what is the Sup Forums concensus on el chapos trap house? why doesn't pol have podcasts on the level of leftypol's?
What is the Sup Forums concensus on el chapos trap house? why doesn't pol have podcasts on the level of leftypol's?
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Milo is kind of funny. Milo has plenty of fans, Chapo has maybe ten thousand listeners.
Also, liberals are the conservatives, they sell the status quo. Republicans are the progressives, moving the US to the future, Alt-Right are the radicals seeking a new direction.
Left are either radicals or reactionaries, depending on the person.
SO their argument does not function.
whatever idiot read some bakunin
yeah sucking up to the establishment is much funnier.
>What is the Daily Shoah?
I want to fucking tear her life apart and remind her of the useless fucking fucktoy she always was and always will be now. Her daughter will also hopefully be raped. Fuck this woman. Fuck most women, actually. Fuck women and fuck this self-righteous cunt, I wish I could kick her in the fucking teeth myself.
I prefer things that cause less damage to my mind. Like binge drinking.
Nice shallow reframing, the "status quo" of conservatism is natural order, not mainstream punditry or sociologically-waterlogged "entertainment"
>needing comedy, i.e ad pop, to sway your respect of one thing or another for you
stay bug
>what is TRS
you're barely trying
dont they get like 80k on pateron, like holy shit i cant fathom that
>Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
>This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....
Bakunin, 1871
way to take shit out of context. This is why nobody takes americans seriously when it comes to politics. Whatever though. I'm going back to leftypol
Chapos trap house is a wannabe Daily Shoah for leftists. It's worth checking out actually if you want to know how leftists think.
Loser! Dw bruh we gonna exterminate you subhumans soon enough so that you won't be burdened with living
Lol, we own YouTube.
That they're holding Milo up as though the right views him as a comedian and not a provocateur is mind boggling.
>way to take shit out of context
lol sad
you're too scared to go to jail
The right has been so fucking subversive to the status quo that the left literally thinks a cartoon frog is a hate symbol. What are these whiny cunts talking about?
Chapo is pretty obviously astroturfed DemSoc propaganda.
Maybe because they dont have mommy our daddies money to bail them out for assaulting people.
Most people on Sup Forums is what you would call the working class.
>Commiecucks will defend that
Also funny how commies think they are counter culture. So delusional
Chapo aren't commies. They are liberal faggots.
>el chapos trap house
Bunch of echo chamber crypto-commies trying to out-smug each other. If clueless condescension was currency they'd need a Scrooge McDuck money-bin to hold it all.
I went to lefty/pol/ to troll and there was a literal rolling sticky about those numales
el chapos rakes in 84k a month yet has recognition lower than mde on a b&e cribs budget
really makes you think
atleast you can show your videos to your echochamber and they'll recognize them
>masculinity is a social construct
>and not intimately linked to pre-natal and pubescent testosterone
Lad status: wew'd
Leftists are fucking retarded.
Because /leftypol/ are all liberals too. There are very few real communists in the USA. Most are jacobin liberals or their offshoots like Trotskyists or ancoms who care about bourgeois fictions like "homosexuality" or "gender theory."
Conservative memes are the best. How are they not funny?
>this group isn't funny
>said the woman
The one point in the video i liked was the idea that lefties by nature are more open to ideas than righties. This follows what i believe to be true about the fundamental temperments of righties vs lefties. To say that this means lefties will always be better than righties at subversion of the status quo is a complete non sequitur. The left has been incredible at taking over academia, legacy media, and hollywood over the last half century; as "openness to ideas"(or as righties say, "degeneracy") has become the status quo, a reassertion of so called "traditional values" becomes subversive.
where did this dumb meme come from that comedy has to "challenge authority." no, it doesn't; comedy just has to be funny. not everything has to be a goddamn political statement you unfunny cunts
So what you're saying is that it's not real communism.
>The left has been incredible at taking over academia, legacy media, and hollywood over the last half century
They didn't taken over shit. They were funded by American plutocrats. That's how you know their gay trotsky bullshit isn't a threat to anything and they aren't real communists.
Yeah, or at least it is not a form of communism that threatens the oligarchy. In fact, most of it is funded by them.
>Women complaining all day about stretch marks,
varicose veins, cellulitis...
>But nah, a chic sucking horse cock in your tights is alright.
More like chapo cuck shed.
You're delusional if you don't think postmodern neomarxists have a stranglehold over the liberal arts curriculum and funding for science. Legacy media is overwhelmingly Progressive, and Hollywood pushes "Diversity is out Strength." How they did this is irrelevant. I would agree they got bankrolled into controlling the mai stream narrative, but *that doesnt mean they dont control the mainstream narrative*.
cringe to the max
>rakes in 84k a month
that soros money sure does go a long way
That may have been true but in case you didn't notice...nobody is buying that garbage anymore due to actual choice not dictated "astro-turfed" choice. Sure that still happens to the tard crowd, the individualists who show their individualism by all thinking the same thoughts, listening to the same music, saying the same thing...Movie sales down, book sales through the floor, the awards shows where they get together a pat themselves and each other on the backs-plummeting ratings-there's more to watch and no one really gives a fuck. Plus giving Obama a Nobel for nothing certainly shored up the value of them, kek. You remind me of the Professor citing his books popularity while ignoring the sales were all obligatory library purchases. "I'm popular...no, really". lol
>nobody is buying that garbage anymore
yeah, now that garbage is becoming part of the actual laws?
Yes, they do. But the point is that they did not "take over." They were given those positions by plutocrats. There was no "long March" and there was no "culture war." There was simply a shit ton of money put into these causes by the Jews and WASPs of the American elite.
I thought they might be good but they bought the russian shit hook line and sinker.
Apparently a progressive liberal that is also logically honest is too much to ask. They all have to be hysterical nu males.
I agree with you. Your point is what I'm trying to make; the left has control over mainstream narratives, so insofar as the right has pushed back against them by asserting conservative values as sacrosanct/useful/moral, that makes the right subversive.
American plutocrats have been funding this stuff since before the first world war, btw. They funded Soviets until Stalin made it clear that he would not go along with their plans.
!.%k subscribers. Wow.
>correlation between sexual abuse and sexually inappropriate behavior is now a controversial and problematic idea
That was weak. Embarrassingly weak.
And the people they talk about don't even do "comedy".
If your "comedy" relies on the idiocy of your opponents to make people laugh than your opponents faults are harmless. If more serious they would be met with anger, concern or fear and similar emotion. The fact that they think comedy is important as an asset says it all.
Agreed; I think we're quibbling over what constitutes "taking over." I think pumping massive amounts of money into control over popular media, social networks, academia, and news is useful towards shifting the Overton window left. If you disagree about the usefulness of pumping out propaganda on a mass scale, regardless of whether the masses agree with it, try talking about racial iq differences on your public-discourse network of choice. I'll wait here for you to post results.
But we did used to, then TRS went full sperg. At least we still have the Pozcast
Aren't these the guys who tasked people with monitoring The Daily Shoah and they ended up admitting it was far better in terms of entertainment?
I listen to both the daily Shoah and CTH because my job lets me listen to podcasts and I'm an ADHD fuck.
>Fag listens to cth doesn't even know it was a response to the daily shoah
>el chalks trap house
Like everything else that comes out of /leftypol/ spheres, it's a poor imitation of a funnier right-wing meme or project, in this case The Daily Shoah and TRS.
They have like 30,000 listeners. Probably make so much because their target audience is pasty techbois in Silicon Valley.
Milo was never funny.
He always made me cringe, him and r the Donald are a negative to the right.
That and they don't get kicked off anything
>conservatives aren't funny
You're retarded. They're DemSoc
It's funny how stupid they are. You obviously find the people you agree with funny. Of course these libtards can't understand what's so funny about saving the world from your macbook while sipping on a starbucks latte. They don't know enough about us to understand the layers of the jokes. Also, those jokes were funny 2 years ago just like the snow flake shit was funny 2 years ago. Why are they talking about old, over used jokes that they get sent on Twitter as if that's the standard of right wing comedy? They should lurk on Sup Forums if they want the freshest right wing comedy.
Who gives a shit what pronouns Quiznos Bathhouse prefers
Yeah, I was just making the point that they had institutional support from the start, so it was a phony revolution all along. When most people talk about it, they act like the culture warriors were just super sneaky and infiltrated everything through some "long march" secret plan, but in reality they were facilitated by those with power. This is important to understand because I see people acting like the right can just infiltrate everything like they believe the left did, but they don't realize that the liberal culture warriors had this institutional support so the same thing will not work for the right.
Oh, so gay porn is the anime of the left?
tru but actually they're totally radical and challenging hierarchies with their uncensored and corporate approved socialist podcast.
Calm down lad
Why would you let a girl who has no idea what she is talking about have a microphone to talk on your podcast?
As their name would suggest, el chapos trap house sound like a bunch of retards.
>conservatives aren't funny
>conservatism is about maintaining the status quo
Exactly, that's why Sam Hyde is hilarious. Conservatives retain the status quo, that's what they are good for, but we aren't conservatives, we aren't cucks.
Yeah, so liberals just like I said.
I think you need to learn what 'conservative', 'progressive' and 'reactionary' mean because you're totally misusing those words.
I'm not watching some fucking video. Sum it up in 20 words or less.
>a girl talking about who's funny and who isn't
>like like like like like liiiike like liiike
My vagina smells...like a small barnyard animal...is not challenging authority is it?
They're ironycells
Nope. They're very different.
Liberals are by default pro capitalism. DemSocs want socialism through democratic means.
Ah. I agree. I view them as the useful idiots of establishment democrats.
If the right can't infiltrate various establishments in a grassroots fashion, do you think bankrolling righty narratives is the best alternative? If not, how do righties prevail?
Well that would involve reading and that's not happening. Memorizing authors and titles is all the commitment most have. Some are super committed and the carry the communist manifesto or Das Kapital around for their entire senior year of high school.
It's probably not Soros money but money coming from trust fund commies. Isn't one of the hosts the son of a new York times reporter?
Who's this?
a yo dont misgender el conqustadors bath mat
DemSocs are liberals dude, even if they are too retarded to understand that fact. DemSoc serves the interests of capital.
It is literally funded and pushed by the richest people on earth.
The only real "communists" today are Stalinists, and there aren't too many of those (even most of those are just ancoms and other retards larping as Stalinists).
Actually I'm thinking that's proof.
>I'll wait here for you to post results.
I get suspended from twitter frequently, but not yet banned.
Hol up in the first 25 seconds she claims progressive are "challenging and undermining the status quo" LMAO do you prog scum actually believe this?
No wait do you actually *actually* believe you are fighting an authoritarian right wing regime? Fucking LOL I'm done
it comes from the revisionist interpretation of "jihad" which some are rapidly trying to redefine as "Speaking Truth To Power".......
for fucks sake, even FIRE just launched a free speech campaign about "speaking truth to power"
now, with "jihad" conveniently redefined, we can easily call all comedians "jihadists"
The eternal Commie BTFO by te eternal Anarchist.
>When do they start fighting each other in the streets?!?!
Yes, they actually believe this. This is how you can tell that they are just liberals who came from watching the daily show.
Not him but words don't mean much anymore. Progressives are against the first amendment. The big divide between non-establishment conservatives is socially liberal fiscally conservative libertarians and many alt righters are fiscally liberal but socially conservative. Meanwhile everything establishment is torn between corporate interests and being true to party values.
We are not talking about Classical Liberalism here you dipshit. Modern Liberals are at minimum socialist, and most are trash Commies.
This is just criticizing boomerposting and the alt light. These cucks ain't got nuffin on The Daily Shoah and The Daily Stormer
>they get too mad
Aka these Chapo Gas Chamber Jews get mad as fuck when you make a SHOAH joke
>Why Conservatives Aren't Funny
Because liberals have no sense of humor
These people might be retarded. They are not funny.
Since when is piss, shit, sex jokes as your only comedy funny? Situationally it can be, but these clowns are dumb af
I can understand that you fear the big bad red, but it was Russia. You have yet to see the true communism, which can only come about in a developed state (which is then to be slowly abolished), which Russia never was.
No thanks, I'm not Hitler.
I feel that
so that tranny that suicided by cop was hitler?
I'm not a tranny either. And also, there was never a trap thread on /leftypol/, so you might be on to something.
>chappo trap house
>words don't mean much anymore
Maybe to most Americans who somehow think that 'liberalism' is somehow left-wing or socialist, but reactionaryism and progressivism are still antonyms and still mean to revert to a state of politics before the status quo and to progress to a new one respectively.
Of course progressives are against the First Amendment, the US Constitution is a fundamentally conservative document so anyone who wants to change it is a progressive.
Conservatism in western countries was cucked by market liberalism and the influence of globalism decades ago. There really are no worthwhile or potent forces of it in most political landscapes - certainly not when you look at parties as a whole. The reason an increasing number of true conservative/non-leftist Americans lament globalism is entirely the fact that conservatism is on its last legs as a political force because of liberalism.