Copy of Adolf Hitler speech found at the home of white man accused of killing 2 black men.
Copy of Adolf Hitler speech found at the home of white man accused of killing 2 black men.
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Do you think they would announce this as breaking news if some nigger killed 10 white people and had a copy of some black power book or movie in his house?
>be history major in college
>working on wwii research paper
>walk to store with your ccw piece
>get jumped
>put down both aggressors
>police search your home
>AP picks it up
Aren't AP supposed to be highly respected among a ton of circles though?
How the fuck is this even news. They don't even link an article.
I have no idea what happened here, but with no source and AP going downhill, who knows what happened.... AP and Reuters used to be about as objective a news source you could find, but the past few years they both hype up the identity politics
We all know how many black people Hitler killed
how many?
hitler was a nigger
>a criminal and a murderer idolising Hitler
Who would have thought?
I remember hearing AP is funded by Rothschild's. Or is that just a conspiracy?
thats part n parcel
I hadn't heard that one myself.
did Hitler have a problem with black people?
delet this
good job nazi larpers
wtf I love niggers now, please burn down CVS and community-funded buildings for the elderly
Probably fake news.
looks like you need some redpills
has anyone noticed how white terrorist attacks have increased as BLM and antifa rallies have stepped up
Man bites dog.
Wow, that has huge implications for the average nazi enthusiast who kills people and could definately spark the race war this time!
Wh*Te terrorists scum.
i have basically never liked hitler and white supremacy t b h
that's disgusting.
Gonna need a little more context.
u mad turd boi?
If you still have faith in the AP, you haven't been reading them over the past 3 years. They have lost nearly all credibility, just like the mainstream media.
While anyways AP gets funding from news station all over wanting to publish their stories in their news. If they don't have relevant news to 'sell' they'll get less funding news stations seem to be intoxicated with all the fake news and such. Maybe that's affecting AP's decisions. I'm probably wrong cause I don't know how they run their business.
the msm are the only media that dont believe in the flat earth theory you dumbfuck nazi rat
If you have 100000 porn images and 1 is of a 17 year old you are a pedophile.
Hitler was black
But you whipeepo keep wanting to claim him as white. Bitch assed nigga
>rise, my kangs and queens
But are you sure Hitler shook Jesse Owens hand? You got any prove cause I just heard Hitler waved at him or something.
"white man who once talked to a child found with pedophile images imprisoned for life"
"man fired from job while swarm of women and cucks chanted 'kill the straight white man' got what he deserved"
Muhamed had 4 wives. only 1 is underaged. How come he's a pedophile?
>the missing Hitler letter, which has him quoted as saying "THE 6 MILLION JEWS MUST BE GASSED WHITE POEPLE #1" it chilled my bones when I hear this as a Jewish person.
op wouldnt have been called a shill if he hadn't added "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" at the end, really undermines the whole post. I mean if the last 50 shills were wrong, why would this fag be right.
remember to sage, hide, redpill
i don't caaaareeee!
>oh shit, they're making us super cool and intelligent natsocs look bad
>better do some mental gymnastics and run damage control
lmao you transparent little bitch
MSM has crashed and burned and are already dead. They are going out with clickbait so they can pull in a few more shekels before they disappear. It is what it is.
Question everything libtardie, times ten if it's on shallownet
>1 post by this ID
>poverty portugal
can't take this kid seriously lol.
it's satire faggot
And then?
wtf im a black person now
Imagine if they found stolen property belonging to the victim on a group of black people that just murdered someone white! It would be a real scandal!
>current year
>AP apparently still doesn't know that Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong
Way to be 'that guy', AP.
hello newfag
cuck pinwheel flag worshiping bitch boys who just had their safe space violated spotted. keep crying snowflakes.
Well the cause of this is obviously the fact that The man was carrying a gun. That is the only reason this happemed. Send him to jail
truing so hard
its cute
>only 2 niggers
College are leftism nest most journalists come out of college as sjws and they carry their believes into their jobs.
t. liberaltarian
>copy of adolf hitler speech
What does that even mean? He one printed speech by Hitler on his coffee table? Framed on kitchen wall? In one of his hundreds of books that he has in his collection? What the fuck is the significance of that supposed piece of Hitler speech? I, too, have Hitler speeches in my home... in my book shelve among Marx and other shit I read in order to be aware of topics.
Crackers are evil. Knock them out when you see them.
I thought they couldn't tie this guy to the murders and he was a drug dealer or something
no, he could have murder whitey tattooed on his face and it wouldn't make the daily news
meanwhile black serial killers who target white are never mentioned at all in the news, or even investigated by the police
Not really. Wanted them to have their own lands like everyone else.
As a special addendum, it appears that pictures of taylor swift, photoshopped with hitler quotes were also found at the same address.