Whats going on? Alex was right all along?
Whats going on? Alex was right all along?
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Alex Jones is right about everything.
Name one thing he is wrong about
What kind of water filter does Sup Forums use?
is anyone else auto capcha'ing?
I've not had to do capcha in the last several posts
I legit stopped questioning Alex Jones after he started talking about the "gay bomb". I googled it and it turned out there is legit a chemical gas bom with feromones that makes soldiers turn gay.
The jews kill yourself
The jews.
I use the one called "not living in a country that poisons its tapwater". It's pretty good.
I'm a good goy that buys bulk bottled water.
Implying that Finnish women don't piss out birth control hormones that end up in the tap water.
Enjoy drinking plastic.
>Alex Jones
>kekistani flag
Exact same thing here
Also they really were turning the frogs gay.
Are the water filters that Alex Jones sells of good quality or should I buy elsewhere?
Fuck off Nazi
Jones is right again? What a surprise. I guess next you're gonna tell me the sun came up today?
Kys white trash
Alex Jones is actually smart. If you saw him on JRE he was naming vague laws and decisions off the top of his head
Tapwater: 600 μS
Organic Nutrient Reservoir: 421 μS
Reverse Osmosis (Re-mineralized): 42 μS
He usually is. Being a conspiracy theorist means having to wait 10 years to say "I told you so."
There were already studies showing this. They simply weren't reported on by mainstream media. But people who dug around could find them and knew years ago that Alex was right.
Oh I'm fine then because I only drink diet coke.
I love how normies require it to appear on CNN before they will even consider a proposition.
Do you know where you are?
Canola oil is also cancer.
>mfw alex is right about literally all of it.
and postnatal for the babies..teeth?
they really want to fuck the goyim over good with this shit. women pay for their children to be brain damaged. The biggest problem with fluoride is that once you put it in the water supply it spreads to everything else like produce and such. There is no way to limit or measure intake.
wow that's fucked up
just wait until the british royalty being pedo vampires comes out god help us
Honestly, I think you could normalize anything at this point.
>But muh IQ.
kek, no wonder this board is full of burger retards,
Why is it just the US?
Why is it so fucking hard for you to get proper water treatment and cut out the expense of adding flouride? One would think it should be easy to pass a law removing a cost.
Because a pacified, dumbed down populace concerned only with momentary pleasures is very easy to control.
And now with automation right around the corner? Just simply let the plebs pleasure themselves to death. Those that refuse can be handled with more... violent methods.
doubt their is much of an effort. this is the same country who let a corrupted water line give water to a city for months before even saying shit about it
Of course, you moron.
Can you elaborate ausbro?
I don't know why people are giving their kids fluoride tablets and using fluoride toothpaste....
Obligatory muh ghey frawgz while ignoring the science because Mr. Maddow.
Fluoride actually does strengthen your teeth but you're not supposed to just consume it. There's a reason the dentist puts fluoride directly on your teeth and tells you not to eat anything.
Buy it from Infowars TO SUPPORT OUR OPERATION!!!!!
Plus you'll get free bonus stickers
>new study says
>not peer reviewed
And that's about all you need.
Idk what these are but they scare me
What is that
What's going on here enlighten us, there are more impurities in tapwater?
are you still giving out the citizen's rulebook, alex?
This is a pretty big problem people have known about for years and years yet nobody cared. When Alex Jones brought it up, people just dismissed it "he's just a wacky conspiracy theorist GAY FROGS xDD" which is generally what happens with Alex Jones, he's right more often than he's wrong but people just dismiss what he's saying out of hand because of how he says it.
The use of certain pesticides has also been contaminating water and lowering testosterone and sperm count in the West by about 60% over the last 40 years yet nobody has really done anything about it, and I honestly doubt they would because of political reasons. It's not an issue anyone can really politicise in the same way they can for stuff like racism or misogyny so it'll just get mostly ignored.
This. Y'all best start listening to him about the interdimensional vampire-demon pedophiles who plan on using Google data to create a super A.I. that predicts the future and enslaves all mankind into a technocratic ultra-fascist matrix.
Cause that's where this all leads to, motherfuckers. We're in a world of shit
I think it definitely does help your teeth. I'm the only one of my friends to come from a rural area and thus the only one to drink well water instead of fluorinated tap. I've had 20+ fillings at 25. Coincidentally I'm also the only one of us who passed any calculus class in HS or college.
Kek we use well water with a bunch of filters. Damn feels good to have rich parents.
I bought a water filter a few months back and got stickers and citizen rulebook
Alex is almost always right, goy.
It doesn't really exist, though. They never managed to create it. But yes, it was an actual project.
Give sources for the pic
This country is such ass. My stepdad is part of the skeptics society, I bet if I told him he would pull some bullshit study. I remember I told him about the lowered sperm counts, he claimed it was all due to temperatures variations rofl. Then of course that massive meta study came out
Alex Jones is like 90% right on everything but it's the 10% that he's off that he really goes all out on and people like to use to make it look like he's wrong.
Literal pot bellied vampire goblins yelling "we love Satan". Release the video already Alex, you hack.
The 10% he's not right on is because it just hasn't come out yet that he's actually right
My dad has his masters degree in engineering...... and TONS of teeth that have been drilled.......
My mom who never went to college..... has great teeth....
>I was about to flame you for that comment until I though about it
"vampire demon pedophiles" refers to the would-be Clinton (hillary) administration and Pizzagate
fyi there have been over 470 pizzagate arrests and at least 28 child trafficking victims have been rescued
It's fake
Just a heads up, Tamarind fruit has been shown to detoxify fluoride from your body.
Alex was right about what? Interdimensional demons being summoned as tulpas through focused conscious energy? He's a bullshit artist, you think he's the only one talking about what people are putting in water?
>470 pizzagate arrests and at least 28 child trafficking victims have been rescued
What? You are going to have to provide a source on that on
Even if Hillary was an actual goblin like something from a cartoon do you think there would be footage of it?
skeptics are a fucking joke. i feel bad for them in a way. slurping down any cum the government shoots out.
>tfw no peer-reviewed literature
The fuck is this.
It's a religious thing for Zoroastrianism, which still exists in India. When one dies, you are placed in a tower for the birds to pick your bones clean, it's a way of giving back to the earth.
Help an idiot out, what does that all mean?
Is that the weird fruit mexicans put in their disgusting spicy salty "candy"?
Could be all that sugary garbage you're eating and drinking rotting your teeth out dipshit.
yea but you can buy the tree fruit pods.
It is very easy to achieve misleading results by miscalibration of TDS meters.
David Duke shills, when will they learn???
Nice creepy pasta,user
posts like these make me so curious about our world
They've already made the idea of vampires "sexy". Once they make pedos just another normal thing, then the truth will come out.
I guess Jack D. Ripper was right all along.
fema camps
Alex Jones is always right. Mainstream evidence may take years to surface though.
Buy a water filter
My city reports the fluoridation in the water like it's no big deal.
>the flouride contaminant come from fertilizer and aluminum factories
>and uhh it's good for your teeth too
I mean look at this shit. Look.
He wasn't saying that was real, he was saying that real people believed it. It's like if I said Jesus was the son of God, or if I said that there are real people who exist that believe Jesus is the son of God, those are two different things. He wasn't saying there was interdimensional demons, he was saying there were people who believed such things.
Think before you get outraged, user.
>alex jones was right all along
duh. The real question is why the MSM is presenting this now. Can they feel the winds of change?
The Gov. shits all over citizens on a daily basis... but hey, they REALLY care about your teeth. I wish people would think critically.
You should have bought the filters, OP.
That's one thing with alex. I've heard some off the wall crazy shit that I thought no way he's gone to far then 6 years later mainstream media dropped the same shit.
Alex jones has admitted that he was wrong about the Y2K bug.
All that is going to check is water hardness...
fetus in pepsi
To be fair a lot of people were wrong about the Y2K bug.