Now it's clear (((they))) got to Trump.
Still isn't Hillary but that's not saying much
Who do we endorse for 2020 guys?
Now it's clear (((they))) got to Trump.
Still isn't Hillary but that's not saying much
Who do we endorse for 2020 guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bush's third term.
>Who do we endorse for 2020
come back in 4 years and I'll tell you
What's wrong with Reagan? Sure, he got a little senile towards the end and started taking our guns away n shit, but that guy could rouse a fuckin Army let me tell ya.
Trump has been on their side since day one. He's playing a character, and that's all it is. The American people conned again by the rich and powerful class
Guy gave Cali to the brown hordes.
This. Fuck Reagan amnesty
even if (((they))) got to Trump. lets not be mean to him. me must support him as amazing as he is. and when we talk about the issues in his admin we must look at the real issue which is not trump but the people surrounding him
bushes 4th term was Obama , you fucking faggot.
also, do you expect us to just sit back and let buddhist have all the fun?
The entire speech was Axis of evil again, didn't need to even watch it when I saw the exact same thing in 2002
Which speech is this? His UN speech?
Wtf I'm with her now
>This. Fuck Reagan amnesty
It was not Reagan who fucked that up, it was Tip O'Neill and the Democrats. Sure, Reagan made the mistake of trusting them to keep their word, but the onus to do so was on them.
Trump needs to take a lesson from that -- Do Not Trust Democrats Seeking Compromise.
Reagan had some good thoughts on the idea of compromise.
>Admittedly, there's a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the spectre our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face -- that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight or surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand -- the ultimatum. And what then -- and someday when the time comes to deliver the final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically.
You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin -- just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard 'round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it's a simple answer after all.
>You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not pay." "There is a point beyond which they must not advance." And this -- this is the meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston Churchill said, "The destiny of man is not measured by material computations. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we're spirits -- not animals." And he said, "There's something going on in time and space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty."
Bush's 5th term, perhaps.
Muh nationalism! Muh people! Seriously we have to help Israel by sending americans to fight Iran and Rocketman.
that kike just means the goyim must continue fighting israel's enemies.
Shapiro is an orthodox jew.
which means jew supremacist
stop washing his balls becsuse he hates sjws.
Josh Dolin
Adrienne Watson
Amanda Karpay
Elizabeth Shapell
Matt McClure
Rebecca Charen
Benjamin Fischbein
Burns Strider
Ellie Cohen
Elizabeth Price
Johan Newman
Benjamin Williams
Caryn Lenhoff
Daniel wessel
Karla Towle
Kathleen Kennedy
>who are you
Your aids ridden boyfriend
Never trust the capitalist jew
I hope many ameritards get blown up.
bottom tier troll pushing Fake News from ShareBlue
He was a Hollywood actor, therefore a homosexual and/or pedophile who sucked Jewish dick on the casting couch.
GOP is the enemy. The responses to this tweet are whitepilling though
>We National-Socialists must never under any circumstances join in the usual hurrah-patriotism of the bourgeois world.
>war is bad
Kill yourself you pussy, change your flag to hippie
Trump 2020
literally hitler
if Trump isn't our guy then we go with the original plan to elect a world ender. Like hillary.
So Jeb ended up winning the end.
>dying for the zog as 100 million mexicans take america is good
you're a shitskin spic living in california aren't you. you love the idea of sending white men off to die as you do la raza
i'm starting to agree as well. hopefully we start ww3 and all the white men in america are drafted to go die even with 60 year old white boomer men have to go fight and die
>jewish neoconservatism is good
kys kike
god this board has gone to shit since the election
This is all you need to know about his patriotism because under all that shitty drivel he spew out he did tell one ounce of truth accidentally perhaps:
>"who want to destroy Israel"
It was just so shocking of me to how he suddenly went from wanting to defend US citizens to "ugh, we must give a fuck about Israel, goy-...guys". Guy is a total controlled kike whether you're a national socialist, libertarian, liberal, what the fuck ever.
Benji is just a larper as neocon. I think he employs some coded language himself and is more truly conservative than he lets on, although he is also a loyal kike and puts kike interests above white/Murrican. But then I respect him more for it.
Trump has guilt for not serving, and his father convinced him to honor the military. He's not as bad a Bush yet.....Bush sent 130 thousand troops to invade a country for no reason. It cost us trillions, with murdered thousands of innocents, and he managed to destroy his country with his police state policies.
So let's not get too carried away....
>Who do we endorse for 2020 guys?
David Duke obviously. Can you imagine the butthurt if we meme David Duke into the White House?
Sure, he's an FBI asset, but it would be hilarious nonetheless.
We should seriously push a Spencerite in the Democratic primaries.
>(((they))) got to Trump.
as you use a jew as evidence. Fucking idiot.
There is literally nothing wrong with conservative foreign policy like Reagan or Bush Sr.
I'm voting Democrat from now on or not even bothering voting. Republicucks, cuckservatives, rinos, and libertards ruined this nation.
Vietnam was a waste, iraq was a waste, afghan is a waste. And now they want Iran, North Korea, syria. It never ends with these idiots.
Meanwhile Democrats want a social welfare system that makes sense, healthcare, schools, infrastructure, immigration reform.
Endless wars of Empire for Israel are not Conservative.
Shapiro is a wormy little Jew who only cares about the US insofar as it serves Israeli interests.
But we always knew that.
>trying THIS hard.
It wasn't Regan's fault, you morons. He really did think it was only going to be only those illegals that got legalized and no more.
California was STILL red by 1994 when Prop 187 was passed. Of course, the fucking libshit courts struck it down despite the passing. Then that faggot Gray Davis delivered the killing blow.
THIS is what made California blue, not Reagan.
I really recommend everybody reads his Green Book.
why are you neets so scared of the US kicking brown/yellow ass overseas? It's not like you fat/autistic fucks are gonna be deployed
Fuck off shill. America must remain a wrecking ball on the global stage. The only thing we don't need to do is rebuild these shit hole countries after we turn them to glass.
Jews are gonna Jew and Cuckservatives are gonna cuck.
Is there anything dumber and more gas-chamber-worthy than American White Cuckservatives?
>hurr lets go die in iran for israel
so then their populations can migrate to europe right? fuck off
We begin accelerationism. We prepare and fight and win
His administration was packed with pedophiles.
One of us.
Seriously. 4chanidate! meme me! Its 20/20!
Slow and steady.
>when the last supposed Alt-Right guy in the White House wrote this speech and it was still a neocons ultimate wet dream
minus the hyperbolic rhetoric Mccain and Graham must have had massive orgasms over it
>"Trump's nativism is dangerous, but it's just a phoney promise so okay. It's good that he supports Israeli interests, though!"
alt right is neoconservatism
Words can't describe how much his tweet enrages me
He was responsible for the wave of shitty neoliberal economic policy. 0/10 traitor president.
No one. They are all puppets since JFK. USA is New Israel, there is no going back
It's all about wars for Israel for Little Ben, not that he intends to fight in them. So there's no way to tell whether he honestly likes something Trump said, or is trying to spin it as favorable to Israel even though he knows it's not.
Wasnt it Trump who told the story about the lady that got bit by a snake and how it was her fault for trusting it?
what gets me is that i have normie friends and acquaintances who are like, "oh man did you see what ben shapiro said?" etc
and it's just too much all at once and to some extent i need to moderate my response to this
but this guy has fans. i'm in my fucking thirties.