Macedonia in 2009:
Macedonia now:
>Hurr durr Balkan will stay a shithole forever
Admit it we're the future. We have better demographics than you and 4-5% growth average
Macedonia in 2009:
Macedonia now:
>Hurr durr Balkan will stay a shithole forever
Admit it we're the future. We have better demographics than you and 4-5% growth average
still a shithole with commieblocks all over the place and fat ugly women who age like milk
how can you go from alexander the great to this
Who? No such country exists
Nice faux bicycle lane. Is that the place to stash all the roadkills that happen on a daily basis?
good job,fyrom!
whats the average salary in your country?
Your country is full of Albanians it will stay a shithole forever.
I'd go on vacation there desu laddies, can't be worse than Romania
commieblocks give nostalgie
Greece also suffers from albanians...
Switzerland suffers too from albanians.
my condolences
worse than gypsies seriously.
you can see everywhere albanians having huge coats to hide the things that they have stole
looks breddy damn comfy
just keep them ottomans out
Hear who says it lol
amiriteorwhat? don't judge me. keep em dawns coming
It's like you're a 10yo who's showing abs to his big brother of 25 yo
keep it up kiddo
>how can you go from alexander the great to this
They went from Bulgarians to Greek LARPers. Alexander wasn't involved anywhere.
>build up shit from eurogibs in the capital
>walk outside of skopje and you see majority dirt roads and inbred albanians everywhere
um no sweetie
>dutch education
Here, they get a loan for an expensive car, like Merz, Audi, BMW. And then they hide their stolen stuff in those cars.
their behavior is just like niggers'
>кoмyнaлнa хигиeнa
>communal hygiene
My. Fucking. Sides.
>take aerial shots of the same place
>just make the music uplifting and color it so it's bright
Macedonia superpower by 2030
but you cant say that they dont improve...