Matt Furie Owns Pepe

Okay you guys, this has gone on long enough. We all know that Matt Furie owns Pepe the frog and it is his intellectual property. We can all EASILY be sued by Matt, so we need to avoid this. It's pretty simple:

1. Find a Pepe you like
2. Put Matt Furies name on it
3. Then Matt will be happy he's FINALLY being linked with his rightful work

I think this is the only thing to do right now. Get searching for the best Pepes out there, that Matt Furie may have forgot he owned, and make sure he gets his well deserved recognition for Pepe the Frog

Other urls found in this thread:


bumping with matt furies OC

Good idea user, we dont want to get sued , do we?

Ofcourse not, we must ensure matt gets dominion over his precious work

We could but it could also back fire by putting his name on it people may think he supports those ideas etc

>Matt Furie owns pepe
sure he does

This is a brilliant idea.

No shit man. That's the fucking point. We give him what he thinks he wants, ownership of all pepes. Let's see how he actually likes it

>Matt Furie graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio in 2001. Matt is a Leo, he enjoys long walks in the park, bubble baths, and an occasional glass of wine. His comic series ?Boy's Club” is published by Buenaventura Press.

Sounds a bit light in the britches, if you can pick up what I'm laying down in allegorical terms

Yeah, we wouldn't want that at all.

i think the kind of faggot who would care about this is also cancer.

Hm true we need make this Happen >:-D


please go, I'm trying to help out matt right now



Pretty good artist, can I purchase a print

I dont see matts copyright on there. Please don't post without giving matt his deserved credit for it

No Cease and Desist letters are scheduled to be sent to Sup Forums. Tons of other places are getting them, /r/ the donald among others. But not Sup Forums.
We are completely and totally irrelevant now. Way to go, alt-right retards. Of all the cancer that has gone through this website threatening to kill it, it was the alt-right surge that finally caused the cancer to go terminal.
No one cares about Sup Forums, they won't even bother us here. You can post all the Pepe you want, no one gives a fuck.


They're afraid.

this is because Sup Forums is better than the rest

post the transparency of the copyright logo so they all seem uniform.




Aren't all his DMCA claims fraudulent?

please give proper attribution to matts work

>Roughly speaking

post the transparent copyright shit so they all look the same!

good idea, it will make it easier for us to help out Matt. here you go.

here you go

the lawsuits will fail fopr the same reason hillary can't sue shadman

parodist use

meanwhile adding the artists actual signature will only add to furie's case that the two pepes are in fact one

>putting ben garrison's name on shit he didn't draw
didn't this meme get stale a few years ago?



You think matt will fight to have pic related under his copyright? He really is /ourguy/

he can't own all cartoon frogs, 2017 pepe looks diffrent

Can we meme Matt Furie into the next Ben Garrison?

Remember to report ALL Pepes and select ILLEGAL CONTENT in the report window as this is COPYVIO

christ chan should be raped

I think you're missing the point of the thread

>he doesn't know
user, I...

This is the best thread I've ever seen in my life. Still, sage.

He doesn't own ANY of them, his claim lapsed because he was too lazy to do the paperwork. The places he's issued cease and desist orders to should sue him for making bogus copyright claims and financially ruin him.

Dude, garrison was probably the one making the edits. The edits were just too damn close to his art style, done too fast, and too consistent across all of the edits. I'm not even memeing right now, it was actually garrison making the edits

>le Sup Forums is cancer and irrelevant meme
kys matt

Why is pepe being the victim and smug about it?

Love this alt-right delusion.

They just don't care. Any "pull" this site thinks it has anymore is us just riding on the coattails of reddit, which is fucking pathetic considering what this site used to be.




nobody cares about that gay frog.


>designated hate symbol by the ADL
>n-nobody cares about that gay frog goy!


what's hateful about this? Seems lovely and very multicultural


I think this is a pepe.

Thanks doc

Thanks doc

I found this Pepe online. Some alt right nazi asshole must've cropped out the watermark! Can I get the credited version please?

They didn't go over this with you?


>tfw spend total of 1246.3 bitcoins on my rare Pepe collection.
>turns out they aren't even legit.

I'm going to kill myself.


good find, here you go


And yet you needed to post your lack of caring?

He's afraid we'll win the resulting legal battle if he orders us to desist. Reddit and such always take things laying down and are safe for him to exert influence.

damn I guess Matt is redpilled


He already said people can use Pepe freely and he liked the alterations before the ADL got to him, I doubt he can revoke that automatically


I can't believe this guy didn't just give up entirely on this character when it was co opted by nazis.
He just made everything so much worse since he spoke out.

There is also the matter of this:

Matt did it himself though. This is what he wanted



Shit idea, Furie's buttblast will only last until the meme wars are over and we win (again)
Picture this, it's 2017 and someone is attempting to ban memes
Fucking MEMES
Fuck off Matt Furio


he's to emotionally invested in this

>He already said people can use Pepe freely
Luckily it's not his right to decide. He has no say in non-directly-commercial memes/derivations of Pepe's likeness.


any chance you could up the original? amazingly rare

thank you, yes it is rare as it was just made

an original Matt Furie

Search bing for the best pepes. google is fucking it all up. VERY rare pepes on there, ready for matts name

Man, that's some Pizzagate level of shit I had to scroll through.

user, that is the original. You don't want to share images without giving the right copyright statements. That's intellectual theft!
Credit where credit is due.

bless you user

are you faggots spamming this on social media now? we need to meme this

it's not IP theft if you ching chong ling long

Genius autism. Well played, user.

Yeah, I'm sure Hiro-moot is ready and willing for a prolonged legal battle to defend the Nazi trash that occupies his site.
Pure delusion.

a lot of those were created during 4chans seizing of pepe from "normies". pepe was made to be as disgusting and horrible as possible to put a bad taste in their mouths, which worked


nobody cares about that faggot frog.

what a retard looking shit.

this. all pepes need rebadging with the proper credit

I'm not talking about Moot. I'm talking about the backlash the average user will have for Matt.

Copyright and trademark are distinct in the states. Sup Forums geniuses keep conflating the two. Autism needs a tune up