It’s time to clean your house. What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?
Modern society is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain indefinitely infantile due to our decadence. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-ol time being a degenerate well into their 50s. Constant entertainment, pre-cooked meals and pornography has robbed us of our man-hood.
Realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about. In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist. The modern world is a world that goes completely against nature and the results are telling. It's tearing itself apart. Nevertheless you as an individual can always choose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated.
The modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow. Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.
>What have you done today to improve your mental/physical/spiritual wellbeing user?
ignored/hidden all threads of losers like you projecting your victim mentality onto me
Luke Morales
Stop drinking ALL soda/artificial juices and stop eating junkfood. Stop buying super-market meals and try to grow your own vegetables that aren't infected with pesticides and plastics. Healthy and economic, aswell as peaceful. Till the soil like your great grandfather did. Try to drink mostly water or coffee/tea with little to no sugar added. Purchase meat and produce from local producers that you know personally. A big reason why western men’s sperm count has gotten lower is because we do less outdoor jobs like we used to 50 years ago, which means less sun exposure and less Vitamin D production.
Thus we should grow our own food, get outside more, and not rely on commercial food producers. Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many and too much interdependence. Cities are inherently self-destructive because they are unnatural. Multiple cities reaching more than hundreds of thousands in population did not exist prior to the mid-19th century. The countryside would remain unaffected in the long run if a future collapse occurs. 99% of our history has not been like this with populations concentrated like ants and living like parasites. It’s a very volatile mix and you do not want to be a part of it. There’s a reason liberals are concentrated in these shitholes.
While you don't have to go 110% /innawoods/ right now, it's always good to be in a state of relative independence, and in a small closely knit community. It is such values and societal composition that will survive a collapse and reclaim what is left once the dust has settled. Hopefully the kikes will be gone with it, their degenerate little empire burned to ashes.
Julian Lewis
Loving these threads guys. Because of these threads I've already begun doing bicycle rides through trails in my hometown, which is unfortunately full of niggers. The rides are surprisingly peaceful and I only ever see whites, if I see anyone at all
Aiden Green
Remember, you don't need all the latest work-out equipment, supplements or drugs to get a naturally fit look. All you need is natural movement and you'll achieve the body you're MEANT to have as the Homo-Sapien male. You have a tiled floor? Jump from one end to the other. A fence outside? Climb over. You have a lot of work on your computer? Put it on a shelf so you have to stand and thus better your posture.
Also, set goals for yourself. See if you can lift sandbags that weigh up to 80kgs eventually. Carry it on your shoulders, throw it as far as you can, attempt to eventually lift it with nothing but a single grip. Get used to being able to punch something aswell. Do NOT be a limp wristed fageutte who would cry if he gets hit. Be able to defend yourself.
Also anons, move out of the cities and learn a trade. Find a nice girl in church, start a family.
While I do use my computer like now, I try not to make it part of who I am. We are constantly stimulated by technology. This is unnatural since we used to be able to just sit for hours and reflect, now we get anxious if there is no internet connection. To be able to relax and just think is a form of "meditation" I suppose, but it’s nice to do it. I have a garden I go sit in during the late afternoon and just gaze out on the nearby mountains. I don't think about anything in particular, I let my mind wander. Really healthy and fulfilling.
The vast majority of things that modern society has brought us have severe consequences. The only "good" things it has brought are directly or indirectly related with making life painstakingly easy and almost meaningless or just increasing world population to insane levels. The kikes would have us be dependent on them soon; once post-industrial society hits and we become unproductive slaves to the state for our monthly food ration.
William Sullivan
>”Lmao nothing matters, I just want to enjoy pleasures in life, no higher being exists, no greater purpose in life exists”
To atheists/nihilists lurking the thread:
Your consciousness is the only thing verifiable in the entirety of Existence, since a consciousness not recognizing itself is a paradox. It's Descartes' cogito, and it's the basis for absolutely everything, and I say EVERYTHING, philosophical and scientific that can follow.
Then we have Parmenide's Existential paradox. If a thing ''is'', it cannot ''not'' be, for then we'd have no basis whatsoever to even contemplate it. Furthermore, saying that something came out from nothing and will go back to nothing is equally illogical, since nothing is logically impossible. So we have to assume that everything always was, and always will be, albeit not in the same form.
So what happens then? What happens is that your consciousness, your capacity to synthesize and accumulate information, or what is commonly known as the soul, whether it was inside your body or completely separate (the question is utterly irrelevant here) always was, and always will be, logically, which leads us to believe that there was a Before as well as there will be an after for every verified consciousness (i.e. you as a the observer and synthesizer of this text), there is an afterlife, and there was a before-life.
Evan Johnson
The question remains, however, as to what that afterlife is. Equally interesting is the question of where consciousness comes from. And this is where philosophy lets religion take the torch.
I'm really getting bored of those pseudo-sophisticate ultra-materialists that seem to be everywhere these days. It seems funny to me how so many smart people insist that their capacity for logic and reason can somehow reach outside the bounds of our existence, explain it in a meaningful way, even though the very terms and concepts they use to, oh so authoritatively, state "idiot, when you're dead you're dead, see?!" have been invented in minds very much created by the very phenomena they so glibly dismiss as irrelevant. "Consciousness? Pff, a hallucination of the brain! Qualia? Ephemera! There's meat and dirt, and that's IT, and you're a fool, and probably some sort of weirdo, if you think otherwise."
The vehemence with which many of those people defend the idea that they're ultimately nothing, completely irrelevant and futile, makes me think that there's more to it than just pure calculation and cold logic on their part, as most of them claim. People don't get so worked up over things just because they think they're true. Most aren't nearly that noble. They have some sort of emotional stake in the game.
thinking about living out of a travel trailer on a small plot of land in the mountains. during that time Ill probably build a cabin or start growing my own food.
however we learned more about consciousness, if we define it by the ability to make an intelligent decision we can argue that computer software can have it
Austin Jackson
Do both, user. Become self sufficient, but do so in your own time. After you do this, cut yourself off the electricity grid and eventually the only bill you'll have to pay is internet
Angel Campbell
>inb4 >>>> /fit/
Self-improvement and taking care of oneself is incredibly important in order to make any sort of positive change in the world. Before we can know right from wrong, we must enrich ourselves spiritually. Before we can argue and criticize we must improve our mental knowledge of philosophy and history. Before we can take back our communities and countries, we must be in top physical condition.
>the people who want to stay in a field that builds stuff have to go to the next areas like robotics, which is honestly MUCH harder because of the intersection of everything
That would be fine with me.
Honestly, after getting past the initial depression of it, I see these fields as possibilities:
Infosec - taking classes now, have some experience with it, am pretty damn good at what I've run into so far.
Fintech - I did finance, econ, marketing, accounting, etc as part of my degree, never loved it, but it wasn't bad. Combine it with tech and it seems like it would be fun.
Intellectual Property Law
Then stuff anons have mentioned like Robotics, know very little about it other than being on my h.s.'s FIRST team back in 2007-2009.
Then borderline pipe-dream shit like investing in cryptos full time or programming them like in Ethereum and the like.
Don't give a shit what you think, just tell me what you think. Or if anyone has firsthand exp with any of this.
"George Lincoln Rockwell associated himself briefly with various groups and individuals having a conservative, patriotic orientation. All of these were afraid to deal openly and forthrightly with the two issues that Rockwell soon came to realize were at the core of the problem: race and the Skypes.
Anti-communism wasn’t enough, he decided. One must attack not only the symptoms of the disease but its cause. One must expose the Skypes as bearers of the communist virus, and one must also understand that the great danger posed by the Skypes is not that they generally favor leftist economic or social policies, but that they aim at destroying us through racial mixing.
By 1959 he had concluded that traditional conservatism was more of an impediment than an aid to the struggle against the Skypes, and he declared himself a National Socialist. Actually, he declared himself a “Nazi,” began wearing a uniform with a Swastika armband, and greeted his followers with the Roman salute and a “Heil Hitler!”
This touch of Hollywood in Rockwell’s approach to revolutionary politics always was a bone of contention between him and me. I argued that the uniforms, flags, and theatrical behavior — even the name “American Nazi Party” — made it difficult for serious people to take him seriously.
His medium got in the way of his message.
Luis Johnson
Oh and data science. Stats was a bitch, but I appreciated it more and more as I learned it.
Jose Mitchell
He replied that if he put away the flags and armbands, wore a business suit, and shunned theatrics, the news media would ignore him and no one would hear what he had to say. His aim, he said, was to make people pay attention to his simple core message of the need for rebuilding a White, Jew-free America based on the principles laid down by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf.
When he had tried to present that message in a sober, serious way, no one had paid any attention to him. The newspapers and television stations wouldn’t send reporters to his press conferences, they ignored his press releases, and the public didn’t even know he existed.
But as soon as he raised the Swastika banner, the news media went crazy and swarmed all over him. He was seen on all the TV channels and what he said was reported in the newspapers. Yes, I answered, the theatrics get attention for you — but your message gets badly distorted.
The media try to make you look like a madman and a clown, and to a large extent they succeed. The result is that most of the people attracted to you are losers, social outcasts, freaks. If you want to attract winners — serious, competent, idealistic people — you need a serious image.
Rockwell responded that it is the losers, the social outcasts, who make up the ranks of every revolutionary movement. They’re the ones who are available, the ones who don’t have anything to lose by becoming associated with a politically incorrect cause.
Isaac Thomas
>want to start a farm and garden like in these books >oh wait i'm a NEET loser with no land or money or anything
Welp I tried guys.
Luke Anderson
Individually they may not be very impressive but large numbers of them, organized and disciplined, would make a revolutionary army. He had tried appealing to what I called the winners: to the teachers and professors, to the doctors and lawyers and engineers, to the writers and artists, to the businessmen and the craftsmen, to his fellow military officers, to the careful, responsible men and women with steady employment and stable families.
And he had found that while many of them agreed with him in principle, almost none had the moral courage to stand up and be counted among the righteous. He had given speeches to groups of these people under the cover of several ostensibly conservative organizations.
They would come up after his speeches, shake his hand, and tell him they admired him for saying what they also felt. But the merest suggestion from Rockwell to one of these people, that he ought to participate in an effort to take America back from the Skypes and their collaborators would send the fellow scurrying away in fright.
They were too comfortable, too corrupted by good living and materialism, too unaccustomed to taking risks and facing opposition.
Leo Hernandez
a lot of good shit here, some of you guys really need this
Jacob Nelson
Only in the masses, Rockwell had finally concluded, were the recruits to be found that he needed to launch a political campaign to take America back — and the masses could be reached only through the mass media. I still had serious doubts as to whether the type of people Rockwell was attracting with his flamboyant tactics could be disciplined and used to build an effective organization, and these doubts made me hold back from a whole-hearted support of his efforts.
We collaborated on the publishing of National Socialist World and we continued to argue about other things. I gradually found out, however, that Rockwell was dead right about the moral cowardice and the servile conventionality of the great majority of Americans.
Most of them would rather lose an arm and a leg than be suspected of thinking a politically incorrect thought, and as I worked and argued with Rockwell, my appreciation of his own courage and idealism grew. He was a man with several talents, any one of which could have earned a comfortable living for him.
But he was also one of those rare individuals who is wholly in contact with reality, who wholly identifies with the world around him and who, therefore, is incapable of ignoring what he recognizes as wrong. To Rockwell, evil must be opposed; good must be upheld. To pretend that the world is other than it is was self-defeating.
To lie about it or to try to fool others about it was unthinkable. Once his eyes were open to the Skypes and what their policies were doing to America, there was no question of keeping his mouth shut and going on about his business. He had to speak out against them.
He had to fight them.
Evan Stewart
Christian Campbell
law is a possibility, never heard of infosec fintech is actually just applying mathematical formulas it is kindof boring, i am that guy who said that last time, all jobs will end at the end, robotics will be replaced by maintenance in a few hundred years theoritical qnd experimental physics might be the only jobs to truly stay for a long time, but even them they will get changed and we have no clue to take a course in discrete math it will help you come to terms with abstract concepts
Samuel Smith
He would fight them anywhere, anytime, under any conditions, no matter what the odds, and he would fight them with all the strength of his being.
I’m sure that if there had been just a thousand men like Rockwell in America in 1966, we’d be living in a healthy, progressive, all-White America today.
Finally got into law school after 2 years of NEETism. It sucks seeing all your friends going to college and meeting new people while you stay at home, in your computer the whole week, sleeping until 2pm and basically only seeing other people during the weekends.
Looking for epub files of A Sky Without Eagles Revolt Against The Modern World Ride The Tiger Men Among The Ruins
pdfs read like shit on my reader
Brody Garcia
Go to and download the PDF files of them, then go to and convert it to epub format. It's all free and downloads directly, not bullshit
Levi Howard
We need people that can into public speaking. If you're in school, start or join a speech group and start doing reenactments of historic speeches. Start with normie friendly crap like Lincoln or JFK, then move on to Patrick Henry, and if you get a good redpilled group do some better stuff. This could be YOU:
This preserves history and builds character and teaches you a useful ability. Pic not related.
Juan Allen
I tried converting Evola pdfs to epub before and they turned into a mess
Luke Jones
We need to ban islam in the West and stop all invasion of muslim countries. This is the only peaceful solution, otherwise we'll have to go full Myanmar against all muslim men women and children like our Buddhist brothers. Our globalist treasonous politicians do not seem bent on having a peaceful solution happen, so the only choice besides death is to terminate all muslims kikes and traitors once SHTF, women and children included. War is unavoidable, see: And also read this: The underlying math and systemic problem in that article applies to all Western countries. If there isn't going to be enough money to pay police and firefighters pensions when the bubble pops, even if you raised taxes to 100%, and gibs to the low iq dindus and muslim savages goes bye bye, S will HTF. You'll have people calling for expropriating everyone of everything to pay for unsustainable past promises (it will be like Venezuela, but all over the West. Once again, socialism, even our soft socialism we live in now, always end up exploding in your face.) Add to that the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the incapacity of governments to finance their budgets via debt and imagine what that looks like. Really, use your imagination to figure out the implications of these facts I am presenting you. You better start prepping NOW. I recommend starting here: -> This guy survived the Bosnia SHTF in the 90's, he was not a prepper before that, then he became one. Also read: The birth of a new era is upon us.
Camden Clark
You can grow food literally anywhere. Even with an apartment.
Isaiah Hernandez
This is a daily leftypol thread.
The links all contain malware.
Don't be niggers, buy the books if they're any good.
There is nothing here but leftypol shilling and bad advice. Avoid at all costs. The moderators are compromised and won't remove it.
Adam White
How do I start waterfasting?
I just cant endure more than 3 days
Joseph Russell
>JFK >normie Why exactly do you think he was killed?
Isaac Diaz
Doing God's work OP, keep it up.
Chase Smith
Not bad advice here, there's a good book to learn the ins and outs of speech writing and giving called The Lost Art of the Great Speech by Richard Dowis
He uses examples from speeches from some cucked people like MLK and Lincoln, but gives good tips and advice that you could incorporate to speeches from people like Hitler or Mosley
Really? I've never had a problem with it, then again I've only converted modern writings. You might want to ask someone on 8gag for it, they can get you anything, really, I mean it.
Anglin is a fucking kike, that's been known around since forever. That's why almost nobody on the right likes him.
Matthew Torres
fuck that disinfo shill
Jackson Harris
Hes right tho
John Lopez
i feel like im a pretty good guy. im 22, currently in college, have good grades, workout every other day, and am saving money to buy a home. the only things i dont like about myself are i do cocaine, not every day but maybe once or twice a week. i dont smoke weed or anything like that though. i live at home, i was on my own but had to move back due to my two roommates flaking on the lease. couldnt afford it. finally the fact that i fucking hate myself. thats the one thing i have 0 control over.
Isaiah Fisher
Well said.
That's my response to the claim that the Alt-Right is full of "losers." Who is in a position to notice a social order that has become hopelessly fucked? The "winners," i.e., the people who are most implicated in it?
The whole problem with us is that we aren't losers--we're overwhelmingly high-IQ White males who could be doing very productive things. Far more productive things than our Diverse and vaginaed substitutes. (In fact, what wealth the "oppressed" have is STILL largely redistributed from us and the institutions the Oppressed fill were built by us.)
Political movements are made up of losers, and winning political movements of people who should have been winners before the social order got fucked. We are the latter and that's why the Left is so scared. They know that Tyrone isn't gonna help them when things get tough.
Justin Edwards
guess i should say "objectively" i feel like a good guy. inside my own head i absolutely loathe myself and am always sad when im not doing something, coke, playing the guitar, schoolwork, or working out. if my mind is left at rest it becomes acidic.
Blake Carter
That's my point. You don't win anything irl with nazi.
Jaxson Ward
Yeah and how well did that work out for him? He's not even mentioned in post war American history.
Jackson Gonzalez
spot on
Ryan Ward
>everybody ignores my question
t-thanks guys...
Levi Baker
the goal is not to win. the goal is to be right.
Thomas Jones
I don't really endorse "fasting" (literally no food). Just eat healthy normal portions and exercise a whole fucking lot if you need to lose weight.
Robert Morales
>I hate myself >0 control over Found a belief that's hurting you. Please excise this belief ASAP.
The contents of your consciousness are influenced directly and overwhelmingly by your environment. Basic abilities are innate and immutable, but your thoughts--the kind of thing that can be expressed in propositions like "I hate myself" can absolutely be changed.
>The determining factor in happiness is what you think about.
Get busy, my man. Think about your projects. What are you doing thinking about how "bad" you are? What are "good" and "bad"? Spooks! Those are simply OTHER'S PEOPLE'S CREATIONS blocking your path.
Thought is wasted if it's not applied to creating the world you wish to see. That doesn't just mean politics--the world you wish to see is, well, everything you see, including money, big muscles, artworks, qts skewered on your cock.
You want things. You know what they are. THAT you have no control over. Admit it, own it, and apply your thoughts to GETTING those things. The rest is literally just other people's word-art cramping your soul.
t. formerly suicidal dropout who underwent psychological disintegration and emerged as a jacked self-sufficient Chad who works part-time and lifts/shitposts/reads redpilled books most days
P.S. Thus Spake Zarathustra, my man, one chapter every morning, and when you reach the end start over, never stop
Stop lying you shit head commie. These threads have inspired and helped many people.
Lincoln Rodriguez
Saving money while doing cocaine how does this work i'm intrigued
Camden Green
Political activism should be contained to Sup Forums. IRL activism are for normies.
The memes are more important than real life change.
Oliver Phillips
fasting is healthy tho
Jace Moore
Muslims always shit up any place they pour into. No amount of muslims is safe because as shown in the previous posts, islam is incompatible with the West. We need to ban islam in the West and stop the invasion of muslim countries, otherwise genocide in self defense is unavoidable, like it was for the Buddhists in Myanmar. When even the Buddhists want to wipe your religion from the face of the earth you should probably find a new religion.
Hudson Hughes
Henry Harris
We've heard of him and we learn from him. Better than total obscurity. Some are born posthumously
Luis Taylor
It is not just about losing weight it is also a spiritual experience of enlightenment. I managed to do it for a month 4 years ago and it was amazing. But now that I am depressive and a wreck I feel to powerless to endure this again
William Jackson
Time to the net to real life, print the redpills and spread them, make landing pages with redpills and print QR codes and spread them.
Ian Walker
Appeasement never works.
"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
—Theodore Dalrymple, “Our Culture, What’s Left Of It”
Elijah Wood
Christopher Gray
One of the most important lessons I wish someone had taught me earlier in life is to focus on what I actually COULD control. Nobody can make me change my opinions, in order to win in the long run there need to be more of us than there are of them. Have a large family, make white children, and pass the legacy on to them. You can control if you are physically fit. You can control if you are educated. You can control if you are successful in a career. You can control how you present yourself - how you speak, carry yourself, dress, interact with people. You can control who you make as friends. You can control what skills you acquire, and aspire to be a master of multiple skills and activities. You can control your demeanor and mood to be a good person, a happy person, and a friendly person. You can decide to be a reliable, honest, dependable person who lives in the service of those he loves dearly.
You can mold yourself into what you would like all of society to be. You can mold your family to be the same, and instill in them the values which allow them to do the same. Be patient, stay alert, and make whatever choices and moves you need to in order to ensure that your family stays safe and your legacy is not tainted by the progressive kikes, the muslims or the traitors. It is not an easy thing to do. It is easy to become disheartened, it is easy to falter. Life is not easy. If you believe that your ideals are worth it, then you must at a minimum struggle to live up to those ideals yourself, and lead others to the same standards by example. Once you have reached this level of actualization, and others have as well, we can begin to have hope for the future. Let's start now.
Jaxson Morgan
Whatever floats your boat user.
Mason Nelson
Traitors are also our enemies, because they help our enemies.
Colton Gutierrez
Progressive kikes are enemies.
Liam Butler
lol y'all I'm gonna go with undebatable that it's unhealthy
Everyone knows the real redpill here, it's a shame some hide from it. Eat good unprocessed food, get off drugs, stay hydrated, and sleep. There are no secret health hacks.
Jaxson Jackson
They help our enemies to invade us and protect themselves from the enemies we share.
Isaiah Anderson
Close the Western nation's borders to them too.
Carter Rodriguez
btw appreciate the redpills.
Tyler Garcia
When I fast I allow myself things after it that I shouldn't have, like chocolate It sounds counterproductive but I've lost all of that sneaky skinnyfat flab by just having something to look forward to at the end of it, to keep motivation high That and checking myself out in the mirror like god damn Bateman just to remind myself what I've gained
Mason Nguyen
Refuse Fascism is being headed by Bill Ayers.
Bill Ayers >founded and lead the Weather Underground >participated in the bombing of NYCPD headquarters >participated in the bombing of the United States Capitol Building >participated in the bombing of the Pentagon
Weather Underground did the following besides the above: >planned to arm the Black Panthers and try to get them to fight the cops/government >planned to rob a bank >robbed a national guard armory and killed a responding police officer >bombed the Haymarket police statue twice >planned and carried out a multi day riot called the "Days of Rage" >sniper attack on Cambridge police station >bombed police cars in Chicago >bombed an ROTC building >bombed the San Francisco police department killing one, injuring several >molotov'd the house of a judge >bombed the national guard building in Washington DC >bombed the San Francisco hall of justice (bomb failed to explode) >bombed the Bank of America in New York >bombed the US Army base in San Francisco >bombed the Bank of America HQ >broke Timothy Leary out of jail >bombed Marin county courthouse >bombed queens traffic court >bombed a long island courthouse >bombed the Harvard Center for International Affairs >attempted to bomb the First National City Bank in NY >threw a firebomb at the Royal National Bank in NYC >bombed the office of california prisons >bombed the NY department of corrections >bombed Bundy's office at MIT >bombed the 103rd police precinct in NY >bombed the ITT headquarters in NY >bombed the US Department of health, education and welfare >bombed the california attorney general's office >bombed Gulf Oil's pittsburgh hq >bombed the Anaconda Corporation >bombed the state department >bombed department of defense in Oakland >bombed a puerto rican bank in NY >bombed more shit
Functionally the organization disbands in 1977 but after 1977 several members end up getting arrested for things like robbing a Brinks armored car and killing 2 cops.
Nathaniel Morales
No problem mate. You're very welcome.
Parker Baker
Take this into account: The unit card of the right is the lone wolf. Lone wolves are a very special kind of soldier in that they self sustaining, self motivated and highly intelligent. They are also likely going to be brave because you need to have guts to go it alone. The swarming tactic allows lone wolves to become a pack and then disappear back into the wilderness where they will continue their own little, yet important, operations. When the lone wolves use their "concentrated autism", serious shit gets done. What's also very interesting to remember is that the lone wolf pack storming culture can be applied to lots of things, not just internet mischief. All the lone wolves need is a mission statement. They will do the rest. All the enemy will "know" about them is that an unspecified number of hidden enemies will use unspecified tactics to complete their mission at unspecified points within an indefinite time frame. It's also interesting to consider the fact that, as the Trump election and Brexit have shown, we could probably defeat the enemy before the cold war even gets hot. We must press our advantages and let the left keep doing the wrong thing. And then after Anfita, BLM, RAM and all those groups must go. Everything connected to Soros must go to shit.
Levi Mitchell
Everyone should read this so they have a truly informed understanding on the psychology of the anti-West anti-White traitor:
" We are all always issuing amygdala triggers that set off leftists, just due to a randomly chaotic clash between how we communicate and how the left perceives. That is the nature of the psychological clash between r and K. We speak in cold hard logic about a world that requires K-selection, the left perceives in warm fuzzy emotion a world that has to be r, and in some places the one will hit the other like a sledgehammer. Some have a natural tendency to speak in sledgehammers without even knowing it, and they are great to listen to, because they can help us to understand how that happens. Others, like President Trump have obviously done much study in the art, and issue sledgehammers whenever it suits them and their cause." Quote from this post:
This also explains a crucial difference between r and K: "These are fundamentally different psychologies, focused on very different things in the environment around them. The rabbits never even consider survival. Everything they are focused on is related to elevating their status, either through flash and flamboyant resource expenditure, or, if necessary, through victim status and empathy."
First time in one of these threads but I guess I've started working out every day, apparently I've started to turn my gay into muscle now and I haven't been watching nearly as much television as I used to. Doesn't really appeal to me anymore anyway, I've started to talk to also practice socializing and talking to people which is fun.
Self improvement is the first weapon you need to use to destroy our enemies of the West, because before you engage the external enemies you terminate the internal enemies. Always get rid of traitors first applies to you own behaviors towards yourself. Think about it, in what ways are you betraying yourself? Most common problems: >Porn addiction How I got rid of porn: - Stop watching videos, build a nice folder of porn images instead. - Eventually, start to only spank the monkey AFTER looking at the pics, I would look at it, then get up go to the bathroom and spank it there, instead of spanking it while looking at the pics. I kept doing it like this till the end of the process (no more porn). - Eventually, delete all pictures of grills getting fugged and keep only the naked grill stuff. - Eventually, delete all naked grills and keep only grills in bikinis and langeri (sp?) - Eventually, delete all bikini and langeri grills and keep only pics of fully clothed grills (still pretty hot grills) - Eventually just delete all of that shit.
I am now on intermittent nofap, I only fap every other day. I want to increase the gap between fapping days, and I know it is a process, so its all good, I know a little step at a time works.
PS: fapping, if not overdone is not bad for you. But if you nofap (along with banging or if not having sex doing kegels daily to prevent prostate problems), you get a bretty gud boost to your T.
>Refuse Fascism is being headed by Bill Ayers. The more liberal someone is, the more likely they are to unjustly discriminate on the basis of politics.
Nicholas Torres
Also, when you are in the process of breaking any habit, you are only truly replacing it, you cannot have a behavior vacuum, you have to replace the habit with another habit.
And also keep in mind the fluctuations in will power, which is needed before the new habit replaces the old one, and which is a limited resource (there is good science behind the study of will power and the pre-frontal cortex activity and fatigue). This means that if you fall of the wagon, just get your shit together again ASAP, it is normal to fall off the wagon, just refuse to use that as an excuse to not keep pushing towards breaking the habit. Also take into account there is something called extinction behavior, look it up, basically, it means your body will try to force you to behave in the way you want to refuse to act just before the habit is broken.
And then of course, after you break the habit, remain vigilant so you refuse to relapse. And avoid bad companies. If people influence you in a bad way, cut them off, or be forever a piece of shit farting and belching on the sports bar while complaining instead of taking right action.
How do you prepare yourself in the days before you start fasting? Like do you take vitamins or eat certain things?
Leo Bennett
Just wondering, do I need to be Fascist to take part in spiritual and physical improvement? I've mostly been trying to take a non-political stance since I'm really tired of society as a whole but also tired of being a lazy sack of shit hiding in his shell of a home
Isaac Collins
>TFW packed all the seeds I could possibly find & bought fertile soil
Ian Watson
>turning your gay into muscles
Jeremiah Baker
Working out right now after I did my laundry and took an Anatomy Test that I think I did well on.
Today was a decent day, lads.
Jonathan Stewart
Such an excellent quote, hadn't thought of it in a while, glad you jogged my memory.
The cucks didn't get tricked because they're stupid. They got broken because they're cowards.
Can someone help me with spreading these? Just copy the pics and the text, put in a word doc and when you log in on /Pol, spread to one thread. If we have 2 people doing that, its twice the exposure, if we have 10 its 10 times.
Xavier Brooks
I can't recommand enough Stronger than Hate from Tim Guénard: >Guenard's life up to the age of 20 looks like a horrendous TV serial. His nose was broken 26 times: three times as a child by his father, whom achocol reduced to violent insanity, and 23 times when he took up boxing in his teens. At the age of three his mother tied him to a lamp post on a country road and drove away. >The police found him half frozen and brought him home. Beated into a coma by his father, he was in hospital for two years and then farmed out to unloving foster parents. After a year in reforn school, he escaped to become, at age 12, the head of a gang in Paris. At 14, he worked for a time as a male prostitute. When he became a proffessional boxer, he wanted to smash the faces of his opponents, because he saw in them the face of his father. Guenard's journey into the heart of darkness was dramatically reversed when he can into contact with those working for the handicapped in the communities of L'Arche. A saintly Dominican told him: You need pardon from Jesus. He knows your heart and he loves you. But first, the priest had to prove himself by climbing on the back of Guenard,s motorcycle and racing with him down country roads. Then, the beautiful daughter of a middle-class family fell in love with the tough from the streets of Paris. They married, have four children, live near Lourdes, and now care for those who have been damaged and rejected by 'normal' society.
John Bailey
More on the psychology of anti-White anti-West traitors: