Did you donate to Lauren Southern today? If not, do it right now to support /ourgirl/. I just donated $50
Did you donate to Lauren Southern today? If not, do it right now to support /ourgirl/. I just donated $50
I'd donate a load to her ass
>you just know she's a buttslut
No, she is pure.
she only does it in the butt so she can get her diamond.
stop it, go donate some money
>she's a buttslutt and you know it
>lauren southern thread
>no replies
Truly Sup Forums is dead
I'd love to fuck she and her sister. Christ I got a half chub just thinking about it.
she's a slut and she loves getting rammed by niggers
Blacked trolls ruined the thread
I donate $200 to Lauren every week, because her boyfriend doesn't work. Lazy cunt. I think she's into me though. I'm one of her two mods (the other being her boyfriend) but she always talks to me in stream. I always asked if she can flash on hitbox, but she just ignores me so I stopped asking lol but yeah, her boyfriend is a major loser, and she needs to be with someone that can support her.
>another alt-left bread
I put it in the options field.
Isnt requesting money on Sup Forums illegal? As with private adds etc?
>dated a nigger and a POO
>has stated in her Ask FM that she has no preference of race for dating/marriage
>is a civic nationalist (pic related)
>is partly Jewish (her grandfather's side)
>won't ever address the JQ
Yes. Report this thread.
Why do you always hide your flag when you spread disinfo and lies? Is your flag Israel?
Proof LS is not jewish:
she didn't deny it
I don't know if you all understand that these threads are advertising her channel for free. She gets money while you get nothing in return. You get to listen to an amateur journalist bitch about trending issues.
Congratulations. You played yourself.
Keep masturbating to pixels, dumb cunts. Don't complain when a nigger bashes your skull in when you're 60 because of the millennial/gen z euthanization.
no fuck off.
Did you even look at the links?
she is
Fuck no ... She can do it for free or fuck off back to obscurity
>dated a nigger and a POO
That was years ago. she's dating whites only now it seems.
>has stated in her Ask FM that she has no preference of race for dating/marriage
I know but i still think she prefers whites.
>is a civic nationalist (pic related)
Most women are it seems, but at least civic nationalism doesn't scare off normies that want to try and get into Lauren's work.
>is partly Jewish (her grandfather's side)
You can only be Jewish from your mother's side of the family and IIRC her grandfather is from her father's side so she isn't technically Jewish.
>won't ever address the JQ
Not everyone is clued up and aware of the JQ unfortunately.
All in all this isn't enough to put off normies and bluepilled people and that's who she's trying to win over.
Do you expect people to just be completely retarded?
Fuck no.
You are conceding way too much to that disinfo troll. There is zero evidence she ever dated a nigger. That ask fm is from when she was in high school and didn't even know if she wanted kids. She is definitely not jewish at all. She works with ethnonationalist organizations like GI and is worried about white people's demographic shrinking so pretending she doesn't care about race is pure lies.
oh shit, i can only afford $15, hope she notice me tho.
>I just donated $50
>See flag
>Ok, that was redundant
Go away, Lauren
i'd ignore most of her degeneracy (temporarily) if she started coming out and being in open support of ethnonationalism. many of these faggots seem to not know the definition of ethnonationalism or civic nationalism.
you can be a civic nationalist that still fights for your country (or other countries) to maintain their ethnic people a majority. you can still want that and be happy with other races coming at a controlled or smaller rate. she is a civic nationalist, no matter how much she "hangs out" with ethnonationalists (some who aren't even ethnonationalists - they just want to curb mass migration or illegal immigration) she will always be a civic nationalists as proven by what she tweets, says and does. and no, i'm forever put off from a girl once she's slept with a nigger or a POO --- it doesn't matter how long ago in the past she did it.
Lauren is just out for the money. If she was blacked, i have no interest in listening to her views or thoughts. She's just a sellout.
Stop pretending like you're genuine person you lying little cunt. There is zero evidence she ever slept with a nigger or that she is jewish. You put those lies in there and post that copypasta in LS threads hoping people will buy it because there's some half-truths sprinkled in there along with them.
This my friends is the perfect example of a concern troll.
That pic made me giggle
OP is a concern troll who created mot of the previous "Lauren is Jewish" threads and polls.
>donating money to a diaper-wearing slut
sage and report shill threads
Reverse search gives this link
And the image was posted more than half a year ago there.
You have some interesting fetishes user.
I got it from Sup Forums
Sorry i don't give money to e-celebs
>(((civic nationalism)))
Hey thanks
>"got it from Sup Forums"
>lauren southern.png
Sure you did
I donated 50$/month to her, but this month I increased the amount to 100$/month.
Just bought 100k
Gr8 b8 m8 now excuse while I mastitb8 to Lauren
i don't understand the obsession with this slut
she ain't even that attractive
>also daily reminder that she's a kike shill
Troll or not, can someone describe the function of the metal thing pls lol.
>Lauren Southern FIDF appears
Gotta appreciate this man's dedication.
It was first posted on Sup Forums with the same filename, then reposted there. Step up your game.
It's a chastity belt. It locks her diaper in place so she can't take it off like the naughty little baby she is.
She's a 1000× more attractive than the hairy armed moustache faced rodents you have the audacity to call women from your hovel of a country
prove it faggot
>like the naughty little baby she is
just donated 100 German €
Have you seen what she just tweeted?
>browsing a diaper bondage tumblr
Did I convert you user?
Sup Forums generated filename.
She is low-key redpilled on IQ differences between populations
based. shills btfo
Is that a confession?
Yes. I'll be back to shitpost after I change my diaper. Wait for me.
she will radicalize. they all will. pettybone already dates an european nationalist.