Other urls found in this thread:
he's not wrong
>guy talks about improving africa
>all Sup Forums can think of is memes
This dude is x100 more of a man and contributor to society than most of you will ever be.
inb4 shill/nigger/reddit/faggot
Goddamn this gets so fucking tedious.
Great guy but of course you faggots come with the edgy racism
To be fair, Africa was a center of knowledge with the library of Alexandria. However, don't believe for a second that the library or Egypt had anything to do with niggers. The city was under greek/roman control for the longest time. Get rid of the niggers, and we can Make Africa Great Again.
This. Africans need a leader that has a vision of africa, beyond gaining wealth for himself.
>apparently at one point in time was a "center of knowledge"
at least his heart is in the right place
>Africa was the center of knowledge.
Yes, but it was thanks to Arabs, Greeks, Egyptians and not niggers.
>what is the Library of Alexandria
>American education
*sips kool-aid*
*smacks lips*
>Africa doesn't have a water crisis it has a knowledg- no nigger crises
fucking niggers
The problem with Africa, and the solution to his problem, is that it is filled with blacks. There, no memes required. Now get me my Ted Talk spot and a Nobel peace prize for finding the solution to fixing an entire continents problems.
come home white man, we literally created you.
>nig wants to be intelligent
>other nigs beat him down for acting "white"
It's the "again" in the title that did it.
I think it's the "again" part that people are taking issue with.
"smack lips"
we wuz scholas n shiet we iz knowledges
the conflation of "african history" with "black history" has to stop
>center of knowledge
>recognizes extreme problem with Africa
>wants to improve Africa to try and help
>city people from America make fun of him
what did /bol/ mean by this
anyone can talk about how africa is filled with retards. i'm surprised this even got a tedtalk. isn't it obvious the reason why africa is a shithole is because it's filled with retards, and even worse retarded niggers?
what a revolutionary thinker..
'hey guys lets drink our fresh water and grow food to eat so we don't starve to death or get dysteria and die'
>Library of Alexandria was in Egypt
>Egypt is all of africa
Embaressing indeed
>city people
Did most of Sup Forums vote for Hillary, just the racist ones, or did city people now vote for Trump?
He's still not wrong though.
unless you want hordes of wild negroes ravaging the west like locusts, better support the African man in OP, the more self sufficient food wise and economic wise they get the less of them travel illegally to the west and cause crime
How does having one library make you the center of knowledge?
The library of alexandria was full of greek and semitic philosophy nothing to do with africucks at all.
It was back then idiot. They didn't have the interwebs.
>we need more white man science!
He needs to decolonize his mind
No. Niggers need to all die for the betterment of the genetic pool.
Or we just let them all starve to death
I don't give a fuck about improving niggerland.
The water crisis in South Africa started after whitey gave control over to the blacks.
It's amazing how the African people prove their ineptness repeatedly.
Absolute bullshit. They'll never stop coming no matter the conditions of Africa
Timbuktu was in Europe when?
So you're telling me, that there was no other libraries at the same time as the library of alexandria on any other continent? Was it an important library? Yes. Was it a center of knowledge? Yes, of GREEK & SEMITE knowledge. I mean, if Africa is down to get colonized again all they have to do is ask
I never said it was build by niggers, but it was in Africa.
was it ever?
>guy talks about improving Africa
>all Africans can think of is killing and slavery
The great greek philosophers that you talk about stole most of their knowledge from Egypt and appropriated it as their own.
stop it you potato nigger. This African is trying to save his homeland and people from self perpetrated misery, suffering, and ignorance.
Who cares if he says "again"? It's irrelevant since it is a good idea that we try and make Africa civilized.
moron, if we make Africa habitable we can move to that resource rich land and they can have their polluted ghettos.
c`mon now
There was one African leader who was going to irrigate the Sahara (yup, the full thing) but he wasn't going to use fiat currency so we bombed him into submission and then made sure he died. They use fiat currency in Libya now.
The best that Sub-Saharans can hope for is another north of the sahara guy to take care of them.
This. If any of you retards could read, you'd understand that he's saying what we've been saying for years.
his name was ghadafi
Im talking like dudes like Pythagoras. And, no it was probably not the only library in the world, but it did have a lot of knowledge in it that was accumulated by many different people that traveled far and wide just to read and contribute the library. So, in that since it was a "center of knowledge".
>library built by greeks and arabs
has the nerve to we wuz
This has literally never worked. They learn to grow crops, population explodes, the ones who do poorly become jealous and kill the farmers, everyone starves and flees. Over and over and over again.
we just did it here with the storm. the idiots standing in blinding rain squalls whining about a "water shortage", so put a couple buckets out; dumbass.
and tell us what your crypto-jew did to all that knowledge? some of us know real history.
the headline says Africa, nothing about Africans
Typical right wing retardation, Gaddafi was rightfully savaged the way his regime savaged women and children. He was bombed because he directly threatened to shoot down European civilian airliners.
You have literally no proof he was interested in doing any of that utter shit you just spouted, faggot. I eagerly await the day lies from people like you are silenced. Forever.
pope constatine was the crypto-jew, and he had the scribes and scholars murdered and 366 years removed between old and new testaments. why would he do that?
I agree, but it was considered a center of knowledge in the Hellenistic world, not in African culture.
As a matter of fact not only is he right, the very reason of this is that their own elite knows that the more educated the populace is, the harder it is to control them. Besides no way their governments will spend a dime on education. They are a bunch of tyrants.
Hes honestly not wrong about the current state of Africa and I agree with him on how to improve it, even if it rests on a LARP.
semantics, its pretty clear whats being implied. literally the only thing keeping africans from getting their shit together is africans, as always.
worldwide EVERY black majority region,hood, or city is a hellhole.
>if we make Africa habitable we can move to that resource rich land
Rhodesia would like a word with you.
>Gaddafi was rightfully savaged the way his regime savaged women and children. He was bombed because he directly threatened to shoot down European civilian airliners.
On the other hand, you have literally no proof that any of this happened.
>nigger intelectuals
I commend him for what he says, good luck to him and god speed. But >again
>That's great Mumbootu, but how?
But I'm sure it'll work out this time
He should gib up. There are SOME black capable of making Africa great, but the impending chimpout will ruin all the progress. It is a Law of Nature. It may be easier for a team of bears to win an Olympic gold in cycling.
This thread really shows that a good 50-60% chunk of Sup Forums is straight up borderline retarded.
that's yubyub right?
sounds like a good initiative to me, maybe once they learn to take care of themselves, our cucked governments will stop giving out international aid.
This guy get it.
Obviously we're not going to kill all the niggers. Imagine in Africa actually becomes some to some decent countries for once. Then black people should openly hate niggers and shoot them on the street without anyone giving af.
>get rid of all the blacks
>Africa is now 1,000,000,000 x better
TED talks are so fucking cucked
Get this dindu off the stage so we can get to the Human Beatbox Slam Poet
Oh potatonigger. You need to see what was happening behind all that farce. He tried to get rid of petrodollar. Libya was attacked to make an example of what will happen to other oil rich countries if they get rid of petrodollar
I'm not against Africa growing mode knowledgeable, unless it comes at the cost of the rest of the world.
as soon as any of them crawl out of the crab bucket there is a CIA funded "democracy" group with $100 million in cash and a billion$ in media time with detailed intercepts and intelligence on the government just waiting to bring the whole country down. Even if you do manage to survive the intial attacks through curfew and martial law your closets enemies now have that same info plus virtually real time ethiopian style satellite images of all your troop movements. Then it's your family, relations and yourself being killed tortured or a combinatino of both and an invading force of real military power.
The only way to win is take Chinas trillions in loans and hope the americans won't kill you.
Why are you niggers shitting on this?
If people in shithole africa would finally educate less people would try to get to europe. With more people gaining access to school the median income will rise, with a higher income ( just think about it all of Africa having a medican income of 8000 per capita that would make 8 trillion of possible dollars to buy things ) they could aquire more things from other countries like europe and with more trade more money.
So he isnt wrong he is just deluded because niggers are stupid as fuck
Pajeet is right.
The same thing happened to Saddam.