It's repeatedly claimed by leftists that liberals are smarter than conservatives. However, I've seen maps of the midwest that clearly show a correlation between red states and higher (>100) IQ, which would be consistent with more "diverse" areas of the US being lower IQ. Can we please settle this once and for all? Attached picture is the typical meme shared by liberals on TV, media etc. I don't know the source. All related sauce welcome.
IQ and Leftism
Other urls found in this thread:
self bump. Would like an answer discussion if possible.
White liberals are smarter than white conservatives.
Red Midwestern states are smarter than diverse states solely because of demographics.
Non-whites vote overwhelmingly Democrat but most aren't really liberals.
most of left party is not liberals.
I couldnt care less about average IQ's.
I have an IQ of 142 (through an actual test), and one of the biggest liberals I know has an IQ of 92 (and bragged about it on Facebook).
Different people have different views. You can be an idiot but have good foundational information on how to fix economy, or you can be an actual genius and believe that communism actual works. (protip: it doesnt).
It's almost as if they're fucking liars, and the "data" they cited is bullshit.
Proofs? Source? Also does this include or exclude jews? I have noticed for a long time that there's a very fine line between education and indoctrination.
1. libertarians have always scored the highest on these
2. I'm a 117 brainlet and fascist leaning.
Yes see here
My suspicion as well. This is my real question about the above graph. I don't know where this is sourced from. Many of these "studies" are literally no better than average MSM polls, but are couched for "scientific" consumptions. When measuring "soft" metrics like "liberalism" it is very difficult to eliminate bias signal.
Does BLM faggotry never end?
(((pure coincidence)))
I would actually like to see the methodology they used to produce this graph.
Did they offer IQ tests and subsequently ask what your political leanings are? Or did they ask for your latest IQ score after doing a political leaning "test"?
I'd love to see it too. The image has no source. I'm trying to get either backing or refutation data into this thread to put a better graphic together. The above graph is shilled a lot.
It's because true liberal values are in fact superior but will never work with niggers and other criminals. There's bound to be welfare leeches etc
Ideologies flip/flop with age and hormonal levels. Most men are solidified in their beliefs so long as they aren't inherently tied to belief in God - as many men are prone to agnosticism the older they get.
In other words, as long as the guy doesn't tie morality with God intrinsically (think Moral Agnostic), then their political leanings, especially as they age, ten to gravitate towards center-right or rightism.
The leftist doesn't really need "facts" or "evidence" to support their feelings because their beliefs are based on exactly that, feelings.
>It's because true liberal values are in fact superior
Intellectual derivation without real-world feedback is the very definition of delusion. Thomas Sowell talks a lot about the ((elite)) utopia. And let's be honest: any political system works great in some imaginary ideal situation.
Great sauce. Have a you. I'm going to try to find BP's sources on this.
Black Pigeon sources:
Studies in Media.
The actual studies.
IQ and Racism
Satoshi Kanazawa
Well, there's a bit of validity on both sides I guess. Liberals tend to be very high in openness, which is to say they tend to be interested in new ideas and new experiences and on the whole thing change is usually for the better. People higher in openness also tend to have higher IQ.
On the other hand an overwhelming majority of black people vote democrat, and for whatever reason the black IQ is about standard deviation below average.
Though just looking at the average IQ of states and counties that voted one side or the other isn't likely to yield anything meaningful.
High IQ people tend to be center or center-right in their political attitudes
Blacks have lower IQ than whites
>That's right! This is why IQ test are important and blacks should not have any rights!
Liberals have higher IQ than conservatives
>IQ doesn't matter lmao
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
From the link:
In the first study, verbal and nonverbal intelligence was measured using tests that asked people to find similarities and differences between words, shapes and symbols. The second study measured cognitive abilities in four ways, including number recall, shape-drawing tasks, defining words and identifying patterns and similarities among words. Average IQ is set at 100.
Social conservatives were defined as people who agreed with a laundry list of statements such as "Family life suffers if mum is working full-time," and "Schools should teach children to obey authority." Attitudes toward other races were captured by measuring agreement with statements such as "I wouldn't mind working with people from other races." (These questions measured overt prejudiced attitudes, but most people, no matter how egalitarian, do hold unconscious racial biases; Hodson's work can't speak to this "underground" racism.)
>What did Sup Forums mean by this?
That's the point of the thread donkey-lover. Keep up brainlet.
I have an IQ of 122 and I am nationalist. Kek
So according to the Black Pigeon vid, it's the slightly higher IQ 100-110 brainlets that are heavily indoctrinated by ((education)) centers for 17+ years (more for "elites"), but that the very high IQs and normal, non-indoctrinated (less schooled) people have nominal or normal views of the world.
AKA, liberals, most in the
Nice. IQ is merely one marker among literally hundreds between the left/right dichotomy. Try these now:
Conservatives have more empathy than liberals
Having a liberal political ideology is “significantly associated” with criminal behavior
Physically weak men more likely to be socialists
Conservatives have more self-control than liberals
Study Finds Democrats Least Tolerant of Opposing Views
Liberals complain more and dispute complaint resolutions more than conservatives
Liberals, Not Conservatives, Express More Psychoticism
Pew study: Liberals more likely to unfriend or block someone over politics
Conservatives have a broader moral sense than liberals
Conservatives have moral concerns that liberals do not recognize as moral concerns
Conservatives are less likely than liberals to compromise their morals
>It's repeatedly claimed by leftists that liberals are smarter than conservatives.
This whole arguments centers around them having more college degrees and thus being "educated." It isn't IQ that causes them to say it. This is a group of people whose entire lifeline revolves around the university system to get their ideas out and stapled into students' minds. It also serves them as a huge cash cow, and to equate being "educated" with getting a college degree as the only path to intelligence, they are able to keep people from thinking that $200,000 degree isn't such a great idea.
Basically, the whole "liberals are smarter" thing comes from their need to justify spending high amounts of money to receive a shit education in college.
I think the basic race IQ science is well documented on Sup Forums. I'm more asking about the delusion between what the raw IQ numbers say, and what the left says about IQ.
I'd like to get a tight image that dispels the "converatives are brainlets" meme the left has been pushing for over a decade.
One more:
Conservatives are better than liberals at recognizing potential threats
Niggers are more likely to be bigoted racists. It's the niggers who target whites, Asians and hispanics with violence. All those studies include your pet niggers. They are more likely to be socially conservative, bigoted and have low IQ.
that graph looks like a pretty typical distribution to me.
of course we no longer live in a world where sources are demanded.
a single infographic is more that enough proof to constitute an entire argument.
i'm not sure if i should blame Sup Forums or facebook for this fact.
Also see
The people with "conservative views and low IQ" are literally bigoted niggers with socially conservative views and will knock a random passerby because they're white.
>i have an IQ of 142
online tests don't count. stay in school NEETcuck
>and will knock
and who will knock out*
the source of that chart is a bunch of liberals
those sources, holy kek. if this is how we're gonna play it, i may as well post a bunch of jezebel/buzzfeed faggotry that liberals are smarter than conservacucks.
>not helping me to shitpost
Your ancestors are ashamed of you, son.
>Conservatives have more empathy than liberals
Liberals only seem to use the words "families" and "babies" when it comes to supporting their own goals. I always see conservatives use this type of rhetoric, even in their stance on illegal immigration and trade. What kind of empathetic individual sees misleading people to come here illegally to get a job that pays close to nothing as humane?
>Physically weak men more likely to be socialists
I've noticed this a lot. Very rarely do you see a healthy looking socialist, and very rarely do you see dainty men being conservative. Of course, this just allows liberals to call us a bunch of "meat headed idiots." For such smart people, they don't seem to realize that veggies and tofu do not a healthy diet make.
>Conservatives have more self-control than liberals
Watch any liberal/socialist/progressive vs. conservative video on YouTube, and 9/10 times, the liberal gets red faced and starts yelling incoherent statements throughout while the conservative just stands there with the Tucker look.
>Study Finds Democrats Least Tolerant of Opposing Views
Again, look at Facebook or REDACTED posts by liberals and conservatives. While you get the occasional all caps boomer spouting off bullshit about patriotism and attacking every country, pretty much every liberal is a broken record about how Trump/whites are ruining the country and how they just can't tolerate it anymore. Tolerance is a lot more than dressing in sparkly clothes and putting a rainbow filter on your FB pic.
>Conservatives are less likely than liberals to compromise their morals
I think the perfect example for this is CNN today. Before the UN speech, sovereignty was something to be condemned in favor of open borders and globalism. Now that Trump spoke about Venezuela and NK, CNN now talks about how we should stay out of a sovereign state's business.
>Conservatives are better than liberals at recognizing potential threats
There's nothing to "play" here. Each of those sources is to a peer-reviewed journal article; all news articles have within them sources to a peer-reviewed journal article. Whatsa matter, you don't believe in science?
intelligence =/= wisdom
>inferiority complex
>They are more likely to be socially conservative, bigoted and have low IQ.
I think there are two important groups on the right.
Reactionaries/Highly Conservative: Very authoritative. History and tradition is paramount. Probably has bias towards lower IQs because requires less mental energy.
Classical Liberalism: Has a deeper understanding of systems and the risks of centralization of power. Understands removal of authoritarianism through localization of power, rights, and freedoms yields better results. Adam Smith, US Founders etc. Probably correlated with very high IQs >120.
So my current thesis is low IQ
Yes, and if everyone had the mind of a true communist then communism would actually work.
Conservativism works because it takes into account people of all levels of intelligence. It doesn't matter how smart being a liberal makes you if liberalism only actually works for other liberals. I was a liberal because I wanted social liberation and all kinds of lovely shit, but then I realized that no matter how liberal I got, there would always be people in society who need conservatism to boot them up the ass, get their lives in order and tidy things up. Telling these people that they just don't "get it" when an overly liberal society leaves their lives in flames isn't going to cut it.
So in a sense, liberals are right, but for society and structure overall their philosophy is cancer. In that sense, I became a conservative.
>intelligence =/= wisdom
Agreed. That's where education/indoctrination come into play. And its corollary, real world experience and self-sufficiency.
>conservatism and liberalism are the only two possible political ideologies
As time goes on Conservatives get smarter, while liberals get dumber.
While I've never studied the phenomenon specifically, I can say I'm the course of getting both my STEM degrees (molecular biology first, then software engineering after) I encountered significantly more liberal peers than conservative ones. Same thing with professional environments. Almost everyone when I worked as a scientist in a pharmaceutical R&D was liberal. Software Engineering has had a higher percentage of conservatives but it's still sub -15% I'd estimate.
I wouldn't say that liberals are "smarter" because defining intelligence isn't that straight forward, but I will say that the notion of being open to change and being predisposed to experiment and analyze something objectively / without bias leads to more successful STEM performance. In this sense liberal minded people do seem to enjoy a heavy advantage over their conservative peers.
>As time goes on Conservatives get smarter, while liberals get dumber.
Conservatives build more accurate mental models that are more easily refined without model fracturing (the classical liberal meltdown).
I've found the opposite. Most of my intelligent colleagues and coworkers have pretty empirical views of the world. There are a lot that haven't fully examined the liberal curriculum they internalized, but that's just because they haven't had reason to examine their beliefs substantially.
Conservatives don't like chaos and they want to optimize society to it's maximum efficiency and sustainability. That's literally the only difference. Too much change is scary and destabilizes things and since life is short, destabilizing things could be the difference between actually getting to live a life or not. It's not fair to inflict constant change on young people in an environment where they deserve to flourish.
When leftists make the claim that they have higher IQ they're literally making the claim that women and minorities have higher IQ than white men.
Obviously, this is ludacris.
What a fucking retarded survey.
They honestly believe people are going to self report racism?
No wonder it turned out like that.
It's true, but this does not imply they are correct. It implies the opposite. Political views are driven by emotion and justified by reason afterward. Since leftist views require extreme mental gymnastics, only higher IQ people can actually believe them. Conservative views align with human nature and rely on only a few logical leaps so the ideology is available to even low IQ people.
You basically just explained my post here without rambling like me. Good job.
Conservatism compliments human nature, therefore those with low intelligence tend to naturally be conservative and people with high intelligence realize why it's necessary to run a conservative society overall. Liberalism is the delusion that you can interfere with our natural inclinations just because they personally can.
They take advantage of an ambiguity. Liberal =/= leftist, but since it is used as synonymous with leftist in the US, they claim leftists are smarter, when in fact it's libertarians (i.e. classical liberals, which are still called liberals in Europe).
The more you know.
Look at the Nazi IQ and tell me leftist are smarter.
This list is invalid if Fürer is not included?
That ain't him.
Those where during the Nuremberg trials after the war.
>TFW IQ of 56
>voted for drumpf
High IQ teens lack common sense and are sensible to brainwashing because of stronger abstract reasoning.
Most will revert back to conservatism in their late 20s.
t. >130 IQ reformed leftist
Bro on Sup Forums we are all super intelligent autists. You can insult our virginity but we got you beat in the intelligent department.
When they run these studies, they assign your political beliefs to you based on some biased questions
I feel like the answer to this is they're using the viewpoint that democrat voters aren't neccessarily liberals.
This means all the major cities that are full of non-whites but voted for Hillary "aren't liberals" and you don't have to count their low IQ.
For example if you did a demographic survey of Toronto, they'd naturally want to exclude the majority of the population of the city because it would reflect very, very poorly on any metric its used with.
Instead, they're going to examine a sub-group of only white people in Toronto. This does a number of things:
- reduces the surveyed population to people living in cloistered regions or with an interest/requirement of staying near Toronto
- these groups are the ones who have already decided they're relatively okay with living in a non-white city, that they must deal with it, or they're isolated from it
- it excludes whites who already fled the city to improve their living conditions
There aren't going to be many conservative people left in this surveyed group who also have money/intelligence. They've already fled.
What you're left with is poor people who can't afford to flee the city, and poor people almost unilaterally score worse on IQ tests.
This. Many niggers have high IQ and many whites like most of Sup Forums have low.
mostly true though exposure to intense redpills will guarantee swift and thorough questioning
t. >160 IQ ex-commie turned natsoc at around 20 (25 now) when first confronted with revisionism
The only people that voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
Smart city people voted for Hillary
High-IQ citybros in the house
kys shills
you are terrible at what you do, I hope they're paying you fucking peanuts
Let me guess, youre about 5'6-5'7, right?
You're right. I was a libertarian (leaning AnCap) because I could logically explain how a stateless society would work via elaborate arguments about resources, incentives, etc. In addition, I could argue morality based on the NAP and logically prove things to be wrong/right. The problem is that the underlying assumptions (man is a being of reason) are wrong and against human nature. It's easy for people with higher IQs to get caught up in logical games and become disconnected from human nature.
t. 138 IQ (Ravens)
Man! LibTards suck at meming. Cant even come up with anything original.
>nigger tier unit of length
1,83m, convert yourself fag
I have an IQ of 143, test was made by a psychology research institute.
right-winged and conservative people are mostly lower IQ, I always noticed that in conversations. they don't understand geo/worldpolitics. they are very narrowminded. They think "lets shut everything down and go back in time -> everything will be better" ...while it would lead to a massive failure.
I'm only here on Sup Forums because I like to laugh about the stupid ppl here.
What I learned in my iob as an istigkeit is that people really can't look in the head. Just don't go! You can't inside.
Your tears will nourish me for months when Trump gets impeached.
It's a shame all those PhD candidates get killed in Chicago every year. Probably a cure for cancer in there somewhere.
>There are a lot that haven't fully examined the liberal curriculum they internalized,
That sounds a lot like "they're liberal but I want to believe that's only because they haven't seen ""'the truth""".
What field are you in?
Without change you can't improve. A liberal mindset that encourages questioning the state of the world and trying to eliminate undesirable attributes of the current society in exchange for a more optimal configuration is what liberalism revolves around.
To improve something you have to remove the dysfunctional parts and grow or develop more functional replacements.
It may not always work, that's science, but the consensus is that it's good in the long run.
(Like we question whether "''prayer"" is a good method for curing ailments. We discover that actually antibiotics work better, and now we have far fewer deaths and for longer lifespans than we did 1000 years ago.
That's liberal progress)
Higher IQ whites get better jobs and don't have to live with the consequences of liberal policy. Lower IQ whites have to live in lower-income conditions and thus know plainly what the consequence of liberal policy is.
trump is nothing
natsoc is coming back whether you like it or not
>jewish mantlet detected
Shapiro go home
It has never been proven that IQ and political stance are correlated. If it ever was, believe me you would hear shit tons about it in the news and any shit post messageboard all the fucking time. Left or Right, lib dem or cons, IQ is not correlated
Two words. Sampling bias. If you do all your sampling of liberals at the University and you do all of your sampling for conservatives in the trailer park, its pretty simple what you will get. Its a very disingenuous form of statistical manipulation. It requires only knowledge of demographics and is usually deliberate... I compared apples to apples in college in terms of GSR and HR in regards to blocking out opposing political views. My scale showed conservative college students are more open-minded than liberal college students. Libs almost exclusively shut off critical thinking and encountered stress/defensive reactions. Cons were semi-biased but relatively neutral, only a few points above moderates. Thats what happens when you sample from the same fucking place and social strata... But, you won't see my data in a NY Times piece... Now if I had sampled my conservatives from the trailer park down the road where the dumb college kids would go to by oxycodon and heroin I might have been on national news.
>My scale showed conservative college students are more open-minded than liberal college students
That's a hard sell, mate.
Link to your survey?
lol seriously?
>disagree with leftist
>"evul nadzi reeeeeeee"
>disagree with conservative
>you may now have a civil exchange
That's not a link to a survey. Why would you resist open discussion?
doesnt matter he's off the scale
This. Their high opinion of themselves certainly doesn't correspond with reality, and they have been bamboozled by major events they failed to see coming, such as the Trump win and Brexit. The fact they'd rather mass Muslim and African immigration into the West than a relatively homogeneous, stable society proud of its heritage is extremely telling of their IQ and emotional stability, no graph can convince me they're of even above average intelligence.
apparently flooding maryland and west virginia with niggers wasn't so smart