Sakha Republic would be so comfy if it was independent
>that jewish republic and israel start feuding over who is top jew
Russia is literally being conquered by mongols and tatars again
The muslim and asian majority areas are booming (literally in the muslim case) while the ethnic Russians in the western parts are dying out.
Even moreso, they are hellbent on starting another war over eastern Europe too. It's like they want white Russians die out as soon as possible.
russia is the most jewish cucked state
where did the jewry of "protocols of learned elders of zion" meet/originate? russia
russian mob is controlled by a ukrainian jew
umad ivan?
This is nothing new, ever since the golden horde Russian women have been a commodity to other races,
Finno-Ugric pride
Any minute now.
>russia is the most jewish cucked state
It's pretty cucked by jews. But your country is number one by far and you helped kikes take over Russia in 1917.
>Even moreso, they are hellbent on starting another war over eastern Europe too. It's like they want white Russians die out as soon as possible.
russia is one of the most degenerate countries, according to pornhub
Why Tuva is Turkic but not Mongolian?
Shit map
Also, may I mention the Jewish Autonomous Oblast?
our country isnt the destitute shit hole yours is. key difference
Only filthy subhumans fap to 3d porn. Our tastes are way more sophisticated.
Georgia in 2008, Ukraine in 2014, and now they are itching for Estonia and Latvia too. Also this Zapad training is a little suspicious, Belarus initially didn't want to host it.
What's the explanation for Russia's low birth rates and sky-high abortion rates? In the west, it's because of liberal social justice indoctrination and all our money being funneled to support niggers and other shitskins over the native white population. But why are russians having so few kids?
I hope so. Ethnic Russians inhabit the majority of it anyway
And yeah, learn some history dumbass.
Most jews in Russian empire lived in the area of former Comonwealth, that Russia conquered. But they were not allowed to live in Russia proper.
And it was the poles who invited jews and let them prosper.
>For centuries, Poland was home to the largest and most significant Jewish community in the world. Poland was the centre of Jewish culture thanks to a long period of statutory religious tolerance and social autonomy.
>This ended with the Partitions of Poland which began in 1772, in particular, with the discrimination and persecution of Jews in the Russian Empire.
And again, your kike bankers gathered all those kikes in Russian empire. Financed them and sent them right in the middle of WW1 and political instability to make a commie revolution. Trotsky was literally living on the Wall Street right before the October Revolution and was getting money from Jacob Schiff.
shitskin birthrates are declining and white european birthrates are rising
>Russia is the most cucked Jewish state
>says a fellow inhabitant of ZOG headquarters while Russia literally destroys the possibility of Greater Israel and helps Israel's mortal enemy Iran encircle the Jews on their home turf
Are you fully ethnically Russian or some part cockhole subhuman?
That has 1% of actual jews?
>The 2010 Census reported the largest group to be the 160,185 ethnic Russians (92.7%), followed by 4,871 ethnic Ukrainians (2.8%), and 1,628 ethnic Jews (1%).
Every single country in Eastern Europe has low birth rates ever since 90s. Some countries lost about 20% of population since then. We (ethnic Russians) are actually slightly better than the rest.
Share of Russians among kids > share of Russians among adults. It's mostly assimilation though. Some non-ethnicities with a few thousand people total just write in their children as Russians on the census.
There aren't actually any kikes in the jewish oblast. It was set up by Russia to be a place for the kikes to go to, but they refused to go
That is just a map of oblasts, no mention of ethnicities. And also western Russia is getting flooded by muslims from the caucasus region.
Because Tuvans are Turkic...
Haha Mongolia likes horsies.
>low birth rates ever since 90s
1950s actually. Just that Russian migrants moved in and made it look otherwise.
>And also western Russia is getting flooded by muslims from the caucasus region.
Only Moscow, Petersburg and probably Belgorod. The rest places in the western part of Russia are so poor and miserable shitholes not even muslims want to live there.
> 2030:...
You are talking about being cucked by jews. Your country has by far the biggest Jewish diaspora in the world. Btw most of them migrated from Russian empire or USSR. Most of your financial, political, media elite is jewish. And your country is the biggest ally and supporter of Israel.
You may be rich. But falling from being 90% white to around 60% in a matter of couple decades is pretty cucked. And you are the source of all degeneracy in the world - faggotry, trans bullshit and many more...
Russia is segregated. Most oblasts in Central and Northwestern Federal Districts are >95% Russian.
There are 6 million North Caucasians in the world. Even if all of them somehow ended up in Moscow it would still be more Russian than London is British. We are being flooded by Central Asian illegal immigrants, they are the real problem. The only people who care about Caucasus monkeys are beta numales who think that big Caucasian man will rape them with a glass bottle.
You ain't welcome here no matter how close you are to us
> 1990:...
>Russian migrants
this time for real, i promise
Only Buryats and Kalmyks are Mongolian
let me spell it out for you:
regions with white european majorities have rising birthrates
regions with muslim/shitskin majorities have falling birthrates
Poland doesn't belong there.
>this communist country will fall
>this regular country will fall
>ever going to stick in any country
Russia isn't communist anymore
Why there is such an oblast?
Why there is a single non-European with citizen rights?
What is the article 282?
Why Putin allows ethnic Ukrainians, Armenians, Central Asians, Chinese, negroes, mestizos, SEA chinks in?
Why is it illegal to question the holohoax?
Why is it illegal to own a pistol?
Russian (((Federation))) is not regular, it is an oligarch country.
Кaкaя paзницa, чтo живeшь в гoвнe - глaвнoe, чтoбы y coceдa вcё былo eщё хyжe.
But the Russian """"""Federation""""" (can you exist it lol?) is doomed to fall. As far as the modern Russian "state" goes it's that very interesting case when EU, USA, Ukrainian government and Russian government all are the enemy of the ethnic Russians. (((Russian government))) interests are not the interests of the ethnic Russians.
Very much alike to the Soviet Union, Russian Federation does not represent the interest of the ethnic Russians. Nor the said Federation is run by them.
"At the first free and honest elections they'll vote for the nationalists and hang us all" - Armenian Jew Margarita Simonyan, RT director
The Russian Federation is a legal state successor of the USSR and thusly illegitimate. Unless Russian Federation renounces every legal connection and historical connection to the USSR it's pretty much a non-country.
Putin is a president of literal unironic subhumans.
The Russian Federarion is like welfare state taken to ethnic collectivist level - taxes from ethnic Russian areas go to feed gook and mudslime republics.
Dropping them off and developing slowly is the only way. Russia has no man power or financial resources for imperial ambition(nor a public desire for it for that matter). Russians want to live in peaceful homogenous country, where they are not afraid for tomorrow fiscal stability and their kids safety. There is no money for quality healthcare, yet public expensive shows like Olympics and FIFA are thrown.
There are only two ways - peaceful ethnic balkanisation on model of Czechoslovakia and steady growth like in Latvia and Czech Republic, or another financially atrocious clusterfuck of break away like happened with the USSR.
Well I ask you why do you think it comes from the non-slavic russians.
>not on the list
Nostalgia for USSR is unbelievably high.
>Most oblasts in Central and Northwestern Federal Districts are >95% Russian.
Vologda oblast is 98% Russian, the rest 2% are Belarusians and Ukrainians.
Russia is not Soviet Union, we don't have commieshit ideology and our population is more ethnically homogeneous (Soviet Union was only 49% Russian in 1990)
That's the image I got from Ville Haapasalo's shows when he travels all over Russia, yeah
>Who cares if you live like shit - as long as your neighbours have it worse.
A very Russian outlook on life. Dragging others down with you.
But how can Russia become Balkanized if an Mummy exists?
Checkm8 faggot
With whom? Your dying shitskin great grandparents
Natalia will be hanged or exiled for not being a racist. It's a given
What is even the difference between an ethnic russian and an ethnic ukrainian ?
I never understood this antipathy between slavic russians and ukrainians, aren't you pretty much the same people?
I like her too.
>Caucasian Muslims
>Mongols (Tuva Republic)
Who gonna win?
Tää, also Petsamo and Salla
i like mummy too
people say mummy is mean to tatars
Maybe the fact that our country collapsed 26 years ago and we lost more people than during WW2 as a result?
>is mean to tatars
Is not enough when you openly shill for multiethnic multiracial "Russia"
Pretty fucking close.
when did mummy do that
Nope. There is no chance in near future.
Good whore
Technically most of them were never your people to begin with. And you still have non-Russians in your fold.
Why do Anglos hate Russia?
>redpill that Sup Forums doant want to take
We all should have to be balkanized
I'm not talking about the people in former republics you retard.
You can also just genocide or cleanse all nonwhites from Russia because it has nukes and won't be invaded over human rights
when did mummy shill for multiethnic russia
> With whom? Your dying shitskin great grandparents
And their brainwashed children who had to listen for years how USSR was great, how government gave you apartments for years of service, how everything was cheap, how everyone was friendly and yada-yada.
I mean like as small as posible independent communities.
>you want to be independent dont you rusnon.
Just the America's. General public here think you're bants.
This meme has to end, she's batshit crazy.
>No Mari-El Ministate
Latvia already is a small and independent community.
>implying it's not true