How did I do?

post your political compass

Congratulations! You use reddit.

Impressive. Based.

Purple and blue are the only acceptable squares. Fuck off scum.

Congratulations! You failed.



Thanks mang.



Tbh I wish bernie won just to see the US collapse 20 years earlier


Checked, and you're a bronie crossover, right?

Next couple years, we're gonna hit a big correction, most likely in the student loan and housing markets. Is that good enough for now?





I used to be in the green, but now I'm in the red. Thanks Sup Forums.

grow some fucking balls OP


you guys are faggots


use a better one next time


useless shit
civic poopyhead
this is not enough
couldn't expect anything better from a polish fag
yep, he's retarded
you grow some fucking balls
meme flag
ok, but still not enough
you wany black kids with maga hats

no u

>multiposting this hard

fug gommies :DD


Why am I still here

you're here forever

Proudhon? Is that you?

god damn it now im a commie


Sounds about right.

Think I need to kill more kikes

Bro, that's really gay

Centrist Cuck here.


you guys are fucking weak

also this

such a faggot thread. cringe.

>being a smidgen left of center makes you a commie
You're either kissing the left wall, or you ain't shit.

this test is rigged. I'm a libertarian.


Die you fucking commie.

Guess im a commie, better an hero myself.


Fucking marxist degenarate

OP is a fag

So you're four political compasses more authoritarian than the worst dictatorships.

You control people's brain waves and execute them if their body produces too much enzyme #4291?

guess were in this boat together


Can I still be a helicopter pilot?



Fuck off, you nazi faggot.

am i white?

how I should call my self?


Hi Angela.

We all know that you're in here data mining and that you have proxies post images of their compasses, but these images are mostly old and can be found in previous threads.

*autistic screeching*

What does my chart say about me Sup Forums?

I need to know!

just to suffer?

You hate poor people but luv Jeebus

I consider myself a centrist, but most call me "far-right" in today's crazy world.

Registered Republican

>Gun rights
Constitutional right, but with background checks, and registering, and mandatory training
Extreme Nativist. Must speak English, must renounce dual citizenship, must know USA facts at College Level. No Quotas from shit countries. Cannot alter existing demographic balance
>Monetary policy + banking
economically i'm your regular neoliberal joe. I'm against stuff like minimum wage and rent control. Want Unions have more power tho. Nationalize utilities
>Foreign policy
America First. Lead by example, not by force. No more wars except in defense. Must need congress approval again. No more bullshit president shit, unless in actual pearl harbor situation
legal, strongly discouraged
legal, strongly discouraged
legal, strongly discouraged
>Gay marriage
marriage shouldn't exist as a legal framework, and should be strictly cultural.
>Gay Adoption
It's fine with wealth, stability, and good character
It's a Mental Illness. They shouldn't be in military. They need help
>Private discrimination (free association)
private businesses should do whatever they want, but if they are publicly traded or get tax breaks they cannot discriminate
>Health care
Universal Health Care
Universal Basic Income, after Automation skyrockets; to replace all other forms of welfare
>Freedom of speech
Nearly absolute. Only exception is direct threat, against direct person, under immediate threat. Example of illegal: "I'm gonna fucking kill Obama, right the fuck now," facebook post with a picture of a gun. Example of extremist but still legal: "All fucking blacks must fucking hang, and I don't care who does it or when," with picture of 1940s lynching.
100% real.
IQ is 75% biological. America has a dindu problem. Muslims are bad. I love Jews, and Nips.

also, single mothers are the worst thing to ever happen to western civilization, basically.

Exactly like mine

> Fucking faggot values

NO. Go live in Europe if you want to live in Europe faggot. Get out of my country.

Welp it's been nice knowing you Sup Forums.

I'm an American, and you have legal jurisdiction to decide that. Both sides of my family are Anglo-Scots, and came in the 1600s as quakers. I'm what's call, old-stock.