Give me one good reason why weed shouldn't be legalised
Anti Weed Fags BTFO
there isn't any.
Pretty much. As long as alcohol and cigarettes are legal, marijuana fits right in.
Not to mention prohibition doesn't work period. Look how well it worked out for my country in the 20's/30's.
ok but the culture around is fucking cancer. what would be appropriate is a culture teaching responsible use and setting mature examples for children.
It causes social anxiety, lowers your ambition, and contains tar.
t. snokes weed every day
certain strains relieved my social anxiety and depression, it didn't lower my ambition, i was already lazy, there is more that one way to consume, eating or vaping are healthier alternatives to smoking.
word, how long you been smoking?
i've been going strong for 15 years.
It's degenerate you degenerate faggot
Partly the reason prohibition of alcohol failed in the states is because it's so easy to produce, sugar, water and yeast, or corn, yeast and water, let it ferment a week and you now have an alcohol solution ready to distil.
anyone and everyone could be taught, no matter how dumb you are. cheap, simple and the ingredients / materials are widely available.
It encourages stoner faggots to remain stoner faggots.
it tells homeless people they don't have to try
once it gets legalized the weed culture should fix itself. half of those dude weed fags think they're cool cause they're sticking it to the man
because smoking weed makes you a faggot
Because of the welfare state
Im all for full legalization of everything as long as there is no welfare state for people to blaze out and fall back on
whats to stop people now using the welfare state to fund their alcohol use? they do it here, people on welfare going out getting shit faced drunk every weekend, paid by the taxpayer. the difference between weed and alcohol though, weed doesn't make you need hospital treatment when you injure yourself being a drunk retard.
Gay sex is more degenerate and you just existing is degenerate you fucking disgusting cunt. I hope you go to hell you pathetic piece of shit
Denver cocaine fatal overdoses doubled this year. Cocaine southern border siezures doubled this year. In five years we may have peak disco era cocaine culture. Cocaine may in fact become the new weed.
I'm pretty libertarian and don't really give a fuck. But I meet quite a few people who enjoy weed, either through work (healthcare) or my sister in law, and part of me wants to see it heavily criminalized and enforced just to fuck with these trashy, shit people.
>likes energy drinks
>susceptible to brand tribalism
>constant coughing
>degenerate clothes
>uninformed and unintelligent
Fuck these people.
Because my parents said it was bad and their parents told them and their parents parents told them it was bad and their parents parents parents were told it was bad by the government and it's the law and the law says something is bad then it must be bad.
>I don't care
>I do care
Choose 1 you fag
Weed makes you anxious and liberal, alcohol makes you aggressive and confrontational.
Thats why the globalists are pushing weed.
Make you emasculated for the migrant takeover.
Not true, most stoner faggots do it explicitly because its illegal and they like being rebellious
Its still a problem with alcohol. That genie is never going back in the bottle though. I just dont want to add more fuel for the flame
Honestly you should be able to smoke or ingest anything you long as the consequences are your own and not anyone else's
The only reason why people support it is pic related. It's a completely cancerous drug.
It's insanely simple to grow weed, even if you're dumb as fuck. I mean, stoners have managed to craft stronger and stronger strains while stoned.
Gorilla growers are very common now, and since there's strains that will grow everywhere from sandy soils in the desert to the deepest swamps.
As soon as someone develops a strain that takes to a particular outdoor environment, it will start spreading through western countries, growing wild without much that can stop it.
In many cases, this has already happened.
This. You don't want a society full of Low energy people.
There are many resons why it's bad, though if it is enough to ban it, is debatable.
>Weed makes you anxious and liberal
>Thats why the globalists are pushing weed
Bandwaggoner detected.
You can consume THC Oils and can still get high without smoking it
there are already outdoor varieties. it takes 60 days for the shortest grow i'v seen. it takes a minimum of 3 days to make alcohol with a big enough yeast culture with ideal temperatures.
people guerilla grow here all the time, there's forums dedicated to it. mostly auto's so they can be planted, left to do their business then you go back and pick. hopefully no ones robbed your plot. I already have multiple spots logged on google earth where I plan to grow, just need the balls to do it now, next year will be my year hopefully.
Everyone who wants to smoke weed already does. There's no point in keeping it illegal
>Honestly you should be able to smoke or ingest anything you long as the consequences are your own and not anyone else's
yep 100%. i don't know why other people can't see this. no man has the right to tell another man what he can or cannot ingest.
smoking weed is a victim less crime, it's ridiculous it's still illegal. atleast it's becoming more accepted. you normally get a slap on the wrist here, unless you're taking the piss and growing a warehouse full they will usually let you off if all you have is a dozen plants. they also come down harder if you steal the electricity like a lot of people do, it's easy to bypass the electricity meter here, all you need is a piece of thick wire and you just bridge the meter to bypass it.
Because it's bad?
With that logic you could argue for anything, "Everyone who wants to be a murderer already is, let's make murder legal!"
>smoking weed is equivalent to murdering someone
I've been to Belarus where weed grows on the side of the roads and on unused fields. The THC content in it is pretty low, but you can still refine large quantities of it to get a significant amount out. The thing is, most people there don't do it, I don't think I met one stoner or saw one cannabis plant that had been touched by a local.
However, cross pollination between normal cannabis and the newer strains is making some of the plants there considerably more potent, to the point where you could just pick it, dry it, cure it and smoke it without the whole process being a waste of time.
The most important thing to consider is the strains intended for states like Alaska where strains are capable of surviving very harsh conditions, once those start entering Europe's eco-system, it will be unstoppable.
>"Because it's bad"
>proceeds to strawman rather than actually develop a coherent argument
I think we've found a person more retarded than the hippies who claim all cancer can be cured by weed. Not surprised to see a Swedish flag accompanying it either.
My point was that the initial argument was weak. You don't argue for something because "other people already do it"
Because it makes you dumb as shit
didn't cannabis ruderalis, which is what is crossed with sativa or indica and makes auto's not require light cycles to trigger flowering, originate in Europe? i thought it came from north Europe bordering Russia, that's why they are so resistant to cold temps also
that's not how BTFO works, newfag.
Implying that smoking weed is in anyway on the same level as killing someone is a strawman, Mohammed, and ignores the actual argument being made in the first place.
People who smoke weed are already smoking it, spending money on a product that's untaxed and unregulated, allowing the continuation of gang activities to support an underground industry.
You even agreed with another post that stated that it makes you more docile, so how can you in any way equate it to violent crime. Before you say it, yes there is violent crime associated with weed, but do you think that's caused by the weed itself, or the laws that prohibit it?
if it gets legalized we will end up smoking GMO weed and make corporations even richer. no thanks.
you think stoners of all people are going to grow gmo weed? maybe the walmart of weed stores will do that, then you just avoid them, most people who smoke weed want the best of the best and gmos arn't included in that,
Still havent seen a single reason that wasn't utterly autistic
>how can you in any way equate it to violent crime
I didn't. I say that it's a weak argument for anything, such as murder. This is not a strawman, for it is exactly the same argument, I gave another example than weed to make people like you realize what it actually means.
Of course no one but I points out the cost to the taxpayer from cannabis prohibition, including funding the Alphabet Agency Jews War On Some Drugs whose backfire floods the US with Latino immigrants from their destabilized countries.
That's OK. Jail is good, none of us pay taxes, we all love the prison state and law enforcement agencies. Anyone who does anything I don't like should go to prison.
You have no right to your own body. Go to sleep.
the truth is there is no reason it shouldn't be legal.
all you faggots that believe in "redpilling" and the fucking truth should already know that any reason it was ever criminalized in the first place was so that the government could exercise control over groups of people.
does weed help your life? if you dont have a medical issue, probably not. is it worse than alcohol? fuck no. if you think it is youre a fucking dweeb who has never even tried weed.
so basically all the people here saying ya weed bad are shills for the government, and i THOUGHT this board was for redpilled woke people who didn't like authoritarian control but lately it seems like this board is just a place for nazi's to circle jerk and pray someday that their maybe 10k strong pop in the USA will take over and hitler will be reborn.
This fag knows whats up
Your degeneracy is on par with faganons
Because the American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical industry will be upset
Posts like
Are why lolbertarians arent taken seriously
I fundamentally don't mind the substance and I know there are normal people who use it. I just viciously despise this subset of them.