Should we bring back bathhouses?
>Provides a community center for men
>Typically caters to one race
>Provides important health and hygiene services
>Enforces body positivity and reduces the shame of being naked amongst other men.
Should we bring back bathhouses?
>Provides a community center for men
>Typically caters to one race
>Provides important health and hygiene services
>Enforces body positivity and reduces the shame of being naked amongst other men.
I thought they shut down all the bathhouses when AIDS first came out.
naa too many Beta males in the US... be too much faggitory shit going on
This is one of the many reasons we need communism
this is gay is fuck
Bathhouses still exist in several cities, typically in the form of Korean spas which have a mixed gender common area and separated wet areas. There are also Russian bathhouses and gay bathhouses. Several were closed in the 80s but they are still many in operation today.
What the fuck is this? Doesn't look like a sauna and I'm pretty sure like 98% of Americans have a shower in their home.
Bath houses are where gay guys hang out
they do this in asia, or u can just go to ur local pool i guess
I thought that is what this place is
The picture shows the Egorov bathhouse in St-Petersburg shortly before WWI, around 1910. For all the cries that we have to go back, I wonder if we should bring back communal bathing.
(Sorry for the small picture. It's hard to find higher rez photos of Egorov)
>"Alright, remember not to shoot the picture when the man in the center is massaging his groins."
Pretty fucking gay desu
>Caters to one race
Sorry gay Bubba, but that can't happen.
B-but if you're naked around other men you're gay!
NAh, too much insecure beta hetero.
Have you been to a bathhouse? In Chicago, Whites go to Steamworks, Blacks to go Man's Country, Asians go to Paradise spa. Sure, there's no hard set rule about it, but people don't include those who wander outside of their territory. In other cities, I've seen it work similarly.
>community center for men
that is called sports you fucking neet
Making all nude male-to-male interaction "gay" was one (((their))) greatest vicrories.
My apology, it appeared you wanted to force segregation but if its by de facto, I don't care. Rev up those bath houses gay boy.
This is the gayest thing I've ever seen and I spent 4 years on /fit/
Many gay establishments have de facto segregation. It's why they will sometimes have a "Black Gay Pride" somewhere else because the white clubs don't cater to them.
You should come out sometime. All the white boipussy you can slam.
Wouldn't you feel so much closer to your brethren if you could just shower and roughhouse and wrestle while naked? Our bodies are not shameful, and it would encourage remaining fit.
>White boipussy
I'm a bisexual black bear who only fucks females and fe(males). Hope the boipussy knows it's gender role.
Anyone willing to call it 'boipussy' knows they're in a position to serve.
I'm dead serious that the boipussy must dress and act like a woman. Just not a useless woman.
Sorry bud but two alphas rubbing each other in the presence of other alphas is still some you guessed it: hardcore faggot shit, glad you are comfortable with your sexuality though, homo
There is nothing negative.
About being positive.
Reminder,all fags must hang.
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
there's quite enough gay, going around since the libshit
Totally not gay.
Excuse me?
>Being cucked by a book.
There's no such thing as bisexuality.
You are gay who also fucks women.
Just looking at that pic i can see they also promote homosexuality.
>there are still bath houses in japan
i guess that explains everything.
Whoa! My gaydar just went off!
Enjoy your AIDS niggerfaggot
OP is a repressed homosexual who wants designated areas to fuck other men..
What the fuck, I thought people just go in and bathe themselves and chit chat. They're rubbing each other's dongs, this is really gay.
>No such thing.
How does it feel not being able to as manly as possible?
>Sticking your dick in anyone
That's the gayest thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums and I've been here since 2009. Not even in /fit/.
Nah, it's just male binding. Nothing gay about hanging around other guys and playing with dongs
Only excuse tofuck other man is War Rape. There's nothing more manly than fuck your defeated foe.
>war rape
Thats pretty fucking gay.
Are you possibly a conscript that got raped by a superior?
>t. Faggot who wants to be surrounded by naked men.
And ofc you shouldn't be sexually interested in such activities. You should remember that you fuck your enemy only to humilate him even more.
We already have 2 million saunas.
No need to project, my homo friend. I understand you are shocked by sudden truth. But yoi should overcome this. You are not bisexual, you are gay who also fucks women.
Not projecting slavbro, I just know from other slavs that rape among the Russian military is excessively high to the point that suicide is directly affected by it. Those teachings get passed down to each generation of soldier.
I can also reword that to a heterosexual who also fucks guys. The end goal is to form a family but if I can get that trap nanny on the side where me and the wife can both enjoy and benefit from having around that would be great.
100 years ago a lot of people didn't have hot water from a tap in their house, so these made sense.
More recently its just a code word for gay bar, minus the bar.
There's no rapings since, I don't know, early 2000s.
No, no rewordings. Heterosexual is interested in opposite sex. Straight. You fuck guys. Gay. It's that simple.
I learned of this issue in 2014. Apparently it now kept under tight lips now as the military doesn't want it to come out. Its probably not as bad anymore but it probably still rampant.
Nah. Not higher than in any another military. Since there's an internet in every phone it's hard to hide such cases. You learned this only because of early 2000s memes.
Basically this whole thread is about this: Nothing appeals more to degenerates than the idea of corrupting innocents. BTW demented hypersexual queers ruined any possibility America had of ever having what sane people conceive of as bathhouses.
>reduces the shame of being naked amongst other men.
>projecting your homo this much
kys faggot
>bathhouse user says "Straight Whites" go to only
No user, we won't be tricked into getting ourselves pozzed because you want "men being naked around other men" to be "masculine". We won't contribute to your faggoty
>Korean spas
I've heard a lot about these places being super chill and actually relaxing. The ones in my area are super expensive, can you provide an anons point of view on them?
Fellas, is it gay to wash another man's dick?
When i was in Japan i'd always start and end the day by going to bathhouse. I got used to it quickly. Got a lot of stares from other men though. I think its because i'm 2,1 meter tall. Being tall in Japan feels pretty good imo.
They were never gone.
No, because i think id cum on the spot
>bring back bathhouses
>no homo
t. /fit/
Yes, yes and yes.
I mean, you literally are in the same room as another nigga's dick
This is Turkish level faggotry
For me it's not the washing of the groin, it's the eye contact that makes me kek.