So...THIS is the power of the Russian military?

So...THIS is the power of the Russian military?

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Civilian casualties are acceptable.

t. Stalingrad.


Where is the video?

They all seem like they dont give a fuck that a helicopter just threw a missile. Did anyone die?

It was the target faggot.

Mission succeed

Only comrade truck. It was a few days ago, some outlet just found a video and went full IT'S HAPPENING.

Nobody died and it's russia.
They were probably sad it didn't end their misery.

I hope Maria kills me to be honest


looks like it hit the ground before impact?

pretty sure it was just 2 rockets

They are not casualties.
They are sacrifices for the Motherland.

actually it looks like it might have been more than two

you can definitely see both rocket pods on the helicopter fire though, so there's certainly more than one

Probably not the heaviest rockets they have. For training they probably use some sort of rocklet.

looks like it hit a mound of dirt or some kind of barrier, guy that was walking toward it is fucked up for sure


Shit happens during military exercises. That's why they're done.

im assuming by the camera guys reaction that they dont drop those with soldiers in them ready to go?

That dude was probably all tired, tried drinking coffee and it didn't work, his back hurt

And then BAM

Awake as fuck

Why would you assume that? He just hates Am*ricans like all sane people do and is happy to see some die.

>comrade truck

Training rockets. Nothing to see.

Probably drunk

On a positive not atleast they worked

I bet the gunner forgot he was on a live-fire exercise and was larping making gun noises forgetting hehad hot rooty tooties

True; I forgot it was Russia

Much like your head, that Humvee is empty.

Looks like a live firing range, wtf were the people doing there?

They have shaped charges so when it hits the ground it's not just a ball around the impact, it's a streak away from their trajectory

The helicopters were supposed to shoot at range targets nearby, instead they targeted the area where reporters and such were camped to observe the exercise.

Yet another victim of Russian hacking. Someone's got to stop these animals.

why the fuck would they drop humvees with people inside them? do you know how hard they hit the ground? are you stupid?

>rocket hits in front of guy
>doesn't die
Seems like rockets are just as shitty in real life as they are in DCS Ka-50.

the thread on /k/ has pictures of the truck. It looks like it was a training round. Everyone seems to be fine, except for that one guy that needed a hydraulic spreader to unpucker his anus.

Rocket hits truck 20' away. Continue to walk calmly in the directly of the truck. Not a single fuck given.

>rockets explode less than 15 feet from one guy and less than 50 feet from cameraman
>no serious injuries, cameraman isn't even knocked off feet

so russian attack helicopters use bottle rockets that are literally weaker than American fireworks?

no just ignorant, seems efficient to me, soon as it lands its vroom vroom ratatattat right away. maybe we need to make tougher soldiers. genetic engineering is a thing, no reason not to.

I've seen the video, it's definitely an accident. Judging by the footage of the aftermath, the rockets were probably dummy/training versions without any explosives in them because comrade truckovich wasn't even heavily damaged.

>comrade truck

Out of curiosity, what do you think happens with a human spine on a rapid deceleration in the upright position in a rigid confines of a steel box?

i mean the multiple parachute failures is reason enough not to put soldiers in them. on top of that, those vehicles will always hit the ground incredibly hard, it would injure the troopers. also there's no need to immediately go somewhere when you hit the ground. the soldiers need to secure the area first, then they can travel.

who the fuck arms a war machine during a demo?
is this shit a robocop spin-off?


Holy shit. Here is the video:

That is some real fuck-up by the russians. What the hell.

rockets were surface to air, don't really need a big boom to knock something out of the sky


>rockets were surface to air
>surface to air

Just an accident

old habits die hard

The cockpit video

It wasn't live ammunition btw. Just practice rockets without the explosive part.

Friendly fire is not uncommon even during routine wargames in Russia. We have a saying - "those served in the army never laugh in the circus". Coordination in the army isn't great. Sometimes they kill their own, sometimes they forget to send a helicopter to cover a convoy and it gets destroyed, sometimes they forget to issue the active armor for the tanks going into battle in chechnya and 20 tanks get rekt. Shit like that happens all the time and nobody rly cares.

My friend had such accident in dagestan when they surrounded terrorists and a friendly heli killed half of another squad nearby mistaking them for the bad guys.

i honestly had no idea they hid that hard even with a chute.

so after they land the soldiers have to hoof it some distance to a possibly fucked up vehicle? is there equipment and parts for repairs or are they just SOL if the vehicle is fucked?

Short summery, a 'recon' vehicle can handle an impact with suspension, the human body on the other hand, even when landing with only gear need to land in very specific manners to REDUCE damage done. Just gonna refer you to do some homework on the average service-span of jumpers and the common medical releases they have among them.

The US military is constantly running over each other with vehicles but you probably have a lot of that too

It happens in every military. The majority of fatalities during the US invasion of Iraq were from friendly fire. The US air force had repeated incidents of A-10s strafing British soldiers, then coming back around and doing it again

This is an underestimated post

Vodka + Military Helicopter =....

Fuck ruskys, they are bunch of idiots... I hate so much these lazy, alkoholic cunts here in Germany.

Oh, it happened all the time.
When I was in the military I almost get
evaporated by Tunguska. Because of malfunction Tunguska guns suddenly start firing full auto in random direction.
And random direction was right above my head.

I was kinda like this.

Here's a particularly gruesome incident
These are actually the only recorded casualties for the Challenger II
>Challenger II spots another Challenger II at a distance
>British tank crew: HOLY SHIT IT'S A T-72
>fires a hesh shell at it
>other challenger had it's commander's hatch open
>Hesh shell hits the hatch and explodes, sending bits of metal hotter than thermite into the crew compartment
>half the crew burns to death in a horrible way
Bad way to die

That's a very good SPAAG, wonder why it would malfunction

>be infantry
>make human shield for comrade tank
>build human dam

Such is life


>And random direction was right above my head.


Thanks archive bot-kun

Glad you're okay.

Ramp carrier countries like Russia are so adorable aren't they?

мaмoчкy любишь?

Assuming it was an accident how you do think the pilot/gunner was punished?

Бyдeшь cocaть нa мaмy?

>and the pilot was fired





The failure was probably because there were 'murricans inside. That shit is dasigned to take a few tons, not ten.


>And random direction was right above my head.
god I love Russians

ты нe cнoвa

It looks like the targeting reticle bounced onto the civilians just as the trigger was pulled.

>That's a very good SPAAG, wonder why it would malfunction

It very good, but because of insane rate of fire Tunguska guns is not very reliable. Like, some details of the gun tend to melt because of heat and should be replaced after some time.

A target is a target.

Goddamn tank and sub crews are some hardcore fucks when they dare ride a fucking tomb

She's getting dark rings under her eyes.
Me too lately.


sure thing m8, sure thing

The fuck kind laser gun was that?

russian 'navy'

That's a F-111 you retard

I think that guy went flying in a couple pieces..

>Attack helicopter accidently attacked journalists

Ah yes yes. In Russia.

Кaкoвa хyя эти пидopы дeлaли нa пoлигoнe вoзлe мишeни? Я бы eщe c кpyпнякa их дoбил нaхyй.


if that guy did die then great, but they need to resigned their rockets

watched it frame by frame, he stays completely intact, just stands up straight

>literally no reaction
A-are russians robots?

Tы дoлбoёб?

1. Их пpиглacили.
2. Этo нe мишeнь

Why didn't someone shout "Blyat" ? I thought thats what happens in the motherland

Just northern autism.