the nature of things. It always has been. Always will be

> This is beautiful.
Why? And to whom? Seems like an empty phrase thrown around a lot by the left wing, lately. If you want beautiful kids, then fight for the right to change the human genome artificially and create designer babies.
> This is what the future world will look like.
Pretty boring. We could have dozens of different skin tones, eye-colors, facial structures, hair colors, hair structures to look at - or we reduce the complete human species to people with brown hair, medium-brown skin, brown eyes and equalized facial structures. Sounds pretty boring if you ask me.

> Funny enough, it was her idea to have mix race children.
What's funny about that? White women are almost entirely controlled by their urge to fit in what they perceive as society. Right now white men are seen as the devil amongst race/gender combinations, while "poor, oppressed minorities" are extremely desirable, because a woman can prove not only to herself, but also to others how progressive she is, thus increasing her moral social standing. So yes, having this initiated by a white woman does not come as a surprise for anyone here, nor is it funny. It's just what we would expect of them.

> Even her friends (white) are dating black guys, it's great.
Only further validates what i suspected. It's not like there wasn't any chance for a BMWF relationship to develop purely naturally / by chance, but considering the current social and political climate, you can bet that the majority of BMWF relationships stems from the females attempt at signaling virtue (posing around their black boyfriends like trophies of social virtue). Combine the tendency of women to be group-thinkers (being easily influenced by what others in their clique of friends do), and i am afraid you might have landed yourself someone that only loves you for your skin color, and not for the person you are.

I bet you're surrounded by modern women

oh wait, you're really thinking that such primitive strategy works? hahahaha
White burgers are right, niggers are stupid like shit

>This is what the future world will look like.

No it won't. Stay mad, nigger. Sage.

Hi Schlomo

>"Mom! Look! I posted that thread again where I pretend to be black on the internet!"

0/10 white boy.


>landed yourself someone that only loves you for your skin color, and not for the person you are
same can be said for white men who go to Asia to marry desperate Asian women who are ashamed of their heritage and want to be white to produce 'white' babies haha, funny how you guys support interracial marriage as long as it's between a white man and a 'traditional asian qt'

amazing.... hahahaha

You have no clue about women, white, black or what ever. They will tell you stories which you want to hear.

If you are going to reply to this thread, please sage your post.

OP has been posting similar threads at similar times for the last five days.

half human half beast
this will never be accepted

it may be fashionable or trendy for some period of time, but nothing more than that. niggers will always be niggers

Deal with it.

>Grown men sitting around judging children.

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously.

Biracial man

>Taking no interest in the next generation or other people at all.
Full autism.

if two of those mix do they make 1 white baby and 1 black baby?