This speech just won me over and convinced me to vote for him in 2020.
Liberal "lefty" here
Other urls found in this thread:
basically he's not as extreme of an anti-globalist as MSM makes him out to be.
He gave a speech at the UN, pretty much being presidential at this point in time.
Pretty inspiring desu
grab em' right in the voting box
so he sold out to the globalists?
>world leaders should start serving their people and not their self interests.
>will destroy best korea if need be
>iran needs to get its shit right
>the problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented
>pic related too
was breddy gud
The MSM is fake news.
They report nothing accurately.
I have to admit that I voted for Hillary and I shilled here on Sup Forums for months in support of Hillary.. but over time Trump has won me over a bit. I hope I am welcome here despite my prior stance.
Bush voting republican here, I'm more neoconservative but I'm now Trump fan. Will vote for him in 2020 if he starts war with Iran. Nationalism is for kids.
10/10 speech
why the fuck did Obama let the iranians have nuclear programs?
Make your self comfy coz you are not getting off this ride
Toeing the globo line so he doesn't get JFK'd while fighting for his campaign promises as usual.
Whoever still claims that Trump has the mannerisms of a child after this speech is nothing but an ignorant fool, that must be said. He didn't even stumble.
And to be honest, I don't think that Hillary would have done the 10% of what Donald Trump did on that speech
"Sold out"
A man that has been part of the global elite since he was in his father's balls was never against the globalists. That's a meme.
He is just probably from a different globalist group that is gaining power, judging from all the bashing he got from the MSM.
>maymay flag
>start war with Iran
GTFO kike
Trump literally threatened war with Iran. This is what Israel and us Bush voters have wanted forever. He has my vote if he starts it.
pretty comfy speech 2bh
Big if true.
What do you have against Iran?
>No sauce
They're the largest state sponsor of Islamic destruction? They're going to nuke Israel if we don't stop them? Do you even know your history, child? Only mistake Bush Jr. did that he didn't start the war himself
I hope israel gets nuked.
>nuking Israel is a bad thing
Yeah I bet you do, muzzie. Go back home where you came from. Americans are talking here.
The same for you
As i said before
>Can't even look it up
You should leave and never come back
What sold me on Trump was his promise to give amnesty. I won't vote for him but I look forward to millions of new Hispanic voters.
Milhouse Whitehouse
Told you you don't get to leave.
No you and OP are being fags per usual. Thats not how you start a thread.
Im American
You mad you don't have eyes like this kike?
all he wanted this whole time was to be part of their club
Why can't they do whatever they want in their own fucking country?
Press F
Trump is laying down the truth at the UN summit while Reps are inching closer on ACA repeal and tax reform while dems got to suck the dick of "Muh 11 million".
The best timeline.
>that brown spot
kys shitskin
Welcome! Enjoy the ride, it never ends
>Bunch of leftist kids come to Sup Forums to shitpost against the ''Nazis''
>They instead swallow the red pill and grow up
Welcome to the club. Same thing happened to me 4 years ago.
Who cares about your eyes? Israel is our ally. We have to defend our allies, especially Israel because of Iran. Why are you so anti-American? When 9/11 happened Bush Jr. was really popular and Americans were unified. Iran had a role in that horrible attack. As I said, Iran has to go. Either accept it or not, but then we're going to get rid of that oppressive regime without you.
The cucking never ends.
>he's not as extreme of an anti-globalist
He is literally a globalist, he said it himself.
Because that would violate the NNPT the entire world agreed to abide by INCLUDING IRAN. You dont get to do whatever you want in your own country. You get to do what the rest of the world community allows you to do
remind yourself that you are here forever
i read speeches because this will take 10 mins as opposed to 40
Archived it
true liberal has spoken
archive your links faggot
same thing happened to me. it was hard to swallow it first but then it felt good after swallowing.
beat me to it nordbro
Welcome to the good side bro
The fuck?
im too lazy kys
clean your room faggot
Did you see the same speech as me?
Goddamn i hate it when socialists call themselves liberal.
peterson is a meme and worthwhile in the short term. you'll realize this after his words are just a beginning to self-actualization
You're lazy and I'm not. You're already two cars behind user.
My eyes are almost identical... what the fuck
he has always been presidential. the MSM present him as a caricature by selectively editing his appearances, and then cherry-picking his followers for bottom-of-the-barrel examples of subhumans.
Especially the part where he says
>the US does not impose on anyone
Nice LARPing
>Liberal "lefty" here
Great LARP!
You should listen to his previous ones in full. They're all pretty good.
Amen brother
GTFO Mudslime
yeah, the same way obama was an american
That's not a good thing, idiot.
Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.
i'm voting for him again as long as he bombs kim's nukes here soon.
With the current political climate, taking into consideration the general attitude of the opposition, and now you requesting to share my nest, I feel reparations are in order for the mild anguish you have probably caused me in past threads.