Okay be honest

What did you think of this?

The entire Fate franchise belongs in the trash.

It was okay

it was the most entertaining one

LiSA, Eir Aoi, Kalafina, and Luna Haruna are based theme song singers.

The first good anime since NGE


It shouldn't have stayed the night.

Only good thing about the Fate franchise


Badly paced

Took the words out of my mouth, fuck this hot garbage.

Somniferkino with overrated animation

I can't hate it since it was the first thing Fate related I watched. I read the VN just after and get hooked.


Tsukihime is alright because of how campy it is but Fate takes itself too seriously and people take it too seriously for how trash it is.

I have watched over 1500 aniem in my neetlife and this is still one of my favourites anime.
My little guilty pleasure

I struggle to decide who was the best character.

The priest or Rider.

It was great, but decade+ running TM fanboys won't admit it because it's both Urobutcher and not muh Nasu with sex scenes and mollusk analogies. Zero elevated the franchise to a higher standard than the VN strove to be, and that pissed the everloving fuck out of the original fanbase.

Even with ufotable putting their back into it with their F/SN remake, neutral newfags looking at them side and typically vastly prefer Zero. In other words, it's "way worse" than S/N if you openly admit to having a giant bias. Or you can at least say they're just both good.

Watched it after reading the VN and that was very disapointing. Kiritsugu is garbage, the COORU team might as well not be here, Assassin never did anything besides getting killed early, Lancer was a shitty version of Cu, and Rider wasn't too bad but kept jobbing and teasing the fuck out of his noble phantasm. To summary the Zero exclusive characters are all really forgettable.

As for Saber and Gil, nothing really new. And Kotomine was way more interesting and fun in the Vn.

Second half was weak and a bit of a letdown.

The best writing and story to come out of that entire universe and franchise.

Forgot Berserker, which was cool as fuck. But still, in the end his actions didn't amount to much. It's like he was just here to be an annoyance for the other servants.

It was pretty great.

It usually looked good if not great, Urobuchi is a great writer. Team caster was dumb filler, but aside from that it was relatively flawless. I would have downplayed the cooky comedy aspect of team rider, and I would have taken some of the other character developments a little more slowly. Also, Rin would not have gotten a stupid fanservice episode.

But hey, you can't have everything.

>VN is better than Zero


My feelings were pretty similar. Loved the VN but F/Z just left me feeling disappointed on a whole.

Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi, Gen Urobuchi.

Nothing this guy has done is good. Except Saya no Uta

First half was decent though nothing special. Second half things just went downhill followed by Kerry's stupidly large flashback then a rushed ending.

I've seen worse but overall it wasn't great.

who even funds this shit? who even writes this shit? isn't nasu being hunted down by takashi takeushi's hired killers? is he dead yet?

I thought the first half was pretty dry honestly. It was somewhat disappointing that given free reign over the grail war with powerful mages, Urobuchi decided to pussyfoot around with almost no meaningful conflict. If I wasn't already invested in the franchise I probably would have dropped it. Thankfully the 2nd half delivered and is great. The ending scene is one of my favorites in anime.
>forgetting about Paradox Spiral

Shit taste abounds.

A lot of your complaints sound just like stuff that happened in the VN.
>Assassin never did anything
>Lancer was shitty
>Rider wasn't too bad but kept jobbing and teasing

Gil was chill enough to share his wine
berserker was a badass
love all the lancer hate on Sup Forums

>share his wine with berserker
When the fuck did this happen? Wasn't it with saber and rider?

Learn to read.

Gil didn't share his wine with Berserker, he's implying in a new sentence completely unrelated that Berserker is badass.

Use Punctation.
Capitalize your sentences.

It was nice to see some of the scenes from the LN animated but it was a shallow experience and skipped some of the best parts like Gil crying over Endiku when Saber was using Excalibur on Caster. The LN itself was rather good but it's not on the same level of quality as the original VN.

My head made a "with" from nothing because you didn't put a poor "." On your phrase user.

>It was great, but decade+ running TM fanboys won't admit it
Rarely does any of us do that, most will agree it's at least as good or better than the VN. It's just that when secondaries spoil their appetite with Zero then start shitting on the original due to self-inflicted poor tonal shift, there's going to be a backlash.

Don't try and shift blame to me for your idiocy.

Ok sorry

My bad!
Should I comment Sudoku?

Edgy narcissistic bullshit

desu I liked Shiro's autism better at least he wasn't an edgelord.

Heard the translation for the LN is beyond bad. Any word on ever getting a better one?

I enjoyed it, it was fun. It had pretty lights and cute girls. I liked it for what it waseven though it's shit

True Assassin did plenty, and even Kojiru tied into the imitation theme of UBW

Cu was great whenever he was on screen

Medusa's powers weren't teased anywhere like Iskander. If anything it was the opposite; she was seen as pretty shitty for 3/4th of the story. She only jobber in UBW.

Medusa is great in F/SN. Her role as antagonist for the first half of FATE was great, especially her last battle with Saber atop the skyscraper.
Yeah she completely jobs in UBW but is pretty damn amazing in HF. Then add on F/HA and she's a great character.

I wouldn't know, I didn't read the translation. It's a real shame if the translation is bad though, It's a rather decent read

The writing didn't have plot holes out the ass. That's all I ever wanted. So few people seem to care about writing quality and I can't understand why.

Pretty good, God tier for people who don't watch a lot, and still good otherwise

It's a fun watch with lots of interesting characters.

was good, not great but...good.

most normals will eat up this shit and praise it like the sun

Fate Zero isn't quality writing either. At least Fate Stay Night wrote the war part properly with most masters not being retarded.

It was a decent watch but the VN is better.

A large part of why it gets so much hate is because of retarded animeonly secondaries who watch this as their entry series into fate and then proceed to shit on the original series while spouting retarded memes.

Its decent but nowhere near as great as the edgelord secondaries make to seem to be. I actually like the UBW anime better.

>the VN is better
>retarded animeonly secondaries
>I actually like the UBW anime better.

I didn't know taste could get so shit.

read the vn and reach heavens feel you secondary

I really liked the while Fate franchise (minus FH/A). I can see why others hate it, but I don't let those things get to me.

Basically I'm the only person on this board who thinks for themself :^)

Stay Night was better, though at least young Kirei was entertaining. He still isn't as good as he was in Heavens Feel.

I made it up to ~50% through heaven's feel before I dropped it. Holy shit it was all boring as fuck. I'm too old for crap like that

maybe you should leave

HF was best route IMO, but yeah it's a bit silly/edgy

At least it's not UBW with shirou acting like a jewrat.

or something like that

Episode 22-25 is really great.

22 : Irisviel's "corruption"
23 : Kotomine prepares to fight with Kiritsugu
24 : The Duel
25 : Destruction of Fuyuki city

Overall, 10/10.

I can barely remember anything that happens besides when the guy kills his wife and daughter. I found everyone unlikable and unmemorable.

Thats because you are an animeonly fag and haven't read fsn VN nor Zero LN or anything at all, leave.

People oftentimes find characters similar to themselves on television, so congrats dude

All I remeber was the QUALITY fight in the batcave for no reason.

The adaptation made some missteps but it was mostly a good addition to Stay Night.

Doesn't work as its own story in any way though.

Nice counter argument. A expected of a Zerofag.
Everything Zero does, the VN does better.

I have zero intention of reading your garbage VN. I did like Tsukihime though.

It was great but second season had problems with pacing, some important scenes and dialogues were cut/needlessly changed, it felt a bit rushed overall and I'm especially mad that ufo fucked up final fight with Berserker and ditched the part when Kiritsugu and Saber went to old canadian's house to hunt Waver down. And while characterisation of Irisviel and Kerry is fine for anime standards they were more interesting in LN were reader actually knew their inner thoughts.

it wasn't bad though

It was ok but all the characters from F/Z are forgetable and uninteresting (except for Kiritsugu and Kirei at the end). Even the story and the universe is unexploited. the atmosphere is great but somehow inferior to FSN tho.

That's just a good bonus for FSN nothing more.

Pretty good, but it was spread too thin, leading to a lot of pointless wheel spinning. It also requires you to have an understanding of FSN to make sense thematically