Hello Sup Forums.
I'm an atheist that has been trying to find comfort in the belief in god but as much as I want to I seem simply not to be able to believe in a god, or gods, for that matter.
Help me pol.
Hello Sup Forums.
I'm an atheist that has been trying to find comfort in the belief in god but as much as I want to I seem simply not to be able to believe in a god, or gods, for that matter.
Help me pol.
Convert to Islam, brother.
There needs to be a 10th Crusade and a baptism of blood across the saracen-filled East.
If what you are saying is true, you already believe in God. That which compels you to seek God is faith. Faith need not be some overwhelming force inside you.
Relax. The rest will come later.
>comprehensive history of the Reformation & Catholic heresy
Yeah just do it brah it's totally not only the untermenschen and the white trashes who convert to Islam.
read some of Bishop Shelby Spong's books, he is a good source for faith without literalism
I have no interest in Islam. I have no interest in joining my natural ennemies.
Have faith in your people it should be enough.
The reason you are having a hard time is because your mind keeps thinking about all the lies you have heard throughout your life. It is good that you feel the tug to learn more about God. That is Him calling to you. Your heart is listening, but your mind is not. Only you can learn to tune out the whispers Satan is placing in your ears every day. Read, learn, and listen to what your heart is trying to tell you, because that is the voice of God. When you are able to do this, you will have a much more beautiful view of the world created for us.
Trust in yourself and your own opinions, not some God that someone tells you about.
Start with "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" by CG Jung.
There is no "god," there is no "religion," but there IS more than the material universe.
Where have you looked so far?
What have you read?
Have you read the bible?
Have you gone to church?
What form/denomination?
It truly is the religion of the untermensch, it'd only ever succeeded by zero rushing and human swarm tactics, or cowardly shit like suicide bombing. In 1 vs. 1 fights it always gets BTFO,
This, gods will is unkowable. So do not concern yourself with it. Instead seek to improve yourself and your people and trust that God has a plan for you
Bible says you have to knock on God's door. There won't be an answer at first, but you have to keep knocking, eventually he'll get up and open the door because you did not give up.
>Help me pol.
Get a lobotomy maybe then you'll believe in nonsense.
whatever you do, don't do this
I have read the Bible.
I went to church, it's beautiful when empty. Truly awe inspiring.
But then I went to the catholic mass, and it was a sight for sore eyes. The French chanting is so bad it took me out of the moment completly. I prefer being alone in the church. Those are beautiful moments.
Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Universe which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts. God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist.
Same thing for me, the basic thing to do is start a personal relationship with God, talk to him, about your problems, everything.
I love catholic Churches. The stained glass, the art, the atmosphere. It's beautiful. I must say, I think it's where I come the closest to feeling God.
Just whispering to myself in a beautiful yet small church.
>I'm an atheist
Funny larp. I always enjoy these fairy tales.
>I seem simply not to be able to believe in a god, or gods, for that matter.
Brain damage, probably in the amgydala. Get a scan. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the brain is malleable.
Man's decadence and narcissism never ceases to amaze me. The more we observe in the universe the more we learn how many questions we cannot answer. Yet, some are foolish enough to believe that the whole truth of the universe is revealed to his eyes.
Remember, you are an organism with needs like food, water, and emotional support. You are not invincible or all knowing, rather you are weak, vulnerable and ignorant. Pretending to know more than you do is more dangerous than knowing your place in the world.
Why so ?
I very much am an atheist, was even raised one.
Dude watch Jordan Petersons videos about religion and the bible, the man is a genius.
So you're saying I might have brain damage.
I watched, Im actually far from convinced.
I think I need simpler concepts.
Im extremely good at working numbers and programming.. abstract philosophical thought is however not my domain of expertise.
Lol, his mind is screaming for him to not abandon reason, and the only lies he has heard throughout his life are from religion. God is a lie
Find the funk, _quiet your mind_, transcend.
Good luck user
come join us, brother
this desu
Islam is your natural ally against the real enemy.
Also remember to not give too many shits my guy, we are literally stardust
If he can't find faith in a real religion, he's not going to find it while larping.
btfo fucking muslim bitch nigger
"Muh magical sandnigger in space".
It's not your god. If you are a "Frenchman", you are pagan at heart and soul.
If you are unable to have faith and you're not just bullshitting, it's not "might". It's "you have brain damage" and probably in the amygdala.
But as I said, for better or worse, you can change your brain,
Let me guess, it's da j00z isn't Sup Forums? And you claim your not retarded.
i was referring to women!!!
The way I see it it's all about interpreting the metaphores and understanding the message in the texts. If you have a hard time wrapping your head around God as an allmighty being think of him as an embodyment of our values and treat christianity more as a philosophy than a religion. Try to understand it's message. According to what you say I understand that you are better and more interested in things (natural sciences) than people (humanities) so maybe you're just not a spiritual person, which is totally fine btw.
Oh and fuck the catholic church
>help me find faith guys
>by pretending to worship marvel superheroes
As per Christian tradition, you have to lick nigger feet until the jenkem makes you see the light.
Whereas you, a Swede, prefers your sandniggers up close and personal. Space would be much to far.
How's that any different to Christianity spreading amongst the slaves and women first as well?
It took me a while. Just keep at the "faith" thing. Eventually it will stick and you'll be happier.
keep seeking faith because you won't find proof ever
I know it's hard once you lose faith and change your mindset to that of a radical materialist faggot, but it's possible
oh brother
why is dishonesty in your nature, your like 2nd tier gypsies.
Do a web search for out-of-body-experiences and near-death experiences. Read hundreds of examples of these.
>inb4 "Muh hallucinations created by the brain."
Just read them. Eventually you will begin to see the truth.
what if I told you that your belief doesn't matter.
To find faith, watch videos about the infinity that is space, and humble yourself to your own insignificant existence, know there must be something beyond human perception out there.
Best advice so far. Also read up on the Hermetic Teachings.
why don't you just suck his dick, your such a cuck. You know muslims hate you guys, bunch of little larpfest retards running around with some childish perfect world narrative.
Here you are welcome. 1 well invested hour.
You're not an atheist if you're looking for belief. I too thought I was an atheist when in fact I was undecided. That was a huge step.
Now I see the various religions in terms of how they help me remember God, which is I think the goal. Unfortunately I tend to lean toward the strict ritualistic ones, because it sanctifies the act of eating (no meat on one day, no oil on another, all elevates food), or the passage of time (X o'clock, time to pray).
I wish I was disciplined enough to handle something like Sikhi with its few rules, but sadly I seem to need more than that.
Look into the occult and alchemy instead of forcing yourself into blind faith. Also, never forget that modern atheistic science is itself a cult based on blind faith in two totally unscientific ideas, the Big Bang and abiogenesis. Both theories violates objectivism because they are ex nihilo (something from nothing).
Are you a kike apologist? I can't wait till we purge you faggots
>m an atheist that has been trying to find comfort in the belief in god
All you are doing is filling your mind with a placebo. If you need a higher being to give your life meaning, then you are weak.
This I can agree with, though.