Why is this anime even popular?

why is this anime even popular?

so many people on here recommended 'flying witch' so i finally watched the first episode.

its slow paced, boring, SHOUJO SHIT

i shouldve known that Sup Forums would have shit taste and prefer anime made for fucking women.


Cool blog faggot

I shoved an apple in my ass now its attacking my prostate for critical damage and slick with shit i can get it out pls help

More like flying shit

>why do people like different thins than me
It's a fucking mystery.

>Pretty, green eyed, ravenhaired witch
>She's a womanlet who doesn't even tenderly dominate a shorter man
Nee-chan is genki and brown so that's a plus


>Anime made for fucking women
confirmed flying witch fanboys get the more pussy

>Flying Witch

Go back to watching your battle shounen you underage dumbass.

>why does Sup Forums enjoy media specifically geared towards female fans
>why do gay men enjoy sex and the city?

no mystery thanks for putting things into perspective



What exactly were your expecting, faggot OP?

it's like kiki's delivery service but bad

It's comfy. Admittedly, it doesn't pull you into liking the characters a strongly as non non biyori and the like. I wouldn't say it's amazing, but the style is good, and I like the mix of everyday stuff and Japanese folklore.

I can understand not liking it though, I'll watch this, you can watch deathnote geass on titan.

i guess i was expecting Sup Forums not to be filled with a bunch of out-of-the-closet homosexuals but i guess that was asking too much.

i guess i shouldve known when "my little monster" is regularly applauded on this board.

fucking disgusting. saiyaku

This is one of the stupidest comparisons i read in a while. Also how insecure must you be about your sexuality that you can't watch shoujo shows without the fear of turning gay?

>how insecure must you be about your sexuality that you can't watch shoujo shows without the fear of turning gay?

excellent strawman argument there.

No, user, it would be a strawman argument if you'd just said you dislike shoujo, or that you dislike this particular show. Considering that you yourself implied liking the show to be somehow gay, the post in question is just a reasonable response to you.

>any of the posts in this thread
>im 'afraid' that watching this show will turn me gay
pick 1

>i shouldve known that Sup Forums would have shit taste and prefer anime made for fucking women.
It's a shonen though.

Obvious troll thread is obvious.

Why is Monogatari so damn popular?

If I'm having a bad day it's nice to turn on. It's not AOTS but it's feel good :) i think the term you kids use is comfy?

Because it's intellectually stimulating.


To my dick.



NNB is shit.


Are you actually fucking retarded?

Go back to reditmacademia faggot with your shit taste

Back to Sup Forums.

>NNB is shit

user, take your Ritalin and watch some JoJo. All those bulging man muscles will put you at ease, no homo.

It's not even a shoujo. It's published in a shonen magazine.

>If you don't like every single SoL show you must like garbage action shit.
When will this meme end? Flying Witch is my AOTS but I thought NNB was god awful.

tiddy upgrade

While the latter is probably true, sociable people can still like moeshit or sol, it's a nice change of pace.

I wouldn't say shit, but I couldn't watch it either. The countryside setting is much more compelling in Flying Witch and it has a better spin on it with it's mundane take with sorcery.


Welcome to Sup Forums newfriend. If you don't like it, I'd recommend you fuck off to reddit.

It's a meme, nobody really like it, is the Akame ga Kill of SoLs.

>using a screencap of an anonymous poster to justify your tastes and opinions
I bet you feel proud when someone makes a tier list and your favorite is on top.

>Reddit Witch
Have you seen the threads? What did you expected?

>people like fantasy because they've lived interesting lives
This is the silliest thing I've seen in a while.

>i shouldve known that Sup Forums would have shit taste
In this particular case, Sup Forums represents only (you), faggot.

it's comfy

butts, cute girls and its comfy

cry mor fgt

>bigger tits
>thinner thighs

Now I'm sad.

>tfw Kei is plowing all the characters full of spiritual power

Is it ok if I enjoy a "girls" show?

This show is more or less Sup Forums's "comfort food", it's not terrible like you say, but not amazing either. I will insist though that the animation by J.C. is very beautiful and I feel like they put a lot of effort into it. The pacing leaves a lot to be desired, and I wish it was slightly more fast paced. I'll probably forget the story after this season ends, and just move on.

The self insert kills it for me.

>NNB is shit.
Care to explain? I won't call you out, and I'm all ears.

Nothing wrong with it mate, as long as you aren't cancerous about it anyways.

What if Sup Forums is just filled with cute girls who like comfy things?

Not him, but I've been going on to about the 6th episode and it's not grabbing me like I would've thought. Just don't find the characters that interesting like in Aria.

The settings are completely different between aria(amazing show btw) and nnb.

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums is a board meant for little girls.

I know that. It's not the setting but the characters that I don't find too interesting.

Yea I misread, but it's understandable since characters in aria had more background to them

>not liking comfy anime SOL
Oh, i think we all know who truly has the shit taste here OP

This is the only good post in this thread.

Never watch it, but this image is cool.
The girl, the cat and the background. I really like this kind of japanese houses