I've noticed that Sup Forums has turned its back on kek.
The praise is dead. You guys have let the shills kill our god. What happened? Why have you stopped your praise?
Why has Sup Forums turned its back on kek?
Kek delivered. No one cared.
Praise Kek/Kalki!
just wait four days
Reddit killed the fun of it. they ruin everything. all memes have a finite life though. reddit just catalyzes that by being the single most unfunny place on the net
Mmmmmmm what's the original of this pic. Looks pretty cool if I do say so myself.
Look kek likes the pic
Thats a Lich King album cover. I've met them, they're cool
kekistan fedoras ruined the meme.
Once the meme is dead, the meme is dead.
We encountered a newfag wave like never seen before over the past year or so.
Newfags can't handle dank memes and destroy them by beating them to death, using them out of context or irl(shudders).
All the kekistan faggots are now pretending their shit dead meme that didn't even take off here is some sort of hyper intellectual political joke so the youtuber skeptic can sell merch.
We needed his strength for the elections. But a chaos god is bad to keep around as he cares for naught but chaos and holds no allegiance. He'll turn on you
Kek doesnt care about your opinion nigger
you cannot order the god of chaos.
by behaving like we're supposed to we would anger the essence of kek.
dumb ass we are not ordering him. I am asking Sup Forums to surrender to his power
>Kek doesnt care about your opinion nigger
I'm not surprised. Nice digits
Hi redit.
The Ogdoad and it's Master didn't go anywhere.
They're not going to throw a shitfit if people don't worship them. They'll wait like they always do until they're needed once more.
People like this happened
Hi kek
I remember before kek went to reddit and nazi larping and kek worked togather seemlessly
>checked for kek
shill faggots gtfo
Praise KeK
I still praise him every single day.
Hi KeK
Me too. Most of us do. We saw utter proof.
He returns this month
"You shall have no Gods before me"
Your ironic or unironic worship displeases God.
Jesus Christ is sovereign before all as He is the King.
Ave Christus Rex.
Your autismfrog demon is nothing. Not only that but you can't defeat Satan and his agenda by using demons against them.
Praise Kek
found this pic today in my news feed on a normie site... what did he mean by that ?
Tske a broader view brother. Advanced cultures have always spoken of a Trinity: Father, Mother, and Child.
For the Egyptians, it was Osiris, Isis, and Horus. For Hindus, it's Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu. For Christians, it's the Father, the Holy Spirit, and the Christ.
As the third emanation of the Trinity, the Holy Child, Christ represents the Preserver and the balance of opposites. Kek is a chaos god who represents both the darkest point of night and the coming dawn, therefore he too represents the balancing and melding of opposites, positive divine chaos. Kek and Christ are not working at cross-purposes, they are both spiritual incarnations of the third person of the Trinity.
Spurdo is besdesd meme :DDDDDDD
Pepe had his time :((((((
ill speak for him cheq em
He's here!
Praise Kek
The true power of the frog god will be revealed on Saturday.
stale meme
it is because of this flag this flag right here and all of its ilk and autism for which it stands.It started as a fun idea that morphed into this odd ball cult of faggotry that has seemingly no end.With every praise kek or hail pepe these meme spouting reprobates shout like they are "apart of something" which they are but it isnt any more than a pseudo-intellectual roving tard war that is making things that could have been good illegitimate and degenerate.I was against the whole idea of kek for i know what it is at its core but i am not sure what too think of all of it.I am changing my flag back to dirty hippy
>pic related might interest ya'll
Praise be!
>know what it is at it's core
Why don't you enlighten us plebs?
Bedsd of boat worlds Kaksoispiste :DDD
rocket man
look it up faggot there is info abound,especially on this website.i am not your maid
Praise Kek
KEK is embodiment of chaos, he isn't something to strive to be like or worship as an idol. However you can use his penchant for corruption and decay to further your own destructive goals.
Esoteric KEKism is basically the same thing as Chaos Magick. The memes act as sigils.
Eh, for a while there, mods were deleting Kek threads. That might have something to do with it. We were getting a lot of posts simply asking to praise him, "digits confirm" posts, etc. It was getting pretty spammy, and had nothing to do with politics.
Ching chong nip nog.
Do you like lightning user?
It's so beautiful.
Nazi's were pagans you dumbshit larper
You know what happened? People started taking it too seriously and it became a cringefest among Sup Forums elitism. which makes it all the more retarded that liberals are still stuck on taking back Pepe and shit. He was already kinda on the out before they decided to label him a hate symbol. But liberals are always a few steps behind online culture.
I say let Kek have a dignified exit.
You can't play the pronoun game and then expect anyone to know what the fuck you were talking about, autist
Cock sauce piste DDDDD
I do think Spurdo is more adaptable at the moment and hasn't been overused as much as Pepe. I don't think Pepe is finished yet. He just needs a break to become relevant and impactful again.
Sup Forums may have turned their backs on Kek, but He hath not turned his back on Sup Forums.