There is a massive deception campaign in the US and in its global propaganda...

There is a massive deception campaign in the US and in its global propaganda, which seeks to portray the United States as a poor set-upon nation that would like world peace, but just has to keep a military stationed around the globe to “police” all the world’s “trouble spots.”

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

That truth is that the US is the biggest warmonger the world has ever known.

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As soon as the globalists have no more use for the American military to beat down independent nations into the NWO, they will sell out this country and the propaganda machine that works to uphold the US's image will crumble.



Damn those uniforms are clean as fuck.

God bless. Gotta love some fun.

there's nothing wrong with killing sand niggers.

>t. country that invaded their direct neighbor 3 times in 80 years


What are you, a fag? I really want to know. You ever see combat? You ever see war? Fuck off with your ignorant only-the-U.S.-is-evil bullshit. Just fuck right off.

watch this video my fellow americunts shit of warmonger and educate yourself


Lowering the mudslime count by way of lead injections can only be a good thing.

Its certainly better than bending over and receiving kebab.

sick bastards celebrating their self for torturing people, there is something wrong with this country and its people

. id say ghangis khan and roman emoire were worse.. they literally lives off of war

The day the yanks are gone is going to be a great day. A scurge worse than the Hun

Everyone already knows America loves war, no one gives a shit Muhammed.

Stay salty ;^)

Nah, not the biggest warmonger ever. We're maybe top ten. You're leaving out Alexander the Great, the Roman Empire, the Mongols, the various Chink dynasties, etc. sure the good ol USA kills a lot of brown people, but it's not like they don't do everything possible to kill each other anyway.

>id say ghangis khan and roman emoire were worse

>comparing a country in the 21 century with the roman empire and ghanigs khan


>they literally lived of war
Exactly what do you think burgers do with movies of war, glorify aggression and occupation? There has not existed a people more warlike than the burger.

look at this disgusting picture of a american soldier warmonger

this thread makes me smile because dead niggers

hahahaha get owned you subhumans

Not salty, just actually seen the horrors your nation has caused and the reality of our world

Isn't it crazy we can have bases around the world and give so much to Israel, yet we still get invaded and over run by shitskins?

>asshurt his cucked ancestors didn't make the cut

>Every single nation in history has done the same thing.

>Every war declared was 'For the Good of the people of X'.

>Liberating, freeing from oppression, etc.

Egypt did it. Rome did it. England did it.

Germany did it.

It's human nature. A part of greater nature. Open your eyes and accept the flawed reality of humanity and work with it. Don't just sit there like the German cuck you are handwringing and steeped in cognitive dissonance.

>Pic related because OP is probably a filthy inbred Muslim invader whining about how his backward, dusty shithole got pushed in by the single greatest power to have yet emerged on Earth.

I'm fucking dying laughing
did you think this was news?
did you think people here didn't already know this?
fucking hell, Hans
baby's first redpill

Right now, the government is spending billions of dollars supporting the problem-makers in the U.S. economy - the polluters, despoilers, incarcerators, and warmongers.

>germany complaining about warmongering

also hans, you were massively responsible for the iraq invasion

one word, "curveball"

go choke on a bretzel

post your hand, sand nigger.

also I killed a number of Arabs and am proud desu. hope I get to kill more desu

I understand the world is a horrible place and it'll never change. Feels good to be causing horrors and living in horrors :^D

>Sup Forums crying over tentheads
What the fuck happened to this place?

There's no point posting this because it's some retarded shill either doing it for school or pay. He's so fucking lazy he just recreates the same thread and posts the same shit.

Wait, was this supposed to be a secret?

Common knowledge here in America. Is this contrary to what they tell you louts across the pond?

Pain is temporary.

Dead Muslims are forever.

>Germany mad they lost their chance to
lol, stay mad butthurt faggots and enjoy your sandniggers. This is the best way to keep Europe from going to war again, you brought it upon yourselves.

...for Israel.

its people?

like we are all the same. our dicerse nation produces people of all kinds. even the sick and depraved who are attracted to military murder

No idea but past couple of years "Muh based muslims" and "johny jihad dindu nuffin" have been popular.

almost forgot my favorite
>you invading & killing muslims in the middle east caused the migrant crisis and caused us to vote consistently for people like Merkel for decades and other politicians with open door border policies.
It's all your fault USA, ablooo abloo abloo. I can't control my actions at all! :(

It's unfortunate that Israel benefits, for sure. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, though.

South America invaded USA and amerishit soldiers are happy they got to play in the desert with goatfuckers for Israel's border defense.
When will the soldiers deal with the shitskins let in by capitalists, for cheaper wages and to fuck over the white working class?

you germans are the same and do not have a diverse population to protect against endemic idea polution. no intuition or true creativity. just a bunch of autistic unempathetic cucks that are easily infected with ideas that rip apart the country

Most of the rest of the world isn’t fooled by American government accounting tricks. Being at the barrel end of the gun, people of other countries know how US military spending is a primary cause of war and terror in the world. But you Americans need to wake up to the massive damage that your military-obsessed political system is doing to our countries.

haha xD killing darkies is for Israel! lol! reject the ZOG agenda and race mix and shiet.

>That truth is that the US is the biggest warmonger the world has ever known.
and proud of it

No, it's OUR world. You're just visiting

You must have missed Jews are worse than Muslims.

no shit sherlock. when did you realize that?

What other great nation always fought defensive wars?

Yup Israel takes no refugees while Europe and america are still letting the shitskins in for some reason. Instead of defending Israel would could protect our own borders.
Watch how many kike worshipers will jump on this

webm version of op pic
Can't wait till this NK shit kicks off and I get to do to the gooks what my brother did to the snadniggers.

ooooh yeah baby give me more of that good sweet warmongering

Breaking news.
We like killing other people and killing each other when we are confined to our nation.
The japs were right about us in ww2. We are all insane and have a deep blood lust.
It has been too quiet for too long. Blood must be spilled outside our nation in great quantities. War looms on the horizon for some unlucky nation and our soldiera who will die fighting in it.

The only reason the US is constantly at war in the Middle East is because jews control our government and destroying regimes over there benefits Israel and no one else

Nobody needs diversity americuck

youve only seen the veil. the scapegoat. the bullet shield. the trusting americans who are tricked into these war games to recreate biblical prophecy for jews and to destabilize the world so a global multicultural government can arise with ashkenazi jews at the helm.

mentally diverse people are strong and immune to bad ideas infecting all. not diversity of skin and ethnicity.

>German flag
>the US is the biggest warmonger the world has ever known
>the biggest warmonger

>hurrrdurr let's vote for donald blump! he so based xDDDDD
>he's GOP
>jew family
>billionaire with vested interested in keeping laws loose and borders loose.
>picked a establishment neocon shill for VP.
hay guize dis will be DiFeReNt ThIs TimE

Wake up? We revel in it like a living dream.

thank you for your service to Israel

Fucking Nork!

I agree wholeheartedly Krautfriend, I wish that we would stop wasting money sending our military out to fuck around with shithead camel jockeys or soft-occupy our allies, I wish we'd stop spying on our allies or simply admit that they aren't our allies. I wish we could just be honest and outright slaughter the people who have committed acts of war against us instead of wasting ten years and trillions of dollars pussyfooting around because Eurofaggots cry when we kill people who attacked us.


I don't hate American people, in fact they are in the same shit we are.
The American government is controlled by the deep state. Its budget every year for the military complex is around 500-600 billions. That's a lot of money which generate a lot of interest in keeping USA in conflict zones. With such a huge amount of money you can basically bend the media and politicians as you like.

Haha Ahmed I killed plenty of you in Afghanistan I'd gladly do it again. Ill never forget taking pics of your sand nigger friends with their brain pouring out the back.

Thank you for your service to China :)

Check your privilege Germany! You had two goes at being World Police but failed. New top dog gets to do what it wants. Pity, you almost had the (((problem) solved finally.

I know you want diverse opinions so your cuck fetish will be allowed for you

thank you for your service to Kekistan


its everyon else, not us

Ironic coming from Germany.

And we committed tons of war crimes in WW2 yet only held you accountable hahahaha. My great uncle was a medic and when they couldn't take the POWs with them they shot them in a field.

what even? They have as much if not more influence over the US

No there isn't. Are you kidding me? Americans don't even think that.

I thought the British Empire was the biggest killer in history, hundreds of millions.

Even has a salty twitter dedicated to it.

>China has influence over the US
In trade, maybe, but they don't own most of our country already.

We used to dip our ammo in bacon grease when loading up mags in Afghanistan. Sorry, Mohammed. No paradise for you!

They've been buying up property in all the anglo export countries last i checked, but that aside trade has more influence anyway. The government can always go fashy and just seize their property.

We'd get hollow tips shipped to us :)

Congress just approved a $700 Billion military budget too.

>That truth is that the US is the biggest warmonger the world has ever known.

You do realise Merkel participated in that war as well.

>There people on this planet that think the U.S. is at war.
>I-Its the USA that is the bully!
Non-Americans are fucking dumb as shit.

>That truth is that the US is the biggest warmonger the world has ever known
Wow OP next thing you're gonna tell me water is wet.


What goes around comes around, God will deal with evil men soon enough. Fuck war and fuck evil doers.

this is the most infantile thing I've seen posted today. You must be eighteen years or older to browse here little boy.

Fuck off kike

fuck you ahmed, better go back to whatever shithole muslim country you came from, the muslimpurge will start soon!

Wow holy shit mind blown.

Fuck, state the obvious some more please.

But for real, don't forget (((who))) they fight for

>US is biggest warmonger the world has ever known.
>German flag
Sorry you are too nigger to appreciate the irony Abdul. At least the US only kills brown people.

... but it is...

The Kraut doesn't remember Rome, or the Soviet Union, or France or Britain.

That shit is typical "hegemonic power" action.

fuck off with the half assed bait, you dirty german.

Germany is a vassal of the USA since end of ww2 and we have no choice but bend to the American will or we are the next one who get invaded by you warmongers