I earn 8000 USD per year. Per fucking year. One year of waking up at 6 AM and coming back home @ 4 PM

I earn 8000 USD per year. Per fucking year. One year of waking up at 6 AM and coming back home @ 4 PM.

Anyone else fell for technical degree meme?

PS - it's an average polish salary

Seems spoiled to me
For 3 years i was easrning average 2k zł / month getting up at 5 am and being back home after 5 pm

>live in shit
>but my shit is shittier!

Jesus fuck I don't know how you do it. You can make more than that flipping burgers in the poorest state here.

What do you expect, I've been looking to purchace a certain appliance. No one wanted my money, no one was willing to answer my emails, or they just shun me like I was a homeless begging for a change.
The customer service is so shit in Poland I am really mindboggled how they make any fucking money at all.
Poland is not poor because there's no money or investors. It's poor because 99% of Poles have this fucking nigger attitude.

sad reality in polish shithole because fucking PiS is hungry for more moneys

Except it's not shit if you know how to save money and be happy about yourself.


Whenever someone posts that well known fact I feel like somali kid. Literally

Comparing apples to oranges. Your prices are also way higher than in poland.

Sounds like you're getting paid too much

yeah, but just scale price of everything down
>nice house in suburbs like pic rel - 100k USD
but buying goods from america is pain, PCs, cars, everything

if you think its that bad in poland then come to the states. cali is sanctuary state now. just overstay your visa and dont be a criminal. i guarantee you dont find things to be much better here than in poland.

Its actually 30k

That's what I make in half a month...

why? ultra high living costs?

Maybe he massive Polish diaspora thats plannig to come back may maybe imrpove things. What do you think Piotr?

>make money online
>get clients from US

This is a little outdated but it proves you shills wrong.

Yeah but the fast food worker makes $7.25 an hour and the combo meal at his restaurant costs about 1 hours wage.
He can work, eat, and have money left over for ammunition, gasolone, and rent. The ammo is necessary to pass safely through coontown.

Damn it feels good to be American, illegal aliens washing dishes in the back of the local pancake house probably make 50% more than you annually. Is the reason you don't take refugees actually just because you're all too poor? I thought is was le based slavs

Damn dude, how did you convince Wendy's™ to give you a raise?

I think your problem is not your choice of profession, but rather your location

I make a shitload of money by selling useless chinese crap to tourists at the beach

I don't know who is planning to come back, but whoever will, will not change anything.
It's always been dog eat dog here. Most people get rich by stealing gibs, or using loopholes.
Decent people are poor.
Poland is a shithole on many levels, it will take many generations to make it 1st world country, if it ever happens at all. It's sad, but true.

He is white. He would get deported as soon as his visa expires. We hate skilled immigrants that our country would benefit from. Only brown savages please.

Either way I'm probably fucked up for good. I checked out jobs for my field in UK - wouldnt be able to fit in, since you do everything the other way.

I guess some units just gotta eat shit till the day they die.

you are so full of shit


Poland is such a shitty country because we were in annexation for over 123 years and had many wars on our territories

Don't even think of UK, it turned shit long time ago.

prove it faggot or leave if you have nothing to say

3,5k polish potatos and I do nothing at all whole week, but playing vita games
only downside is a night shift, but I usually stay till 4am anyway, so 2 hours more isnt a big deal

>every single Polish post in this thread
I will never say that Russians aren't actually Slav cunts again. You are literally the same.

truth is if you don't earn a lot it's probably because you aren't very talented. i know you want to reject that with every bone in your body, but if you were actually good at your job or intelligent or in some way skilled you would be capable of bettering your situation through finding better work, promotion, etc.

This is the basis of your entire conservative bullshit by the way - that personal responsibility is numero uno, so stop blaming some MEME and start looking in the mirror for the source of your failure.

there are plenty of white illegals in this country. you faggots and your victim complex are so tiresome.

>if you think its that bad in poland then come to the states

Why are burgers so retarded?

nigger I'm a doctor and I make 2000 USD per year
come at me bro

Somebody is probably jewing you out of money by paying you in dollars!

holy fuck

same desu, getting my master's and leaving this shithole

welp the solution is to selectively breed offspring to create a super intelligent breed of poles who will build silicon valleys x10 all over poland and make it the richest country in the world.

you prove it yourself
i have never ever met with an attitude you are describing nor have i heard of such

Poland will be okay. You all just need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps the way the USA did. Work harder and get smarter. And keep the shit skins out. We are all proud of you little buddy!

Fake and gay, it is well known that all doctors have been sent to EU on boats.

I'm making 12k in South Carolina with probably twice or more your cost of living and I have to put up with nogs. Count your blessings.

>the way the USA did
>being effectively on continent sized island
>with no competition
>full of resources

My dad gives me $250 per month. That's more than enough to pay for rent, food, internet and porn. Wagecucks, I pity you.

name one sweetie

I am earning 15000 USD/year right now
But i am aiming 17000 USD
I am already doing courses to increase my qualifications

PS :
>8000 USD
> is that eastern fucking poland?
>move to silesia
> you moron

damn bro, where's the american dream?

Never going to accomplish anything with that attitude!

centrum wrocławia
nie każdy jest programistą

You have no fucking idea what I'm talking about. The nigger attitude is prevailing in Poland, wether you want it or not. It's not hard to see it if you are actually want to look at your country objectively. Also you should try to visit other countries, maybe you would know what I'm talking about. Until then you can fuck off and jerk to "based poland" threads.

I mean it's not that bad, you have to consider that living here is definetly cheaper. Although, I agree. Shit like cars, PC's and other stuff from the US is expensive because, well, the guy selling still has to import it.

your worries will soon be over when EU will acquire the state of autarky. there will be glory and honey everywhere. your believe that the freedom is an answer is a big fallacy. god praise Marks and his knowledge. hail to Spinelli!

Uh no hun, all the smart ones are german now. You are delusional you are not doctor.

>nie każdy jest programistą
jebany zgadł, 4k to i tak mało
Są programisci z 10 latami doswiadczenia w polsce wschodniej co sie daja ruchac za 5 koła - a powinni brać 7 czy 8.

>centrum wrocławia
holy shit 8000 USD in Wrocław, of all places?
what the fuck

Dude.. I earn 10 times what you make... and I shit post on Sup Forums every working day for HOURS!

MS in CS degree!

it cant be... is it full time job?

you are full of shit.
the only bad attitude here i see is yours
my point is you are comparing apples and oranges
usa style will never work for us here since our situation is diametrally different

bym tobą wycierał podłogę kurwo kucowska
skończyłem politechnikę i jestem idiotą bo nie poszedłem w IT

>8k USD annually
Fucking pleb.


americans flush 95% of our supposedly high salaries down the drain on basic necessities and living expenses to live in post racial multicultural cities

I'd be content taking home 8k euros a year in a comfy mid sized polish city

He probably also only pays $300 for rent and 50c for milk, you retard. Cost of living is not the same here and there

MS in CS in Poland make 30k USD if theyre in top 5%
average MS in CS earns 15k

mowisz tak jakbys juz nie mial szans sie nauczyc programowac, jest kupa firm co przyjmuje ludzi bez studiow ale jak ci sie nie chce i lepiej ci narzekac na internetach to nikt ci juz nie pomoze

you really have no idea how bad things are at third world countries

No, you are full of shit and a faggot that has never been abroad. It's clear you have no fucking clue what is going on in the world. You can live in your little bubble and believe in based poland meme, I don't give a fuck, you moron.

czy na godne życie zasługują tylko programisci? a reszta powinna wpierdalac gowno za 2900 netto? cale zycie sie uczylem, matury, kurwa egzaminy, angielski, wypierdalaj bo mnie wkurwiasz tylko

a tam zas kucowska
niezależnie gdzie teraz pójdziesz na informatyke to najwyżej zobaczysz 5-6 kuców, reszta to normiki lub borderline seby

ludzie już zauważyli że napierdalanie w IT = kasa
A jak już sobie porobisz kursy i wypierdolisz na zachód to osrasz się od tego ile będziesz miał miejsc pracy do wyboru

>2,6k pln a month

>working for a western corporation in poland

really fires up my brain

>MS in CS in Poland make 30k USD if theyre in top 5%
>average MS in CS earns 15k

That is why we call you Europoor. I can not understand why you got an education, but stay in a country that does not properly compensate you for your education/ I am ashamed at only earning 80K (but this job is so fucking easy and has no stress at all so I do not complain).

gosciu ja tego nie powiedzialem, ty mowisz ze jestes idiota bo nie poszedles w it to mowie ze masz jeszcze szanse pojsc jesli uwazasz ze to taki fantastyczny wybor
right dude, whatever you say

WTF you retard.

I spent 2 years in PL getting 10k PLN netto monthly as a consultant + had my own startup.

If you earn only 8000 USD yearly, you're flipping burgers in Poland pretty much.

>tfw Jew working in a family company
Why won't you become good at something and then sell it?

consultant for what

>one person

No fucking wonder you people are here working for nothing. The problem is, the Pole's that are here fucking SUCK at what they do. If you don't whoop them every two days, things will get beyond fucked. STOP being the niggers of Europe, you are almost our last fucking hope...

>8k USD
>Flipping burgers
Lol, no.

IT industry. Microsoft Cloud solutions.

In West Virginia it would be.

We're trying, that's why we sent the trash to the trashheap.


So much this

I make 8k USD net and its comfy-ish enough... for a 22 year old.

swedish education

I earn double that on fucking minimum wage

Don't come to the UK, I work in a poor, trash area and have to deal with romanians and poles, some of whom are ok, unfortunately too many of them shit-tier command of English and desu are just jarring in their foreign behaviour. Side question, why do a lot of Romanians just look like turks?

> kurwo kucowska
with such an attitude towards commarade there will be never prosperity in this country (unless foreign capital moves here with foreigners as a management). there is an old saying: no one will fuck polack as an other polack

however back to the issue. everyone who works in the IT business is blind beyond hope. they think, that everyone in Poland ears 1000000000k PLN and the that only things that matter in life is how old is your mac and why you're not using iwatch and other iShit in the XXI century... i'm praying for a big IT collapse, so then everyone who know how to code var=2+2 will be challenged by the real life problems, and then we'll see who is inferior and who is not

>tfw Europe gets poles and we get spics, asians and niggers

that's why they still call us eastern europe

buy a small amount of bitcoin and learn to trade cryptos, flip it till ur rich


5 days a week + every other Saturday will get you 550ish EUR monthly netto in McD in Poznan. Working in bars like Whiskey in a Jar or restaurants will earn you even more.

Salaries were even a bit higher in Warszawa, I spent 3 months there as well, but so were living costs.

Gdansk has a nice standard as well, so do Krakow and Katowice. Rest is from my findings a bit lower, but then again, prices/rent are also lower, so you can live a happy life with 450ish EUR monthly.

If you have a worthy college degree, or you're a pro of your trade, Poland atm is an exciting country to live in.

lucky. I earn 5. :(

Side question, why do a lot of Romanians just look like turks?
Look at the map sometime, Nigel.

>in 2017
shouldve told me that in 2012

That is a good fucking salary you moron

i'm speculating it will slow down, only so much can be outsourced.

Everything is insanely expensive here