How come USA gets away with all the war crimes they have committed for decades in places like vietnam...

how come USA gets away with all the war crimes they have committed for decades in places like vietnam, central america or the philippines? what makes them different from nazis?

Try to stop them.
They are in the UN security council and they ahve the largest military budget in the world by far.

>places like vietnam

They lost, what else do you need?

Define "victory"

burning children with napalm is still a war crime despite if you lost.
where's the reparations for the six million children USA? you owe them!

few things:
>nobody can make us pay for shit, or we would have already
>Nazis are not the only people to have committed war crimes.

2/10 bait made me respond.

>how come USA gets away with all the war crimes
Another one of several thousand Kremlin anti-USA threads today


Murica is the biggest Terrorist Organisation of the world. They dropped the most bombs, destabilized the most countries, killed and tortured most ppl.
They spy on "allies" and got caught breaking into industrial corporations. (economic espionage).

Murica is pure degeneracy. Society is dumbed-down and only good for using as cannonfodder.

This. Every single thing that is affected by American influence becomes shit, or shittier.

>what makes them different from nazis?
>implying nazis were the bad guys

Lol, Nazis. Great buzzword faggot.
I'm literally shaking...

>what makes them different from nazis

good propaganda
unquestioned military power
not losing

they have lost many times

American soldiers can and have been convicted of war crimes, you fucking retard

.-..but why gets every other country sanctioned if they commit warcrimes or even test rockets (like NK) while Murica can nuke hiroshima and bombed the middle-east whithout getting sanctioned?

fucking terrorists.

This guy gets it, get in line or get BTFO. We own the world.

We have nukes. We can do what we want.

You're probably one of those brown people who dresses up like a Roman warrior outside of the colosseum for pictures.

>stating a fact
>amerifat answers by stereotypes and by gargling jewish cum

>Nazi's were against Judaism
>America is owned by Jews


fuck off tree hugger

>all the war crimes
What war crimes? I don't see any war crimes. Any other burgers see any war crimes?

America has literally never lost a war lol


Just be thankful we have incompetent political leadership. If we ever decide to go Roman, then you'll really have something to complain about.

Oh I can think of a few....

We won fair and square. Get over it.

stop hiding behind flags so I can laugh at your shithole country

"If you wanna cry boy ill give you something to cry about" *lashing intensifies*

You have to lose and be conquered to be persecuted for war crimes. Who is going to persecute them? They aren't going to do it themselves.

Jews run USA.

Bc when we do it, it's NOT a crime ya fuzzy foreigner

>war crimes
A literal Jewish invention created to cripple the West and ultimately aid in its destruction. As for vietnam, central america, and the philippines, we were fighting communism, so we were completely justified.

>According to Museum of the Confederacy Director John Coski, Miles' design was inspired by one of the many "secessionist flags" flown at the South Carolina secession convention in Charleston of December 1860. That flag was a blue St George's Cross (an upright or Latin cross) on a red field, with 15 white stars on the cross, representing the slaveholding states,[33][34] and, on the red field, palmetto and crescent symbols. Miles received a variety of feedback on this design, including a critique from Charles Moise, a self-described "Southerner of Jewish persuasion." Moise liked the design but asked that "...the symbol of a particular religion not be made the symbol of the nation." Taking this into account, Miles changed his flag, removing the palmetto and crescent, and substituting a heraldic saltire ("X") for the upright cross. The number of stars was changed several times as well. He described these changes and his reasons for making them in early 1861. The diagonal cross was preferable, he wrote, because "it avoided the religious objection about the cross (from the Jews and many Protestant sects), because it did not stand out so conspicuously as if the cross had been placed upright thus." He also argued that the diagonal cross was "more Heraldric [sic] than Ecclesiastical, it being the 'saltire' of Heraldry, and significant of strength and progress."

>According to Coski, the Saint Andrew's Cross (also used on the flag of Scotland as a white saltire on a blue field) had no special place in Southern iconography at the time, and if Miles had not been eager to conciliate the Southern Jews, his flag would have used the traditional upright "Saint George's Cross" (as used on the flag of England, a red cross on a white field).

The Confederacy was a Jewish plot to destroy America and frankly it's pathetic to see any white man cling to the identity of the "we love our pet niggers" nation.

>nuking hiroshima
most of modern-day "warcrimes" were made warcrimes after ww2. Besides, Japan and America were engaged in traditional empire-to-empire war at the time, the a-bomb was just a larger bomb.
>bombing the middle-east
wow, how dare we protect the sovereignty of defenseless nations, we should have let iraq annex kuwait

user when he gets called on his bullshit.

>still stereotypes
>still gargling cum

Because there is always someone worse than them. There was soviets at the times of vietnam and central american times, and there is now ISIS in middle east that blows any american delinquency out of water.

Also, cant really argue with power.

>muh incubator babbies
Pretty much all funding for the Islamic State goes through Kuwait.

Says the kraut. Top kek.

America is freedom, America is western society. Hope in the distance.
And you are death and destruction.

z USA is still good with z jews

We won

The winners write the history books, and right now, the USA is winning at the history books.

You can't commit war crimes if you don't have a victor saying you did.

thats sad but true. europe and russia should fight the us together. they are cancer

when you are the King with the most armed soldiers you are the boss. You are #1 good boy

>looks at flag
>not china