What should be done about the homeless?
Don't bullshit me with:
>it's not their fault
>muh no jobs
I want a solution, they are scattered everywhere in my city centre.
What should be done about the homeless?
Don't bullshit me with:
>it's not their fault
>muh no jobs
I want a solution, they are scattered everywhere in my city centre.
Other urls found in this thread:
Easy. Extermination.
The only thing that can be done about homeless people is to Baker Act them into a shelter. They are for the most part homeless because that is what they have chosen for themselves.
>use HARP to strengthen hurricane and change its path to desired city
>encourage homeless to enter shelters during hurricane
>kill everyone in the shelter
this and only this
>Implying that's not already happening
Work camps. Shelter + food + small allowance if you work there and keep clean.
Best one so far imo
Its not their fault that there are no jobs
Develope rehabilitation centers to bring them back into functional society
Most people in this thread are idiots , what you do is organize the homeless into a functioning army to overtake the city and privileged wealthy porkies like youre baine
Offer them work, like cleaning toilets, street cleaner, fruit picker, you know something to do and earn money. If they refuse, extermination.
since most suffer from mental illness: reinstate mental asylums. only have more oversight to make sure normal/functional people aren't being persecuted and confined against their will.
non-violent bums can be left alone, and ones with misdemeanors/violent pasts should be given an aptitude test to see if they can handle not repeating their past.
Just give them the fucking change,
I can hear it clinking in your pocket.
There's nothing you can do about them, they don't want to be dependent on anyone. They don't understand interdependence is unavoidable in this world.
Don't turn into SJW, faggot OP.
More spikes
Turn them into lasagna and feed them to starving kids in Africa
Once you run out of hobos use those so called refugees
Let them die
>mfw someone tries to organize the lumpenproletariat.
Fuck you. Everyone who has seen John Wick 2 knows that homeless people secretly work for Morpheus to spy on people.
For years homeless outreach has been my job, backed by a wealth of social programs and infrastructure to support them. We had most of our success within the first 3 months of the program. It's estimated 30% of the counties homeless were off the streets and enrolled. The other 70% were mavericks who didn't want help and are happy to life their lives in an alcohol and drug enduced haze. There are no helping the ones who don't want help. Let em die.
>Just give them the fucking change
Fuck off, then it never ends
I've met a lot of homeless people that want to be homeless because they don't want to be part of the system.
>then it never ends
It never ends. Nothing has changed since fucking first hobo ever.
Thank you
That's right goy, keep paying (((rent))).
Kill all the drug dealers, the homeless will die from withdrawal.
Voluntary homelessness is actually highly redpilled. It's only a problem if they commit crimes and get gibmedats.
>The other 70% were mavericks who didn't want help and are happy to life their lives in an alcohol and drug enduced haze
Are there any in your experience that aren't crazy or drug and alcohol addicted, and just don't want the authority or responsibility, or is that just a meme?
When you abandon your own people. don't be surprised when society burns to the ground. Greedy bourgeois scum shit all over the poor in Britain. Dirty pigs.
Why should any thing be done? If someone wants to be homeless, let them be homeless. If you want to help someone out, do it. If not, don't.
Arbeit Macht Frei
Get them to collect tins and rubbish around the city center helping keep the place tidy, graffiti cleaning ect. Pay them in food, weak beer,tokens for laundry service and basic night shelter.
You cant do anything. I was homeless for 7 months, and was surprised at how robust the system in Britain actually is for helping the homeless. Spent 2 days on the street, 3 months in a hostel and 4 months in shared accomodation, got a job and moved out.
Most of our homeless are simply too lazy or demoralized to fucking do anything about their situation. They expect someone else to do the work (the work being literally attending a meeting with housing executive). Unfortunately, our welfare state incentivises laziness and apathy, until these people are cut off from benefits and are facing actual starvation they wont be motivated to do shit
Bullet to the head to each one
If you're feeling charitable let them OD on fentanyl
They do this in Berlin. You get paid like 0.20 euros or something when you recycle bottles. Pretty good idea but it's shame what they spend it on.
You are joking. I knew a guy who was homeless for 3 months, and he was struggling to live. He was still looking for jobs despite his state, but he was refused opportunities since he could'nt afford to be dressed properly, or because of the distance (and the fact that he spent nights in prison because RATP). He had to work illegaly to subsist and finally got a roof and took back college. I was'nt available to help him since I could'nt leave where I was for a long period of time so I could'nt offer him housing. Does he really deserve to be exterminated ?
Gladiator arenas where they fight to the death for prize money
But will the fights be streamed online?
Glad you're on your feet now mate! I know it's rough but as you said most of them are too lazy. But obviously no one wants to point that out.
Actually I was referencing the fact that it is happening
It tends to be a complicated hodgepodge of issues. Lots of mental illness and drug issues mixed with a resentment of authorities. They don't like the rules of the shelters, they don't want to pay taxes or fees for things, they don't want a structured schedule of work.
But one guy I met was a marine vet. No overt mental illness and no substance abuse issues. He just did not like society much any more. He was living in the woods next to a Coca-Cola plant. Nice enough guy, just really reserved. He made money building and fixing bicycles for elderly people in nearby mobile home parks. Built himself a small house out of discarded construction materials. Had a garden, exercise equipment, work shop, living space. Pretty comfy looking actually. When the coke plant closed and the property was sold coke actually stepped up and bought the guy a house out of state. I sometimes wonder about that guy.
Jew, Freemason here.
I love the ridiculous stereotypes surrounding me.
Which stereotypes?
bring back mental institutions.
The only ones living in the streets are ones too crazy to go to a shelter.
the juicy ones... like we control all media. Fuck I wish that was true. I'd have more than 106 subscribers on my YouTube
Kill them off like stray dogs
>don't pay taxes to the system
>collect resources from the system
>hasten the collapse of the system
How is this a problem again? They're speeding up our return to more traditional rule and restoring the west. Do you really love the current system that much?
Most people are homeless because they choose to be.
>implying I like this system
No you tit, knowing the most of them are white and are drug addicts I don't think that is bringing them back to traditional values.
Being able to stand on your own two feet, funding yourself, creating a family is what I had in mind not sleeping in the filth feeling sorry for yourself depending on other people.
You've gotta think about the long term lad. The collapse they hasten will not only cleanse society. The homeless themselves will also find themselves cleansed by the collapse. The society that arises from the ashes is the one we want.
First off you need to understand homeless people come in different strokes of color
Most people just see either mentally insane or drunkard/druggie but there's some legit honest people who just made the wrong calls in life financially or they suddenly lost their income and nosedived onto the street, hell some even served their country in the military.
If you wanna help these people you need to sort the redeemable from the better left to die kinds of homeless.
Give the good ones a shitty little residence to live in and a small income for the individual to sustain himself BUT apply pressure for them to climb out of the hole and onto their feet so they don't just sit there and live off the government.
This. They spewed onto the streets here when the gubment got rid of mental institutions because 'discrimination'. Now they claim that the mentally ill 'receive better care with their families' which just means 'look after your own retards'. But the retards either don't have any family or are fuckin nuts so they end up jabbering on the street. The cops come around early december and try to sweep them out of sight for the xmas shoppers so the general pleb suburbanites don't get butthurt at annoyed by dribbling fucktards. The cops are idiots - they fine them $250 bucks for begging - yeah, good luck with that.
1) Stop electing (((progressives))) Democrats who like homeless because it adds to "diversity."
2) Send the homeless to a sanitarium, if their families won't take care of their own.
3) Sort them out a la Fascista and those who want self improvement will take it
4) Teen Challenege, a Christian organization, started with 70% non-recidivism. Give homeless the Fascist Jesus and most will step up into the light of life
wow im sorry when did you overlook the fact we have a large cadre of mentally ill violent people to do our bidding
okay fine this is an okay idea to, organize the homeless into an unique, innovative entrepreneurial business that makes money and helps the community
THEN use your business resources and organization of human resources to take over the city
I'm sure that near your location is an empty building where you could possibly house most of them.But its about redistribution.
i thought this thread was about offering valid solutions and not high school fantasy tier shit
Free fentanyl.
Job would be a good one.
These are probably the same people that make the christ threads. Really makes ya think.
Real answers:
- execute the druggies and other criminals
- put the insane in asylums (and improve the asylums to be more livable, more about making people safe and comfortable than "treating" them)
- put the intellectually disabled under life management
- deport the illegals
>there's some legit honest people who just made the wrong calls in life financially or they suddenly lost their income and nosedived onto the street
Those people are only homeless temporarily. Even for the tiny number who have no family to go to, there's enough charity and welfare that people who are orderly, rule-abiding, and sensible can always make some arrangement.
We need to make homelessness and joblessness a crime. Citizenship is for those who pay taxes and those who respect law and order. If they are not actively searching for work they go to gulag. Or a farm. And have no rights. Basically we enthrall them till they suicide or die if they don't get useful or get out of city centers.
Work camps.
Civil service, paid food, paid barracks. Like the military, cheap and dirty.
Homeless due to genuine misfortune? state home until they get back on their feet.
Drug/methheads asking for change for drugs? Euthanasia, organs sold on market.
>implying I worship a jew
Forced rehab for the addicts and asylums with therapy for the mentally ill. We need more homeless shelters with programs that offer entry-level work; maybe even some programs that offer some skills. These shelters should also have open landlines so that these people have a fucking phone for job interviews.
Kind of irrelevant: This is going to sound commie as fuck but I genuinely think the higher ups don't want to help them because they've been established for so long that if the homeless were to get a job it'd fuck up the economy. As in, the job sector was built around them and the economy cannot sustain such an influx of people and it would just crash.
We need to stop subsidizing them. I don't care if you are homeless (ie no crime), but the government should not help you in your homeless endeavor.
Kill them.