Conservatives name your "leftist" ideas

I consider myself social conservative but i acknolewdge i do have some leftist principles
1. banning ALL plastic bags,bottles
2. more renewables energy
3. coming up with a solution for hunting endangered animals,will criminal charges for killing them
4. planting alot trees, reforresting the sahara desert
5. special licenses/requirements for special dogs(too many pitbulls beingput down in dog pounds,because owners cannot bring them to an apartment)

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Environmental policy isn't inherently 'leftist', m8.

End the war on drugs. Stop spending so much on the military. Give Americans the right to be forgotten. Make trademarks expire and stop extending copyrights forever.

We must transition away from fossil fuels
Gov has no place in the bedroom (no victim no crime)
Domestic wire tapping is unconstitutional
American gitmo detainees must be tried (and hopefully executed).

I don't like repubs walking over civil liberties in the name of security just as much as I hate dems going after free speech and right to bare arms

I like the idea of giving tax deductions for things that help the environment, such as $1,000 tax deduction for having trees planted at your house.

>Gov has no place in the bedroom (no victim no crime)
This is also a right-wing idea, isn't it? I thought it went without saying that all the non-LARPers here felt this way.
>Domestic wire tapping is unconstitutional
Gah, I forgot to mention this one.

None of these are leftist things.

The main issues I seem to disagree with most people who call themselves conservative on are

1. Torture - While it does work if you know what you want and can verify it quickly (e.g. If you are torturing someone for a code to a safe that's in the same room), for intelligence gathering it's not very effective.

2. Israel - While I am not a hater of Israel like some people and acknowledge Hamas as a problem. It's hard to be pro-Israel when they're burning babies alive with white phosphorous.

3. Whistleblowing - Most conservatives consider Bradley/Chelsea Manning a traitor. But He/She leaked a video proving the government covered up the murder of two journalists in Iraq. The argument that whistleblowing makes the government look bad is ridiculous. The government made themselves look bad by covering it up.

reason for the quotation on the word "leftists" is because who do you see pushing for more of these things conservatives or leftists.
Which conservative politician (other than ron/rand paul) calling renewable energy and moving away from fossil fuels.
Trying gitmo detainees.
Most are locked into larping about tax cuts.spending more in military

I'm pretty conservative but I support OP being aborted

I'd like to move to single payer healthcare in the states.


Because I'd like my smug liberal Doctor acquaintances to eat shit instead of spouting how great Obama was while they retreat into their million dollar homes.

This is something never discussed about healthcare. While Medical bills are the #1 source of bankruptcy in America, Doctors are getting paid more, and doing less than ever before. I work in healthcare (equipment sales), and the amount of low wage techs and scribes doing the work for Docs and nurses is insane. Most doctors work 4 days a week, make well above 200,000 per year, and the benefits and perks are corporate executive tier. This is all by age 35.

Doctors will spread the same bullshit about
>muh loans
>muh insurance
>muh residency

But EVERY Doc I know can afford 20,000-40,000 per year for the top private schools in my city for their kids. Their houses range from $650,000-1,100,000. Their driveways always have late model Range Rovers, BMW's, Lexus, Audi, etc.

I hate to sound like a 99%er, but I'm watching too mnay people not go to the hospital because of costs, while the Doctors live like kings.

if trump adopted and pushed for half of policies, that everyone agrees on lefts/dems wouldnt know what the fuck to do.
Thats why a solar/wind border wall, would essentially be the dems blocking a renewable energy project

>This is also a right-wing idea, isn't it?
No, I think most right-wingers are against incest and bestiality. At least, Ive never seen anybody show support for them. Homosexuality isn't too popular either.

>Don't let women vote
>Kill gays
>I should rule the world
>Pork is the worst of mainstream meats
I agree with the (Muslim) Left.

>hey're burning babies alive with white phosphorous.

Homosexuality is what we were talking about. I'm also fine with consensual incest, but bestiality is animal abuse.


I believe in universal health and dental care but only for taxpayers. Even some minimum wage fuck pays some taxes and could use a little help. Immigrants though? Fuck them, let them go back home. On welfare and don't work, thus don't pay tax? Tough shit, better walk it off friendo.

>are you quite literally retarded m9
Sup Forums translation: im unable to provide why that argument is wrong

I want to break up TBTF banks, jail bankers for the 2007 crash and never bail out any private enterprise with public funds

Use dab as a sieg hail

I'm pretty sure women do have a soul

1. No
2. Everyone is for it we juse disagree how to get there. Obama was pro nuke and still punked out. Literally 1 issue in 60+ years because of drunk vodka niggers doesn't make it unsafe.
3. Again no one disagrees. I'm a hunter. I would shoot a poacher on site. Animals have a right to live and serve our children.
4. Wat.
5. This is a more complex subject and I dont support it over all but as noted above I love animals.

>2. more renewables energy
>4. planting alot trees, reforresting the sahara desert

these are fucking retarded
nuclear power is the future
also hookers

Environmental protection and preservation isn't inherently left wing you retarded faggot. During the Industrial Revolution in Britain conservatives were the ones trying to block industrial development and pollution while progressives and liberals supported industrialization and urbanization.

and what are the conservatives doing now about environmental protection?

This is a picture, not a news story.

Modern day cuckservatives are beholden to corporate interests and globalism. Fuck them I am talking on a more abstract ideological level. I am far right and support environmental protection. Protecting the environment is an integral part of preserving the nation.

And now you know a large part of why ACA won't go away. Too many special interests have their leech niche.

Nuclear is renewable. Google breeder reactors.

>We must transition away from fossil fuels

>wants a small government
>wants to unilaterally control the engine of the economy

You don't wear that flag very well.

I think single-payer health insurance is pretty much the conservative option by now. That's about it for me.

Do you actually think this is a argument?

Who is opposing environmental protection laws nowadays? Who ran a campaign with "defunding EPA"? Who denies climate change?

>getting triggered over dead muslims
>check flag

How do you do, Muhamad Al-bin Tad al-Muhaywra?

I have some positions currently championed by the left, however, that doesn't mean they come from leftwing political philosophy, in fact, many of these positions, are actually contradicted by leftist theory even though they're championed by them.
If it means "more freedom," I probably am in favor of it.
On most topics the right is the freedom party, but not all.

Ill never understand how 'conserving' nature is not a 'conservative' idea

Its one of the only issues the parties are flipped on. How is blowing your wad and using all your resources now so future generations have nothing a conservative value?

Didnt God tell Adam to tend to his garden and use it, but also make sure it grew and flourished?

>Gov has no place in the bedroom (no victim no crime)

>be faggot
>prance around in a public parade, nude, w/ a dildo in one hand and an actual dick in your mouth
>then say, "you have no place in my bedroom!"

i knew about them, i didnt realize they were classified as renewable
thats pretty cool

I think we should have less people especially brown people in this world.

That's my most far left idea

universal healthcare
ban pornography
let banks fail

Why reforestation, specifically reforestation of the Sahara?

Mine would be renewable, cleaner energy to prevent toxic soil, air, and water (not for the global warming meme)

I don't know if you'd call it liberal or not, but crackdown on FDA, big pharma companies, and hospitals for wildly inflated prices. Specifically I would go after hospitals for swaying doctors away from their fiduciary duties in favor of profits, and lack of transparency in pricing, coding, and billing.

Chelsea Manning is a traitor, though.

She leaked that the army killed two Reuters journalists and may have played a little loose with the ROE.

She also leaked almost 750,000 other, completely unrelated, classified documents - some of them pertinent to national security.

"Last year, The New York Times reported that 20% of Americans under 65 with health insurance had trouble paying their medical bills over the past year. Of those, 63% claim to have used up all or most of their savings to tackle their healthcare expenses, while 42% took on an extra job to cover their costs."

>20% of americans under 65 is a big minority
>of those, 63%......ok, we are taking a majority of the minority

"A big reason so many people wind up in debt over medical issues is that they don't have adequate savings to cover an unexpected cost. According to a recent GoBankingRates survey, 69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, while 34% have no money in the bank whatsoever."
>again, these statistics.......69% have less than 1k, but 34% have no money at all. So according to this, they have taken in to account 103% of people.

Good shit.
I'm all for diversity; I just think we need to focus less on Affirmative Action, and other such programs, and focus on improving the education system for all citizens. Blacks don't go to gangs because it's in their blood, they do it because they are in poverty and the lack of education in their area makes it seem like a good decision.

Everyone pays consumption tax my friend.

denying climate change though isnt the same as wanting environmental protectionism. Though those positions align.
Renewable energy so people arent depended foreign powers for fuel And arent dependent on companies for energy. Decentralized energy.

Also im anti plastic because it takes 200 years to decompose and people are retards at disposing of their waste. also well a documentary about turtles and sea creatures being cut open and being found with plastic in their stomach. Especially when alternatives do exist, Hell going back to paper/hemp fiber bags would solve ALOT of problems.

Endangered animals. i want my childrens children to see a giraffe
without spitting on your graves for not doing anything to prevent it.

Thing is these are ALL things which can be done and accomplished in a couple years. But establish gop are seemingly against this or focus attention to other areas

Hell i see roger stone is for legalizing marijuana, yet Gop is taking an anti marijuana position...yes yes i know GOP != conservationism. But point is i dont see many conservative politicians doing a call to arms. Its more green party/lefitsts which id never vote for as i hate their economic & social policies.

now, you may be asking, user, why is that 1,000$ mark important?

"The Commonwealth Fund Survey revealed that people with higher deductibles ended up with more problems from medical bills. Over half of those with a deductible of $1,000 or more reported difficulties paying medical bills, compared with 24% of insured adults with no deductible."

Keep thinking that bullshit

>denying climate change though isnt the same as wanting environmental protectionism.
People deny facts so they can ignore the reality.

And i do sort of agree with you on the rest. Right-wing movements should adopt this new positions, instead of being the same old corporatist cocksuckers

>deny facts
then explain to me the out of bounds Solar Irradiance data used in the IPCC projections....Why is the solar irradiance data inflated beyond all available measurements?

If climate change is a positive feedback loop, then surely the amount of solar energy received by the earth is the start of that positive feedback loop. If we inflate the amount of energy coming in, we can inflate the effects of the positive feedback mechanism.

The marijuana issue should be straightforward and everyone should be calling for re-classification to a lower schedule.


One of those patents on Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants is held by The United States Of America As Represented By The Department Of Health And Human Services.

Now, isint it a little bit insane to have a drug scheduled in a category which states, "Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.", while simultaneously issuing patents for the same compounds based on their use in medicine?

Taxpayer funded health care and higher education.
It works, just don't let shitskins in.

>I consider myself a conservative bit I also support conserving the planet...

I like the idea of compulsory 2 yr higher education.

Hear me out.

18yrs old graduate from high school.
Its either 2 years community college or 2yrs mandatory military service.

In 20yrs every under 20yr old will have either a technical/AAS or have served and gained some type of skill in the AF.

We see an end or drastic scale back of leftist idealogy / degeneracy.

Have a young workforce with ethics and training to compete on global scale.

Put the new formed divisions along the newly declared military training zone that is the first half mile of border. Frees up CBP to do inspections on every vehicle crossing border. Drug smuggling almost eliminated.

Siezures and interceptions pay for almost all of it.

>but bestiality is animal abuse.

that wouldnt work, as youd have leftist teachers heading up those classes. So it would essentially be compulsory brain washing.

We already have a 100 mile border exclusion zone and its not working

Universal healthcare
Tax-funded education
Smoking ban
Annexation of the Sudetenland

Hitler was a socialist, don't you know?

tax funded education nope, you get california