Post the ultimate black pills, the hardest to swallow. Not dark red pills but black pills as the coal.
Ultimate Black Pills
Kill yourself.
The white race will be out bred.
I already did it
The white race has passed it's peak.
The jews won.
Thats a dark red pill faggot, dont cry about how feminine you are to fight for your race
WWIII won't happen in our life time
That is barely a red pill spaghetti
It will
Doesn't matter what I do, not enough people are going to do anything. It's inevitable.
Should I commit suicide??
The human race will never go beyond this solar system.
Well , in this case you are right so I apologise
Traps are gay
there are no black pills that aren't bullshit, it's retarded idea for defeatist, miserable, nihilistic losers
I mean what do you expect me to say? that life after death exists and everyone goes to the same place which is infinite suffering because whatever?
I am thinking to leave a note when I commit suicide blaming you what do you think? With a screenshot of course
Darkest of the dark black pills desu
Yes my friend, just lie to me...
everyone already knows the blackpills
Black pills are for faggots and most of them aren't even real, here's the reddest pill you'll ever have however:
The fall of the west is imminent.
The blackest pill of them all: OP is, and always will be, a gigantic faggot.
The capital black pill, we are a bunch of stupid evolved primates with no purpose...
funny post
>universe is infinite and deadly
>therefore no lives matter
see that's the shit I'm talking about
nihilism is complete garbage
there is an finite number of jews that can either gassed or if a pretty female raped fist.
Jajaja no my friend, just because france seems to be a zoo doesnt mean that the whole West is lost...
You're thinking in terms of race but this is a lot bigger than just "race".
>criticizing a country for not being white
>pic related
You'll never be white.
the whole world will become south africa
there's a lot of shit to be posted other than plain old nihilism (which is easily destroyed and no one who studied philosophy treats it seriously nowadays)
but that's mostly /x/ tier stuff that can't be proven real
The holocaust happened
It won't fall it will simply be passed, America is great simply because of it's geography and hegemony, Canada and Australia are actually better off with immigrants so long as its controlled (chinks and Indians) only Europe is actually fucked.
Whatever, just stop replying itt like a needy faggot