Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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When you say こんにちは in polite form with です, do you keep the last letter as は or is it only a contraction when its at the end and I have to change it back to わ. I can't find an answer anywhere
Almost finished the common route. Really wanna bang みさき and 一ノ市
The art style looks identical to KoiSenkyo, to the point I wonder if they just copy pasted the designs over and called them new characters.
Funny thing is that it isn't the same artist.
幻想郷に決まっているんだぜ。 ぜひあそこでまた会おう。
Are you bad enough dude to read and understand Mareni?
Read? Yes. Understand? No.
Is that sentence supposed to be hard?
for beginner trash like myself? yeah
>guide says to start with anki after getting a firm grasp of hiragana
>anki provides kanji and then tells you the translation in english and hiragana
What? Am I missing something here? I thought the idea was to learn hiragana, gain some vocabulary, then find your own preferred method for understanding kanji. I'm just starting out so I've been trying to stick to the guide.
Out of curiosity, what stumps you about it?
What's the problem?
I'm sure Japs invent fonts like this just to spite gaijin.
Those don't even look alike. You're just retarded.
wait till u see their handwriting lol
>Those don't even look alike.
That's the point...
The most preferred method is learning kanji through vocabulary -- that is, learning the kanji and it's reading as the word. Don't study kanji separately.
The idea is to learn the kanji along with the vocab
The first one is 破 though
This is where knowing radicals helps.
That's why the guide is shit.
The "What do I do to actually learn Japanese?" section doesn't account for anyone but Ankidrones who want to brute-force the characters through vocab with no preparation at all (not even study of the radicals).
no no 似 for sure
>Only 2/3rd of the way done with 2000 words in Core 2K.
When does the grinding stop.
When you give up
Watch anime until you understand without subs, then start anki
Are you dumb?
破 is not 彼.
the middle part
i get everything else but i just don't understand this sentence
It's not, it's 彼「あれ」 (down there (i.e. one's genitals)).
Hardly helps at all with this one since there's an extra stroke added in there for fuck knows what reason making it look like there's a 刂 in the character, and there are other strokes which are missing or oriented completely wrong (like the top line in 彳).
寮母のおばちゃんが (understand)
何でもやってくれる一般寮とは違って (don't understand)
read it backwards
Are you serious?
It's not like your average dorms where the dorm mother does everything for you
user it's because the one on the left is 破 and the one on the right is 彼. They have different radicals.
何でもやってくれる whatever she does for us
一般寮とは違って different from regular dorm
I dont get how you got the next sentence though
>it's 彼「あれ」 (down there (i.e. one's genitals)).
a regular dorm where the housemother will do anything for you
different from
ah yeah i was just about to type that. thank you for the help anons, i understand now.
yes, thank you. i'm not sure how to put the next sentence in english but i'm pretty sure when he said
he meant something along the lines of "its absolutely necessary for us to do our preparations ourselves (as we live)"
I want to post a picture of something, but I don't want it to become popular so I won't. まだ日本語を勉強しています。じゃあね
This is why you fags need to learn proper calligraphy.
The stop at the end of the first stroke is a dead giveaway that it's horizontal.
you too user, thanks
Thanks for clearing that up, the guide was really misleading. It literally says to choose your own method for learning kanji, then gives you this as if it's mandatory anyway.
I think I'll study the radicals as opposed to brute forcing because to me anki seems useless (to me at least) unless you have some basic understanding. It seems great for testing yourself and cementing the knowledge later on though.
Are there tools like this without the kanji? I was hoping to at least get to memorizing some words in hiragana. I was really pumped to actually be able to put to use the hours memorizing all those symbols.
Steve made a video where he commented on the US primaries and said he's vote for a Republican, he's already completely lost my respect.
He took the trump meme too seriously
I'd eat your potatoes, if you know what I mean.
こたえ。 じゃがいも
>I'm just starting out so I've been trying to stick to the guide.
All you need is something like the following:
*learn the basic phonetic script/kana and their sounds (if you aren't already familiar with how Japanese sounds, go back in time and start watching anime with the volume turned up).
*read a basic grammar text to come to terms with the structure of the language (Tae Kim, Japanese the Manga Way, Visualising Japanese Grammar, Genki- take your pick).
*reviewing new words and kanji in anki every day with one of the recommended vocab and kanji decks (Core vocab decks, JLPT decks; one of the many kanji decks out there, etc.)
*use the DoJG anki deck alongside vocab/kanji.
*consuming a shit load of Japanese during this process.
It's basically a fool proof way to learn Japanese, easy as piss.
Adult learners of almost everything are too sceptical for their own good and spend far too much time second guessing themselves at every moment, which is why kids are said to learn languages so well, because they're dump fucks who happily accept anything and have no problem with being involved in speaking/listening/reading 24/7. Kids are the same with instruments: stick them in front of a piano and they'll play chords over and over till their parents try to get them to go to bed, meaning they master the basics without really noticing whereas an adult trying to do the same thing will spend half his time stopping, trying to perfect every key and constantly seeking feedback as to how they have fucked up, as they always assume everything they do is wrong due to over analysing everything.
>finally get around to looking at jlpt after years of study and living in japan
>pass multiple 5, 4, 3 practice tests with nearly perfect score and few words i didnt catch
>near the passing mark on 2
>overall feeling good because i had no idea where i stoof
>get contacted by video game localization staff of freelance job i was contracted with for the first time in a while about first tasks
>hard as fucking shit
I went from feeling great about my japanese ability, to the feeling that I truly understand nothing.
Is there a major gap from 1 or 2 or is even 1 far away from actual fluency or even comprehension
Stop trying to troll newfags it's not very nice
There are way too many words with exactly the same kana spelling for that to be reasonable, at least with anki. Also kanji help a huge amount in recognizing Japanese words. Knowing certain kanji and being able to intuit their readings and remember their meanings in new words has helped me memorize vocab more than anything else.
The best course of action now would probably be to read Tae Kim if you haven't done that yet, since grammar always trumps everything else when it comes to comprehension, and then see what you can pick up in anime in the meantime.
Post J-cat scores
Yes but I not a bad enough dude to actually subject myself to reading that bullshit
It's a basic grammar resource like any other, you fucking mong.
N2 is like middle-intermdiate m8. A high N1 score would be maybe lower advanced.
Step from 2 to 1 is pretty big. 1 is still nowhere near native
is there a better program than anki? something like obenkyo where it comes in quiz form and you can turn on/off certain words/kanji (or rather remove/add them if its another app).
i dont like the frequency or "give it to me again thing" so much. but obenkyo you cant make your own decks
i dont know what i want, shit
>getting a translation job with N2
please tell me which games you're working on so I can avoid them
its not nearly as simple as that you memelord
All of them are arbitrarily far from fluency because they don't test any production.
N1 means you should be able to comprehend most written things, and be able to comprehend spoken things in "ideal" conditions (no accent or significant competing noises, seiyuu teir pronunciation, no yelling, etc) which usually means you will be able to understand people in 1 on 1 conversations but good luck when two kansai speaking Japanese people are talking to each other.
Why would you be playing English translated Japanese games in the first place?
Have you actually sat the N1 and have experience with the listening portion?
I've done the JCAT and there are recorded versions N1 listening sections on youtube
Almost a year old result. Might do it again soon if I actually get back to studying
Do you want to learn Japanese or do you want to play games?
So no?
>So no?
Do you have an actual point? The things on youtube are real N1 tests. It's quite fair to use actual N1 questions to judge what the N1 tests.
If you disagree, what is your opinion about it? Or are you just shitposting?
Listening to recordings on youtube is a world apart from listening to them under the pressure of being crammed into a hot room with no air con, at shitty little desks surrounded by other people.
See above.
>If you disagree, what is your opinion about it? Or are you just shitposting?
My opinion is that you should shut your mouth and don't comment on things you have no actual experience of, because arrogant bullshit like that is the root of all shit posting on Sup Forums.
"so I can tell others to avoid them" doesn't have the same rhetoric impact
Kill yourself slut
Both. I want to be able to understand and translate games but also things like keynote speeches (think E3) or have interviews.
Business of video games and the games themselves.
Do you have any experience with it, or were you preemptively counter-shitposting about things you also know nothing about?
>Do you have an actual point?
If you haven't sat the JLPT you are really in no place to make those sort of judgements. No, Youtube bootlegged recordings are not the same as sitting the exams. That isn't something that should have to be explained.
Okay so you suck at taking tests and that somehow changes the difficulty of the questions themselves? Surely if you can get almost every question on the youtube version then you can get your fucking 20/60 on the real test.
>My opinion is that you should shut your mouth and don't comment on things you have no actual experience of, because arrogant bullshit like that is the root of all shit posting on Sup Forums.
Wow dude I'm sorry that you suck at listening comprehension and fucked up the N1 test but you gotta be more objective here.
So when you see interpretors or people who claim to speak a second language, was it because they grew up in an environment where they had to learn multiple languages because of their parents or region and they are practically native in them both/all?
Or in the case where they studied did they reach something at or beyond the equivalent of JLPT1?
Or are there just idiots who can maintain a daily conversation that claim they can "speak" some language?
if they don't have an accent it's the first
if they have an accent its the second
if you're on the internet it's the third
this really fills me with despair, if you're only n2 after living in japan for years i wonder how long it will take me to get there just reading shit and doing my reps
>I never take JLPT
>but I have JCAT so my post is legit guys
Does anyone here have a higher JCat score than mine?
jlpt only twice a year
and you must apply within a single month 2 months prior to the actual test
and pay over 5000yen
and do it in the most convoluted way
what the fuck
i guess i shouldnt be surprised by a country who still uses fax machines but not debit cards
So you have taken N1? What was your score on listening? Do you ever have trouble with yelled lines in anime? Can you listen to podcasts and understand everything? How about something like Gaki no Tsukai? Can you understand conversations between two japanese people in a crowded room when they are next to you, but facing each other and talking to each other? If you say you can do those all flawlesly and still got a shitty score on N1 listening then I'll concede defeat.