Franklin Roosevelt

So what's Americans general opinion on FDR? When I used to not care about politics, I thought he's quite popular and loved president in USA, but lately I've seen a lot of criticism, people almost calling him a socialist.

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I don't care that he's a socialist. I care that he dragged us into WWII against American interests at the behest of international finance, and knowingly let Pearl Harbor happen.

I only dislike LBJ more because of his odious social engineering.

Closest thing to a communist dictator America has ever had.

So do you think that any other president would give no fuck about nazis going apeshit in europe? And fuck pol holocaust deniers by the way
FDR was a dick BECAUSE he was a fucking authoritarian socialist

Absolutely terrible president.

In our history classes, we are always told that FDR was a great president and saved America from the Great Depression. In reality- he probably just extended the Great Depression with all his Federal intervention. He's the one who started the unsustainable Social Security program.

Lel. It never fails.

If only Charles Lindbergh had been elected instead.

Social Security is completely sustainable and has always collected more money than it pays out.

The problem is, social security payroll taxes are simply dumped into the general federal budget pool, and when it comes time cut expenditures, social security entitlements are large and tempting

So you're getting conned out of your own entitlements, you stupid ass

Was an incapacitated puppet during the last years of his life, kept alive to provide cover for the people making decisions

He was the right man at the right time... not perfect but he and the war brought the US into its own... it brought up the middle class!

The Judicial Reform Measures bill could have set one of worst precedents in American history, and permanently broken our separation of powers.
New Deal programs like the TVA, CCC, FDIC etc were a mixed bag but largely beneficial.
Conspitards are autistic - Pearl Harbor was not 'permitted' and the Japs were stupid to try it. WWII was conducted fairly well by professional military men appointed by his administration.

Overall I give a B/B+.

so are you saying that 100% tax rate for over 25k a year is too much?

>it brought up the middle class!
he taxed middle class at 94%
he wanted to tax them at 100% but congress would not let him

wtf are you talking about

>Pearl Harbor was not 'permitted' and the Japs were stupid to try it.
>do everything in your power to goad Japan in attacking to have a good reason to enter the war
>"haha Conspiratards XD"

And WWII was a conducted shitty, he made a retarded as fuck unconditional surrender and gave half of Europe to Stalin because he was too much of a pussy

Jewish puppet like all the others. Deliberately orchestrated and allowed 1000s to die in Pearl harbour. Was shit in general.

No. He did save America.

His programs which created massive amounts of energy, fresh water, industrialization, and movement to cities.

It was this government led work projects that saved America and made us the greatest nation on earth.

It is not without irony that the same criticisms of him then come today after his policy was wholly and completely vindicated.

The only reason we don't follow his superior model today is that the left has intrinsically tied economic social projects to cultural Marxism making the right wing capable of forcing the masses who don't want degeneracy to accept the inferior economic model they provide: unregulated capitalism.

Get your heads out of your asses.

I think you are wrong there user: In 1932 the top marginal tax rate was increased to 63% during the Great Depression and steadily increased, reaching 94% (on all income over $200,000, equivalent of 2,500,000 in 2012 dollars)in 1945.

wow. came here to say at least some of this. gj spitting the truth user

Fuck this guy. Created huge socialist programs.

lots of this!

>The only reason we don't follow his superior model today is that the left has intrinsically tied economic social projects to cultural Marxism making the right wing capable of forcing the masses who don't want degeneracy to accept the inferior economic model they provide: unregulated capitalism

you seem angry brother. does the truth that he was actually a jew interested only in carrying out the interests of international finance rustle you?

This x1000000

He was a crypto Jew.


This, Obama was a joke.

So what you're saying is, Socialism works if you have closed borders and a population that loves their country.


in 1942 he said
>no American citizen ought to have a net income, after he has paid his taxes, of more than $25,000 a year.

He actually proposed a 100% tax rate for over 25k, against his advisors who told him this is not economically viable, even during war
the 94% - 200k was a long fought compromise with congress

>Repealed Prohibition

>New Deal & Social Security
>Created lots of jobs (but most of them were for the "war effort")

>Made ownership of gold bullion a crime
>Signed first gun control (NFA)
>Imposed a peacetime draft
>Interned Japanese-Americans unconstitutionally
>Got US involved in WW2 when most were against it
>Served more than two terms as president so he was basically the closest thing we had to a dictator

Overall terrible

Cryptojew, advocate and leader in the dispossession and genocide of the white race.


The Delanos were also likely maranos, Spanish cryptos.

Franklin Delano Rosenvelt.



Speaking on the domestic front, both he and Hoover created the Great Depression through hamfisted government intervention in the economy, along with terrible monetary by the (((Federal Reserve))).

>muh dams
>muh wage controls
>muh tariffs
>muh shovel-ready jobs/public works projects

Hoover and Rusevelt were two peas in a pod, as opposed to what we learn from the mainstream history books, that Hoover was this conservative small government guy (kek), and that Frankie saved the day, even though the economy crashed again in 1937, and it took a world war and over a decade to get out of it. But the government runs the education system, and is naturally going to indoctrinate us with pro-government ideology, favoring Democrats and liberal politicians and sidelining successful conservative presidents like McKinley, Harding, Coolidge, Eisenhower, Reagan, and so on.

As for foreign policy, he baited the Japanese into bombing us with his secret trade war against them which was left out of the history books, and only from Republicans and a small percentage of far left socialists came any opposition to involvement in WWII. Of course, that was back before the neo-con kikes hijacked the GOP, when conservatives and Republicans were the anti-war side with the Dems and the left the interventionist side.

I'm not an american but he looks like another kike owned faggot to me. Am I wrong?

I hate Rusevelt, but I'm not convinced he was a Jew. They're a line of Dutch aristocrats. There's no evidence whatsoever for them being Jews. That's just a Dutch last name meaning "rose field." There's nothing particularly Jewish about it.

based Coolidge

>Coolidge expressed his “sympathy with the deep and intense longing which finds such fine expression in the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine.”

He was worse than Hitler, even if Hitler had personally killed 6 million people. FDR destroyed what America was, and created something new and worse. He literally made it illegal to own gold. If I ever find his grave I'm pissing on it.

He referrred to Stalin as "Uncle Joe" and instilled more hatred for the German people in Americans than anyone prior to him. He was a socialist and probably an undercover communist. On 2 occasions he and his wife Elanor, called communist revolutionaries "agrarian reformers"
And when both started killing their own people in droves FDR and his said "opps guess we were wrong!"

Through his lens lease program he was responsible for the USSR beating Germany and spreading communism across the world

Rosen-Velt confirmed. V is pronounced F in German, fyi.

CCC, WPA, REA, and TVA were good

What happened to New England? They used to be rock-solid conservatives. I have never encountered a good answer for this. It's amazing Massachusetts would produce a guy like Coolidge. Today, Massachusetts is one of only a handful of states in which Hillary won the white male vote. What the fuck happened up there?

That quote simply isn't enough to call into question what a great president he was. He was a rock-ribbed, old school conservative. By expressing sympathy for Zionism, at least how it appeared at the time, do you think he would have been some "wars for Israel" neo-con fuckwit like Bush Jr.? Give me a break.

FDR and Lyndon B. Johnson effectively killed the US.

kill yourself.

Fuck FDR and LBJ.

>I do not regard the Communists as any present or future threat to our country, in fact I look upon Russia as our strongest ally in the years to come. While I do not believe in Communism, Russia is far better off and the world is safer with Russia under Communism than under the Czars. Stalin is a great leader, and although I deplore some of his methods, it is the only way he can safeguard his government.

Dying in asian shitholes against best allies was surely nice, right, ameritards?


Rosen and all of its derivatives are one of the most common Ashkenazi jew names. For example one of FDR's top advisors was the jew Samuel Rosenman.

And like many other ashkenzi names, Rosen* was also used by Germanic whites. But the whites don't have the same illustrious history of changing it because they had no motive to. Why did Claes Rosenvelt change his name to Roosevelt, if he wasn't jewish?

Combine the fact of the name change, with the other data we have on them
>had jewish occupations in jewish cities
>i.e. WEALTHY BANKERS IN NEW YORK , Isaac Rosenvelt the co founder and president of Bank of NY
>the most jewish city in Europe, the most jewish city in America
>numerous jewish or biblical first names in the Rosenvelt family tree such as Isaac and Jacob
>jew centric foreign policy, advisors, ozy with jew power player of the day, started gun control and stole gold, sent Americans to kill Germans as German were the largests ethnic group in our county, meaning we were bombing our own family members for the intl jew,

FDR participated in the jewish media's denouncement of Linberg when he named the jew and advocated for white interests during the WW2 build-up, and turned the entire country against him.

Neither Teddy nor Frankie look particularly Jewish to me. They're not setting off the "Jewdard," but some Jews do look more jewy than others to be fair.

If you're going to argue that being a wealthy merchant/banker family in itself is an indication of jewhood, I would point to the Rockefellers or the Morgans. Jews are heavily represented in the aristocracy and ruling class per their share of the population, but it's not as if all the ruling families are Jewish.

"Jacob" is a mainstream name and not particularly jewy, though "Isaac" isn't very common. But certain names fall in and out of vogue. What about Isaac Newton? I wouldn't say this is a good indicator.

As for the last name change, again, not a good argument. Many families changed their names to become more Anglo, smoother, easier to pronounce. Many Swedes who had the last name "Johansson" changed it to "Johnson" and so on and so forth, "Drumpf" to "Trump." I need more concrete evidence than what you're giving me.

correction: They're not setting off the "Jewdar"


In case you're new here, Jews have been known to blend in.

I'm not argueing for any of those as the sole reason, I'm looking at all of them together.

I've looked up the Rockefellers in Malcolm Stern's American-Jew geneology book and on the paternal side, all of JDR's forefathers are there going back 3 or 4 generaations. Maternal ide it's a little more time consuming to find names but most of them are also listed.

The Morgans in my undertanding were Jesuit arms of the Rockefeller empire and when he died everyone was surprised at how little of the bank he himself owned.

The point being that cryptojews are numerous n this country's history and when they're good at it, by definition they aren't easy to find.

>The Morgans in my undertanding were Jesuit arms of the *Rothschild* empire
The Rockefellers might have been Rothschild fronts, too

commice memeing aside from 20 somethings online, he was beloved by his people, led them through the great depression and through almost all of WWII until his death. Even before the presidency he worked as SotN getting congress to increase our ships and budget. America to this day still has the largest Navy in the world by far. Top 5 President consistently with the likes of Washington and Lincoln. He died about 4 1/2 months before the end of WWII yet current Sup Forums blames him for the MIC of the 50s and commie infiltration of the 60s to today somehow. Sup Forums logic. He has my respect

Exactly. Natsoc is socialism done right.

nobody sidelines Eisenhower.

it's literally impossible to sideline the man who won world war 2, built the interstate highway system, and presided over the most prosperous decade in American History, which to this day, has never been matched.

>In case you're new here, Jews have been known to blend in.

Okay, baselessly insinuate I'm a newfag. Great argument. I always try to argue sincerely and in good faith, and if that gave you the false impression that I'm new here, inexperienced, or poorly studied, whatever man.

>Jews have been known to blend in.
>I'm not argueing for any of those as the sole reason, I'm looking at all of them together.

You could say "I bet he was a cryptojew," but instead, you declared his jewhood with absolute certainty. I'm simply trying to keep things objective, and arrive at the truth.

>I've looked up the Rockefellers in Malcolm Stern's American-Jew geneology

I have no idea what this book is, or where you got it, but there's nothing I can find to indicate that Rockefeller had any Jewish ancestry whatsoever.

>The Morgans in my undertanding were Jesuit arms of the Rockefeller empire

Alright, this is where you're losing me. Define "Jesuits." Does the Vatican run the show or do the bankster Jews? Is the Pope a crypto-Jew? Are the banksters/ruling class heavily Jewish (my estimation) or exclusively Jewish, with everyone in power being ethnically Jewish to some extent or another?

National Socialism is not socialism.

The greatest example of communism(in the socialist stage) done exactly right is the SU from the October Revolution and up to the 20 KPSU meeting.

Well put. He's just above JFK in my eyes.

Not a good man. Would've been better if Huey Long lived longer and run. Long could've done the few positives of the FDR administration without the tons of negatives. Of course FDR constantly feared being overthrown which is why he suppressed people like Huey Long and William Dudley Pelley. There's a reason why he got to stay President so long.

Oh yeah Cleetus, socialism and economic autism, just as long as we really stick it to the blacks. FDR's only shortcoming wasn't hating the blacks enough and being adamant enough in supporting Jim Crow. Eugh.

Huey Long wasn't a racist but thanks for showing your stupidity. Long's pretty universally loved by blacks and whites in Louisiana for the many contributions he did for both communities.

Idk if the pope is an actual jew but he isn't a Catholic and his politics are suspicious. The Jesuits have a weird history, I'd adive you to read about Loyola and Weishaupt if you haven't. The way Benedict was ousted (actually happened just like Bill Cosby) and the prophesy if you're into that sort of thing, I'm not particularly.

Jewornotjew is run by jews, they joke about this all the time. I like them and read them and they're frequently wrong, they employ the usual jewish assumptons in their research.

Here's Stern you can bowse names by letter. PDF's on the right column link to page in book with actual tree that has years of birth and death.
americanjewisharchives dot org/publications/fajf/search.php
Lookup the Rockefeller tree going back from JDR jr. on the paternal side, for higher difficulty look up the wives.

The objective truth is Jews want to enslave the world, and they will do what they can to hide that from you.

Stormfont did some work on the Rockefellers being Sephardic jews search "rockefellers sephardic jews stormfront"on bing and open the cached page, it's still there