Women are disgusting cheating scheming whores that can't stop banging blacks and racemixing which is destroying the west and making males suffer.
A viable alternative to the women are traps. They have the mentality of men but the mannerisms and bodies of women(ignore the feminine penis). Why not accept them as the replacement's for women?
I mean it's not even gay and traps are pretty easy to redpill.
They're perfect waifus.
Why isn't the alt-right for traps?
Because trannies are worse than women. They are mentally ill, cultural marxist pushing, disease ridden freaks.
Those are pretty nice buzzwords you're throwing there.
They're not mentally ill. They're brains are feminine. What can they do about it?
Mods please PLEASE permaban this idiot
What's wrong with you?
Holy shit you're triggered.
Kill yourself and stream it for our amusement faggot
This thread gets made all day every day. It offers nothing except a chance to beg for (you)s and an opportunity to share pictures of half naked trannies.
>Women are destroying the west.
Let's immaculate western men as a reaction; and let women continue to be led astray. I refuse to believe that you're actually this retarded.
Thread status: Slide
Field status: Sage
shut up and post traps then op
slide thread
That is why.
Although I've got nothing against failed men doing whatever they want, lets not pretend its something healthy and that should be normalised.
>they are not mentally ill
>they are mentally ill
dumb bitch
>a functional society needs families with children
>gays can't provide children or healthy families
It's really this easy.
Having a feminine brain isn't a bad thing.
Nah society can survive without old nuclear ideals. Why do you think like such a primitively?
How do you feel about sexbots?
If beta failed males are put on HRT before the age of 17, they'll pass nicely.
They're okay too but they're far in the future.
Besides they're not a real person. They're just cum dumps.
Because God hates faggots and traps.
But with transhumanism men will become the new women. Hence we are going to give birth too.
As an alt-righter I am in favor of transsexuals. Hear me out. I'm not in favor of normal, decent people fucking them, but I am in favor of this liberal trend to sterilize anyone who is even a little fruity. The hormones they are injected with will sterilize them for life even before their genitals are removed. Even if they "transition" back later they will be sterile. It's eugenics in slow motion. While a faster solution would be preferable, it's been tried many times before and it makes too many people uncomfortable. So this is how it must be.
Traditional wisdom said to "force" them to be normal. But we know this doesn't work. Think about it? Do you want to force this abomination to walk and talk like a man so that he can marry your daughter and father your grandchildren? Of course not. This just breeds more freaks. These defectives must be identified and removed from the gene pool.
Neither are women/faggots
But they were never going to breed anyway, because they were societies bottom barrel. All this is doing is infecting men that might otherwise be normal growing up.
Astolfo is best girl
Yes they are. Quit your meming.
If you're favour of making traps and trannies, you should also be in favour of giving them rights. They're your white brothers and sisters after all.
Even alt-right trannies are superior to normal trannies.
>They're not mentally ill
They're men who think they're women. Sounds pretty nuts to me. Don't get me wrong, I still jack it, but they are pretty much insane.
They know they're not women but they their best to be women because they couldn't compete in this world as men. There's no need for men with feminine mannerisms. That's why they are what they are. In this world you're either a top or a bottom.
There is nothing manlier than fucking a trap
This. I was a fruity ass kid in elementary, but I ended up being a football captain on highschool.
explain to me why having sex with men isnt gay
Traps are gay.
Fucking traps is gay.
Being fucked by traps is gay.
Looking at trap porn is gay.
Making trap porn is extremely gay.
Let me guess, you got 4 touchdowns in one match.
Even if you think is not gay one day he will want to use his penis during sex
Holy shit now that is hilarious.
We'll, football is kinda gay:
-hypermasculine men wearing tight pants
-lots of ass slapping
-guys put their hands between another dudes legs trying to touch balls
-when they tackle one dude, the rest pile on and it looks like a mini-orgy
-football players "hitting the showers" together, kinda like they did at the giant AIDS petting dishes they call bathhouses
>They know they're not women
Not all of them do though. Traps are fine, but genuine trannies really often are fully fucking convinced that they are women, because their idea of gender is so fucked.
traps are not only gay but absolutely disgusting in real life 99.9% of the time.
here's science on it
The only reason women are whores is because men let them. Shape up and control your woman.
you can't control the women. You'll be branded a muslim or a bigot.
We should try to control the traps instead
You're an idiot, traps can't reproduce, they're men in denial, they spread disease, and it is simply an abomination. Stop trying to justify your wank material and go lift some weights.
>this thread still gets (You)s and it wasn't saged and hidden into oblivion
I want plebbit and nu/pol/ to leave.
they only spread disease if they're slutty.
Just teach them not to be slutty and keep them close and they won't cheat or anything
What did I just fucking tell you?
Stop trying to justify your wank material you flaming faggot, get your life together and do not reply to me again.
>Second, some men just cannot into trannies
But of course. I trust any article with sub-par grammar.
That's a girl stop posting it
Trannys are not traps and are mentally ill, traps may be mentally ill but far less so
the problem with this is that those freaks want to have families too.
they want to adopt, or have surrogate mothers, fathers etc.
If theres a rare trap that doesnt look like a man in a dress, is it still gay?
Trap faggetry is natural selection and eugenics at it's finest, beta males with feminine builds, small penises, and little to no muscle shouldn't breed but instead by owned Alpha males as sex slaves like what the Romans did thousands of years ago, This is also why we need polygamy so the alpha males can marry both natural woman and cute traps. By allowing polygamy this will force the natural woman to compete harder for alpha males seed by abandoning feminism, learning some actually useful skills instead of being degenerate junkies, and sluts, and actually being likable and nice instead of being an insufferable cunt with a gender studies 'degree'.
Traps will ironically be the savors of the West and I'm okay with this.
that only makes it be...- oh wait
>cannot into
>sub-par grammer
you're from reddit if you don't know this meme
I would let Blaire White unironically suck my cock.
>because it is a meme, that means it is grammatically correct
you deserve to cry
Anal is gross
But she's a girl
then just stick it in their mouths I mean are you for real?
>minding your grammer when writing sources for Sup Forums
you redditors are too uptight
They generally harm society and tradition. There is nothing right wing about accepting homosexuality.
No the West is in decline precisely because of the abandonment of traditional values.
Enjoy your traps, and sex bots. We can all watch us fade into oblivion. I already had my kids the rest of you are fucked
>Nah society can survive without old nuclear ideals.
Tell that to Rome.
most of the west is surviving right now without the nuclear family. Check and mate
Here's a trap for you OP.
hmmm i wonder who is behind that mask
Sam Hyde disagrees
S-sure... We need to let in the barbarians to make Rome da best.... I guess...
Only 2D traps are attractive though
>believing some random user on the internet
>believing a tranny
unless you have a video or image that really proves the fact I call bullshit
Trap faggetry is natural selection and eugenics at it's finest, beta ‘males’ with feminine builds, small penises, and little to no muscle shouldn't breed but instead be owned by Alpha males as sex slaves like what the Romans did thousands of years ago, This is also why we need polygamy so that alpha males can have both natural woman and cute traps as their wives. By allowing polygamy this will force the natural woman to compete harder for the alpha male's seed by abandoning feminism, learning some actually useful skills instead of being degenerate junkies, and sluts, and actually being likable and nice instead of being an insufferable cunts with a gender studies 'degree'.
Traps will ironically be the saviors of the West and I'm okay with this.
Give them right nontheless
he can't keep getting away with it!
good point, I will take advantage of this decline
The problem is that the ABSOLUTE BEST CASE SCENARIO is two men with good values investing their time and resources in the offspring of people who are too stupid or malevolent to raise their own children.
The actual scenario is more likely a clusterfuck of perversion that breeds psychopaths.
Shut up and post desu!
My friend, this is because the alt-right doesn't understand femininity.
"Feminine" refers not just to literal females but to anything that possesses or is imagined to possess stereotypically female qualities.
A man can be feminine or strike a feminine pose. various cultures attribute "femininity" to obviously genderless features of the natural world, like the moon or the soil (ancient chinese identified the ground as feminine with a masculine sky above). there are feminine rhymes in poetry. if an abstract linguistic pattern can be feminine, why not a penis?
A feminine penis is soft, small, and cute. But the thing you notice most is how non-threatening and friendly it is. Every time it rises in greeting because it's happy to see you despite it not even having the vigor to go up the whole way anymore always puts a smile on your face.
That earnest joy and pleasure it shows when you're around lets you know the girl really is in to you, too. With how lovable and inviting it is, you'll find that it quickly becomes your best friend in the whole world.
For example, a slender, smooth penis, contrasted with a blunt and veiny member.
...a graceful penis.
...a receptive penis that does not aggressively penetrate but rather allows itself to be engulfed.
A penis to be licked
A penis to be sucked
.....to explore with your tongue
and isn't dribbling semen reminiscent of a breast's warm milk? a nurturing penis, a penis like a doting mother.
How it can be gay?
Alt-Right is only for wholesome and pure aryan women like Lauren Southern.
>((Lauren Southern))