Ever notice that mature young women ages 10-15 have the greatest natural desire and instinct to be a kind, caring, responsible mother?
Why is this? It's like the instinct fades completely by age 16.
Ever notice that mature young women ages 10-15 have the greatest natural desire and instinct to be a kind, caring, responsible mother?
Why is this? It's like the instinct fades completely by age 16.
Other urls found in this thread:
I never wanted kids, I am now 22,
Cause that's when they go on the pill
Ever notice how you are degenerate
perma-beta who can't get a woman so you are resorting to manipulating someone who hasn't grown into their own person yet?
Hope Santa comes in the party van for you, OP.
Its when parental influence wanes and Jewish influence takes over.
>it fades
No, its disabled by the cultural marxism
that's the most false thing i've heard in a while.
women are naturally docile towards children, it doesn't mean they would make a good mother.
also, i know you're trying to justify your attraction to underage girls with this thread. stop it.
What do you suspect you have?
I'm not manipulating anyone. I just wanted to point out a weird fact. This is also when most indigenous humans begin to breed.
Because most white girls at age 16 have had sex with like fourty niggers and arabs and deep down realize they will never contribute positively to society so they try to tear down the system instead of either offing themselves or find ways other women/girls won't make the same mistake, since realizing that they pissed their life away at age 20 is unbearable for them
>proud of pumping someone else's semen in his 22yo gf's vagina
at least you're not a paedophile !
Birth control fucks the mind up. Anon5 was right.
fuck off having a sexual attraction to kids is perfectly natural go back to plebbit faggot.
I just want cats
I read about this and I think you're right. It does all sorts of crazy shit to your head.
In fact the pill also significantly reduces your sex drive.
Where did you read about this? Sounds interesting
from what I remember in school most girls that age just want to have a high social status and have the hottest boyfriend
Literally made me think.
all girls in knew went insane after they went on the pill
Exactly. They wanted commitment from a good man so they can start a family as soon as possible.
Nope, boyfriends are essentially a fashion accessory to the average high school girl.
I absolutely hated the idea of it until I turned 19. Now I can't wait to be a mommy.
trade you my pure blooded bavarian seed for a green card?
That's a shallow (and inaccurate) way of looking at it. Maybe you skipped the whole relationship part in high school, which was an important part of your development as a man, but there's a lot to it.
High school relationships are very passionate and very physical. You can't say the same about a Prada purse.
t.american intellectual
I knew this girl who was sort of a roastie and she quit taking the pill and like a switch got flipped and all of a sudden she quit partying and would not shut up about wanting children. It got to the point where she told me that she was talking to her eggs during her period. She would laugh at abortion jokes previously but when I made one after she quit the pill she completely flipped out.
>russian rape baby
>ethnic German
Pick one.
I'll gift you my pure Anglo seed, it will enable to to raise strong and reliable offspring
Russians didnt occupy Bavaria you idiot.
>it will enable to to raise strong and reliable offspring
Given the pakistani incest stats i doubt that
Elvis OP
Genuinely fascinating stuff tbph senpai. Did Sup Forums uncover a major Jewish trick?
>Mormons ban the pill
>Their women have 4 kids each and all have a strong desire to be a good mother and raise strong kids
Whoah guys. This is starting to get too deep.
Meant to give (You) to
Would smash.
Not even canadian.
This. They are told that their lives only have value if they get an education, get a career, and take a bunch of cocks.
It kills their natural hormone cycle and makes them into lesser beings.
Just as xoestrogenes in food,water..etc turn men into weak degenerate shitstains who still look and act like kids.
Do you realize it could be just regular hormones from getting their period? All women have pms...
>Birth control fucks the mind up
Plus constant exposure of males to these women could be the leading cause of the recently discovered Sperm Count getting halved. Not to mention autism rates among males skyrocketing.
This is true. I wanted to be a mom... but I would pick a random career when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. (Only because I thought I HAD to)
Depends on some things user
The pill wrecks havoc on girls hormonal levels. Like it is the advertised effect..
Girls lose affection to their partner on it among many other things. Don't fall for jewish tricks, stick to condoms if you need a form of birth control.
Never been on the pill. Already sensitive enough to medication, don't need a pill to make me promiscuous, fat and miserable.
Tits or gtfo
ban this pedo fucker
I have something anecdotal to share regarding this.
I'm a 19 y/o female and I never knew anything about politics until I was 14-15, and had that 'natural desire' you talk about until then. Then I discovered Tumblr 'politics' and it was basically an echo chamber where you were shunned if you had a differing opinion to the norm. So I started believing in the same things as them as an impressionable young teenager and I began to reject the natural instinct to have children, because the most common opinion over on Tumblr was that they hated the idea marriage and children and they supported abortion and generally being a slut.
Got completely red pilled at age 17 and now I have that instinct again. Take what you will from that story.
>mture young women
>ancap flag
nice try juden
>The pill wrecks havoc on girls hormonal levels
They are also suspected to do the same to males. These hormones can be adsorbed by males through skin exposure and can affect sperm count.
Yeah but, you live in germany. Being a robot made for the sole purpose of working it's the norm. here, faggot.
>Depends on some things user
all you have to worry about is the household and kids leave the rest to me
post tiddies
>burgerclap triggered by facts
Interesting stuff. Just make sure you avoid the merchant's Pill if you want to keep your eggs healthy.
Underrated. Feminism+pill turns women into a new gender. Its hard to understate how gross these women are to men.
Women, imagine that the majority of men were feminine weak and infertile. Hell, I know many are already this way from chems and poz but imagine if basically all of them were like that. Sissy little infertile cuckbois. Your vag would dry at the sight of them well thats what you feminist pill women are to us. Nasty. Your "strong" attitude is gross (civilization is protecting you, can't be strong), your career is meaningless to me.
>Did Sup Forums uncover a major Jewish trick?
holyshit we never saw it cumming
Pedo alert
That's not true, most women go on the pill in their 20s, but the age of starting is getting lower. My theory is because at 16 they're gaining education/career prospects.
will our kiddos be cute? Do you have a job?
They're in a /soc/ thread somewhere I'm sure.
fuck why would i need a girlfriend for when i can have a pussy like that.
Go away Alt-Lite THOT
This has always been a jewish trick. Sexual liberation is the worst thing to happen to our society. The men that developed the pill are jewish.
They hid the biggest trick of all in the one place no one on Sup Forums knows anything about: female reproduction.
Correction, one of them was jewish. The other was Catholic.
depends on your genes but how the hell could the kids of two internet shit posters not turn out to be cute?
and yes i have a job but will have to find something new once i move to the usa so we better move into your parents basement for the time being
>mature young women ages 10-15
They're still children!
>Ever notice pedo faggs trying to get reasons for their sick perverted desires to get accepted?
you mean before they get indoctrinated in college?
Did you go to school with girls?
Lol, post steam or fake email
starts lllllooooooooong before college as seen with our women
>normie is confronted by something that upsets his preconceived, fragile sensibilities
>normie has no argument
>normie immediately jumps to insults and ad hom
every time
temp mail only works for one day so you better be up for it
"[email protected]" (not my name its randomly generated)
I feel bad for you guys sometimes.
thanks for the mail but Sup Forumss recommendation sucked because the service wont allow me too reply
also the name you used linked me to a single mexican mom first so yeah good luck with that?
the strong independent womyn maymay still has it's roots in college, maybe senior high school
you are think of the degeneracy known as (((public))) schools
there are so many "social justice" related projects pushed in german high schools these days its no wonder kids are falling behind in the important subjects
the irony of course being that kebabs/nigs dont visit these high schools aka gymnasium and so our kids dont meet them until they start working
The name isn't my real name lol, I'm 20 and white with no kids
Social media
Sup Forumss autistic shit wont let me reply and i got no other throw away so they roleplay ends here. seems like the internet itself is against us being together dunno about you but thats hot
The whole point of 'tits or gtfo' is that women use their womanhood as a way to get attention, and referencing their gender on an anonymous platform usually adds nothing to the discussion, just distracting from any productive conversation. (Or sometimes, men take advantage of the anonymity to pretend to be woman and accomplish the same thing.) But in this case her gender actually was relevant because the thread itself is about gender. IMO 'tits or gtfo' should be suspended for threads that are actually about gender.
I got super angry once my ex gf in high school got on the pill
I knew it changes her hormonal chemistry and the entire point is to sterilize herself purposefully from my seed. I didn't want kids back then but knew it was wrong
okey dokey
This too, women want to ~see the world~ before settling down and having kids, all too common in my girlfriends
here in europe no one even thinks about the consequences. mothers just push it on their daughters so they dont have to deal with a accidental pregnancy. absolutely irresponsible
While we're talking about hormones and pills... can someone give me the truth about anti-acne drugs like accutane? This has to fuck with something. I'll do my research though.
Accutane has really painful side effects but a lot of people don't even care and think the results are totally worth it. If you're having trouble with acne, maybe go see an esthetician and get facials every so often. I'm an esthetician and a lot of clients have their skin clear up after multiple facials are done
>I got super angry once my ex gf in high school got on the pill
I got super happy, nutting in nice teen pussy several times a day without having to deal with a kid when you're 16.
It was awesome.
Clean your face with something coarse, shower in cold water at the end of your clearing routine to close the pores, change sheets weekly and pillow covers daily.
>tfw still have bad acne at 21
How much are facials user?
interesting. ill look into it. What painful side effects? Dryness, or burning sensation?
The accutane shit appeals to me because it's easy mode / convenient. You take the course for 20 weeks and then you're done. I've found that a nightly benzoyl peroxide layer and a daily, light zinc oxide layer keeps my face fine, but it's a pain. Also zinc oxide does not "sink in" --it makes my face very white, so I have to dab very small amounts of it, so I don't look like some weirdo ghost.
I want the easy way out, but there is always a price.
But it was occupied by le 56%
burgers arent slavs and treated the german population rather good in comparison
It depends on where you have it done and what your skin needs are. I charge my clients $50 for a generic facial (extraction, steaming, etc) but it would be more if they have more serious acne/sensitive skin. If you don't have a licensed esthetician in your area look for an ulta, they offer facial services/microdermabrasion etc
Keep in mind a lot of clients are men, it's definitely not just a woman thing
Dryness, really sore joints (back aches etc) can't drink alcohol on it, sometimes nausea, sometimes hairloss
It's a lot worse for girls though. They have to start birth control and take a pregnancy test every month or else they can't take the medication at all (high risk of birth defects)
>Don't fall for jewish tricks, stick to condoms if you need a form of birth control.
>falling for the condom jew
been doin' it for 7 years, not a single kid to my name
Which makes one wonder is there is selection pressure in favor for some kind of genetic resistance to the effects of the pill.
>mature young women ages 10-15