>Blacks commit more crime and murder than whites on a daily basis
>white supremacy is the real problem
Blacks commit more crime and murder than whites on a daily basis
time to commit some mass killings
I'm pretty sure that's not even true. Gang bangers commit mass killings all the time. Someone got stats?
>unload entire magazine of glock 17 into block party
>no media coverage
>shoot the thot who cucked you at college in front of the entire class
>75% of americans since 1983 are white
what a coincidence
Those don't count as mass killings, though. That is literally what liberals think.
I think mass killings means more than 3 people or something. probably inflated by waco.
Is the person posting this actually fucking retarded or just willfully spreading misinfo?
Not to mention you can bet the definition has been skewed to show even that high of a number. Keep pretending like you're in more danger in a room full of whites than blacks. Lmfao
>73% of mass killings in the US since 1983 commit by white man
>Since 1983 commit by white man
>Commit by white man
This man is a retard
This man is a sandnigger. How do you allow these subhumans to speak in such a manner in a country that you built?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Funny thing is that Muslims have killed more en masse in America than any white has probably since the inception of the US.
Mass killing do fuck all in the statistics.
They just provide lügenpresse with opportunities to push for gun grabbing.
The (((media))) are the real terrorists. The black may kill you, but the (((media))) will drive the bullet home and hit your entire race. The (((media))) turns one bullet into a million and hold the gun to the heads of your children.
Fight them wherever you can!
We gotta watch out for those white supremacist out in the streets rioting and killing people
"Mass killings" is actually "mass shootings" and are considered so anytimes there's an incident with at least 4 casualties whether they be deaths or injuries.
Then why reference Charlottesville where only one person died and it was inadvertently caused by a car?
The Left is obsessed with the idea of Utopia. When reality doesn't line up, it's not the implementation or the vision of utopia, that failed or are flawed, the fault lies with reality. Now a normal person would take what they learn from the experience and improve or alter it for next time. The left doesn't do this. "Welp, communism/socialism/globalism/whateverism failed, it wasn't real ____, or if it wasn't for those meddling ___, or if it wasn't for human nature, we would have had utopia. Let's try again without changing anything. And sometimes they have to find a scapegoat for their own failures. Dems have controlled most major cities for decades, even started a war on poverty, and the cities haven't improved or are even worse now. In blunt terms they turned the ghettos into vote plantations. But it's not the dems fault that blacks live in hell, it's the systems fault of course. It's white supremacy it's racism it's all these formless evil forces, it's the devil. And they teach you, you can't do anything about it, it can't be helped you are a gear in a great machine, what can you do? The left teaches learned helplessness. Leftism is a mental disorder.
Shame that 11 murders in around 5 city blocks over the weekend isn't considered mass killing.
>defending murderers because they are the same skin color of you
this is why nobody likes you Nazis.
>73% of mass killings in the US since 1983 were committed by white men.
Zormpf btfo forevee
Unfortunately, the Mother Jones part nulls it, least for the average idiot.
What are you talking about?
>Gang bangers commit mass killings all the time.
Those are 'Gang Violence' or 'Drug Violence'.
Yes, it's bullshit.
Mother Jones is not seen as a credible news source to a lot of people.
The facts are the facts. I've examined their list myself and it's accurate and so are the conclusions the American Thinker article draws from it. If anyone is skeptical they're free to look up the data themselves.
The only thing that kind of bothers me is that only a certain type of mass shooting is included in such lists. The definition of 'mass shooting' is any singular event in which 3 or more people are shot and wounded but not necessarily killed. Here is a source that tracks ALL technical instances of mass shootings:
There are a few mass shootings per day in the US. Notice anything about the cities? The names of the perpetrators in the source articles? They're almost entirely committed by blacks and latinos.
define "mass killing". I bet 9/11 wasn't included.
>Those don't count as mass killings, though. That is literally what liberals think.
Just the other day there was a mass killing in chicago. whole car full of young people shot to pieces, gang related, they say...
Holy shit!
White people are dangerous!
We should get rid of them.
Let's give them their own ethnostate and make all whites live there forever
Don't piss whitey off then shitlib
Oh, so all of a sudden 34 years isn't a perfectly round number by which to base statistical analysis on?
Mass killings are mostly white (although only slighty higher than pop. ratio)
Mass killing is killing many ppl at once
However, most, like the VAST majority of mass murders (ppl who have killed more than three, but maybe not at the same time) are... you guessed it, niggers.
That's the racist societies fault though.
Realizing niggers are worse than nazis isn't condoning nazis you larping faggot.