>when you vote in another neocon that puts you in Vietnam 2.0
When you vote in another neocon that puts you in Vietnam 2.0
Other urls found in this thread:
>it aint me starts playing in the background
King Draft Dodger himself
>it would be better if trump took it on the chin and looked like a pussy
You'd like that wouldn't you, shareblue?
You do realise there was a Korean war, so it'd be Korea 2.0, right?
He doesn't because he's retarded
Drumpf is a warmonger. I should have voted for Hillary.
>implying a noko conflict would be long enough to count as a war
What's Viet Nam? Something old people drink or something?
The joke was that Trump dodged the Vietnam draft and now he's putting young American men in the spot he got out of.
>fortunate son
What's the Jews' endgame here? Trump ended funding to (((moderate rebel groups))) in Syria and they've pretty much given up on trying to take out Assad. Is the North Korean war all about (((war profits))) and (((loans)))?
Stay scared, Amerilards
Because he's calling for the draft or?
Successful wars are popular.
I haven't heard of a draft
I hope we use Gen1 M16s for Aesthetics
Actually the Korean War never ended. There was a ceasefire, not a Peace treaty.
Would be dubbed a "peacekeeping operation" or "kinetic military action".
I'd be fine with it if congress actually declared war like they're supposed to. It hasn't been done since WW2 though so I won't hold my breath.
>kinetic military action
I like that one
Now I feel like installing BF Vietnam again.
Helping Israel with their wars doesn't neceserally mean it helps the globalist jew. Shills should just fuck off. The man never let us down outright, it's all 4d chess to gain momentum.
Stop being so fucking melodramatic.
The cucks in congress wouldn't do it just because #fucktrump
What are they worried about their not fighting in these wars.
y does he look so red?
y choose that part of the vid
Wait a motherfucking minute. Every "war" past world war 2 is not a god damn war?
/pol will defend this anyway
Stop looking for an excuse you shit cunt. If he didn't stand up to North Korea that would show that he was weak and that the US would be ripe for the nuking/invading. Kim Jong Un is the warmonger, as he's the one that keeps provoking the US and firing missiles at countries that have nothing to do with them.
This is same reason Jeremy Corbyn can't be allowed to gain power in the UK, because he's a fucking weakling.
>y does he look so red?
Blood of Mannoroth
I was born in 96 so hate me all you want, but:
>grew up watching Trump on TV telling people "you're fired"
>get to watch the same man bring an end to the Korean War
You aren't allowed to post in war threads
>I hope we use Gen1 M16s for Aesthetics
not sure why since they predate the Korean War by at least a decade.
err other war around, the War predates the M16 by 10 years
Unification wars soon brothers
Great Crusade soon™
Are you posting from the English Normandy?
you sure did enlighten us
Whip out a fridge magnet and their armor is stripped. They'll be extra vulnerable to fire damage after that. Classic Debuff-Racial Damage Modifier.
>>implying a noko conflict would be long enough to count as a war
You're clearly a moron. It would last years and the death toll would be insane
No idk where the fuck I am. I'm a crypto burger
>death toll would be insane
If you count killing Koreans as killing people then yes probably so
This is fine. In vietnam and iraq we didnt totally destroy shit cuz we were pretend police also. If u talking about total destruction u dont even need boots on the ground
There would be a battle line in the DPRK, not exactly the same as Vietnam. Iraq was Vietnam 2.0. Korean War 2.0 is going to be a unique one. Probably the first real post atomic era war.
What draft?
Mattis said they could take out NK with no threat to Seoul. If Mattis said it I believe it.
>You're clearly a moron. It would last years and the death toll would be insane
Are you even aware that the US controls the worlds largest navy by orders of magnitude? We also control the worlds largest and most powerful Air Force, as well as the world's second largest and most powerful Air Force (USN Aviation).
Kek. Didn't he keep saying how Hillary was a warmonger every chance he got?
He truly is the master of trolls.
Or did he just say it so that he would have a better chance of getting SK on board. I could see him saying something like that as a means of dispelling panic more than anything.
It would likely be
>1 week fighting
>10 years dealing with the refugee fallout
We beat the entirety of the North Korean force in under 3 months, and that was 1950 when our military was about 1/10th the power what it is now
What you fucks don't realize is that Trump is going for a "wars to end all wars" scenario. His speech adressed the rise of nationalism, the need for clearly defined borders and action against destructivd forces that are the regimes of iran and norks.
Prepare for a light version of WW3, maybe we'll see some nukes dropped but all in all, just sit back and enjoy.
I don't see Mattis as the type of guy that plays mind games like that, not when the stakes are that high.
The vietnam draft you tig old bittie, he dodged it for something to do with his foot
The Korean war never ended, so it'd just be the finale to 1.0
We're already in Vietnam 2.0, it's called Afghanistan.
Thank god Im fat as fuck, Ill never get drafted
The biggest part of the war would be over in days, but the occupation that such a war would require would last years on end. The Norks would dig down and occupy tunnels just like the Japanese did and it would turn into a long drawn out shitshow where millions would die. It would be a long terrible fucking war.
It doesn’t feel like America unless we’re killing Gooks or Sandnigs.
No, you are still a moron. Ignorant and stupid. If you start a war with Korea you have to end the regime. That's the end goal, Kim fears being overthrown so it's all in or nothing for him if he is attacked. Only the Americans would be going in and nukes are most definitely off the table, they would have trouble garnering enough international support as it is without going nuclear. So they're left with MOAB's and cruiser's mostly with limited airspace depending on what arrangements are made with Russia and China.
They would enjoy naval and air dominance but Nork has little air force or navy so beyond taking out the little they have and trying to pin point artillery hidden in the hills the air force and navy means little. A land invasion would be required in order to remove the regime and with a country that has a 1 million strong army with 600k in reserve and another 5.6 million army trained and fit, you cannot be victorious as in invading force without catastrophic loss of life and casualties
Unless it spirals into WWIII (unlikely). In that case everyone age 18-45 will probably be drafted no matter what. The fat will be starved and worked into shape. Unfortunately that will be the reality.
SK could handle the occupation though.
Much lower chance of resistance if it's your own relatives occupying you than a bunch of foreign American.
>Destroy noko
Moot already destroyed noko years ago drumpf, get with the times
Well actually Kennedy got us into Vietnam, but not really his fault because he was too busy womanizing and surrounded by swamp creatures even back in those day.s
It is true. There would probably be mass suicides and insane backlash if the "Great Satan" ever occupied North Korea.
Yes, North Korea needs to get connected to the world bank :)
Vietnam war didn't have NUKES :)
You're assuming we're going to occupy NK after we kick their teeth in.
With the way Trump talked about Afganistan, I don't think an end to the Korean War would be about "nation building".
>Norks would dig down and occupy tunnels just like the Japanese did and it would turn into a long drawn out shitshow where millions would die
You know what we did during the Gulf War when the Iraqis hid in underground tunnel systems and bunkers?
>we poured fucking concrete in there and sealed them in
Will Dice put an option for fighting as a transgender?
>incel NEETs decide to join the army because they have nothing better to do and would rather die than spend another minute on this urine soaked hellhole of a planet
>trannies and women have made boot camp as easy getting your haircut
>go to Norko
>Army's full of korean waifus
>Nanking ain't got shit on me
>Angry neckbeards start happy lives starting families with Korean waifus
This man is going to save us all!
noko goes in all fields
They tend to shy away from giving epileptics automatic weapons and putting them into an environment with loud noises and flashes, so I'm probably good.
user, you can't let NK get nuclear ICBMs and hold the world hostage. If you think they won't start making all sorts of absurd demands, you're crazy. This is what happens when US leadership has fucked up since Clinton in regards to best Korea. Sorry, but it will have to be dealt with.
>great crusade
>against one of the only three nations on earth without a good goy fed reserve
LOL bong thinks he knows anything
Slick Willy? Where?
>show how stupid you are
>haha it was just a joke bro
0/10 dumb ass. also, saying you'll defend yourself is not a declaration of war. get a clue, retard.
North Korea has its own central bank that acts like a fed reserve
It has connections to the Chinese banks so it's not totally isolated
Well, I mean if you have a disease like that, then obviously you are not going to be forced to serve. But if you're fat or you identify as a dildo or something you're going to boot camp.
Can't wait to play Battlefield 2018 in 300 years after civilization has made the comeback.
>user, you can't let NK get nuclear ICBMs and hold the world hostage.
I don't see why we can't. We're grabbed by the balls through US-Saudi agreements, and many other similar configurations. Why is NK gearing up so special? Let the chinks deal with this shite.
>if north korea bombs us or our allies we will have to put them down
leftists somehow think diplomacy is a reasonable approach after Kim destroys a million or more lives
Why is trump nokoing moot removed this year's ago is he retarded???!?!?
Nothing will happen. It's all showboating.
Most people forget they spend most of there lives in the darkness, soon as america invade and the whole country is plummeted into black thats when they'll strike.
Your going to walk right into a trap
You guys are looking in the wrong direction. Pay more attention to his threats against Venezuela and Iran.
It's funny because draft dodging is something that the Left absolutely loves
>liberals trying to understand what a neocon os
Not everyone that talks about defense is a neocon you retarded cuck. Neocons believe in intervention where national interests arent a concern. They believe in world police mentality, in reducing the sovereignty of nations. Neocons believe in preemptive strikes against foreign nations.
Remember, Hitler fired the first shot of ww2 against Poland. He was no neocon. He sought to advance the interests of HIS people, regardless of others. This is how the nationalist operates their foreign policy. Sovereignty is never sacrificed. Other interests, be they foreign, corporate or (((domestic))) are not allowed to usurp the interests of the nation and its citizens.
American interests are fundamentally threatened by N. Korea's overt attempts to build nukes and launch them while threatening that their intent is to bomb US cities. Nothing about this is neocon.
>or you identify as a dildo or something
What part of IF do you and the media not understand?
you are literally new to Sup Forums
please go back
don't argue, or try to tell me you're not new, because you've proven already that you are, just go back quietly.
Nope. If kim dies, as much as 60% would an hero within 24 hours. The war wont last 3 months. After that it will just be cleaning up the few true believers left and the fake heirs that might pop up.
We are technically at war with them, the Korean War never ended
Because those faggots might actually launch if we don't give them billions of dollars in gold and food. If you think being a slave to Kim Jung Un is a good idea, you might be completely retarded. Not only that, but the extra 10's of millions who would die because of your "if we just ignore a problem, it will go away" attitude.
Red door is better.
I mean of he hits Cali, it's a win win
This is a retard's opinion
Good goy, it's for (((defense))), Madman Kim has WMDs and could blow you up :DDD
It's a shame that many on pol do not want to stop the modern day shoah!