Can we talk about Otto Warmbier?
What do you think really happened to him in NK?
NK is famous for doing human experiments. Do you think they tried to do some kind of Homeland shit on him and turn him against the US?
Can we talk about Otto Warmbier?
retard jew removing a poster thinking he can do anything but big mistake motherfucker into the no-rice fields with you.
its highly suspect and fairly fuckin disturbing. i doubt most faggots here give two shits anyway.
what i think is weird is like,
how desperate they seemed to get rid of him BEFORE he died.
He was a Jew who got what he deserved.
I think he was CIA.
Watch the video footage that they tried to pin on him. Seems like they were covering for something else he did.
if he was a spook, i bet they have pills that dissolve your brain.
remotely activated even. :)
He was infected with botulism on purpose to prevent him from disclosing information relating to his captivity. He was also a spy.
>he was a spy
What could possibly lead you to believe this dipshit was a spook? That makes no sense at all.
The torture was probably a combination of electric shock and near-drowning. Would explain the near-brain death.
He tried to steal a propaganda poster to gain entrance to one of the secret societies like the skull and bones because they have a penchant for collecting weird and exotic items like Geronimo's skull for instance
True. Couldn't they just let him vanish and never mention him again?
My guess would be that the chubbiest little dictator tortured him personally.
he was actually a spy now stop making the same damn fucking thread every week and do some fucking independent research you fucking sub-human kraut piece of shit. fuck you
They injected chemicals into his brain like Jeffery dahmer.
Yes, America sending in spies to steal a poster
Shoo shop gains goblin
>to steal a poster
this is what amerilards actually think
>spout bullshit with no proof
>cry when you can't back it up
Political fuel for war with chinks.
And a 35 year old college student visiting NK for fun is more believable? Dude was a CIA nigger without a doubt.
People visit north Korea all the time, Dennis Rodman goes like once a month, is he a spy too? Fucking sheltered retard.
lol fuck off cunt why would somebody with a degree in this shit put so much effort into typing out a while academic piece convincing a random fucking retard online
i'm more than happy to just look at you all flopping like fish out of water, insult you for it, then be done with it
>>he was a spy
He had no spy training at all. If you have any kind of training in pesychology or military its very obvious,
He very well might be.
Lots of words just to admit you're a fuvmibg idiot spouting shit you know nothing of.
>I could prove I'm right but I won't
you're dense
>If you have any kind of training in pesychology or military its very obvious,
You just don't know what you're looking for. Holy shit, stop fucking posting and making these threads because it reminds me that yeah Sup Forums is a place for 12 year olds who really don't have a career or know shit
Seriously no one visits NK dumbass. It's fucking shady a random college student goes over there.
doesn't bother me faggot, i told you this.
Having a "Warm Beer" as a surname is an executable offense. Totally Understandable.
People visit nk all the time
He wasn't CIA, he was recruited by Mossad on his birthright trip to Israel.
Retards go to NK constantly. Doesn't mean they're CIA.
>implying Dennis Rodman isn't trafficking amphetamines for the CIA
I'd say you're the sheltered retard.
Proof, Dennis Rodman is a good man
Celebrity spies are a common phenomenon. Google it, "cia celebrity". This is publicly accepted knowledge.
>spy training
literally anyone can be a CIA informant. There's no 'training' required.
But do you have proof Dennis Rodman is a spy?
Not an argument.
I'm gonna need source for that.
He suffered greatly. May he rest in peace.
He'd be a shit spy wouldn't he?
My point is you're plain wrong if you think a high profile person can't be a CIA asset.
But do you have proof that Dennis Rodman isn't a spy?
A sorry sucker that fell for the college to cia programs, he was very likely an "agent", (i use that term very loosely) sent in to push some agenda and got busted.
We all know people who participate in espionage are never allowed to speak.
nigger he was with an entire group of college students
Welke idioot drinkt er nou warm bier?
He was a Jewish spy and the Best Koreans killed him, as they should have.
He was a 35 year old man in a group of little kids, he was not one of their peers.
Where do you get he was 35?
He was 21, retard.
To War
ot(To War)mbler
It's one of those 'hide in plain sight' kike inside jokes. I am serious.