You will never be able to afford a piece of land like pic rel

>you will never be able to afford a piece of land like pic rel
>and even if you could one day buy it, it would be in rural area where you will never find a job in your field there because you have been trained and raised to fit the system and you're doing some stupid job as a AutoCAD monkey
>therefore you will be unable to pay off the debt for the jew unless you move there in your fucking 70s
>therefore youre stuck in a city, in shitty concrete building, forever
>your children will be raised in this shithole surrounded by leftists and people 110% dependent on the system

just fuck this planet, fuck everything that surrounds us, I'm sick of it

sometimes it makes me want to puke

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks like a piece of shit

Cities are better. Fast infrastructure, get anything you want when you want it, blazing internet, Tinder sluts and college sluts.

In the countryside it's poor choice of women, low class subhumans and nothing to do except drink yourself to death

fucking degenerate, just kys

>you will never be able to afford a piece
I've already inherited 144 562 m2.

>rural area where you will never find a job
I own my own business.

>you will be unable to pay off the debt.
I don't have a single loan to my name.

>your children will be raised in this shithole.
Nope, we are going to homeschool our children.

So.. I guess you are stupid.


>inherit 14 ha of land
>you're just stupid, dood
yeah, just fuck off

Yes, let the butthurt flow threw you faggot.

Grow a pair, get out of your mommies basement, get rid of the acne, get a girl and sort your life out.

Dinners ready, Im off.

Maybe in your country

>8 PM

Fuck off nigger

Lifes a bitch and its short, you dont make it to the top being nice or working an hourly wage.

Its easy being content thinking your kids will have the possibility of living a better life than the one youre providing for them now.

Except the pareto distribution ensures that never happens for the majority. Inescapable regardless of form of economy/government

High probability your offspring will labor into their senior years (provided they live that long) like the billions of people who came before them.

why do we keep on living?

Stay Strong Goyim

Says the guy that has been lucky enough to inherit one of the best commodities on this planet. Land and instead of being humble and positive you act like a child......

>being this much of a smoothbrain

>muh job
Found your problem wagecuck

That sucks....I live in a rural area I have 15 acres my wife homeschools our two children, and I only go to my office two days a week.

Make as many kids as you can.
I'll just suffocate in city brother, stay strong for me.

this just isn't true though. i'm not even 30 yet and i managed to find a beautiful rural home with farmland not even an hour away from the city. so i can still get shit done in the city. cost 300k only. You just gotta get lucky.

>Just call an Uber!

Money is made in the cities. Its not possible to amass a fortune innawoods

Im back *Buuuurp*
Luck has N O T H I N G to do with it. Why the leftist mentality?

I come from a long line of hard working, ordinary farmers. My grandfather, who built the house I live in and the barn I have my animals in, was one of two surviving kids in his family. They we're 10 children until he was 8 years old, then there was only him and his one brother left.

I myself grew up in a ghetto in Stockholm called "Husby". Google it, it is one of the worst no-go zones in Sweden. I was the only real Swedish kid in class for 9 years (until I was gonna begin Highschool, then I moved to a whiter place).

I have worked pretty much for free (apprentice-salary, basically government cheese-money) to get knowledge from the best in my field, for six years.

But back to the land.
I moved from a town with 7000 people to a place where there is about 30 people. If anything happens, and me, my girl or our future kids will have to go to hospital, it's 300km away to nearest one.
There is no reason for me to be humble. These are not humble times. This is war. Either you shit or get off the crapper.

He's fucked up in many ways, but Varg is right about this. You are your own master. You can blame "the game/rules", but in the end, you are what you set out to be.

Wanna complain on Sup Forums until the race-war?
Fair enough.
Wanna BE READY for the race-war? Then you better get cocking.

>Lol just inherit a bunch of stuff, my dude

>Thinking you can own a part of a city.
It belongs to the elites, it's not for you to own. You're allowed to pay them to use it and that is all.

this is the ultimate red pill, screencap this you faggot's because this is what awaits you if you don't stand up and take what is yours.

An American salary can buy that in a third world country. You probably don't want to raise kids there, but it could be a good option for vasectomy fags,

Sounds about right
This planet is fucked beyond belief

Why don't you look after hurricane damage instead of spreading lies, allahu akbar.

This is not far from me. How is this expensive? In USD it's about 7 grand. That is not much. After that, you are a free man. IF you are willing to put in the work.

>my wife learned norweigan in 6 months
>still can't speak french
he really is special

It is possible to make money via the internet, but not nearly as easily as a traditional job

and what would I do there? I need a fucking job

I actually met a guy recently who was working as an engineer but had purchased some farm land in a rural part of a populous Swedish region (v. Götaland). Has a nice wife, few kids, lots of animals built his own home, and is working on transitioning from engineer to full time farmer.

It's possible but you'll break your back doing it, and it'll likely be your kids that are rewarded. Therefore you have to be of a very altruistic mindset to do such a thing.

kek. Want me to find some Cambodia listings for you?

i propose a mass suicide. who's wants to join?

im in

>dyed red hair

>tfw I can go to work in the UK for a year and purchase a piece of land like pic rel minus the house in Lithuania
The hard part is saving for the house. I really don't want to take out a loan.

>our kids

You mean the kids your wife and her nigger boyfriend created while you sat in the corner jacking off?

That's not even half an acre.

(Anglo-Dane cuck vpn off)

I'm looking at buying 200 acres 5 Swedish miles north East of värnen. Any idea if that's enough to live off without working a job on the side?

As I said, he's pretty fucked, but in that video, he's pretty much dead on.

Crypto was the way out for all of us. Made some comfy gains...

>Tinder sluts and college sluts

What's the problem with living off the land, like your ancestors did?
Also, that particular piece of land is 50% farmland and 50% woods, witch means you can kill stuff on your land. Yes, you need a (((license))), but that does not stop people here.

Old pic, she's blond again now.


In america you can. In the UK though you can't.

My ancestors were weak malnourished poorfag peasants for the most part. I don't want to live like that. Living off the land doesn't really make sense unless you're gonna have a legitimate agricultural bussiness.

>rural people voted glumpf

You gotta start somewhere, right? And that was an example, I would guess you can find more land cheaper if you spent more than 30 sec. looking.

Really? You gonna buy 200 acres and you have to ask if that is enough to live off of? Cute LARP'ing.

Your kids are gonna be real adjusted to the public

It's not a leftist mentality you retard
You are lucky to of been blessed with coming from a background of farmers who have left land/home to you therefore you should be humble about it

You yourself personally didn't build that house did you or buy the land back when the prices were reasonable land has gone up considerable amounts throughout the years

You should be inspiring people inspiring people instead of being a like a child going ooh look at me

Yup. That's the system. You get fucked every step of the way. University student here. Going to class to be told what to do/know for exam, not being instructed on it. 5K per semester. Can only maintain 3.1 GPA in stem by studying until near death daily. Will probably make only 50K/yr after college. Friends who skipped college and drive trucks making 50k/yr already. Self driving trucks will replace them in 10 years. Chinese and poos will replace me in 10 years. "Greatest country on Earth!"

Then you obviously can't go pretty far back. How far back can you go, really? 1100's here, to some norwegian "royalty". Obviously, someone fucked up, my family is anything but rich, or hang around rich people.

The public that is about today
Would you really want your children adjusted to that degenerate shit with their constant vanity cam photos and reality tv obsessions sounds like user has the right idea keeping them away

Sucks to be you. I love helping out the family on the properties.

I can't trace it farther back than the 1850s because the church records were either burnt in church fires or "lost" during the Soviet times.

Back on topic though, food is cheap af, owning a small farm just to feed your family is the stupidest and most useless thing a man can do. Pretty cool LARPing activity, but not something you should do as a way of life.

Yeah I hear you. I've had similar thoughts way before even realising just how bad things are.

You still have to make money from the land, or some other employment, unless you are fully self-sufficient which seems unlikely. I'm not knocking you like the other bong, but obviously a farm of your size earns enough to pay the bills.

I am inheriting enough money to buy a smallholding elsewhere in Europe soon, but I don't really know what's going to happen with Brexit. Would prefer to stay here, but not quite enough money to do so.

I don't know anyway. /blog

Who knows what the political climate will be like with social security etc in a few years time. What if you need to use the hospital but have not been paying into the system? Also it's highly likely, even if you were 100% self sufficient you still some need money for taxes / equipment etc.

This is retarded. There are plenty of places in this country with cheap land, and if you have any skills whatsoever, you can build your own fucking house to the proper codes and everything. Sure you have to pay property tax but that is fine. Honestly if I lived in a rural community I would not get a job in my field. I would either farm things, or I would set up some sort of small scale manufacturing enterprise and sell shit on the internet, shipping product out from my house. I would teach myself how to use fucking gcode and I would CNC custom parts for whatever the fuck out of my house. How do I know that this would be possible? Because I live in pic related and that is what I actually do. The thing that most people don't seem to realize about "rural retards" is that a lot of us are far more self sufficient than the average weakling from the city.

Anyone not retarded can learn Norwegian in six months.

My grandparents are both in their 80's and have always lived in the country. They used to go and have fun in the village pub with the one drunk police officer in there too. My Granddad was a mechanic and general handyman for his entire life. My grand mother was a receptionist in a sugar factory in the nearby town. They raised 2 daughters on the money they earned, growing their own crops in the garden. They would, and still do, go to church every Sunday and see all of their friends they've had for 50+ years. My grandmother can still make a bloody beautiful meal with all the love and affection that only a woman who has raised kids and grand kids could make. Those are the times i long for and i was born in the fucking 90's, i never had a chance.

Wow, retarded.

Nice. Do you have problems with Indians?

You can get land like that an hour outside of NYC, retard.

Unless you got millions " buy land" is a meme. 1) extremely hard work 2) no returns bc agriculture is industrialized. So you won't be able to compete.

Land only goes up in value. For the most part.

Its a bit different on our damp, crowded island.

I live on 10 acres (~5 hectares) of land. I grow a respectable garden year round and often shoot deer on my own property and other property I lease.

I'm an old fuck (51) and worked hard to get here. But I make a flat rate of $90 US per hour doing IT contract stuff for large companies. I could do much better than that but I prefer to work from home and that's a requirement before I'll take a contract.

I'm in Georgia, in the SE US. If you had 1000 acres here, you could pay the taxes and have a respectable living by growing pine trees alone.

You're right to want this, Poland-bro, but your defeatist attitude will never get it for you.

To really piss you fuckers off, my 20 yr old gf and I have been together for a year & a half and we're doing great. Also, I just bought a 28 foot pontoon boat that I'm going to house at a marina on a local lake that is about 5 minutes from me.

Life is good, but again, I worked long and hard to get here.

No, I have problems with Mormons. Navajos are honestly some of the nicest, least hostile people that I have ever know. A lot of them are lazy, and they are prone to drinking problems, but the fact of the matter is that they pretty much leave everyone alone. For the most part they are quiet and keep to their own groups. Some, Ute Indians can be total shitfucks, but Navajos are pretty cool. I have a few Navajo friends, and I would say that most of them are actually really intelligent people, but few of them actually have the drive to make something of themselves.

You for real I'm not 100% on commercial land but agricultural land and pasture only goes up in price

That's why we left. ;^)

Haha. What do the Mormons do?

Someone will take the bait

You could afford something like that in eastern Europe bro.

I'm pretty pissed that my ancestors had a pretty good time of it on the east cost of England. If they had it bad they would have sailed for the new world/

>20 yr old gf

You know what to do user,
show those pictures.

You're a fine and decent bro. I envy your location, but I could never leave the South at this point, I'm afraid.

This is me:

Farmland and woodland has gone up 149% over the past 10 years

Living out there is boring. Go the fucking pub in a city... good fun.

The collapse is almost guaranteed here for this reason and by "collapse" I mean "happening".
We hit a major problem with our housing and it wasn't just giving mortgages and loans to people who couldn't pay them back

>Bring niggers into the country for that sweet debt
>Have enough houses for them (just)
>It's cool because we're building more houses
>Turns out we don't really have the space
>It's cool, start pulling down houses to rebuild them smaller and fit more on the land
>Turns out accepting more niggers before the houses are built is a problem
>It's cool because the government can foot the bill for private landlords
>Included in this (as an incentive for landlords to accept them) is insurance to cover the cost of any damage caused by the niggers
>Niggers being niggers constantly destroy everything
>This starts costing the government too much money so they scrap the insurance and rather than the rent being paid to the landlord it's given to the nigger to give to the landlord (this was, and I quote, "they get used to handling money")
>Niggers being niggers spend the money instead
>Private landlords refuse to let niggers, or anyone on welfare, rent their properties because of the change in rules
>Government just expects private landlords to take care of their problems for them
>More and more properties are now empty with no tenants because no one will rent to them
>In the meantime the government can't stop letting niggers in or the (((system))) of debt will collapse
>The hope is that landlords realise they're losing money and give in
>They won't
>Growing number of niggers + less jobs - enough housing + finite resources = happening

There's houses around me that have been empty for 4 or 5 years purely because of this. The whole thing of selling council houses was one of the most retarded concepts of all time and I personally can't believe it happened, but goys will be goys.

I don't make money off the land, it's just a way to not NEED as much money. I pay around 900 pounds in propertytax a year, witch is one job for me, on the side ofc..

We have free healthcare here. That could change, but I really doubt it.

But yes, the plan is 100% self sufficent. But perhaps when I am 40-45, just the amount of suncells i need is gonna run me 20-30 grand..

bitch thats a land fucking way off city ground
id be able to buy this piece of shit on the profits alone from the uprising of the appartment i have currently
tho who the fuck would want to live that far away from anything while beeing below 50 years of age is beyond me

na, it was bad thread start 2/10, its done now tho

>believing anyone on a Chilean model train enthusiast message bord

no bait, my friend

ok, one sec, let me download some from my phone and I'll even take a fresh one

Welcome aboard S.S. Reality...

But you're only admitting 1/2 the truth.. bust ass go getters can have one of those. Just dig a hole and bury your free time and pride.

In the west midlands 215%
In South East 210%

>tfw family owns larges swathes of forest and lakes
>it's all "protected" by the government, you aren't allowed to chop it, harvest it, build in it
>barely allowed to hunt in it

Not really sure I even could do with it, just own it in name.

Say that you are 4% Sami an you can do what ever.. I went fishing on Sami soil this summer, MY FUCK the fish I caught! It took 3,5 hours to walk 3km though, so I wont be doing it again soon..

You don't own it.

Mormons are the literal worst. They avoid doing any business with non-mormons. They will spread rumors about those that they suspect are not Mormon and effectively put a scarlet letter on anyone who isn't one of them. Some are worse than others obviously, but this is still the way it is. They can be violent and will collaborate to hide crimes commtted by one of theirs (kind of like the Amish). There are a few Mormon fundamentalist groups out here and the do a lot of shady shit. For instance, one of them has opened a contracting firm that uses child labor and does not take proper precautions to guarantee the safety of their workers. These groups also collect welfare checks between the lot of them and use this money to buy big ticket items like $90k Ford F350 with lots of modifications. Going out into the desert is like the hills have eyes if you do not know where you are going. If you are in the wrong area, you can bet that you are being watched. There's a lot more than that, but I am sure you get the basic thrust of the issue.

You have to pay a bunch of property/land taxes and shit though so even if you life in the middle of nowhere with no electricity, you still need an income(even if small) to pay such things? No?

>But perhaps when I am 40-45, just the amount of suncells i need is gonna run me 20-30 grand..
Yeah this is what I meant by running costs/equipment. I respect the hustle though.

I have a couple of ideas for agri-business but I'm not really "skilled" enough to make a living doing remotework or consultancy. I'm trying to make a go of making a living online as I reckon this is the best way.

France for property would be better (and nearer to "home") than Wales or the North, but who knows with Brexit.

Anyway, your situation is pretty inspiring Swebro. Good luck with it

Here. She broke the toy airplane she was playing with in the yard.

Sucks for you OP. I own 40 up in Wisconsin 20 minutes from Superior, close to Duluth. I'm a carpenter, too. Life's perfect.

>In the meantime the government can't stop letting niggers in or the (((system))) of debt will collapse
>The hope is that landlords realise they're losing money and give in
>They won't
Bizzarely our government has a tendency to play chicken when they have more to lose and they never learn, they just hope the situation gets bad enough they can go authoritarian a few years later and make people do what they want
You hear about the government wanting to "crack down" on people renting houses for more than their own rent costs and not working? Because renting your grans house you inherited and living in a flat is somehow wrong, gotta make sure all the goys are producing and consuming, muh hard working people

Becoming fully autonomous is so fucking expensive that if you're actually gonna do it, taxes are the least of your worries.

Jeez, you can't exchange her for a better model?

Is that considered unhealthily late around your way or something?

That pic looks shitty and boring. Who would want to live there? Rural and Suburban rural loving retards.

Maxavgiften, om jag minns rätt, är omkring 10.000:-. Går du på soc kan du LÄTT spara ihop det under ett år, om du är lite smart.

How is that expensive? all you need is land and some seeds

I've never seen a Thai hooker uglier than she is. And I've fucked hundreds of Thai hookers.