you know what to do
>pic related
Robert E. Lee School wants to change name
Other urls found in this thread:
Adolf School for Peace and Reconciliation
Bob Chandler school
Allahs chosen school for future emirs
wouldn't be surprised if this ends up in the media
Schoolie mcschoolface
Mike Brown High
i bet if most of us write that in they would actually name it
>Mike Brown High School
did i do good?
holy shit a monochrome human?
Derek Carr Elementary
Doing what I can.
Trump Academy, obviously
Doobs confirms. Turn that shit around on them
The "Where my shekels at goyim" school of Talmud studies
I posted this solely for the representation of the missionary position for procreation.
"The Board set forth criteria that the name should reflect an idea, not a person. "
George rockwell high school.
Because different view points are key to education.
The Terry A. Davis Experience.
Didn't this happen already?
>schoolie mcschoolface
a bit derivative but I still kekd
Did I do good?
78213 is the zip
Stupid fucking pollack, you forgot like 2/3rds of the letters! It's LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP, how the hell is the joke supposed to work if no one knows what the fuck you're talking about! Get your shit together.
Did I do good?
Jesus are you serious? Is it really that fucking long?
I did
>Feline High
>you guys are a load of pussies
comrade ogilvy's re-education gulag
Grand Wizard Elementary.
Taco Truck of Peace School for Turd Colored Children
Oldthinkers unbellyfeel Amsoc.
>High school name suggestion for consideration:
Year Zero Institution for Cowardice and Platitudes
>Explanation of name suggestion (500 character limit):
Start everything over again and eliminate the past. The first step to changing history is to hide it. Erase all names. Don't dare suggest that the school's namesake had a difficult decision to make that had nothing to do with the "1%'s" institution of slavery and indentured servitude. Never point out that Lee thought secession was a bad idea, but chose to resign his commission in the US Army to fight for his family and friends, instead of against them. You wouldn't want to give people that idea.
>White Geno High
>Because diversity is our greatest strength