>tfw irish traveller (pikey/knacker)
>tfw I experience more discrimination in a day than blacks or libcucks will experience in their lifetime
Wheres my reparations you faggots
>tfw irish traveller (pikey/knacker)
>tfw I experience more discrimination in a day than blacks or libcucks will experience in their lifetime
Wheres my reparations you faggots
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Reparations? You should be giving us reparations for all the shite you steal.
I will in me hole
What the fuck are you at in Sweden?
What do you think? Landscaping.
This. Travellers are just gypsies 2.0.
Except that we're the king of the gypsies. I pay romanian gyspies 40 quid a day to break their back working for me.
>Move to Sweden for better gibs
>They say you're too white so you just get a cuck shed and even fewer potatoes than back home
>Go shitpost on Sup Forums about it because there's no fellow travellers in Sweden for you to wave your machete at ineffectually
>Also swecucks confiscated your machete
Are you guys actually the mexicans of Europ?
Come to the US, we fucking love Irish here
Bitches would love your accent too, youd be swimming in pussy
At least you're working. Better than 95% of gyps.
we had pikeys doing work around here for a while.
people would follow them around to make sure they didn't steal anything.
as in literally staking out their camps.
it was always fucking pensioners were the ones doing it.
i still don't know why they hated them so bad.
Neck yourself cunts.
No. Romanian gypsies and polish are.
Are you actually a pikey? Never really had the opportunity to talk to one desu, but would be interested to. Particularly interested to hear if you are actually pissed off that people are racist towards you, given that your whole way of life depends upon stealing from people who are normally pretty poor themselves (correct me if I'm wrong).
Don't forget the fly tipping.
I thought the Irish were universally loved except for maybe Britcucks?
fuck off shitcunt, I saw you trying to nick my fence at 4am in the morning
That's nothing to how to swedes behave. They generally have to be the most idiotic people on the planet.
Nah, I'm numb to the "racism". I generally couldn't care anymore. And yes, some of do have sticky fingers.
Can't forget about that lad
Nah, 100% irish stock, faggot
Are your parents related? Srs question.
So far I've only been met with positive reactions whenever I tell people I'm half Oirish. I think you're mistaking Sup Forums's twisted view with the world's.
Not that I know of. I have cousins though whose parents are 1st cousins though.
Don't steal my shit and I'll respect you like everyone else
Tall order from the human garbage known as Irish travellers
What is a Pikey childhood like?
Travellers aren't human. The Irish are.
I know, we're superhuman ;^)
Well it's difficult to not be racist towards pikeys, just like it's difficult to dislike someone who steals from you. If I see a pikey you bet your arse I'm going to treat them as if they're about to steal something from me, because I've had shit stolen before. If it was just a few of you lads doing it and something that the rest of you were pissed off about then I could understand why you'd be offended by the racism, but given that it seems to be a pretty integral part of your culture I think it's fair enough really.
>I think it's fair enough really
I do aswell.
i try not to prejudge anyone based on the group they are from, that being said do you acknowledge that there is a large problem
with violence/theft among travellers
You'll get your reparations when you tarmac the drive and return my bike you gypsy cunt
Yeah. The violence is only getting worse. Guns are involved a lot these days.
kek, not a chance
He probably charges old ladies a grand for 3 hours work
tell your fucking cousins to stop squatting and stripping commercial properties and you would get less discrimination you subhuman runt. Why should I be kind to a group that I know from experience will cause hundreds of thousands in damage for a few hundred quids worth of damage, then cry discrimination if someone catches them and beats the shit out of them?
>a grand
Think bigger, pajeet
sorry to hear that.
whats your opinion on the ethnicity recognition btw
Not really bothered about it to be honest. Just more jewish tricks.
Pikeys are lower than Indians. I hate to say it because I am a strong believer in the ethnostate, but you people really are fucking subhuman sociopaths. You have no place in any civilised society.
Just your opinion pal. It's not like you can do anything about us. We will continue to have 6+ children, continue to grow, continue to amass wealth and then we become a serious threat, faggot.
Up the ra and fuck the monarchy
I'm half pikey myself and I hate myself for it. I notice that I have a lot of negative traits, mostly associated with poor impulse control, thanks to those fucked up genes.
>half pikey
No such thing
>even human
I hope this is just an elaborate ploy to trap and tor
Nice passport there faggot. How much brown nigel cock did you have to suck to get it?
I had sex with a pikey. You guys are real men. A bit too rough but its just like imagined
None at all. Quite easy to acquire actually.
>You guys are real men
stop mugging and robbing, and things will get better. Just pretend you are straight Irish.
Wheres our reparations for all of the stolen property,assault, robberies not to mention claiming benefits whilst stealing bikes for scrap.
OP is a lying cunt, it's been over an hour and he still has the same IP
I heard some travellers speak a special traveller type of gaelic. Do you? Ever heard it?
And whats your personal wealth? Be honest. Whats the average wealth of a traveller?
One last question: does anyone have those ye olde type of caravans?
Big joe joyce is king of the knackers
Honestly, bad as travellers are they're better than spics or niggers
Or mudslimes
Have you tried not being a gypo?
knackers out
I think the robbing and stealing is because they cant receive benefits because they dont have a fixed abode.
Isn't steroid use a problem? Roid rage
>Implying we aren't indigenous to Ireland
Come on now lad. Surely you know better.
I know some words.
I earn upwards of 90k a year, currently. Don't know. I wouldn't say that they are well off.
Why would I do that? I'm genuinely proud to be a pikey.
Irish are monkeys. You belong in the fields and pens with the niggers.
they have static sites everywhere. some are even house pikeys
These so called "fighting men" take all sorts. The best lad out there is paddy "jaws" ward. He beat that fat cunt barney mcginley multiple times. Chaps sound as fuck aswell.
>I earn upwards of 90k a year, currently
By what means?
Do you recommend any books or media or that to learn about travellers? I think you're all very interesting
Stay in Sweden, your kind are responsible for 95% of robberies in Ireland.
They're at the bottom of a cement mixer. Try looking there.
>t.spoons employee
Seriously fuck off to Ireland, i've encountered you people many times and you are litteral gypsies.
And yet you've already let your 6 year old daughter have multiple one night stands with different muslim manchildren.
Well, I first started doing rubbiah jobs ( taking away rubbish). Then I moved up to blockpaving and tarmacing. Me, unlike fellow travellers did not buy flash cars. I saved every penny and bought a yard where other travellers pay me rent every month.
Shut your fucking mouth you swediah cunt. You "parking area" is getting ASFALTED whether you like it or not
Fuck off Sven, if you take in endless niggers you can take in a few travellers ya cunt.
I don't think there are many. I personally know none.
seen both on you tube,rate both of them.
This is the best one I've seen
obviously personal
I remember reading about a nasty feud where one family dug up a baby and the other shot someone escalation etc etc. the article went on to say the womens were worried the roids would make them kill each other. Don't know if it's related but I even see one cunt go to site and ram down all the out buildings on a site, not sure if anyone was inside hiding
oh god please take our them if you're going to be taking the muzzies anyway.
LOL oh you sweet summer child
imagine a jew who can fight, thats all you need to know
kek, I know lads that get stolen lorries and ram houses with them.
Ohh look, working off the record in Sweden and enforcing it with your mafia like tactics. Don't cry when people don't like it.
Fuck off with your scams, you constantly shit up fields and peoples property.
>>tfw irish traveller (pikey/knacker)
I don't understand...
If you're intelligent enough to be literate then you must have gained some degree of self-awareness so why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Lol i've been with them, the ones ive met have been fine. I can see the static "travellers" living in one spot for years being a real problem though. The ones ive met have only been in town for a few weeks at most
what do you think of the case in the UK where pikeys were using winos as slave labour?
I know. I should be paying taxes, shouldn't I (contributing to the further destruction of Sweden)
I actually do good work lad. Everyone who I have done work for are 100% satisfied.
Yup. Dangerous lads.
Bump for an answer
you might do good work but dont act like many of you are simply scammers
Sad thing is Ireland has become completely cucked by travelers. RTE full of documentaries about how discriminated and disadvantages they are.
They are literal animals. We need gas chambers now.
They're sociopaths, like I said. They have nigger-tier empathy.
Among travellers they are called worksmen. Some are treated better than others. Pretty fucked up thing that happened to those worksmen.
Some are. I've seen some work done by fellow travellers and it is absolute shite.
I've dealt with them I get it. They're fucking Orcs who wanna rob you.
They've been ok when they've known me
That's because you are worse than blacks. I'd rather live beside a pack of blacks than a traveler settlement.
I don't mind the few of yas that don't act like fucking animals and make decent lives for yourself, but most of you need to be gassed for the good of the world and you know it.
hold on, are you saying this is a common thing in halting sites? Is it done in Ireland? How the fuck do you get away with it?
>I'd rather live beside a pack of blacks
Good, that will soon be the reality.
So I hear. Des Bishop went on a load of rants about how travelers are okay when they know you and like you. But they have to like you first before they have any chance of not making your life a living hell. If you don't go out of your way to suck their cocks they will make shit of your life. They are by far the worst thing about this country atm.
Well I'm glad you agree at least.
I wouldn't say it is common. Some lads have worksmen. I don't know if it is done in ireland. Don't know.
Is it done in sweeden? How long are you in sweeden?
Yeah. Some lad had an irish worksman. Been their worksman for 17 or 18 year.
Honest answer, is he a slave? On realistic terms, can he leave at any time?
I spent a summer working on a site. My only problem was the fucking kids trying to steal our tools. I stopped grassing on them because they'd be man slapped by the Dad