Why do virgin nazi misogynists on Sup Forums think 1 is bad but 2 and 3 are fine? Double standards much?
Why do virgin nazi misogynists on Sup Forums think 1 is bad but 2 and 3 are fine? Double standards much?
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>inb4 muh dick
Because Sup Forums is satire and is full of neocon incels LARPing as nazis.
>liberals are psychics
sorry m8s but just because you eat asshole for aliving doesnt mean you get to criticize people for stuff they never said
Do you actually believe that only wires feel this way?
>muh Sup Forums is not a hivemind meme
Neither are muslims, and yet there is a massive consensus on specific issues among them.
Besides you, who said that 2 and 3 are fine?
>mroe shit I never said
once again m8, learn to read
Protip: we don't
Um the countless daily yellow and jungle fever threads on Sup Forums
The're all bad, dumbfuck. Whites belong with whites, blacks with blacks, orientals with orientals etc.. It's the natural order of things.
Racists and sexists go hand in hand.
Only an influx of redditors aka nu-Sup Forums tolerates racemixing of any kind.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind those posts?
They are equally disturbing.
What do you commie faggots care what we think?
It has NOTHING to do with you, it has to do with us.
We don't WANT or NEED to racemix.
Go racemix yourselves, faggots.
Cause Asian women are easy to get if you're a white beta and a pseudo white nationalist
there's more than one person on Sup Forums.
Guess what, the people who think 2 and 3 are fine, often think 1 is fine too.
And the people who think 1 is bad, also often think 2 and 3 are bad.
But 3 is a bit of a cop out since asians aren't africans, you're comparing apples to oranges.
Because it's an idea that still holds great significance in all cultures and whether or not you agree in principle, pervasive attitudes that the male is humiliating and dominating another people by being in a relationship with one of their females has powerful impact.
The relative lack of wm/bf couples compared with over representation of bm/wf couples is enough to demonstrate that the media acknowledge these attitudes, and many people have openly stated their opinions about the inherent "racism" of wm/bf and portrayals of them in media.
The injured pride of black people in regards to this inherently sexist attitude is taken very seriously and respected. The injured pride of white people is mocked and jeered.
Another appalling double standard.
Whites, as usual, are held to higher standards when it comes to conforming to and respecting progressive values.
Those are from shills. Real Sup Forumsacks hate racemixing degeneracy.
You're probably an incel larping as a volcel
You're either being totally disingenuous or you're actually schizophrenic.
Threads like that are not all that common and are usually flooded by people telling OP that he's a traitor, a beta and a faggot.
>Neither are muslims
1 and 3 are bad
2 is meh
Only nu/pol/ anerifats think that any of them are acceptable. The vast majority of us are against any and all racemixing
Fuck off with this shit bait. None of these 3 are ok and deep down you know this to be true
1 and 2 are equally degenerate. The fucks wrong with you?
Started by pro mongrelization shills
They are all a disgrace
Thread should have ended here
In reality no Racemixing is good. Even if it's whitemale/female of other race the result is still mongrel offspring
wrong, only 2 is the correct answer, black women make the best wives for white men, look up the facts and stop being dumb blind racists
Those threads get hundreds of replies and dozens of positive comments
Why do libtard Marxist whitey-haters deny the science of biology? Retardation much?
3 is the most degenerate
I've just noticed those pictures show the evolution of mixed race relationships. Nigger + white = nigger baby hence the woman. Nigger woman + white guy gives birth to mongoloid in picture 3. The baby and 3 look the same.
Why can't you be a fascist or nationalist and not be racist anyways? Wouldnt it be easier to stop being so afraid of stupid pointless shit so you can actually get shit done?
Like fuck I'd love to be among it but since I'm not white and I enjoy sex with white women and men I can't and would probably just be hated
>nobody ask about the asian baby
You can be a fascist in nonwhiteistan and we will send you our coal burners and fat chicks to live with you
Lol i know what that means
The absolute state of the """""Alt Right"""""
Dammit. She kind of looks like Ted Cruz.
>Sup Forums is one person
I love America though
I'm a Japanese American of legal immigration heritage and I fuckin love this country and I hate commies and hippies as much as the white guys
Also I normally go for the skinny ones but a nice ass is a nice ass
Number 3 is by far the least harmful. It's basically two more or less equal races merging together.
they don't
I thought you were a brown person. The Japanese are honorary whites
3 is good to make daughters but not sons, and the world needs sons. The increased estrogen of an asian system fucks with the caucasian male physiology. They do not belong in the same body.
1 and 2 produce a fuckup 100% of the time. All 3 are bad.
Awww thank you
I'll be honest it doesnt feel that way, what with general animosity towards Asians and Japanese people in general here in the south especially. Plus it doesnt help that being mixed the Japanese hate me as much as the whites
This. First two get you a parasitic welfare queen with an IQ of 75.
Last one and AM/WF at least get you something resembling a human being.
Also adorable kids
Asian mixed babies are fucking adorable
But we gotta draw a line here because Filips are as bad as mexicans
no, thats just weebs.
How did your parents meet?
Dance hall on vacation in central Texas
My mom got the yellow fever as soon as she spotted my dad and I guess they got on
My dad was born to a post war immigrant family from Japan
You're talking about a board that unironically believes non-whites aren't human. At the very least they'll admit to their hypocrisy and double standards, unlike leftists.
They're all fine with me they just shouldn't be political. Identity politics is cancer. Although we are forced to engage in it since it has been weaponized against us, we should not forget that it is the basest possible way of viewing the world.
They're all bad. I've fingered a few Asian girls, but I'd never breed with one. It's just too weird
Yes but it's understandable why people are less opposed when it's the male half who is their race and not the female.
It's a normal and predictable reaction and people who downplay it are ignoring the differences between the sexes and the power dynamic inherent in that.
Both 1 and 2 are bad. They reduce the overall IQ of the population. 3 Increases it, so it might be good
Lower IQ = Higer Misery, Poverty and death of actual potential.
As it has repeated time and over again in history
..by shills
Because single mothers breed criminals
haha, yeah people think whites are the most racist have never personally known an asian.
Whites are either the least racist or second least.
Kek says it to be true
1 and 2 are bad
3 is okay
Japanese people are fucking demi gods of racism
But thats what happens when you're basically the only non abrahamic religion based empire in modern history. The shinto faith is strong af and literally teaxhes Japanese people are direct descendants of God himself
Plus it doesnt help that ones grandparents can literally recall having a house Korean and basically slapping the piss out of every chinaman on the east coast of china
It's the woman who chooses. Number's 2 and 3 have chosen to better themselves.
Number 1 has not.
Who the fuck thinks 2 is fine, mud babies are being made either way if it's a shit shin mom or dad
t. insecure white boy
only 3 is ok. Hitler sided with japs goy
White guys having sex with niggers is just as bad, there is just a higher prevelence of coal burning white girls
#1 always ends with single mothers which is the main export for crime
>meme screencap
what's the problem here?
Japs were the reason Hitler lost, if they didn't invade America maybe he would've remain leader.
>Pic one
White race is being conquered by black race
>Pics 2 and 3
Other races are being conquered by white race
>dozens of positive comments
Yeah but the majority of those hundreds of replies are negative
Nazis don't think any form of race-mixing is acceptable.
>reeeee muh racial purity
Get over your phallic obsession and realize there are more white communists and autists than black ones
I've literally never even seen a black downer but hundreds if not thousands of white downers
Your enemy is not race, its the people who fuck over humanity as a whole
>be jew
>make racemixing threads on Sup Forums
>oy vey goy, what a hypocrite you are!!!
fuckkk off
I think all of them are wrong though.
>with women and men
GTFO biscum
Most of those are probably made by the various mongrels that come to this board not the actual white ones.
No mixed anything is adorable
Why? If it helps I top the white boys to assert my masculinity
Aren't you the people that keep saying 'love is love'? So why does it bother you so much that white people prefer other white people? You just expose yourselves every fucking day without even meaning to. If you want to race mix, go ahead, nobody is stopping you.
You'll hear nogs say the same things about white men with black women, usually because the ones that end up with white men are always more intelligent and usually more attractive. It's always either an average, educated black woman with a nerdy fat white guy (they always have natural hair), or an attractive, educated black woman with an attractive white guy. Nogs don't get attractive white women unless they are celebrities, and even then they are usually dumb as rocks sluts.
WMAF 9/10 the girl is usually ugly AF, regardless of how attractive the white guy is. AMWF is rare, but when it happens the white girl is always attractive.
I think OP is more questioning it from the moral perspective of Nazis rather than their preferences.
Look at the thread and its considered an amoral thing to them
Idk senpai, having been the AM in the AMWF equation I've spanked some uggos and some cuties, its kindof just random man
That said I will totally admit female weebs, regardless of looks, are incredibly easy to bed if you're a slant eye
Because our brains can process simple math
I think none are fine. Anyone who supports race mixing of any is a fucking degenerate and against true bio diversity.
Nazis support eugenics
Pretty much every non-white has shit genetics
This is not a difficult concept
>thinking Asians make good wives
White women still superior
>Bitching like we'd ever kick out the nips
You guys are bros user.
You're not going anywhere.
because blacks have lower IQ, but not Asians
>why won't you let us sully your genes?
because we know as well as you do, that you are a shit and worthless people nigger.
We don't want to fucking RACE MIX
I know, you want us to die more than anything, but it's not going to happen.
You go racemix yourselves away.
Leave the white man alone or he will straight up just kill all you stupid worthless niggers.
You're fucking cannon fodder people.
You suck at everything.
I personally like Slavs, far better then Western Whites.