>I need weapons for self defence!!!
What exactly are you going to defend your home from, with military grade sniper rifles, dumbass burger? You don't need this kind of shit and I hope the next American president restricts gun rights even further.
I need weapons for self defence!!!
Can you define military grade pls
That's a sporting rifle. It's used for long range target shooting.
big black and scary
go home özgür.
Everything and anyone. We do not need a reason, it is our right given to us by God himself, and not for tyrannical governments to decide.
t. cuck
Why would you ban such rifles? They are never used for crime.
Military grade is shit grade. Lowest bidder wins.
>european flag
>not knowing what U.S. posters are gonna defend their home from
EU must take a lot of military grade cocks then
uh no sweetie. I use the AR-15 that shoots over 100 rounds PER SECOND. Just like the gun Adam Lanza used to shoot up the movie theater
That meme gets me worse than the actual bait of banning guns.
Depleted Uranium shells made take warfare obsolete.
Because it's a fun hobby and, sound investment.
No idea. The government never deploys troops against civilians in the USA, that's illegal.
ban the hi-point 9mm
OP has clearly never shot a gun before
>You don't NEED-
Shut the fuck up bitch.
Shall not be infringed.
That rifle could be used to take out an engine block. If civilization breaks down you might need to have road stops to block raiders from pillaging your community.
A criminal isn't going to use a 3000$+ rifle to do crime, they are going to use a 200$ "Saturday night special" and dispose of it if they ever use it.
You don't know jack shit about guns.
>you don't need
always gives me a chuckle
We need them to kill eurotrash when the antichrist comes for America
Meeting minimum standards set by the military.
This, nothing is more retarded than people who don't know anything about firearms.
>The Bill of Needs
Please fuck off and never come back if you can't form a grown up argument, you irredeemable flaggot
30 magizine clips, in half a second
According The Constitution of The United States of America, every gun owning free man in the country is a member of a standing military called The Militia, tasked with safeguarding the freedom of the people from would be tyrants.
If I have a pistol I won't stop the government from stealing from me through taxations
Wen need to be on par with the government's weaponry
Of course it is, so is gun confiscation.
Now, wouldn't it be easier to do that when the population is unarmed? Don't you think they'd do it if there was no resistance?
Thanks for the pic. Reminded me that I want to get a .50 BMG.
op being a faggot aside i want a 308 and
already have a sweet silencer for it need glass though.
>What exactly are you going to defend your home from, with military grade sniper rifles, dumbass burger?
> not being able to pin down Achmed and Tyrone who are on killing spree
> ded
What about extended clipazines?
That's an anti material rifle, and I need it because fuck you, commie.
I'd typically say we may need to defend ourselves from our own government, but after Trump won its pretty clear that our only threat is the shitskins you EU idiots keep importing.
Post link to a news story from the last time someone held up a bank or commit a murder with a .50 cal weapon.
Fuck you OP! "I hope the next American president restricts gun rights even further"
Guess what you anti-gun buffoon!!? Americans may buy and use whatever guns they please and the president doesn't make laws but the Congress does! You tools will NEVER take our weapons away! Most cops and military support the right to Arms!
I don't use sniper rifles anymore, I prefer fully semiautomatic assault weapons
You never know when the niggas roll up in an armoured vehicle.
Found the joo. Let's disarm Israelis first ok.
Tennis shoes are equipment, right?
The need to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed unless liberals deem it necessary to make minorities feel safer.
>military grade
Built buy the lowest bidder, and churning out shit of questionable reliability you have to constantly preform maintenance on unless you want it to shit out on you.
I'm guessing you've never done a day in federal service
186 hi-points. Can't say I'm surprised.
>hopefully your rights get restricted further
Well at least you're being honest. That's what we defend ourselves from, our government, cartels, gangs, thieves, and tyrannical supranational government organizations, or any combination of any of these that try to restrict rights that humans naturally have. You obviously have no concept of self defense because you're a Eurofag and willingly allow terrorists to walk into your country
Well I guess as long as the scumbag can dump one mag from it without it jamming or exploding that's good enough. Most criminals rarely ever actually use their guns for anything but show.
>What exactly are you going to defend your home from
What about someone else with the same kind of a weapon? Why does it bother you anyway?
>willingly allow terrorists to walk into your country
I call BS. They are allowing, they are encouraging and actively importing. Suicide is an intentional act.
What cant you defend your house from with 1 of those?
Why do you even care?
Go be a Eurofag in Europe and leave the guns to burgers.
This, it's not an optimal home defense weapon but god damn will the sound of that small nuclear detonation send jamal and tyrone running.
The government.
burgers use guns because they can only feel masculine when holding big black phallic objects to compensate
You actually need that more than we do. .50 rounds can stop a truck of peace when fired through the engine block
>trying to argue burgers about how necessary their guns are
That thing has fully automatic flip up magazines and a high capacity laser sight. Plus it's got assault silencers so you could be mass murdering people and someone one room down wouldn't even hear it!
i need that rifle to defend my home FROM YOU. You are a long way off. Thanks for giving me a reason to get one.
>It's the stuff they issue to our police to sercomvent posse comitatus.
Id bet most Europeans don't want all those influx of migrants and I guarandamntee you that their elected officials know it
Someone with heavy equipment trying to destroy your house, the getaway car and, red squirrels. FUCK RED SQUIRRELS!
Clipazines, actually. And the firerate is 666 boolits a second. Over 6 septillion people died there!
Oh look, it's another Euro twat begging his politicians to render him powerless against their tyranny.
Why is it always dicks that come first to the minds of limeys when they talk about guns?
It's not "bill of needs", EUcuck. If you want our guns you are getting them bullets first.
>I like to hunt with my handgun
goodluck senpai. We're a real country, with forests and animals. You may have forgotten what those look like.
>to compensate
For what? All the Pakistani dongs you bongs are letting into your country? Bring an argument or get out
How are there still so many Raven .25s floating around?
>Can you define military grade pls
"The contract goes to the lowest bidder"
Because talking about molesting children is socially unacceptable.
>why limeys?
Because all the fags in Britain that actually support bullshit like this enjoyed being cucked by their government and the peaceful way their immigrants spread their peaceful religion
they produced a shit ton of them. you can find them for like 60 bucks
more people are probably killed with pillows each year than with .50 cal rifles
fuck off and die OP
Ownership of Military Grade Arms is your most ancient natural right and duty as free men. Ownership of arms and membership in the Fyrd/Militia is the traditional separation between free men and slaves. This practice's invention was once credited to Alfred the Great, but it is now known that it stretches back further than the known historical record. As while we've been able to scratch further into the past it is yet present, to the point where the ceremonial act of freeing a slave was to arm him with his own weapons.
Furthermore, a well-maintained militia of the free men is the basic building block of Western Civilization. An armed people must be respected and accounted for by their governing body. There is great peril in betraying one's own people as the Fyrd/Milita will rise in response. There is great power in abstaining from tyranny as the Fyrd/Miliita will rise patriotically in defense of kin and country. This leverage is the quintessential carrot and stick the common man has to enforce his freedom and demand representation from his government, both passively and actively. Therefore, an armed people are a represented people and a disarmed people's rights are merely ceremonial.
The sad part is we derived our right to bear arms from Saxon tradition. Militia = Fyrd.
>1 post by this id
>over 80 posts in thread
Do you guys never learn?
You need more than that. Explain why you abdicated your duty to your Queen and Countrymen.
Happiness is a warm gun.
It's their God given right you faggot.
God I wish I could be an American.
>SCOTUS recently said there's no such thing as hatespeech
>2nd amendment
Well,imagine the police murdering your only child to cover up raping her or something. Then you can can defend yourself by killing the police chief's kids and a number of police officers. They will think twice about fucking with groups who do that if that keeps happening.
Disclaimer: This post is fully fictional, and in no way represents real views of the writer or this board. I in no way endorse violence and all people should follow all the laws all the time.
>1 post by this ID
we need this when the day of the Rope comes to go and clean all white countries from commie filth..then its to enslave the world again.Any problems with that you assrape diaper punk ?
>What exactly are you going to defend your home from, with military grade sniper rifles, dumbass burger?
The state bears the right for a well armed militia for it's defence.
Those aren't about defense unless you are defending a hill in the middle of a prairie.
However, much more dangerous weapons are. Those are really hard to use at long range, where 600 round per second AR15s are legal in almost every state.
>You don't need this kind of shit and I hope the next American president restricts gun rights even further.
what do you care, faggot?
This is my walking stick.
Isnt it though?
How ironic kek
Stay mad Yurapoor.
>do people ever realize we don't reply for the troll or bots sake we reply to help inform all the normies that lurk but never post and because it's funny as fuck