If you're going to trot out IQ differences between whites and blacks as evidence of white superiority, do you also accept Jewish supremacy as a fact? inb4 mental gymnastics
How do white supremacists contend with studies that indicate Jews have higher IQs than non-whites?
Other urls found in this thread:
white IQ made civilizations
jewish exploited them
it all falls under personal philosophy to define which one is worth more to decide who is the better one
by building civilization
may I point you to near Eastern civilization and Abrahamic religious tradition as examples to the contrary?
>jews always obsessed with that 'chosen of god' label they gave themselves
would it help curb you from being a petty pussy if I said jews were super special and awesome and totally don't at all look like they were built from our leftovers?
>Eastern civilization and Abrahamic religious tradition
they were all inferior to western civilization
the "white" or European golden age saw better human development than the rest of the world put together
If I'm being petty then so are all those who claim superiority based on IQ scores - oh, and numerous other performance metrics.
A kingdom that confederated out of tribes and nomadic warbands and collapsed after 2 generations. What a legacy.
And European Jews have the nutsack to claim this entails original ownership of the area.
Jews are white, or at the very least caucasian
What do you mean "contend"? Yes, ashkenazi jews are on average more intelligent.
However, their increased intelligence doesn't account for their over-representation
The point is, so what?
Like, so what? East Asians also have a higher IQ.
What is your point?
>Favorable Jewish population selected
>Jewish population not randomly sampled
>Very low number of Jews sampled vs. Whites
You'll see this again, and again, and again. I've looked at every study of the so called Ashkenazi IQ gap and not a single one of them is good science. Every single study of Jewish intelligence is engineered to give Jews an advantage.
Find me even a single IQ study of a double-blind random sampling of a Jewish population.
You won't find even a single one. They're all done on favorable Jewish populations.
Every last one of them.
oh shit, clearly you guys are superior, look at that average 95 the kikes in the desert are rocking.
how will we ever compete?
That's actually fine, but they still lack the reason and morality needed to form a meaningful society.
First off, you're specifically referring to Ashkenazi Jews. A lot of whom have European blood in them as well.
Second, European whites tend to be better at things like engineering and Jewish whites are better at language.
>If you're going to trot out IQ differences between whites and blacks as evidence of white superiority, do you also accept Jewish supremacy as a fact? inb4 mental gymnastics
The difference between Askenazi Jews and whites is about 4. The difference between American blacks and whites is about 20. The difference between subsaharan blacks and whites is about 30.
Let me reiterate for you all, THERE IS NO JEWISH IQ ADVANTAGE, AT ALL.
Again, if you want to prove this for yourself, find even a SINGLE study of Jewish IQ that's done on a double-blind random sampling of the Jewish population. You will not find a single one, literally every single study done is on favorable Jewish populations from either university student bodies, professionals, or other high-SES populations with favorable educational backgrounds.
Absolutely. That's why we're not white SUPREEEMISTS fucking newfag.
Doesn't change the fact that we want to be left alone to develop our own culture, and not carry brown people.
Oh, and which civilization did Jews create, huh? Some shtetls in Russia? Good job on turning Israel fertile and inhabitable though, I must admit.
Jews are only white when it comes to manipulating other white people.
Not a white nationalist, but jews have a kind of optimized culture in terms of high emphasis on education and culturally they favor incubation. They get a lot of monetary and emotional support well into young adulthood to help them achieve their fullest. Their mothers keep the pressure on virtually every day. With that being said, due to that a lot of jews are always kind of on edge and relatively fragile.
we're out-competing you on your own turf user. its between us and asians now; whites = irrelevant.
Yeah not buying it. Every time I come across some high-IQ or talented person, it turns out he's a Jew. Not everytime, but often enough that it's discouraging.
That's ok - I'd rather /not/ have stellar IQs in finance and media when they're of a hostile, alien force - that's too much power.
Jews can't create civilization. They minmaxed to be social parasites who feed off other societies through nepotism and usury. Even Israel can only exist because of all the shilling that the yids do to control western countries to prop them up and give them shekels. The Jew fundamentally cannot live as a truly independent people. That's why they haven't had a country of their own for ~2500 years until now.
No they're not. If jews count as white, then so does barack obama.
There is nothing to contend.
>Good job on turning Israel fertile and inhabitable though
The Palistinian Arabs have been farming the Levant for hundreds of years, their olive orchards are some of the oldest in the world. Of course, until the fucking filthy Jews show up and destroy them.
The Jews only brought high intensity, high water use agribusiness to the Levant, which is already totally burning out the soils and consuming 6x the freshwater necessary to grow most crops because they're doing it in such arid areas.
Ethnic jews are like 5 points lower than the average white. It's Jewish mutts that are like 80% white that have the higher iqs.
> favorable educational backgrounds.
Yeah, well, I bet they score higher than goyim who also have those favorable educational backgrounds.
We don't.
We just say we have a higher moral code.
Since the Messiah taught us sin starts in the heart and mind.
That's why they wear the torah on their heads and wrap it around their arms.
But its all outward. We truly have the Lord on our minds and in our bodies. As humble as we are in our intelligence.
They don't.
There are more whites in the USA with IQs over 135 (threshold for genius on the Wechsler scale) than exist Jews on Earth.
>looks at Israels IQ
>"no no not the menazim!"
>looks up sephardics
>"not those either!"
>looks up Ashkenazim, white jews, 115~
>good goy, get petted
>wait, my sniffer is picking up something else
>*removes hispanics and muslims from white population
>white IQ jumps up several points across the board
>Swedish and German IQ's have fallen by 5 points alone due to genetic factors over the past decade from suspected resting point
>looks up articles on degeneration of European IQ
>anywhere from half a dozen to a dozen and a half points
>inb4 hold my hand
I will not hold your hand. Google then ask me. And yes, it's reinforcing our narrative when the smart jews are the whitest jews.
We don't. They do, just wish they'd stop trying to deconstruct the West (the only thing standing between them and complete eradication, btw).
Just read this book user. All will be made clear.
also, this
>Every time I come across some high-IQ or talented person, it turns out he's a Jew. Not everytime, but often enough that it's discouraging.
Have you ever worked with Jews - or East Asians for that matter? Because I unfortunately did.
To cut a long story short: I couldn't believe how non-planning, egocentric, random and short-sighted, in short, how stupid they are. It's incredible. They are not black-tier dumb, but they act like malevolent children all the fucking time. Blacks are at least funny and just can't help being animals. All of them, Chinese, japanese, Korean, Ashkenazi, Sephardic are literal monkeys compared to Whites. In fact, even the most humble low class white with a problematic childhood and no chances in life at all, basically white trash, shows, in my experience, more "irl intelligence" than the lauded Jews, Gooks and Chinks.
I dunno, either the stats are fake or IQ is really bullshit. Hitler AND Stalin banned IQ tests, probably for good reason.
t. IQ well above the genius line according to Mensa
Also, for some cheap laughs:
You can't write Ashkenazi without Ash.
I post this every time, and it get's ignored every time, because it is THE ONLY answer to this question.
The Jewish population is 15 million, the European population is 750 million.
If you think that you can compare the average from a population of 15 million to 750 million, then you are retarded.
POOF, that's it..... that's the entire argument. /thread
Last I checked, you Jews aren't doing so well.
Record numbers of people are aware of you, and your lies.
You're not outperforming anyone.
If anything, you Jews are the worst I've ever seen.
Such an incompetent generation of instant-gratification Jews.
You fucked up way too much this past election in the states, and now the whole world can see you.
Let's wait until we see how this coming race war plays out until we decide who is better than who, little 15 million population.
Id bet 10 shekels they only perform the study on jews with european DNA.
Theyre not real fond of the natives who never exiled and still lived in brick shacks with no power or plumbing when the white man reconquered israel for the weak jews.
much truth in this post. good joke :D
And don't remind them about the jewish propensity for mental illness totals.
I don't understand. You think averages change if you increase a sample size from 15 million to 750 million?
Nobody ever said the problem with the Jews were that they were dumb. The problem is that they are viscous subersive parasites.
As I already said in this thread, there exist more whites in the USA with an IQ over 135 than exist Ashkenazi Jews on Earth.
:O What would be a statistically valid way? Literally a bar graph with numbers of people at certain IQ levels? Sounds like a very difficult study to carry out!
Red pill: Jews are white
The average changes when you only sample the most desirable groups within the 15 million population because they're the most easily accessible. Meanwhile the 750 million population gets oversampled across every SES boundary and educational background.
There is no Ashkenazi IQ gap, it's a total myth.
I work in the medical field, and I have to deal with jews and chinks (aka: the jews of east asia) all the time. They're smart, but they're not smart in an honest way. Nothing is every the way they present it, and you always have to keep a keen eye on them to make sure they're not pulling some bullshit. They're the type of people who will be friendly to your face and then fuck you over or do something to throw others under the bus when you're not looking.
>only sample the most desirable groups within the 15 million population
And the evidence this is the case is.....?
IQ arguments are for soft brained plebs
the whole racial supremacy thing is literally the oldest jewish trick in the book
>be jews
>think you are gods children because you are the seed of abraham
>enter jesus
>jesus says everybody is gods children
>tell jesus about your lineage
>jesus says fuck you, you're the sons of satan if you believe that nonsense
tl;dr race may be real, but it is not determinate of worth, ability to adhere to good values is
Smarter =/= being good and just
Jews are evil. Smart, but evil.
The point is that even though ashkenazi jews are smarter on average, there's only a tiny number of them. There are still FAR MORE intelligent whites than intelligent jews for this reason. The whole point is that the response of "well, jews control the banks, media, academia, and corporations because they're just so gosh darn smart :^)" doesn't actually hold any water.
The real reason for their overrepresentation is their ruthlessness and nepotism. They'll do anything to claw over people and get ahead, and they have an entire league of fellow chosenites propping them up too.
The lack of evidence is the case for this. Read the fucking thread, I've already repeated it twice, there is no study of a double blind random sampling of the Ashkenazi population. None. Not a single fucking one.
Every single study on Ashkenazi IQ is done on favorable populations with selection bias.
The fact is that Jews have higher IQs because they bred with whites. That's the only reason.
How do Jewish supremacists contend with the fact that Israel has an average IQ of 90, and tests presupposing high Jewish IQ have poor sample sizes? Certain Asian populations have a higher average IQ of 4-5 points, and that's adequately explained by poor educational standards imposed by cultural revolutionaries in the 60's that wanted to enact comprehensive education because vocational education was 'classist.' It's more difficult to explain away an IQ gap of 15-25 points.
again with this argument. it's childish, user. if you succeed it's because you deserve it; if someone else does, it's because they cheated. clearly Western society allows for some people to rise to the top.
That's rich. Eliminating your attack dog. Face it when were gone you'll be shit out of luck.
happy because we aren't walking encyclopaedias of genetic illnesses
>posts one of the only good jews
OP youre a fuckin kike
we'll beat you through cheating and nepotism, duh
dude Larry is a total asshole
>jews abuse white standards and our sense of honesty to weasel to the top and then bring in all their fellow yids and gain control over all our institutions
>this is fine
Jews literally receive an affirmative action effect when going into university, despite no official policies for anything of the sort. It's because jews will prop up other jews even when they don't actually deserve a spot based on merit.
This fucking kike again.
Didn't you get eternally BTFO with the EXACT SAME SHIT yesterday? Fuck off and kys. Your intellectual dishonesty is staggering.
Low IQ jews get kicked out of the tribe and are counted among the white population. Nothing to see here.
Very few white supremicists here. Even then their arguments are about content of character, not IQ. It seems only lefties think whites are superior since you have such a fixation on it
>blacks are poor cus of white racism
>no its because of IQ
Your people have been kicked out over 350 times throughout history. You follow the same cyclical pattern, exploiting your gracious hosts and then subverting and subverting until there's a breaking point and you get BTFO again.
The cycle will continue and you'll all be gassed. Except for real this time.
love it,
love everything about it.
Good Job, user.
the Ivies had quotas limiting Jewish applicants for years. that's white trying to keep Jews down, if you need a translation. and somehow we managed to get around it...
IQ is only used as an example of racial differences and an explanation for the lack of black/hispanic success besides the mainstream narrative of "muh history of oppression". People seem to confuse this and think we're advocating some sort of "IQ nationalism" where we'll gladly commit sudoku and give our country away to another people, so long as they have a higher average IQ than us.
Even if my people were 90 IQ, I'd still defend them, because they're my people.
Ironically I would say it's a point in favor. When you look at various jew populations, the smartest ones are the ones with highest European admixture aka ashkenazis.
>there will NEVER be a white man as smart as John Von Neumann
That didn't address anything I said. I thought jews are supposed to have high verbal IQ.
haven't I? you stated that Jews have gotten where they are through nepotistic weaseling. yet for years America was run on a system by which whites were meant to benefit over other races. what do you make of that?
I'm just going to set this picture right here...
its pretty obvious jews are inbred retards that manipulated those stats like they do to all other statistics
i know right? only a retard could manipulate stats like that
>what do you make of that?
There's nothing to make of it. You're stitching together non-sequiturs and blatantly deflecting. Again, I thought you kikes were supposed to be silver-tongued devils. Apparently not.
I think Jews are smarter but have a predisposition towards parasitic behavior that gets them removed from societies constantly.
You're underplaying the significance of their higher mean IQ by arbitrarily dividing into only four brackets.
The higher the IQ cutoff you choose, the more jews will be overrepresented.
And the difference between a +2SD IQ and a +4SD IQ is huge, and very significant when it comes to eminence in a domain, particularly a cognitively demanding domain (physics, math, etc.)
you're right; i'm an idiot. I thought your point was that Jews got ahead by weaseling in essentially honest and fair societies. please clarify what I got wrong.
Regardless of what cutoff you decide to use, the fact remains that a higher intelligence does not account for jewish over-representation.
I'd also postulate that the divide would actually grow in the higher IQ tiers, because there's probably more variability in white intelligence and wider standard deviations (speculation: jews have narrower variance due to small gene pools and inbreeding)
Do you disagree with the fundamental assertion that jews get ahead due to nepotistic weaseling?
This actually indicates that Ashkenazis are more Germanic/Turkic than Semitic.
Khazar hypothesis confirmed.
Also sage.
yes. because what you call nepotistic weaseling I call getting ahead in American society - i.e. looking after your own, just like whites do and have done since the nation's founding.
Have you witnessed the studies and viewed the numbers/records?
No because you're a bitch
Again, maybe this works better for you in person, but in text, anyone can read what you see and see how you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. That alleged high verbal IQ isn't helping you out here.
Jews are overrepresented in institutions even when accounting for intelligence. This is because of their tribalistic in-group preference. Are we in disagreement on any of this?
no. I agree.
>implying WS discredit jewish IQ
Jews are inherently destructive to the white race. This is what they've been saying from the start.
Okay, so you can see why the host nation might take issue with your groups parasitic presence, right?
White Jews are white and even Jews know it. The non-white card is a Jew trick. Quit falling for it.
im not a white supremacist, im a white nationalist...
why cant we all just fuck off to our own countries
now there I have a few problems. I don't see Jewish success in America as parasitism. I see an immigrant group (in a nation composed of immigrant groups) prospering in a system that rewards capitalistic principles, i.e. hard work and ingenuity. They like other groups have resorted to close-group tribalism to help each other get ahead. We can debate the morality of this tendency, but all groups (whites included) have done the same, with various levels of success.
I am not a white supremacist, but this is all proven already.
Japs are smarter than whites
Jews are smarter than whites
Whites are smarter than Koko
Koko is smarter than most everyone else
Race realism and quite a bit of anthropology supports these contemporary findings. Accomplishments of cultures of the last 1000 year summaries the capacity of the genetics based on available resources. Africa is the wealthiest continent on the planet for natural resources.
How do Kikes cope with that fact that despite claiming to have such an high IQ they can't invent shit, they can't produce shit, they can't sustain shit, they can just leech of Mr YT, yet all they do is complaining about their host.
They are subhumans but they control me and everybody else!
nuclear energy, relativity, stainless steel, modern genetics, the cure for polio
It's not about them being smarter or dumber, it's about them being evil.
The idea that your opponent MUST be inferior to you is a Leftist dogma.
But Africa didn't have horses n shiet.