I've (foolishly) entered into a few scrums and they always seem deaf to reason. Anybody had any luck defusing a racist? Or is it a lost cause?
Is there any use in arguing with white supremacy trolls?
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Define your terms. When you say racist, you mean someone who acknowledges race or someone who is trying to wipe out other racists? Or a nationalist that wants national homes for the races separately?
Her skin literally looks like the couch
the latter two
Id fuck she
Obviously since not, since Whites are unquestionably superior you fucking nigger.
This is now a nigger hate thread.
probably one of those nigger brown sofas I've heard so much about.
>Or is it a lost cause
It's a lost cause.
Now give up and go back to plebbit.
Racist views are often based on years of real life experiences. You're not going to be able to argue that away.
>there used to be entire cities of folks who looked like trey gowdy, now only he remains.
in my experience emotional truths (i.e. anecdotal ones) are difficult but not impossible to argue away
The thing about non-whites is that they are a lessor species. Not as smart. Not as driven. No intellectual curiosity. Quick to emotional surges. Happy to siting around all day And. Do. Nothing.
The world needs to come to grips with the fact that if white people were not here to guild, develop, and build; all the remaining poor POC on the planet would be residing in mud huts and living to the ripe old age of 25.
>in my experience emotional truths (i.e. anecdotal ones) are difficult but not impossible to argue away
Your experience can't be coming from the left than.
A black guy tried to rape my mother. I like messing with blacks (I'm a big guy) because they're so stupid, they resort to emotion and violence immediately, but will only do so in a predatory manner: when they are faced with someone who looks them right in their soulless eyes, they retreat.
may I direct you to the economies of East Asia? India's surging fast, too
What's wrong with wanting to have a white country when nobody gives a shit about sandnigger/chinkchonk/gypsy-only countries
The best you can do is appeal to emotion and make the racist feel guilty for holding their views. This won't change their mind and may lead to future resentment.
>Is there any use in arguing with white supremacy trolls?
get fucked
plenty of people give a shit about it. myself included. naturally one person or peoples doing something doesn't make it right - and, for you racists out there, there's no use sinking to their level...
>when they are faced with someone who looks them right in their soulless eyes, they retreat.
Can confirm
Something in nigger culture about not looking people in their eyes.
Same thing with dogs
They are as convinced as you are in any case.
Who cares, post some more halfbreed goodnesses
Ok, so you're talking about both supremacists and nationalists, putting them in the same box, and leaving out identitarians?
And you're looking for empirical results that conclude with racial biological disparities from continent to continent, or race to race? Africans under performing compared to black Americans for instance for the continent to continent part?
We like you just fine as long as you get your black ass back to Africa along with as many of your useless kind as you can take. Be a pal and drop joos off in Israel while you're at it.
Ha, I've been to that safari. The bottom pic is actually a promo warning people who drive through the baboon enclosure to have any travel kit on the top of their car locked down because the monkeys figured out how to open it and would just spill shit everywhere.
I also saw a male dragging a half eaten baby carcass around on the same trip so you know....
So, appeal to the opposite of logic, in an attempt to emotionally manipulate someone.
Sounds like a nigger to me.
because they are following the white model
>white supremacy
Irrelevant. Pro-whites want freedom, regardless of superiority.
Made-up word.
You have nothing; just buzzwords created and pushed by Jews to attack whites.
no... just fuck off nigger
>may I direct you to the economies of East Asia? India's surging fast, too
You mean the economies which are striving because they implemented right wing economics and gave the power to run things over to American (white) transnationals after thousands of years of not being able to do it on their own?
Yes, point us there.
And what are those economies built upon? If the British Raj didn't exists where would India be today?
Granted it is a backwards shithole, but how much more of a backwards shithole would it be with out the British?
Dignity, Grace, Honor, Courage, Guilt, Shame = White concenpts
i am by no means pro-identitarian.
> always seem deaf to reason
Your reasonable arguments are shit. Egalitarianism is programmed through inculcation of sophistry. You're a slave trying to put chains on free men.
>Is presented 3 separate groups of people
>Lumps the last two together
Try again, one more time, hun. Here's a hint:
Pick one. Just in case you were wondering, btw, (which I know you aren't), the first and last groups are more closely related than any combination with #2.
>Is there any use in arguing with white supremacy trolls?
study this until you have a complete understanding and acceptance of the concept
i'm sure it would lag behind western europe for numerous reasons, none of which are based on racial disparities
Lost cause, just like it is to argue with moral supremacists.
That's what I'm saying. There was no effort to separate the nationalists from the supremacists, or simple identitarians.
No there's no use to it, you will not change our minds. We firmly believe whites are a superior race and we want to keep it separate from inferior mudshits, suck on it coon.
i try to keep an open mind.
and I appreciate those statistics, but sadly none of them can be taken as a sign of inherent racial superiority/inferiority
Countries like India will always be Third-Rate becasue of their inferior genetics.
If you'd like to feel better about India think of it like this: At least is not Africa. Indians will always have them to kick around.
Well, see, I'm not on that superiority train. It'll just lead to one group, in this case our group, to running over the other groups needlessly.
What is the harm in acknowledging that certain races, on average, are more intelligent or more prone to criminal behavior? It would take some credibility away from affirmative action, but we'd be able to focus more on ensuring that individuals reach their peak potential rather than poorly defined racial groups.
Dissonance explains why it's so difficult - it should not, however, be impossible. I change my views pretty frequently.
You have 200 years of empirical study with a sample size covering the entire world. You could figure this out real quick if you wanted to just by looking at crime and IQ, and which people do better where.
It's like whenever leftists say blacks are doing poorly compared to whites or asians in Eurasian countries, but refuse to look at how shitty they've always been in their old countries. Some strange type of expectation for Lysenkoism kicks in too.
acknowledging is one thing; proving is another. the problem is that many posters on this board seem to take stats that can be chalked up to environmental factors as signs of this still-hypothetical disparity
Whites have a right to exist and inculcate pride in their own race, just like like any other race. The racist is you piece of shit shill.
Cheeky. Just abandon the strawman of "superiority" for a moment and keep that mind of yours "open" for a minute. It'll come to you, eventually.
>none of which are based on racial disparities
you can ask yourself: why have they apparently always been shitty in these parts of the world? is it because of inherent aptitude? or are there other factors at play? in short, it's more complicated than some would like to believe
>I change my views pretty frequently.
you're not an intellectually and emotionally invested racist
I'm not going to argue details, but how do you explain away twin studies?
You cant argue against the truth
I think Jared Diamond got it basically right. in other words I haven't heard a more compelling theory
ALL those wops in those hanging photos thou
such as?
r e d d u i t
these are effects. they do not posit a cause.
This is the best example I've ever seen of "Burn the coal, pay the toll."
>that can be chalked up to environmental factors
Going to go ahead and debunk that one right fucking now.
what did the kid do?
I don't disagree.
It's really not. Take China and Africa as a case example: They both suffered horribly throughout the 20th century. It should be remembered that Africa had European infrastructure being built, that China didn't, and that Africa had more tribal conflict and crime than losses due in the world wars even including the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. China suffered brutally having multiple major factions fight in a civil war, and in the midst of the famine and swirling mass of armies-Japan invades the richest region. I find it impossible to believe that practices adopted in both cases were not an extension of biological factors in at least some cases(like the type of crimes committed between the two broad groups).
Also, look at the crime rates of races inside different countries. Remove gun related violence from non-whites, and compare the whites to gun controlled Europe. You'll start to see racial correlations regardless of laws like these. It doesn't please me to talk about this believe me, but it's got to be said at some point. It doesn't mean anyone has any less responsibility or potential, if they have the willpower.
In addition, let me remind you that you're attempting to take the Professor Sowell course of rationalizing culture as a major influential factor. This stance is apologetic for a deeper root cause of black crime rates. The science is there, HBD has more factual basis than "out of africa" now, and the genetic predisposition is apparent, and startling.
I do not believe that poverty (alone) causes crime. See this is what I'm referring to. If you're on the hunt for easy, uncomplicated answers then you're going to run into the wrong conclusions.
That's fucked up
There have been countless twin studies that show intelligence to be largely heritable. Accordingly, it seems that to hold that IQ differences between distinct and isolated populations are nonetheless based entirely on environmental factors would be difficult.
Last one. Have fun.
>I think Jared Diamond got it basically right.
So that tells me you didn't read any of the work which widely discredits him?
Any one have that Stalin-Science meme?
The one where they were convinced there is no difference between plants and ppl using the same theories which the OP is pushing?
We should repeal affirmative action. It is the most racist law ever made.
Hey niggers, we know you couldnt get this job because youre dumb and lazy, so we'll make them hire you niggers just for the lulz.
OP you're a fag, they're fags.
If you think you can just debate some nazi wannabe and argue their racism away, you're even more ignorant than they are.
will study with pleasure
that's what I figured.
She is a treasure.
Only reason she is attractive is because she doesnt look black at all. All white facial features.
You don't belong here.
interesting how they grafted on chart 6 in that last one when its source has fairly crap methodology. and of course, if it were excellent, that would have negative implications for whites v asians
If you don't believe in white superiority then you believe whites are equal to those masses of dirty, violent, and dumb brown subhumans. As long as whites are insulated from the brown races, nobody is gonna run into anybody.
as far as anecdotal evidence goes, mixed women argue strongly against the formation of ethnostates
Ignore chart 6. What does the MN adoption study tell you?
>Or is it a lost cause?
Those are victims of secularization
They've lost purpose in life, they're often depressed and suffer from alcoholism or drug addiction, and they have to keep their heads wrapped around myths that give them purpose and stimulus
Once such thing is serving the white race and to hate and fight other races. It will be really tough to reason them out of their convictions because this is what they need to justify their engagement in public affairs and to give purpose to their lives
Those people need help, but you can't force it on them
Stop posting in this thread.
>Defusing someone armed with truth
not possible dude
the only real argument againsts racism, while not being arguments for a different form of racism, are
>there are outliers and it wouldn't be fair to them or good for the gene pool if you favored all people of one race unconditionally (smart blacks, dumb whites)
>miscegenation's disadvantageous effects, if present, vanish within several generations and every race we know of today came from several other races
>miscegenation does not always have disadvantageous effects, especially if each participant only brings favorable traits for the environment to the table and neither parent is mentally disturbed (ie: alpha wm/middle class af, child grows up in japan where they are onyl seen as better lookin than everyone else) (the argument against this is WTF MAN WHITE PEOPLE R GONNA GO EXTINCT which is dumb. shouldn't you be breeding way above the replacement rate, faggot?)
nothing I didn't know already, unfortunately. until we can devise an iq test that controls for all factors environmental and genetic, our knowledge will be incomplete. or too incomplete for me to be comfortable making sweeping statements, at least
Have you ever considered that you are in the wrong? The IQ, crime and welfare stats they throw at you here on Sup Forums are as close to reason as you can get.
The only argument you have is muh feelings, isn't it? May work well on fat white women and white beta males, won't work here
if it's brown, flush it down
In order to fix a problem it first must be named. E.G. "inner city niggers are prone to crime"
Only then can you address the problem and fix it. So in effect, racism is pointing out real problems.
Your local racist is doing more to help young black men than you ever will.